Front cover image: Franz Liszt. Oil painting by Ary Scheffer (1795–1858). Reproduced by permission of Klassik Stiftung Weimar.
“Liszt, Italy, and the Republic of the Imagination”: figure 1, Giovanni Paolo Panini’s Roma Antica is reproduced by permission of the Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart; figure 2, Raphael’s Sposalizio is reproduced by permission of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali; Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico per le Province di Milano, Bergamo, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Pavia, Sondria, Varese; figure 3, Michelangelo’s Il penseroso is reproduced by permission of the Soprintendenza Speziale per il Polo Museale fiorentino (Ufficio Permessi e Concessioni, Florence); figure 4, Salvatore Rosa’s Self-Portrait, is reproduced by permission of the National Gallery, London; figure 5, Henri Lehmann’s Portrait of Liszt, is reproduced by permission of the Mairie de Paris, Direction des Affaires Culturelles; figure 6 is from the Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, 601 I 17 and is reproduced by permission of Klassik Stiftung Weimar.
“Prophet and Populace in Liszt’s ‘Beethoven’ Cantatas”: figure 1, The Artists’ Concert, from Illustrirte Zeitung 116, is reproduced courtesy of the Bildarchiv, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin; figure 2 is reproduced by permission of Beethoven-Haus, Bonn; figure 3 is reproduced from Festgabe zu der am 12ten August 1845 stattfindenden Inauguration des Beethoven Monuments, by H. K. Breidenstein (Bonn: 1845)
“‘Just Two Words. Enormous Success’”: all figures reproduced by permission of the Archiv, Bibliothek und Sammlungen der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna; translation by Charles Suttoni of Franz Grillparzer’s “Clara Wieck und Beethoven (f-moll Sonate)” quoted from Franz Liszt, An Arist’s Journey: Lettres d’un bachelier ès musique 1835–1841, is reprinted with permission of University of Chicago Press.
“Publishing Paraphrases and Creating Collectors”: all figures reproduced by permission of the Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Leipzig.
“From the Biographer’s Workshop”: Questionnaire No. 10/1875 is reproduced with the kind permission of the Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Weimar.
“A Mirror to the Nineteenth Century”: figures 1 and 3 are reproduced from Die Mode: Menschen und Moden im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 1790–1817, by Max von Boehn and Oskar Fischel (Munich: 1908); figures 5, 7, and 8 are from Die Mode: Menschen und Moden im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 1818–1842, by Max von Boehn and Oskar Fischel (Munich: 1907); figures 4 and 6 are from Die Mode: Menschen und Moden im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 1843–1878, by Max von Boehn and Oskar Fischel (Munich: 1908); figure 2 is from Norbert Stern, Mode und Kultur, vol. 1 (Dresden: 1915); figures 9 and 10 are from Ernst Burger, Franz Liszt: A Chronicle of His Life in Pictures and Documents (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989); and figure 11 is from Ernst Burger, Franz Liszt in der Photographie seiner Zeit: 260 Portraits, 1843–1886 (Munich: Hirmer Verlag, 2003).