The following abbreviations are employed in the notes and vocabulary:
abl. ablative case
abs. absolute
acc. accusative case
act. active voice
A.D.: after Christ (Lat. anno Domini, lit., in the year of the Lord)
adj(s). adjective(s), adjectival
adv(s). adverb(s), adverbial
appos. appositive, apposition, appositional
B.C.: before Christ
ca. about (Lat. circa)
cent. century
cl(s). clause(s)
class. classical
compl. complement, complementary
conj(s). conjunction(s)
cp. compare (Lat. compara)
dat. dative case
decl. declension
dir. direct
eccl. ecclesiastical
e.g. for example (Lat. exempli gratia)
Eng. Engli
etc. and others (Lat. et cetera)
f. feminine gender
fut. future tense
gen. genitive case
hist. historical
i.e. that is (Lat. id est)
imper. imperative
impers. impersonal
impf. imperfect tense
ind. quest(s). indirect question(s)
ind. state(s). indirect statement(s)
indecl. indeclinable
indef. indefinite
indic. indicative mood
inf(s). infinitive(s)
interj(s). interjection(s)
interrog. interrogative
Lat. Latin
lit. literally
loc. locative case
m. masculine gender
n. neuter gender
nom. nominative case
obj(s). object(s), objective
partic(s). participle(s)
pass. passive voice
perf. perfect (present perfect) tense
pers. person, personal
pl. plural
plpf. pluperfect tense
pred. predicate
prep(s). preposition(s), prepositional
pres. present tense
pron(s). pronoun(s)
ref. reference
rel. relative
sc. supply, namely (Lat. scilicet)
sent(s). sentence(s)
sg. singular
subj(s). subject(s)
subjunct. subjunctive mood
vb(s). verb(s)
voc. vocative case
vs. as opposed to, in comparison with (Lat. versus)