Aerial and Related Phenomena:

Is There Reason for Concern?

Opening Statement of Chairman Someday

For several years many of our constituents have been asking us to conduct hearings on the topic of aerial phenomena and related events. Though some people believe this topic was resolved decades ago, there continue to be sightings of unexplained objects by highly credible people. While some of these reports may be misidentification of natural objects, other sightings defy all attempts at rationalization. The simple solutions postulated decades ago appear to many to be invalid. As will be demonstrated here today, there are incidents of unknown origin, yet undeniable reality, that make open examination of these events not only reasonable, but issues of national security coupled with documented public concern bode them obligatory.

Invariably there is much controversy associated with the study of any phenomenon. There are mercurial evidentiary aspects, strongly held belief structures, and unyielding precedence that warrant great trepidation. A Byzantine mythology has enveloped the topic of aerial phenomena, obfuscating reason, suffocating truth, and permanently branding all those who come in contact, whether willingly or unwillingly. Too frequently polar positions are established, often immutable yet devoid of fact. This committee is not exempt from the possible stigma associated with the topic. Therefore I want to thank each of our committee members for having the intestinal fortitude to come, to listen carefully, and to participate in these hearings.

In general, the scientific community rejects the notion that the extreme distances could be traversed to arrive near Earth from another galaxy. Those judgments are based on their current understanding of laws of physics. If one but contemplates the tremendous intellectual advances of the last century, you realize how vainglorious it is to believe that we have obtained the ultimate knowledge of the boundaries of time and space. Scholars have invariably defined impenetrable lines of demarcation only to have them tested and defeated. Given our current multibillion year estimates of the age of the universe, is it not reasonable that somewhere in the vastness of space there exists one or more advanced civilizations that have developed both the knowledge and engineering to transit intergalactic distances? It is foolish to believe that because we do not yet know how to do this that it cannot ever be accomplished under any circumstances. The question that is before us is whether or not there is any veridical evidence that supports the sightings of various aerial phenomena that are being reported, and if so, does that evidence constitute grounds for further scientific research and investigation?

If craft have indeed been able to cross these boundaries and are interacting with us in close proximity to Earth, that would answer the Aeolian question and prove that we are not alone in the universe. How profound that would be. If true the implications are astounding and could potentially permeate every aspect of our lives. If not, the study of these events is likely to lead to a deeper understanding of our perceptions of the universe.

On a less grandiose scale, there are repeated reports of interaction with and occasionally interdiction of some of our most sophisticated defense systems. Even a prosaic answer to those events has profound consequences and demands investigation. The reality of these reports is undeniable. It is unconscionable that the specter of calumniation has prevented rigorous research into these events.

Conjecture abounds concerning the government’s role is suppressing information about this topic. The public assumes that given the pervasiveness of the advanced sensor systems in our national collection means that it is inevitable that observations must be made routinely. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that a substantial body of data must exist somewhere within those agencies. Vociferous denials about retention of information by government agencies have too often later proven false. This has led to a general distrust between researchers and the government. Frequently, withholding information has been cloaked in national security concerns. A simple statement of what the classification policy is regarding aerial phenomena would alleviate most of that problem.

Today we will listen to those who have studied aerial phenomena extensively and those who have experienced it firsthand. It is time to listen carefully to the facts and determine if we as a nation are prepared to accept responsibility for supporting investigation of this complex problem that may ultimately address the nature of our place in the universe.

John Alexander

September 13, 1999