I am so utterly grateful to those who have helped bring this book, and this series, to fruition. It’s been a journey, and this is possibly the first time I’ve cried typing, “The End,” upon finishing a manuscript. This story and its characters are so dear to me. But this isn’t a one-woman show, so let’s get on with it!
Thank you (again) to Marlene and Jason, whose firm encouragement planted the seed for this novel and its predecessors. Thank you to Angela for helping me polish it real shiny, and for all the editors, designers, layout-ers, etc. at 47North who put in so many hours to make my brain spew presentable.
I want to especially thank Caitlyn McFarland, who is way smarter than I am and helped me do a midbook overhaul halfway through the drafting process. It benefited the story immensely, as well as made me look better in the eyes of editors and agents alike! Go read her books. They are fantastic.
Thank you to Whitney, Rachel, and Leah, who beta read this sucker in less than a week so I could turn it in on time. For free. They are literally that awesome. And thank you to my alpha readers, who followed me through the entire trilogy: Rebecca, Laura, Tricia, and Cerena. And a hat tip to James, who answers all my weird medical questions.
A huge thank-you, of course, to my wonderful husband, Jordan, who should really have every book I write dedicated to him. He is so utterly supportive. He is my brainstorming champion, my critique partner, my marketing manager, and a fantastic dad to our kids. He’s also incredibly good-looking, which is inspiring in and of itself.
Thanks to my kiddos, who are somehow okay with Mom locking herself in the basement every morning to invent characters and the things they do.
Finally, most gracious praises to my Father in Heaven, for my ability to create and so much more. Cheers.