hacks in solidarity how Royston cave worms
are low sound drones over the blogged news
how spiritual debris rends to old carapace
the curse of the conservationist so cometh
doing good until chemistry set speculation
does a laying on of trowel oh templar crud
shifts in grotto crypt on chalked up skies
filtered evening set too for the god squad
and associated grammarians setting fire to
feigned duping capes hewn to warrior monks
thence but soft to wan how the acquisition
gives up every cheque to a faked etymology
scourge of grammarbot to | here | |
tenders infinitive hacks | ||
off forces the addressee | were | |
set to please attachment | ||
here flume burns spammer | worm |
shot to grumble stepping | spun | |
grammar checked software | ||
item: termite trawl over | soft | |
sandal targe band coving | ||
preceding to verb modify | bits |
between the hour the dot | idol | |
user envelope pager they | ||
have rights and will bot | blog | |
to bot user to page edit | ||
as in the tone plate mod | song |
spend the darkness lightly, spend darkling
light in the gripe how else survive quiets
so much for this dark boost all cult grail
dowser so much for gloved crusading butter
which cannot but be laid strange and hired
out among guilts down Icknield Way plunder
spores, the very scurfs pave soul leverage
as will be bold to the squalid strain will
be squalid to the colder lux will be scald
firmament then to more pumice tenders, cue
the local history swat team and no mistake
that said none sicker does terminal prayer
laziness kills insert no | slow | |
jane gland can do figure | ||
just turn this thing off | down | |
across the autotag preen | ||
carp lock update metatag | this |
a sock puppet to sans ad | fine | |
source turn sceptic feed | ||
all ditto to quiff creep | noun | |
in bare core filter funk | ||
as said bot policy sadly | hard |
sets but no longer bliss | away | |
on fire to variety reels | ||
perceived stress provide | this | |
a paradigm sponge mixing | ||
yes kills to affect list | much |
in the esoteric cave of their late showing
idols it is back to the octagon mimic dome
of the rock of the grail of the electrical
new age once upon an omphalos before heart
bliss meets and dying how a bottle hollows
out to prose in a thick of the uninhabited
time a conquest so spelt grot dissolutions
in her final sepultre as the work is broke
a cut say researchers that smacks of small
art as the figure with drawn sword in hand
is suborned to represent an arms franchise
that speaks to the combed taste of the age
genre boys copping bleed | note | |
the going rogue junk spa | ||
that material in literal | duly | |
bruises tango ditty duly | ||
for best practice a wrap | sent |
you selected for despair | pine | |
in filling in the online | ||
application song under a | back | |
data partner to unmoving | ||
click remove me now that | well |
the rolling neck sweater | gone | |
a pixel doll just double | ||
glazing let how a satire | then | |
dayglow need to know the | ||
lie while we connect you | some |
unassisted by the passage to darker colour
marks of cremation, marks of wailing dough
a rude iron gouge, with bustle among large
quantities of animal bone and blunted nail
a carpet in tracing back to Temple village
Rosslyn house of the risen film franchises
production costs skimmed off each buy back
how I am come back filing worm pulp rushes
and grains, flee what kills or pains, note
said chalice as venom’s industrial tourism
shows good report, how the worm passes for
news just in here’s to all joy of the worm
dear all to seminal bell | line | |
glance today as a series | ||
slides followed by draws | grid | |
server footprints always | ||
no missive bloom at fall | does |
given current wince sigh | dirt | |
be nominate not attended | ||
winging the name zillion | type | |
a perl script for losses | ||
read loses for suit case | font |
if but can not read this | with | |
please refresh to browse | ||
brow gone click unlike a | less | |
lease to creamier trials | ||
scoops but name sure and | care |
Mahood to Worm, Mahood to Worm how can you
spell the grace of sunken gnostic graffiti
with chalk down of animal and found matter
can you read me, you are in present danger
of death by pedestrian commas off bloggers
grown so fashionable that it’s open season
on the idle carpet of honeycomb appearance
where spent candles are mistaken for signs
in emergent deterioration as a spare parts
chapter slaps its preservation orders over
the most promising dust in all Christendom
and would save anything from organic decay
nude engine dimples this | part | |
metric item: down filter | ||
a ruse twine lock in zip | rips | |
data tuning partisanship | ||
are all holds about held | then |
about a dread side skirt | rose | |
summary in do thing cape | ||
gracing your advances in | tone | |
parts long the hurt film | ||
showing when boots a rag | rows |
in dark blue variant ire | from | |
keen corporate shed bean | ||
chord trenches turquoise | live | |
zing the way gives to up | ||
up strong the second lag | loss |
now gives up another transparent worm that
has been identified as one for the biocide
as a kindness will kill off the host agent
set to our old friend lack of funds a.k.a.
meagre scraps off the cookie cutter sharks
and though the cave entertains much carbon
dioxide from an all singing motor industry
how threatening gas burns will to metaphor
out of all proportion with a history paved
over the skeletons of lost hardware glyphs
suggesting an underground tube map for the
holy land with post hole sanctions to boot
inflammatory flexes that | host | |
x and y that wrote of an | ||
open accession a pivotal | cost | |
on model they also serve | ||
to iced din lung in info | cool |
now at this page bounced | arms | |
links from a more carbon | ||
hungry site referral for | shed | |
ethics read solar glazed | ||
or worse item: solid ban | told |
kind not liable soft sud | cold | |
by way of kudos even off | ||
set to otherwise threats | call | |
energy storm prepare for | ||
brownouts keep hard copy | dirt |
but still as in some unremarkable geometry
points to a prison jar best left unsung or
carvings turn upon unremembering crusaders
once set on bringing grammar to their mass
their gold filling for readily dug bunkers
and burial plaque embossing every pickling
of chalk how the clean slate or spread bet
conclusion shows checked software triumphs
a river spent tooling up for better denial
while the motion is to encircle gloss camp
fantastic so spammed from the chalk-eating
worm comrades set up with soft furnishings
copy cough uses bot comb | scud | |
pine of dulness infinite | ||
in lines note who courts | mist | |
a daftly v deft just the | ||
if clause needs spawning | dues |
cares unreal grammar cop | term | |
saying nothing about the | ||
substantive as deference | uses | |
dark question to assault | ||
previous form as profits | once |
there is no period ditto | over | |
grammar punk burn a self | ||
styled vigilante against | best | |
typos in some defacing a | ||
more than sixty year old | felt |
set fire are the killing fields down drift
of open-cast seams, brown-field demolition
meanwhile a conservative estimate gives up
150,000 deaths a year said to be linked to
industrial air as epidemiology by postcode
passes off the blame onto sorry dust mites
despite pertussis vaccines seeded to raise
immunoglobulins all while mercury exposure
goes among waste burns chimneys crematoria
heavy metals worming their way through the
blood stream down DNA transfers into lymph
maps of lung flow here comes dark fibrosis
moral fibre apostrophize | said | |
as in on story continues | ||
to even slightly spanner | down | |
next stop burning zipper | ||
field fill feel to noise | then |
jump cuts well well they | dust | |
hatch some of these user | ||
be small pets and babies | rugs | |
in access to solids copy | ||
to run over the language | zoom |
item tremble in plangent | well | |
parabasis frontal boughs | ||
given to apple the apple | some | |
most fitting because the | ||
rotation facsimile blows | boom |
said chimney smoke stacks stack up masonic
rites but not for comrade worm so drowning
in rotten research what with an alarm call
thanks to acid rain, pesticides then again
down wind of the Pembrokeshire oil complex
the highest breast cancer incidence in the
industrial world, while essential minerals
in UK vegetables fall reported down by 75%
before the cocktail of our daily emissions
gives nickel vanadium cadmium lead mercury
acidic carbon to name how one grammar goes
to ground this anechoic inhalation chamber
stimulus arrows to chest | skip | |
after long look at novel | ||
found attune to schedule | that | |
a burst mains shown tiny | ||
took back to the brutals | call |
even though the findings | into | |
suggest aspect fragile a | ||
piece petty tender while | dead | |
fast shaping their peaks | ||
turn to buts one pockets | sets |
tense press tent strands | bled | |
the lead study author so | ||
print friendly once pose | from | |
the quick how in grammar | ||
we trust takes to grotto | lime |