the cost of this text
is living beyond its means
the cost of this text
will be beyond even the fuzz box neuter stop in parquet
the cost of this text
is giving it the mop floral the glove glitter the constructivist
turn to text as a material relation friend even passing
through through too the relative and not the preposition
beyond which evens can be willed can become a will
the cost of this text
will not be charged to your account save as alms for
oblivion next stop sins of omission period then spent as
some residual of family of kids of kidders of kind of you
the cost of this text
is ready to face up to the futures market but is so set against
filling holes in its public private finance initiatives with
grammatical compromises c/o ruled resemblances
the cost of this text
is torn from the living daylights of the call for bedtime
stories for hugs for references for letters of recommendation
for marking for cleaning for the love of living of doing of
being of anything but this now as this now
the cost of this text
is limelight over lumpfish over leggings over eggs over easy
like highdays and holidays over a dance of rest not rested
but over it so over it so over the afters
the cost of this text
is a fraction of the sums spent paying other people to do
the dirty to do the cleaning to do the childcare to look after
the young the sick the infirm the not quite with it or just
those who can ill afford the time off from instrumentality
to sharpen their lyric mulch into something resembling
potlach come res publica
the cost of this text
is careering into networks of the unmentionable in pursuit
of have you considered yourself as this unit as mental labour
as this having impact
the cost of this text
is subject to sudden hikes sudden inflationary pressures
surfactants in residuals at the copa-copacabana the hottest
press south of the prospect of never quite making it on the
long march through the letter press stapler more pressing
outfit quandry slipper or trainer or brogue
the cost of this text
is mercurial in the extreme subject to periods of languid
the cost of this text
cannot be recouped from the babysitter from sheer loss of
having taken slices extracts from the texture of its loss of
human contact spent in page over screen over the decision
that writing take up the gloss of its priority as the spectacle
of the suspension of the ethical tuned to stations of the
the cost of this text
is no demon of the analogy but a vector more digital
than thou more dreamt in the clam sparking readiness
to surrender agent blurb the heavy breathing the ain’t no
fountain frank enough but coming to get you
the cost of this text
is inclusive of the course fee and you will not be required
to write a report on its many longueurs and white spaces
singing hey ho the grammarbot
the cost of this text
whatever it is put a spell on me scuse me while I kiss the sky
the cost of this text
will be yours for the asking the question made substantive
turning to the definite phrasal mood scope spun on the
sixpence of said possessive what’s yours is ours is mine again
not to reason the final pay scheme
the cost of this text
is to sparsely burn where patterns take the verb to mildly go
splice no split infinitive where none intended none taken
none gained and no returns
the cost of this text
is at its dearest in the stitch sample item in the suture of
said threaded sky recently kissed just so much for the textile
dampers outsourced to china
the cost of this text
is refreshingly modest and to be had for a song a pawn
broke dust of a rights issue quite reasonable quite in the
eighth type of ambiguity herein named the party of the first
and the party of the last quite so quite becoming end quotes
the cost of this text
has no insurance against livid planes shaving a syntax of
sweatshop ash in the hacker’s gulag now stung by news of
new old stock bucket brigade chip shift delays held to live
work deficits sewn into the label as a spine
the cost of this text
cannot be spelt out in so many words
the cost of this text
is as powerful as the kind fictions against which revolts
the active purse so turning a forlorn binding of celluloid
election for a fixed term without fear of coalition jitters and
of fear of well fear of the genitive in general
the cost of this text
will be not free at the point of need unless such need can
be shown to be so pressing as to bring new urgency to the
needs of the definite article as in reason not the need
the cost of this text
is a shadow of its former proofs now thoroughly torn
between surging cupboards of cliché and unintended leaps
into after party sales here’s to speculative revery enjoyed by
revolutionary optimists everywhere
the cost of this text
could blame it on the boogie but will not indulge the reflex
the cost of this text
will forever evade the question of paying back a percentage
of its profits to the objects of its unacknowledged
the cost of this text
can’t get you out of its head has more debts than you care
to consider set to inhibit if not prevent easy adoption for
fresh composition on the textbook slop shop thank you for
paying by direct debit
the cost of this text
has not been charged to your account but can be imagined
as a proportion of the total labour expended in the name of
social reproduction divided by the unit cost of its current
the cost of this text
will not join hands and form a love train in praise of the
the cost of this text
is a speculative proposition bound to grammar as on a wheel
of reasonable doubts but not half the noun it used to be
the cost of this text
will be mourned as a latter-day privatised elegy for
minimalist tat now on line cooing still to the softer sell
maximalist montage why don’t you now set me free why
don’t you now
the cost of this text
is not worth waiting up for
the cost of this text
owes a debt of gratitude to sundry fluxus flavours that will
never be paid or tendered that cuts up rough when asked to
declare its position on the future of trident
the cost of this text
is not what you think it might be nor what matters most
in a moist sculpture of definite substantives turning articles
the cost of this text
cannot be judged by the ragged cover of its scuppered
photocopy on fibre stall likely as a loss notice in the seriality
of how oft the perceived film contracts war in the analogue
just as the get go gets real gets reality
the cost of this text
does not mean but leans lean on me the leaning
resemblance to a spontaneous outpouring of secondary
sentiments puffed up into a price ratio of private incomes
recollected in the counting houses of tranquility
the cost of this text
is braced for a critical mauling of mosh pit proportions
where to be alive is to be quite other than to wish only for
standing room dead set against constituting itself as a hot
ticket even for the hottest spot north of Havana
the cost of this text
does not look like a gift horse that is ready to be messed
with by the dentists of the imagination
the cost of this text
cannot be gainsaid even by its closest beneficiaries and
shows no trace of sharp practices elsewhere priced into the
plummeting prosody of loyal managers set on reconstituting
poetry with a capital p what’s that spell
the cost of this text
is a drop in the ocean of full employment
the cost of this text
does not assert the moral right of its agents of textual
production to be photographed in disappointing postures
of eager dissipation a few biscuits short of a fully costed
the cost of this text
cannot be offset against the barcode of its carbon
the cost of this text
does not mind its own business with increasing signs of
the cost of the text
is on the verge of bankruptcy unless and until there is a
significant reduction in the demands of the private sector
and a new willingness to wear redistributive vests on sleeves
the cost of this text
has paid its dues voted for strike action downed tools
put up and shut up and will play no part in the coming
academic audit
the cost of this text
is not tangled up in blue
the cost of this text
cannot be understood as a fraction of your weekly shop
but usually works out at something like twice the number
you first thought of but still less than the minimum wage
dreamt of by students of the Parnassian gamble
the cost of this text
is a matter best left to consenting adults studying the
question of matter as matter with matter and free data
bundles will fly
the cost of this text
is cheap as chips the cheaper the faster the micro toxic
the cost of this text
is motif summing the narrow now that is the bun dance
shown that is the colour of bank vectors that is the both
with its own logic and relations in morphology bled from its
radius cost of more splits school of political blouses and the
cost of this blusher taped onto due diligence on an itinerary
of triangular livings shed bung in the glitz barn there where
the dream is all piano and Busby Berkeley takes to the
ivories habitual axes gone fishing who is the cost of this
tadpole puritan in same sort antideterminist balloon anyone
for the great spandrel hike their very landscape is the costing
now cross-checking the polka lip on a sufficient pale fumble
the cot rarely occurs in a pure form it is difficult for the
banal to sulk in tapes in hi fatigues no more than passwords
to the cost cutting exercise promised to aerial brooms axes
of passage their exits and their defenses the apartments take
on the cake of the slice now on the level
the cost of this text
is half party half scam scanner part the mud mauve music
loom way over the asking price and slipper top as from the
mouths of mikes and cameras bleed forth songs of factory
pop cherry sordid in the rope of words
the cost of this text
is what you make of it and making take for fuel of gutted
the cost of this text
is subject to deviation from a mean that is so mean as to
be the blouse and just dandy among shoe gazers and pedal
boards let’s hear it for dubstep doom taking the bird’s eye
tin pan alley dirt scan fuzz test
the cost of this text
is no match for the tinted orange paypal button wielding
its jump lunge and spandex twitter is as twitter does here
comes the bid for the change trope that’s brass in the cash
bar and no matter not that it is matter
the cost of this text
bears no malice against the differentials evident in the
prospects of the haves as against the had and looks forward
to the hands of unelected googlers with the eagerness of a
copy that is fresh and hot
the cost of this text
is not worth the paper it is printed on
the cost of this text
will be way over the odds your inheritance threshold can
embrace but by no means way over the heads of those
wonderful people out there in the dark now ready for the
sweet talk of social justice and border controls
the cost of this text
is as sharp as the cut against the bias of its own love of
textile design
the cost of this text
is not to be had for the price of a burn shaving in a grumble
after more than a week’s pocket money blown on digital
persistence amid the screen memories of theory and the
sublime discount qua donate qua crash cuts
the cost of this text
is more than anything a measure of scoured vineyards
porous to telephone broom toes blended into squalid
pickling ores
the cost of this text
is costly does and costly knows a thing or two about
cameras ready or not here come the cuts the cuts so slavishly
bound to be savage or deep or necessary and plural or just
plain daft
the cost of this text
is half a pound of tuppenny rice half a pound of treacle
and half a pound of sterling crises set against bond markets
doing it for the gross as does for rogue statements that’s the
way the sub-prime fiscal biscuit goes
the cost of this text
is quite literally priceless summa contra literalists its
underlying economics boosted to barking sub mix scupper
set to audit surplus the picquant tread flamers marches
to mumble infoprole grists set to hack and dung shy of a
the cost of this text
is reasonable quite the done thing wink tank sic yes surely
do less than the sum of its smart pack less than the plume
of its parting less than the thumb huh baroque let’s get
the cost of this text
is shed friendly and goose to the dérive all dimples
exponentially free at the cusp the scourge of syntax yet
scarcely made it through the steer burns
the cost of this text
is low down the classic notion of strolls quips quiddities
and sunk moon the exit stage mazard gooseneck a slip of
teal into the dripping or stale terrain stuck in grey data
provoking the cost of clog bristle taken to task and sent
zones in this outage so who distills the emotional busker
one of the basic situationist costs of this rapid passenger
the cost of this text
is picking up good vibrations next stop free milk and bus
the cost of this text
went to bed to mend its head with sellotape and white
the weight of this line
shadows its origins in a flux of give and take
and is taken for what is lighter than ‘the’ gift
that passes for dry biscuits, idols and gloom
the weight of this line
stakes its coming derailment in some drive to
full stops, petit morte now cue sunday drivers
before sweet ascension amid sunday painters
the weight of this line
goes to ground in the face of soiled life saying
what rogue male is the prompt for such gifts
what black craft sings kitsch and night pathos
the weight of this line
reveals the plangency of spent book keepers
set on tongue and groove accumulating slips
its royal blue stamp dressing a transparency
the weight of this line
cannot bear how waste as modulated prose
sits about in a frenzy of margins and grids
the weight of this line
takes up the gift option on its nude inflation
and sees no call for the flax as money broom
and lo a retro song of David bent its harping
the weight of this line
cannot take refuge in the squalls of Moscow
still storming the winter palace of scumbles
and spruce which most decorative font is all
the weight of this line
hears such doggerel as montage in a helmet
that sings of the vanquished while put spins
count their blessing as spurned hieroglyphs
the weight of this line
feels the pressure of press gangs as quantity
while art house networking in quality goods
puts nursed ignorance to yet starker reliefs
the weight of this line
runs up the Brechtian flagpole only there to
find the flutters of party loyalty too much to
put in writing like flogging some old Fluxus
the weight of this line
shirks this work of artsong doing a number
on its worn tools so that something sweeter
than flawed fragments become fallen spoils
the weight of this line
speaks of missives and manifestoes, a retro
summer held open then snatched back like
the weight of this line
bites the hand that would free luncheon see
how cloven hearts in mindless misanthropy
mark the grace spring to void the fruitiness
the weight of this line
pines for the simplicity of least said soonest
mended now that bolt on moral cannot give
but indecent arthood god knows it’s private
the weight of this line
flat lines the ‘rock’ as a truly dismal header
done hand to mouth in constant production
for some renewal of monochrome raiments
the weight of this line
feels the force of party discipline cut blush
to severance in relics of selvage, abundant
bathos in the engineering of earthy canals
the weight of this line
fondly urges familiar repetition and scars
sold for cold comfort renewing a monthly
cycle whose rate of return is replenishing
the weight of this line
is more asked for than asking, microfont
does dark metaphor for its calculus then
insists blackly on reading glasses for all
the weight of this line
comes to market and silver hound trace
elements are set to spend a sleepy rust
the weight of this line
cannot make out the remedy proposed
in the fine print, well fine catches sums
and sets to celebrate this guinea worm
the weight of this line
shines no prosodic searchlight on this
this how but pauper theory scoops the
bauble of its darkly contrapuntal faces
the weight of this line
dances a glut singing hey liggers how
does your garden praxis grow contra
mammon slash Saatchi close brackets
the weight of this line
will not write to its measure nor bow
to the gilt and bond market, but puts
its shoulder to a rights issue pending
the weight of this line
can be measured in spoons, a spoon
for every kissed glue or postcard op
how the message sticks the medium
the weight of this line
blunders about in junk shops where
news still filters in from its situation
in escapism sugared by this prompt
the weight of this line
calls upon relatives of the giving
sort to resemble the sense even
the weight of this line
resembles the increasing use of
increasingly note its press pack
now in other news marked late
the weight of this line
puts paid to laws of diminishing
returns as yet unknown in a rate
of profit that falls and then sighs
the weight of this line
sings a living wage in how even
its most feeble accommodations
are a part and parcel made good
the weight of this line
calls forth clam shell castanets
just as this mouth bites in time
to amuse their weight watchers
the weight of this line
begs to differ from the seams
the stapled blundering digits
the never feels movable type
the weight of this line
fills a heavy demand brace
as its weeping willow goes
to ground to found capital
the weight of this line
tires of its heavy conceits
as what fruits are bloody
the weight of this line
takes note of said given
seizure as glass ceilings
take but gutter to heart
the weight of this line
shrugs off the quipless
quango of an imagined
given still up for taking