Chapter Five

Diana Knight jerked awake from her nap and sat up carefully in her large bed. She leaned on one arm while rubbing her belly with her other hand. Though there was barely a bump to indicate her pregnancy, she felt the life growing inside her acutely and sought to connect with him. Such a strange dream. Not unusual, really, since she had nothing but strange dreams now. They started when she got pregnant. Looking down at her belly, Diana smiled sweetly. She didn’t mind the dreams. Not really. She knew them for what they were: her son speaking to her. He was allowing her to see his memories, his triumphs, and even his failures. So many lives for one brave soul.

Who knew that one act of rebellion against her conservative parents would result in a miracle? Now she had a mission given to her by the child growing inside her.

She’d told no one, of course. No one would believe her. Everyone would think her insane. But she knew she wasn’t. She’d been chosen.

After slipping out of bed, she put on a robe before plucking her phone off the vanity to call Darrin, the most loyal and ruthless man under her command. He followed orders and liked to kill. What more could she ask for?

He answered after the second ring. “Darrin.”

“Ms. Knight?”

“Have the divers returned to the docks?”

“Not yet. My men are on regular patrols and they haven’t seen anything.”

Disappointed, Diana continued to rub her stomach and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“You’ll let me know the minute they return, yes?”

“Of course, Ms. Knight.”

“Good.” She hung up and struggled not to pout. She wanted those scrolls! Captain Digger and his crew were said to be the best treasure hunters in the US, and that was why she’d gone against her better judgment and hired outsiders for the task. She knew her son had been right, of course. He always was. Hiring outsiders, especially societal outcasts, meant no one would search for them should they go missing. Besides, even if they did search, everyone knew the ocean was a treacherous place and that diving was dangerous.

Struggling against impatience, Diana paced her large, luxurious suite, both hands now rubbing her stomach. She was only two months along and had the usual morning sickness that could strike at all times of the day, and did at the most inopportune moments. But right now she was only a little sore. She already knew this pregnancy would be hard; it was the price she paid to carry such an extraordinary child. She was a petite young woman and carrying extra weight would take its toll. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. Her son was a blessing.

“You are so much more patient than I, Arcas,” she said quietly. She stepped in front of the large window and pulled back the edge of the curtain, gazing at the tall buildings of New York City.

“I will have to learn from your example. You have waited a very long time for this. I can wait another day or two.”

Feeling rested, the soreness fading, Diana turned away from the window and began to dress. She had some shopping to do.



Low visibility cut their dive ruthlessly short. Digger pulled himself over the rail, still annoyed that he didn’t find anything that could qualify as an “heirloom” besides that strange nonleather tube. Something was inside it and he was determined to find out what. But he didn’t want Reef involved. He still didn’t know him well enough to trust him, and the fact that he wanted to trust him didn’t count. No, once he dropped Reef back onshore, he and his crew would put their heads together concerning the tube.

In this, they would vote whether they would present the tube to Ms. Knight or investigate it themselves. He’d already been paid up front, so he wouldn’t balk on a commission, but since Ms. Knight hadn’t shared details of what she was looking for—and he was damn certain she’d known—he didn’t feel entirely obligated to show her everything. Cheating? Probably. But he was a free agent and didn’t follow orders like a good little soldier anymore.

Reef appeared as soon as Digger stepped below decks. He looked annoyed, but upon seeing Digger he smiled.

“Find anything good?” Reef asked.


Reef stepped up to him as Jewel and Kevin descended the stairs. Reef lowered his voice.

“Could you say you have need of me and help me escape Angie?”

Digger snorted in amusement. “She put you to work?”

“Scrubbing the floor isn’t very entertaining,” Reef said dryly. “Besides, I’d rather do a task that you appoint for me.”

The look said exactly what “tasks” he wanted given to him.

Digger let Jewel and Kevin pass them before speaking, keeping his own voice low.

“You won’t have to endure her long. Another day, maybe two, then we head to shore. Is there anyone you need to contact when we arrive? Like your mother? I know you said your family wasn’t close but….”

Reef shook his head. “No one for me, just a few fool friends who decided a bet was more important than my life. I’ll make my way fine.”

“No other family?”

“I didn’t say that.” Reef tilted his head. “I said no one for me.”


“So, Captain. Do you want any help?”

Digger noticed the use of “want” instead of “need.” He smiled.

“Follow me.”

It was just as explosive as before. As soon as the door shut and his suit was off, Reef shoved him against the wall and kissed and nipped his lips, groping him. Reef rubbed against Digger’s body, slipping his hands into the back of his swim trunks, gripping his ass. Shuddering, Digger gulped in air as he returned Reef’s rough touches, sliding his hands under Reef’s shirt, feeling smooth skin that was unmarked by any scar or imperfection. That was strangely arousing. While he usually liked men as hard as himself, this young man offered something different, a hardness hidden under soft. Possessed, he grabbed a large chunk of Reef’s hair and yanked his head back before feasting on his throat. Reef cupped the back of Digger’s head, urging him on.

“Come on, old man.” Reef’s voice was raspy. “Show me what you got.”

He was about to. He was about to shove down those pants and taste the pale length of him when a knock sounded on his damn door.

They both froze, panting.

Digger lifted his head slightly from the sweet line of Reef’s throat and glared at the door.


Someone cleared their throat on the other side.

“Captain,” Hook said. “Angie wants to show you something with the engine. She says it’s making a strange clicking sound.”

Their gazes met and Reef’s showed anger. It was the first time Digger had ever seen it and, if possible, it darkened Reef’s eyes further.

“We’re not done.” It was a promise.

Reef pulled away and straightened his clothes. “Damn right we’re not.”

There was nothing wrong with the engine. Digger glared at Angie, and she crossed her arms over her chest, unapologetic.

“Look, Captain, far be it from me to interfere in your personal business—”

“But you’re doing it anyway.”

“We’ve got a right to be concerned,” Hook said as he stood in the doorway.

Digger regarded both of them. “Concerned? What the fuck about?”

“Reef,” Angie said with a sniff of dislike.

“He wants something, Sarge. I know it. I can feel it,” Hook said.

“Damn right he wants something,” Digger said heatedly. “He wants me. Keep your noses out of it, ya hear?”

“Sarge—” Hook started.

“No young man would want anything to do with you,” Angie said harshly. “Except if he was planning something.”

Digger was used to her bluntness and her often cruel words, but this time what she said sliced across his heart even as it put a dent in his pride.

“You watch yourself, Angie,” he said quietly, his voice granite.

Her stance became uneasy even as Hook fidgeted. Hook would know that tone of voice. Digger had only ever used it in the war.

“You will mind your own business,” Digger said, stepping into her personal space, staring her down. “You will curb your tongue, and you will follow my commands. Or you can get the hell off my boat. Do you understand?”

Mouth tight and eyes narrowed, Angie gave a sharp nod. Digger turned to Hook, who lowered his eyes. Digger knew he would comply. He strode toward the door, and Hook quickly stepped back, out of his way.

The nerve of them.

Fists clenched, Digger made his way through the galley, the saloon, and up to the deck. Kevin was on the bridge, checking with the Coast Guard about the weather and making sure everything would be safe for them to stay another day. Digger resigned himself to the idea that the low visibility would continue, and they might have to return to shore with what they had. Just one of the frustrations of diving… another one being his crew.

Digger took a deep breath of chilly air before noticing that Jewel was talking and laughing with Reef. Angie’s words echoed to his mind. He knew she was wrong—no one could fake the desire he’d seen in Reef’s eyes. No one could fake the heat that flared between them. It was all real.

Jewel glanced at Digger as he approached and smiled before saying something to Reef and stepping away. At least some of his crew appeared to like Reef. Jewel passed Digger with a friendly brush to his arm.

Reef turned and smiled at him. “What was wrong with the engine?”

“Nothing that I could see,” he grumbled.

Reef frowned.

Digger joined him at the rail and gripped it, leaning on it slightly. They were silent before Reef spoke quietly.

“Your crew members don’t like me, do they?”

“Some do, some don’t.” Digger kept his tone light. “I do.”

Reef smiled again and wrapped an arm around one of Digger’s before leaning his head on Digger’s shoulder. The muscles that had tightened during the confrontation with Angie and Hook began to loosen. Reef was soft and cool and felt very good.

“I really love the ocean,” Reef said after another moment of silence. “I love her merciless nature and her strength. She’s unapologetic about who she is.”

Amazed that Reef’s thoughts were so close to his own, Digger turned his head to Reef’s hair and took a deep breath.

“I know what you mean. I’ve encountered her ruthlessness firsthand.”

“Really?” Reef pushed closer to him. “Tell me about it.”

“Well….” Digger dove into a tale about one of his first dives after the war, and he found himself laughing and enjoying himself. But even more than that was his realization that Reef truly enjoyed his company, laughing with him. He would never have thought he’d find any common ground with such a young man. If Digger was a more fanciful man, he might wonder if Reef was some mythical creature come to steal his heart. Like those nymphs that drowned their mortal lovers. Because it did feel like his heart was being stolen as the minutes became hours.

Who was Reef?



Reef wondered how far he would allow himself to sink. Digger had so many interesting stories about his time at sea or about his thoughts on sailing. Reef was lulled by Digger’s strong voice as he would be by the ocean currents.

“The sea was my first love,” Digger said.

“Me too. You’ve certainly seen more parts of her than I have.”

Digger smiled. It softened his hard face. “It’s never enough though. She holds many secrets. So much of her has yet to be explored.”

Reef nodded. “I enjoy the deep-sea creatures. Have you seen some of those funky weirdos? They’re something out of a Lovecraftian nightmare.”

Digger laughed. Reef grinned.

“You like Lovecraft?”

“Well, the guy himself was a jerk but yeah, I enjoy his crazy stories. Lots of sea monsters.”

“Let me guess, you enjoyed Jaws, didn’t you?”

Reef laughed and tightened his grip on Digger’s arm. “You know me so well! Yeah. Though I thought the shark deserved a better ending. It was so rude of the humans to blow him up.”

Digger smirked. “You’re a strange man.”

Reef grinned widely and tilted his head up. “You have no idea.”

Digger snorted.

“And you?”

“Me, what?”

“What did you think of Jaws?”

“I felt a little bad for the shark.”

Reef’s stomach fluttered as he nuzzled Digger’s bicep, warmth flooding him. Even his shark responded positively to Digger’s words. Digger showed respect and wonder toward other living creatures, and that reassured Reef that his first impression of Digger hadn’t been false. The man saw wonder and beauty in what others considered evil or ugly.

While they never found another opportunity the rest of the day to indulge themselves physically, Reef was forced to admit that their time spent together simply talking was just as enjoyable. Reef also knew that meant the night would be when they could come back together. It had better be—he needed to leave come morning. In his gut he knew he did. He was starting to feel just a little too much for Digger, and he didn’t like the fear that tightened his muscles. It was foolish to care for a human, even one who seemed to love the ocean as much as Reef did. Even if it was one who dominated like a predator, who knew what he wanted and took it, who—

Reef shook his head and focused on the card game the crew was playing. The sky had darkened outside. The crew had played one card game after another—some form of poker—since dinner. Reef glanced at Angie, cursing her and Hook for the interruption. They’d made up a tale about engine trouble to disrupt him and Digger. Why couldn’t they mind their own business?

He tried to dim his anger by touching his inner shark, but even his shark was pissed, territorially speaking. Digger belonged to him, and if they didn’t watch it, they’d get bitten. Reef attempted to calm his shark and was only partially successful. He didn’t own Digger, for Poseidon’s sake. The man was free to go where he would and be with who he wanted. Reef was only too happy to know that the wanted person was him.

They’d tried to get him to play, but Reef didn’t understand the game and had no interest in learning. He’d been denied for too long, and he wouldn’t be denied anymore. Would they just go to bed?

Reef enjoyed Digger’s attention, which was frequent. It also thrilled him that despite the seeming distraction he presented, Digger had won more than half the games that night. Reef always managed to pick winners for his lovers.

Night steadily descended, and Kevin was the first to retire. Then Jewel and Felipe. Soon only Digger, Hook, and Angie were playing a very serious game of seven-card stud. Suddenly feeling confined, Reef walked out onto the deck and over to the rail, staring across the black waters. His shark rose up urgently and Reef gasped, struggling against the shift. It was painful—he rarely denied his shark, but he wasn’t surprised by the insistence. He’d been teasing his shark cruelly for two days now, being on the water but not in it. His tight grip on the rail turned his knuckles white as he argued with his shark.

Our task is not complete! Calm down!

If sharks could curse, his would sound like a drunken, pissed-off sailor. Taking careful breaths, Reef thought of Digger. His shark calmed gradually. While his shark didn’t feel passionately one way or another about Digger, it appreciated the alpha and his strong electrical energy. Reef nodded, taking what he could get, and slowly his muscles loosened and his skin stopped quivering. The air around him, which had begun to shimmer, settled, and he felt the cool night wind once more. Reef took deep breaths, focusing on it and the rocking of the boat.

How long he stood there, he didn’t know, but he was admiring the stars when he smelled and felt Digger step up behind him. He smiled but didn’t move.

“Did you win?” Reef asked.

“Hook won the last round. He would have dragged the game into the morning if I hadn’t let him win.”

“You let him win?”

“I had other things on my mind.”

Reef’s smile widened. “Did you?”

Digger pressed up behind him, laying both hands on the rail on either side of Reef, effectively trapping him. Reef’s heart raced in excitement.

“Oh, those things.” Reef chuckled. He tilted his head to the side, and Digger obliged him by laying his lips on Reef’s neck. Reef closed his eyes.

“They’re all in their cabins,” Digger whispered.

“Are they? Well, then—” Reef ducked and slipped under Digger’s arm before turning and walking backward. “You should be as well. I hear old men need their sleep.”

Digger slowly straightened and turned, his broad body illuminated in the starlight.

“Come here, little boy.”

Reef grinned. “Or what? Should I be afraid of the ex-soldier?”

Digger narrowed his eyes slightly. “My crew talks a lot.”

“I ask a lot of questions.” Reef walked a little closer, though still stayed out of arm’s reach. “I’m interested in you. That surprised you at first, didn’t it?”

As Reef circled, Digger kept his gaze trained on him, focused, his body perfectly still, both predators observing their prey.

“It did,” he said softly.

Reef appreciated the honesty. “It shouldn’t have, Digger. You’re strong and sexy. You’re a predator.”

Digger jerked at that and his stance, his energy, became wary. “What?”

“I meant that as a compliment.”

“Did you?”

“Of course.” Reef stepped closer, realizing he needed to explain what he meant. Humans were so complicated.

“Predators, true predators, are not cruel or brutal. They are violent, of course, but their main concern is for survival. They need prey to survive, and so they feel love for those they hunt. Without prey there would be no hunt.”

He continued to circle Digger and knew the man was listening intently.

“Without prey, there would be no survival.” Reef paused. “You were in war, Digger. What did you feel for those you hunted and killed?”

Reef stopped walking and Digger stared at him, expression hard. Reef waited and wondered if Digger would open up. He was curious as to Digger’s answer.

“I was a soldier,” Digger said softly. “That was my job, and the battlefield was my office. But I never hated them. I… to survive I had to kill.” He swallowed hard. “What you describe… how do you know about that?”

Reef stepped close, not touching, but close enough to touch. “Don’t you see? I’m a predator as well. I suppose the question is, are you my prey, or am I yours?”

They both stood still and silent for a long moment before Digger gripped Reef’s collar and yanked him closer, nearly lifting him off his feet. Reef gasped.

Digger’s pale blue eyes burned. “Life is not only about survival, about predators and prey. It can’t be.”

“Why not? It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“There was a time I would have agreed.”

“But not now?”

Digger glanced at the stairs that led below decks, and Reef knew he was thinking about his crew. Not wanting his focus to divert for even a moment, Reef gripped Digger’s chin and yanked his head back.

“I am not in war,” Digger said fiercely. “And I want more than mere survival to drive me.”

“Then let desire drive you,” Reef said, reaching out to cup Digger’s groin. It grew firmer under his touch, and Digger let out a deep-chested groan before attacking his mouth. Reef closed his eyes under the assault of that hot mouth and let his hands squeeze and take. He wanted Digger inside him but he wanted Digger to earn it. Digger’s answer to Reef’s question had pleased him, even though he’d wished for more conviction and surety. But he figured he needed to make allowances since Digger was, after all, a human and subject to human contradictions.

Digger suddenly spun them, pressing Reef’s back against the rail. Reef lifted a leg and wrapped it around Digger’s calf, bringing their groins firmly together as he gripped Digger’s ass. Digger shuddered out a breath as he viciously yanked Reef’s sweater and shirt off. The cool air raised goosebumps along his skin, but Reef barely felt it. Inside he was on fire. Digger’s strong hands firmly held his on the rail as Digger’s hot mouth trailed down Reef’s chest before tormenting his nipples. Reef’s head fell back, body bowed sharply off the rail. He gazed at the dark sky and felt spray from the water, unafraid and trembling with need.

Biting down hard on his nipple, Digger wrenched a cry from Reef, who began to struggle. As he did, Reef’s body brushed and bumped against Digger’s deliciously. With a growl that sent a spike of pleasure straight to Reef’s balls, Digger dropped to his knees and with one hand now holding Reef’s wrists, he used the other to unzip and shove down Reef’s jeans. Reef shivered against the quickly descending temperature but wouldn’t have moved if a storm had raged toward them. He liked the way Digger was looking at him, the way he slid that rough hand along his inner thigh, and the hot breath ghosting over his erection.

“Suck me, Digger,” Reef demanded. “Suck me hard.”

Digger met his eyes. “Say please.”

Reef grinned, panted. Usually he would have played it out longer but he was in such need.

“Please suck me, Captain Digger.”

He barely got the last word out before Digger swallowed his cock, indicating Digger wanted it as much as he did. Reef cried out at the heat surrounding his sensitive flesh and continued to struggle, forcing Digger to tighten his grip almost painfully. Reef wanted the pain, wanted the sensations. Sharks had only a few sensitive points on their body, but humans… every inch of their flesh could be a pleasure point.

Digger not only sucked him, he fondled Reef’s balls with his free hand, touching where he wanted, how he wanted. The possession was exciting, Digger never asking for permission but simply taking, forcing. His talented mouth slipped over Reef’s erection, and his tongue flicked, and the suction, oh dear Poseidon, the suction! Reef couldn’t stop from humping into Digger’s mouth, demanding more sensation, more pleasure. Digger slipped his free hand behind Reef and his fingers brushed over Reef’s intimate opening, pressing and stroking. Reef suddenly couldn’t draw breath.

“Dammit, Digger! I want to come. Make me come.”

Instead of doing as he was told, Digger pulled away and stood, grabbing both of Reef’s wrists and holding him close. Reef scowled but his tune changed when he saw the ferocity in Digger’s eyes. His heart rapped painfully against his ribs.

“You don’t get to come until I say you can.”

The low guttural growl made Reef want to drool. Then Digger suddenly lifted Reef over his shoulder before grabbing his discarded sweater and jeans and heading below decks. Reef nearly shouted with joy.

Digger headed straight for his cabin and shut the door behind him.

“The others—” Reef started.

“Forget them.”

Digger dropped him unceremoniously on the bed before stripping completely. Reef was once again delighted with the view of a hard, toned man with scars of battle mapping his skin, along with faded tattoos that he could barely make out in the dim light. Yet he could see just enough, and he itched to trace those scars with his tongue.

Digger tried to pounce on him but Reef had his own moves to show off. He slipped under Digger’s arms and suspected it was the surprise move that had him outmaneuvering the ex-soldier. He jumped on Digger’s back, wrapping his legs around Digger’s waist and locking his arms around Digger’s neck, nearly cutting off his air. Reef bit his earlobe, rubbing his erection against Digger’s back, shuddering at the friction.

“You’ll have to try harder if you want to fuck me,” he whispered in Digger’s ear. “You have to earn it, Sergeant.”

“You think your ass is worth the effort?”

“Only one way to find out.”

Digger gripped Reef’s arms, hard enough to bruise, before jerking forward, using the momentum to flip Reef over his head. Reef gasped as he toppled upside down and landed hard on the bed. Digger still had a hold on his arms and used that to pin him down. Even as Reef tried to think of a way out, Digger leaned over him and latched his mouth once more onto his cock. Reef moaned and realized Digger’s move had brought Digger’s thick cock right over his mouth. Reef took full advantage and wrapped his lips around the tip, sucking hard. Digger moaned and moved closer, allowing Reef more access. Reef’s nostrils flared as their scents filled the room, as Digger’s taste of man and sea delighted his senses. Reef never thought he’d find anyone who could match his needs, who could be both playful and dominant with a hint of violence. Someone who wasn’t afraid to really get rough.

The pulsing of the scroll danced against his senses, but he shoved all thought except for Digger out of his mind. This time was for him. He deserved it, dammit!

They deserved it.

Digger pulled away, and Reef grunted in disappointment but rolled over and pushed up to kneel on the bed. Digger’s erection stood hard and proud, and Reef wondered how good it would burn inside him.

Reef smiled. “Like I said. Sexy.”

Digger chuckled, gazing appreciatively at him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“I could get better if someone forced me….” Reef eyed him.

Digger shook his head with a laugh. “You really are something else.”

You have no idea.

Standing beside the bed, Digger leaned down and surprised Reef with a gentle kiss. Reef closed his eyes and sank into it, enjoying the taste, even though he wasn’t used to kissing. He always found it rather odd for mouths to touch in such a way, but Digger made everything good.

He realized a second later it was a trick. He was suddenly on his back, arms pinned, with Digger’s strong body holding him down. Digger grinned smugly but even as he tried to lift one of Reef’s legs, Reef started a wrestling match. It didn’t last very long, and Reef wasn’t surprised to find himself on his back again, but now he was sweaty, breathless, and wanting Digger more than anything in the world.

“You’re going to take me in, Reef,” Digger said as he dragged his mouth over Reef’s ear. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to like it.”

Reef moaned. “I hear a lot of talk, soldier. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Digger’s muscles bunched and twitched, and Reef grinned, knowing those insults were a strange seduction in their game.

Digger reared back and lifted Reef’s legs, spreading them. Reef jerked his legs out of Digger’s grip and pushed against Digger’s chest with his feet, not hard, but with some force. Then Reef rolled over and tried to crawl out of the bed, but Digger landed on his back, once more grabbing his arms.

“Enough now,” Digger rasped.

Reef heard the tone: the alpha was done with play. Reef’s tense body became pliant, and he moved slowly under Digger, making sure his ass brushed against Digger’s erection. Reef turned his head slightly, met Digger’s gaze.

“Enough,” he agreed softly. “You want your prize?”

Digger’s muscles loosened and he nuzzled Reef’s neck. Then, without warning, Digger’s strong hand slapped Reef’s ass. Reef yelped, then moaned. Another slap on his other cheek had Reef quivering with need, the sharp stings making him pant.

“You like that?” Digger asked.

“No,” Reef said, teasing. He lifted his ass higher and got another smack.

“Smartass. I wonder how smart you’ll be when your ass is so sore you can’t sit down.”

Grinning fiercely, Reef bumped said ass against Digger’s solid erection. “We won’t know until you do it.”

“Is that a dare, boy?”

“Only if you’re man enough.”

“You little bitch.”

Reef laughed, turning to look at Digger, seeing him smile, his eyes full of amusement.

“You stay there, boy. Don’t move.”

Reef froze as Digger lifted himself off. He didn’t go far. He moved to a trunk in the corner and pulled something out before returning to Reef.

“Good boy. Maybe you can learn.”

Reef grinned. The pop of a cap sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine. He lifted his ass just a bit even as Digger pulled Reef’s arms above his head, and held them with one hand. Reef trembled and bent his knees farther, spreading as much as he could. Digger mouthed Reef’s neck as he slipped a slick finger inside him. Reef opened instantly, getting a surprised grunt from Digger.

“You really have done this before.”

“You doubted it?”

“Well, you are such a tease.”

Reef laughed. “You’re so easy to tease. And so fun.”

Their gazes met and Reef felt something soft move inside him. He puzzled at it for a moment, before it and all other thought fled when Digger pushed two more lubed fingers inside him. Reef instantly moved against those fingers, closing his eyes.

“I want you. I need you, Digger.”

“I need you too,” Digger whispered. Then those fingers left and Digger suddenly grunted in annoyance.

“I don’t have any condoms. Shit.”

Reef smiled at Digger’s consideration but knew it was unnecessary. Shapeshifters and humans couldn’t procreate, and they couldn’t transfer diseases.

“How long has it been for you?” Reef asked softly.

“Not since the war.”

Reef turned his head to look at Digger’s face. “Two years? You haven’t had sex for two years?”

Digger frowned at him and then shrugged. “How long for you?”

“A couple of months, give or take. I don’t have anything.”

Digger considered him for a long moment before nodding. “I don’t have anything either.”

“Well, then.” Reef lifted his ass and brushed it against Digger’s groin. “I trust you.”

Digger shuddered out a breath and probed Reef with his fingers again. He played with Reef, slipping in and out, rotating his fingers, brushing against the special spot inside. Reef moaned and whimpered, wiggling his ass, wanting more sensations, wanting Digger to continue, but also wanting his cock. The burn was very nice, but Reef thirsted for the one Digger’s cock would give, and his own erection was begging for release.

“Please, Digger. I want your cock.”

“Have you earned it?”

Digger pushed against his special spot again and Reef moaned in frustration. How could the man hold out for so long? Wasn’t he as desperate as Reef for completion?

“Captain,” Reef said.

Those fingers slipped out of him, and Digger’s thick cock replaced them. Reef gave one long, low moan as he was penetrated.

“Fuck yes!”

Digger let go of Reef’s arms and rose up on his knees, urging Reef onto his. Reef came eagerly, spreading his legs as much as he could, pushing back against the burn, the stretch. While he’d had sex a couple months back when his brother had guarded the reef, it had been a long while since he’d felt this primal connection to another being, something as old as time itself. Not many could connect with him as Digger did.

Then Digger began to thrust and Reef let himself fall into pleasure. The burning and pressure intensified the more Digger moved, and he wasn’t gentle or slow. He moved fast and hard, and Reef couldn’t stop his cries and grunts. Reef had unleashed the beast and now he would reap the reward. He couldn’t even reach for his cock; he needed to use both hands to keep his balance. Not that he wouldn’t come from the thrusts alone as every single one sent a bolt of pleasure to his balls and up his spine. Digger grunted along with him, hands firmly on his hips, demanding he take everything.

“Digger,” Reef gasped.

In response, Digger leaned forward and, without losing his rhythm, he bit Reef’s neck, right over the bruise he’d given Reef before. The pain clinched it, and Reef came hard, shouting before he could stop himself. Well, the crew was certainly getting a show, even if it was only an auditory one.

Digger suddenly pulled him up, pressing Reef’s back to his chest and wrapping his arms around Reef’s waist and shoulders. Reef continued to come as Digger kept thrusting, but it wasn’t long before Digger found his own completion and came hard inside Reef. Then they both collapsed on the bed, Digger rolling them at the last minute so they fell on their sides.

Panting heavily, Reef wondered if he’d have enough strength that night to grab the scroll. Maybe in the early morning? But that meant he would have to leave… unless he tossed it and returned. He wanted more of Digger. He wasn’t done with him yet.

Digger drew blankets over them and slid a hand over Reef’s hip. He didn’t pull Reef any closer, but Reef could feel Digger’s body heat and wondered if he was supposed to initiate the snuggle. He didn’t usually cuddle or pet after sex, but he wouldn’t mind it so much if Digger wanted it. But Digger stayed where he was and Reef felt exhaustion overtake him, and before he could figure out a plan, he was asleep.