
To my mom, who from Day One has been my biggest fan and supporter. She helps me with revision after revision and lets me bounce all of my ideas off her. I literally couldn’t do it without you. I love you so much. Thank you.

To my grandmother, who can’t read my books because they put her to sleep, but loves me unconditionally. She feeds my soul with love and laughter, and my stomach with her delicious baking. You are the glue that holds this family together and I owe you so much of my happiness. xo

To Liz, who offered to Beta read and became a pseudo-editor. Thank you so much for all of your guidance and advice. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and definitely owe you one. Or many.

To Rikki, who took the time to give me her feedback in an honest and supportive way. It means the world to have someone care so fiercely about my characters.

To everyone who helped make this book a reality, THANK YOU!