Use this exercise to plan how you will invite your loved one to seek help.
1. Why might your loved one consider treatment? Write down at least one reason he might seek it.
2. When do you think your loved one would be most receptive to the idea of treatment? This could mean time of day, day of week, or time of month, and could accommodate his mood state—insofar as you can predict, what tends to put him in a good mood?—or physiological state such as being rested, fed, and not hungover.
3. What might make it easier for your loved one to say yes? If he has said no before, analyze that conversation and be as specific as you can about what didn’t work and what, if anything, did.
4. Is there anyone in a better position than you to suggest treatment?
5. What treatment options will you suggest? Is someone ready to meet with your loved one more or less immediately after she says yes?
6. What will you say, exactly? Referring back to the elements of positive communication, write a script, including a plan B in the event that your loved one says no.
7. Approach someone you trust and ask him or her to role-play with you.