
December 1845

‘THEY SAY THAT A THIRD OF THE CROP IS LOST IN SOME PLACES,’ TIM McCarthy Downing explained to the huge crowd at the packed public meeting in Skibbereen Courthouse to discuss the potato failure. ‘But here it is far worse than in other parts of the county, with half or even two-thirds of the crop gone. Given such circumstances and the situation we face, I suggest that we set up a fund to make provision for famine in the coming months.’

There was instant approval for raising such a fund.

Dan’s heart gladdened to see landlords, labourers, farmers, and both Protestant and Catholic clergymen coming together. They all knew that the state of affairs was grave.

Sir Robert Peel, the prime minister, had been forced to resign over the repeal of the Corn Laws, which would have permitted the import of duty-free grain. Peel at least had the decency to order a larger shipment of Indian corn from America to Ireland, and had appointed a Relief Commission for Ireland under Randolph Routh to distribute it.

Only a month ago, Daniel O’Connell and the Mansion House Committee in Dublin had made an appeal to the Queen herself, informing her of the situation across the country and the effect it was having on her poor subjects. Queen Victoria’s reply had been to advise her Irish subjects that they were in her care constantly. To Dan’s mind, that care was certainly not adequate!

‘I propose that we appeal to the government for public works,’ Reverend Robert Traill said, getting to his feet to address the meeting.

‘Hear! Hear!’

‘I have written to the heads of government in both England and Ireland concerning the scarcity, and also to all the landlords in my parish, requesting that they let their tenants keep their grain, in order to spare seed potatoes for planting next year’s crop,’ he continued. ‘And I suggest to all the clergy present here that they do the same.’

Father John Fitzpatrick and the other church men present nodded heartily in agreement. Perhaps the landlords would listen to them!

‘With regards to Reverend Traill’s suggestion of public works, I propose that we apply to the government for assistance for the deepening of the river Ilen, which is badly needed, and for the construction of a military barracks,’ Henry Townsend added. ‘For these works would be productive and good for the town.’

Next, a young tradesman in the crowd stood up bravely.

‘Property has its duties as well as its rights,’ he reminded them, looking directly at the landowners and influential people present. ‘I am speaking for the humblest, and I ask that landlords make a reduction on rents, for people cannot pay them.’

There came shouts of approval and applause, but a few regarded him stony-faced.

Dan admired the man’s courage in speaking out at such a gathering, and hoped that his words would have some effect.

‘Now I turn to medical matters,’ Dan said, serious. ‘There have been a few small outbreaks of scarlet fever and smallpox in the district. I recommend that a section of the fever hospital be isolated for such cases. Unfortunately, further building at Skibbereen workhouse has ceased due to lack of payment by the Board of Works. However, this work must be done, for the people are in a poor state facing into the winter. Scarlet fever is spreading from the west and smallpox from the east!’

He could see the alarm in the eyes of all gathered at the mention of such contagion.

‘Of course, Dr Donovan,’ Tim McCarthy Downing responded. ‘You must take whatever steps you believe are necessary.’

As the meeting came to an end, Thomas Somerville of Castletownsend asked anyone present who was willing to set up and organize a relief committee in Skibbereen to remain behind. As a doctor, Dan felt it was his duty and volunteered immediately to become involved.

There was much work to be done if they were to alleviate the growing distress of the people of the district during the hard winter months ahead, for the many who had no income or food, Dan believed, now faced the very real threat of starvation.