THE GREYSKINS ARE still clawing in through gaps in the village wall. Even though there are Starborns here to help fight, it doesn’t change the fact that people still die in these attacks. I’m forced to ignore the death of people that I’ve known since I was a small child. I had sent my family to the house, but if I don’t get to them now, there’s no telling what might happen.

Three of the undead run toward me, so I send two flying and my knife into the forehead of the other. Calling the knife back to my hand, I run toward the house. Guns blast all around me. Greyskins fall and villagers cry out with fresh bites and scratches, which will end their lives within a day. I try not to think about them. I try to stay focused, but it’s impossible when death is all around me.

A small boy to my left tries to fight off a greyskin with nothing more than a sharp stick. He stabs it once in the side, but the greyskin is relentless. The boy drops the stick and falls into a puddle of mud. I throw my knife as hard as I can, guiding its trajectory with my mind. It sails directly into the back of the greyskin’s head and it falls to the ground.

“Get to the tree houses,” I yell at the boy, running towards him. Through tears he nods at me and takes off in a run.

I wipe the rain from my eyes and bend over to rip out the knife. When I look up, across the way, I see the house. My stomach lurches at the sight of twenty or more greyskins trying to claw their way in. Nearly all of the windows are shattered. I see Bill point the barrel of a shotgun out the window and fire, but it only takes out one of them. The others must be inside pushing against the door.

In a rage, I run through the muddy, blood-filled street toward my house. I can’t help but scream as I bowl them over like wind through a giant pile of leaves. The door crashes open in the assault and several of the greyskins tear into the house only to be met by a wave of shotgun shells. But that doesn’t stop another group from piling in on top of the others.

Hearing the screams from Grandma and Jake, I turn back and reach out into the air like I’m grabbing someone by the collar and pull. The few greyskins fly backward towards me and I make sure my knife lands in each of their skulls before they hit the mud. I run into the house, hoping no one has been bitten.

“Is everyone okay?” I ask, standing in the doorway. I see Austin spread on the table, still breathing but looking bad. Bill and Linda nod at me.

Christopher reaches out and grabs my arm. Within a few seconds, the knife wound that Green had given me is gone.

“Thanks,” I tell him, truly grateful.

“No one was bitten,” Christopher says, wincing at the new pain in his arm. “But we are not safe here.”

“I know,” I say. “You’ve got to get to the tree houses. They are safe for now. I want all of you to follow me befo…” I’m stopped short by a pair of hands that grab me by the hair and pull me backward and to the rain-drenched ground. Before I even know what’s happening, at least three greyskins are on top of me. My brain feels jostled and it’s hard to determine where my enemies are. I feel a pain in my side, and hope that I haven’t been bitten or scratched. With a scream, I throw the greyskins off me.

They fly to the side and Bill takes two of them out with his shotgun while I slice through the third’s brain. I grab my side in pain, but I refuse to look at it. I quickly turn so no one else will notice. I hope they haven’t. Maybe I just rolled over onto something sharp. Could be nothing.

I pull myself up and fling the mud from my fingertips.

I look at Bill and Christopher. “You two need to help carry Austin and follow the rest of us to the tree houses.” The two of them nod as Linda, Sadie, Grandma, and Jake walk up next to me.

Jake meets my gaze and I can’t help but let my eyes fill with tears. “I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you,” I say.

He reaches out and hugs me tightly. I welcome it, but I grit my teeth when a sharp pain runs up and down my side. I tousle his hair and begin marching toward the tree houses when Bill and Christopher come up, holding an unconscious Austin.

The group follows close behind me as we make our way to safety. I’m forced to use my abilities to fling objects at greyskins, throw my knife, and clear paths as we jog. When we finally get to the tree houses, Bill is the first one up as Christopher helps him get Austin inside. Most of the fighting is near the Tower. I wonder how the others are doing, but I don’t have time to close my eyes and watch. I hope Green hasn’t killed any of them.

A group of greyskins has spotted us as Sadie makes her way up the ladder. I stand in front of the others as Jake starts to climb next. Once Linda and Grandma are to the top, the greyskins are nearly on me. With a thought, two of them bash their heads together with a force strong enough to crack their skulls. I throw my knife through the eye of one, and as it falls to the ground I pick the other one up and launch it headfirst into a tree.

I look up at the others.

“You’re staying with us, Mora,” Grandma says. “You’ve got to.”

Flashbacks pound in my mind of the time when my mother had begged me to stay in the tree house instead of trying to help my father. I had said no to them before. I had gone out anyway. It had been the worst decision of my life.

Jake reaches up a hand to Grandma’s cheek. “It’s okay,” he says. “They need her more than we do. She will be safe.”

Grandma shakes her head.

“No!” Jake shouts. “It’s different this time.”

Grandma just stares at him and then looks at me. A single tear streaks down her face as she nods. “Go. Get these greyskins out of here for good.”

A feeling of relief spreads across my shoulders from her words. Having the approval this time seems to make it different. I give them each a look and turn to leave.

“Mora, wait,” says Christopher. “Your side is bleeding. Let me help you before you go.”

I hold up a hand. “It’s all right. It’s nothing. You can help me when I get back.”

“Well, you’re not going alone,” Bill says as he starts to climb down the tree. Christopher follows him.

“Christopher, Bill, no,” I say.

“What?” Bill says with a look of anger on his face. “I’m not going to sit here while my village falls to ruin.”

“We can’t risk Christopher being captured,” I tell him. “Commander Green is still out there. Christopher is still his priority.” I shake my head. “It’s a long story that I’m sure you’ll learn about soon enough. You two just need to stay behind and make sure the others are safe.”

Bill sets his jaw firmly, but he doesn’t argue with me. Christopher opens his mouth to say something but I stop him with a shake of my head. “Just listen to me.”

Neither of them says anything as I turn. Calling the knife back to my hand, I start running toward the Tower.

Mayhem. That’s all I can see when I near the Tower. Body parts lie in every direction, blood fills the puddles mixed with rain. Guns blaze as greyskins keep ripping their way into the village. I would do what I could to close the gaps that let the greyskins in, but there are so many it would be impossible.

Heather moves at blinding speeds trying to kill as many greyskins as she can. Evelyn has resorted to standing near Danny with a gun drawn as he swings large objects at anything coming toward them. A blast of light illuminates the entire area as Aaron sends electric bolts through a group of greyskins.

I’m happy to see them all alive, but it’s a happiness that can’t last for long. Closing my eyes, I seek out Commander Green. He’s not invisible right now, and he’s limping heavily. He’s past the Tower, making his way to a group of Screven vehicles. He’s alone and leaving a watered down trail of blood behind him. He’s going to try and escape, leaving the greyskins for us to deal with.

But when I open my eyes, I know this can’t be the case. From what I’ve seen of Jeremiah over the past few days, Green knows he can’t go back to Screven without Christopher. He knows Jeremiah will kill him. Failure isn’t an option. Green isn’t getting to a vehicle to leave. He’s going back to get Christopher.

Greyskins rush toward me before I realize they are so close. My knife sails through the air, and so do some of the greyskins. As they close in on me, I suddenly wish I had a gun.

I move forward and reach down to pull out the knife from one of the greyskins and hear a loud boom behind me. A greyskin slumps to the ground, head gaping. Behind it stands Evelyn with her gun in the air.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve done this!” she says with a smile, but her face turns suddenly stern when she sees my side. “Your shirt is soaked in blood, are you okay?”

I nod, assuring her that I’m fine, though I refuse to look at it right now. I can’t look at it.

“Where’s Green?” she asks me.

“I’m going after him,” I say. “He’s trying to get a car.” Evelyn shoots two greyskins in the head as they approach. “You were right,” I tell her.

“About what?”

“About everything,” I say. “If you would have told me everything about Jeremiah two weeks ago, I would have thought you were crazy. I see now why you want him dead so much.”

She nods at me. “Go get Commander Green,” she says. “We’ll figure out what to do with Jeremiah another time.”

I move my legs away from the action. Again I feel like I should stay here with the others, but I don’t have a choice. Letting Green capture Christopher and take him to Jeremiah is a bigger threat than the Greyskins are right now. At least for the long run it is.

I keep running until the gunfire and lightening bolts are just distant sounds. I suddenly find myself in the exact spot where my mother and father had been scratched up by greyskins. They had been trying to save me. A pang of guilt unsettles my stomach, but I’ve got to keep moving. The Screven vehicles are not far.

Reaching near the top of the hill, I can see Green rummaging through the first vehicle on the side away from me. He looks up and around for any greyskins and instantly spots me standing about fifty feet away.

“I’m not going to let you take him to Jeremiah,” I say.

He clenches his teeth and walks slowly toward this side of the vehicle. He’s got a rifle in his hands, though it looks like he can barely hold it up. “I just need him to heal me. That’s all.”

“But that’s not all,” I say. “You’re going to take him to Jeremiah.”

“I’m finished with Jeremiah,” he says, much to my surprise. “I know his secret. I know why he needs a healer. But now I need it worse than him.” He lifts up his shirt to reveal a row of teeth marks near his ribs. “There’s no doubt it’s lethal. I also know Christopher’s probably only good for healing a greyskin victim once.”

I think back to when that conversation had taken place and shake my head. “You’ve listened to everything we’ve said haven’t you?”

Green says nothing, but he doesn’t deny it.

“Put the gun down,” I say.

In response, Green vanishes into thin air, his gun along with him. Knowing that I can’t deflect bullets without knowing their path, I duck behind a tree as quickly as I can. Bullets hit the side of it, shooting bark in every direction. I’ve got to be more careful now that he has a gun.

Closing my eyes, I can see that he’s walking toward me quickly. I know I’ve got to keep moving. With a normal human enemy, I would simply snatch the gun from his grip, but I have no idea where it actually is at any given moment.

I run from my cover of the tree and toward the vehicles, opposite the side he had been running. Shots fly passed my head as I sprint to the front of the first SUV and slide on my chest through a large puddle. I crawl on my hands and knees until my back rests against the front tire.

I bend my head below the front door and watch the ground on the other side. For a long moment, I hear and see nothing, which makes me nervous because I’m not sure if he’s right behind me or not. I nearly panic from doubt until I see the footprints in the mud.

Step-by-step, large, cautious indentions make their way near the vehicle. I smile at his slip up. He never anticipated that making himself invisible would cause his footprints to stand out. I reach out my hand and grab the air as if I’m grabbing his leg and pull.

Green instantly appears as he falls to his back, but he doesn’t let go of his gun. Instead, he let’s off another flurry of bullets under the vehicle. One of them grazes my shoulder as I roll from my torso to my back behind the tire. My shoulder burns from the shot, but I’m just happy it didn’t go through my head.

I pull myself up into a crouch and look through the back window and see nothing. All the windows crash loudly as the bullets rush through, this time nearly grazing my head, but I duck down again just in time.

Knowing that he’s still standing on the other side of the SUV, I close my eyes, reach my hands out and lift the vehicle off the ground. With a mental shove, I send it straight in front of me, flying through the air until it crashes loudly into the bottom of a tree. For a brief moment, I’m still afraid that Green might be lurking around ready to kill me, but then I see him wedged between the tree and the SUV.

Relief floods over me at the sight of him. The roof of the vehicle has crushed him from the waist down. The man is still alive, still flickering in and out of invisibility. But he’s not going anywhere.

The vehicle crushing him is on its side. Wires poke out in different directions and gas leaks from the tank. In his right arm, he still carries the gun. I stand straight and walk toward him, but stop when I see that he’s laughing at me.

“You’re never going to win this fight,” he says. “You can’t beat Jeremiah. He’s worked too long and hard for this. You have no idea how powerful he is.”

“We will win,” I say. “Someone will take him down. Even if it isn’t me.”

“Do you see how much trouble you’ve had with these greyskins?” he says, his breaths getting heavier. “Do you see how difficult it was for you to beat me? I know Evelyn has shown you some things. I know you think you are powerful enough. But you don’t know anything yet. You haven’t seen difficult. You don’t know the whole story.” He’s wheezing so hard now it looks as if he’s trying to catch his breath.

He gives me a look in the eyes, one of defiance. He pulls up his rifle and squeezes the trigger for the final time. I don’t even flinch as the bullet comes at me. My eyes stay open and the bullet stops inches from my forehead. It spins so rapidly I can almost feel the heat from it. I look from the bullet to Green who has slumped down in defeat, ready to accept death. And I am ready to send him.

With barely a push, I send the bullet back toward him as quickly as it had come. In the last split second I command the bullet downward into the flowing gas tank. Sparks fly and the gas ignites the vehicle into a loud explosion, engulfing Green and his greyskin-infected body.