
For every step Megan took toward Daniel, he seemed to take two steps back. The night he gave her the Stradivarius, he’d turned brusque and distant after they made love—just like their second night together. Both nights, it felt as though he was kicking her out of his place. Like he couldn’t wait to be alone.

He’d told her that he had emotional baggage and it wasn’t about her, but it was hard not to feel hurt by it. Especially when all she wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms and wake up next to him so they would be the first thing the other saw in the morning.

A forlorn sigh slipped past her lips as she stood waiting behind the curtains with her sisters. Thankfully, the Chamber Orchestra was performing onstage, so her sisters didn’t hear her. She wished she could spill her guts to them so they could help her figure out what to do, but that wasn’t an option. She refused to add another secret for them to keep from their father. It wasn’t fair to her sisters.

Besides, Megan already knew what she had to do to win Daniel’s heart. She would have to take three steps forward every time he took two steps back. She would back him into a corner and love him relentlessly until he was hers. She wouldn’t dwell on how much it stung every time he pushed her away. He had a gentle, kind soul. It would hurt him to know that he caused her pain.

And she instinctively understood that he was distancing himself from her to protect himself—from what, she didn’t know yet. Maybe a part of it had to do with his unhappy childhood. She sighed again. It was hard to figure everything out when he shared so little of his past with her.

“We’re on, girls.” Angie nodded at them with her game face on.

“Let’s go have some fun,” Chloe said with a cheeky grin and strode out onto the stage first.

Megan followed her with a smile, reminded of what a privilege it was to play with her sisters. They were such amazing musicians and she loved them more than words. As long as she had them—and their music—by her side, she could take anything life threw her way. The thought sounded too much like she was preparing to lose Daniel. No, she wasn’t going to let herself give up so easily.

Her unsettled thoughts spilled into her music at times, but her sisters caught her and lifted her up before it could affect their performance. Knowing they had her back and they deserved nothing less than her best, Megan was able to give her one-hundred-percent for the rest of the performance and finished strong.

After bowing to thundering applause, they walked off the stage and Megan breathed a sigh of relief.

Angie put her hand on her back and said softly, “Are you feeling okay, Megan?”

“I’m fine. The doctor said it was normal to have trouble concentrating sometimes.” She shrugged as nonchalantly as she could manage. “Pregnancy brain.”

“Hmm.” Her older sister didn’t buy it for a second and gave her a penetrating gaze. “You know I’m always here for you, right?”

“Right,” Megan said without hesitation. She knew without a doubt that her sister would always be there for her—would always help shoulder any burden she carried. Even so—or maybe because of that—she had to carry this one on her own. “I know, so stop worrying.”

“Okay,” Chloe answered instead of Angie. She’d been standing beside them, quietly listening to the whole conversation. “We’ll stop worrying for now, but we’re going to swoop in the minute we feel like you’re in trouble.”

“Fair enough.” Megan grinned at her sisters. “God, I love you guys so much. I can’t stand it.”

“Can I join you three and bask in the warmth of sisterly love?” Joshua came to stand with his arms around Angie’s and Megan’s shoulders.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her older sister’s head, and Megan could swear he breathed in the scent of her hair, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. The love between Angie and Joshua seemed to cocoon them in a sphere of shimmering light. All she wanted was a love like theirs. Megan nibbled her bottom lip as wistful envy swept through her. Suddenly, she missed Daniel with an urgency that nearly brought tears to her eyes.

“You’re always welcome to join us,” Angie said, snuggling into Joshua’s side.

They all turned when someone cleared his throat behind them. Daniel stood a few steps away with three elegant bouquets of calla lilies in his arms. “I hope I’m not intruding.”

“Of course you’re not.” Megan restrained herself from throwing herself into his arms, but there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about the giant smile that spread across her face. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

“I want to kick myself for not attending your concerts sooner. I’ve been missing out,” he said ruefully. “You ladies are extraordinary and it was a privilege hearing you play tonight.”

The Han sisters simultaneously blushed with pleasure. Even Angie—with the love of her life standing right next to her—wasn’t immune to Daniel’s brand of sincerity and charm. They each took the bouquet he held out to them and beamed at him.

“You must be Daniel Pak.” Joshua straightened to his full, imposing height and drew his wide shoulders back. His voice could’ve frozen a lake as he said, “I’m Joshua Shin, Megan’s brother-in-law.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Daniel said evenly, extending his hand.

Joshua narrowed his eyes and paused for two seconds before shaking Daniel’s hand. “I’m afraid I can’t say the same.”

“Joshua!” Angie slapped her husband’s arm before turning to Daniel. “Please don’t mind him. He’s just protective of my younger sisters.”

“Come on, Hyungbu,” Chloe said with a cringe. “You’re embarrassing us.”

Deciding her brother-in-law was chastised enough, Megan met Daniel’s slightly bemused gaze and shrugged. Glancing around to make sure there was no one close enough to overhear, she said, “That’s what you get for knocking me up.”

After a stunned second, Daniel and her sisters burst out laughing, dispelling any lingering awkwardness. Even Joshua couldn’t hang on to his scowl as he said, “I guess Megan doesn’t need me to look out for her.”

“No, she doesn’t,” Daniel said with obvious pride. “I’m no match for her.”

“Now that we can all agree on that,” Megan said hurriedly when her sisters glanced between her and Daniel with speculative expressions, “should we go out for a nightcap?”

“That sounds like a great—” Joshua began. Angie leaned close to him and whispered something in his ear, and his eyes bulged slightly. He cleared his throat. “It seems Angie and I have a prior engagement. We’ll take a raincheck on that nightcap.”

“And I have to work on some slides for a presentation tomorrow,” Chloe moaned. “It’s so hard balancing my duties as a professional musician with my duties as a grad student.”

Megan raised an eyebrow. That was an elaborate explanation to simply bow out of a casual get-together. “So what you’re saying is that you plan on staying up all night playing League of Legends again?”

“Precisely.” Chloe grinned unrepentantly, then she suddenly scowled. “I’m hoping to run into my arch nemesis tonight so I can kick his ass.”

“You have an arch nemesis on League of Legends?” Daniel asked with a broad smile. He probably thought her younger sister was as cute as a button, because she really was.

“Yes,” Chloe hissed. “I. Hate. Him.”

“All right. Settle down,” Angie said wryly. “Save that antagonism for the game. You’re scaring Daniel.”

Which wasn’t quite true. In fact, he looked absolutely delighted. He seemed to truly enjoy interacting with her siblings. A pang of sadness ran through Megan as she remembered the lonely childhood he’d had.

“Megan, may I give you a lift home?” Daniel said with impeccable politeness, but there was a glint in his eyes that made her pulse spike.

“Yes, I’d appreciate that, since my sisters are abandoning me,” she replied with forced nonchalance.

When it was finally just the two of them as they walked to his car, he took her hand and placed a lingering kiss on the inside of her wrist. “I’m actually relieved I got you to myself.”

“Are you now?” The kiss left her a little breathless.

He pushed her up against the passenger door of his car. “I could still feel your music pulsing through my veins. You were magnificent and I feel...frantic.”

“Frantic?” she squeaked inelegantly. She could feel his hard length pressing into her stomach.

“Like I would go mad if I don’t have you soon,” he growled, his lips a breath away from hers.

She closed the remaining distance between them and kissed him with a moan, burying her hands in his hair. She wanted to be everything to him...his love, his family...if only he’d let her. Loving him in secret hurt so much. A sob escaped her before she could push it down.

Daniel pulled back and held her face between his hands. “Megan, what’s wrong?”

Her chest rose and fell so quickly she felt light-headed, and for a second—just a split second—she was tempted to tell him everything. That she loved him. That she wanted them to be a family. But the moment passed because she couldn’t risk losing him. Not yet.

“We should take this to someplace more private.” She couldn’t quite manage a smile. “We can’t risk starting any rumors that might reach my father’s ears. We’re so close to having the board members’ support secured.”

His eyes bore into hers as though he saw through her half-truth, but he merely nodded and opened the car door for her. They drove in silence to his place, their moods subdued. Megan felt his sidelong glances on her, but she stared out the window, not having the energy to pretend everything was okay.

As it stood, what they had between them wouldn’t last. No matter how carefully she treaded. So did she want to risk their arrangement for a chance at something real? Something lasting? Yes. They would always be in each other’s lives in some capacity, because of the baby, but the thought of being cordial acquaintances made her heart bleed. What hurt the most was that it wouldn’t be much different from what they were now—casual lovers.

She finally turned away from the window and met Daniel’s searching gaze. He reached for her hand and she linked her fingers through his. Megan knew herself. She couldn’t settle for anything less than all-consuming love. If she lost him trying to win his love, then at least she would know that she went down fighting. She would have no regrets.

Last night, Megan had made love to him with such tenderness and generosity that Daniel had felt humbled and honored. Then, why did he feel so unsettled? Because it had felt like goodbye. She’d made love to him as though it was for the last time.

He drew several deep breaths through his nose but couldn’t fill up his lungs. He listlessly flipped through the documents on his desk before shoving them aside. Leaning back in his chair, he spun around to face the windows of his office. It was past eight and the city below twinkled with lights. But the stunning view looked bleak to his eyes tonight. He spun back to his desk and picked up his cell phone.

Daniel hadn’t heard from Megan all day. Even though he’d reached for his device countless times throughout the day, he couldn’t work up the nerve to text her himself. He almost dropped his cell when it buzzed in his hand. His breath left him in a whoosh when he saw that it was Megan.

His eyebrows drew together as he typed back.

Her response was immediate.

Daniel threw back his head and laughed, relief rolling through him. Everything was fine. They were fine.

He tapped his foot as she typed her response.

Daniel grabbed his jacket and headed out with his heart pounding. He couldn’t wait to see Megan. He’d seen her the night before, but that felt like an eternity ago. If he sounded lovesick, he decided not to notice it. And she was alone tonight. Maybe he would get to wake up with her in the morning. The thought didn’t plunge him into a blind panic anymore—the want far outweighed the fear. He broke into a run to reach his car.

Besides, it didn’t mean anything. He was only curious to see what she looked like waking up in the morning. Everything about her would be warmed and softened by sleep—her cheeks rosy, her lips full and parted, her silken hair tousled around her bare shoulders. He would kiss her awake. First, on her shoulder, then at the hollow below her throat, then her eyes—one then the other—and finally her lips, which would blossom into a smile underneath his before she opened her eyes. And he would be the first person she saw in the new day. He wanted that—desperately—even though wanting more would do him no good.

He picked up the tiramisu and cannoli from an Italian restaurant nearby. It was fancy, expensive and close. The food wasn’t as good as the hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant in his old neighborhood in New York, but it would have to do. He had to remind himself to ease off the gas pedal several times as he rushed to Megan’s house. Getting a ticket would take up more time than his speeding would save.

Out of habit, he parked his car a block away and walked to her front door. He rang the doorbell and waited for Megan with blood pounding in his ears. He was being ridiculous, but he was too happy to care. When the door finally opened, the smile she gave him almost convinced him that she was as happy to see him as he was to see her.

“Your delivery is here,” he said, holding up the bag of dessert.

“Thank God.” She pretended to sag against the door, then stepped back to let him in. “What are you standing around for? Off you go to the kitchen.”

She led the way and he followed a few steps behind to admire the view. She was in a silky pink pajama set that slid across her skin as she walked in front of him, hips swaying. She probably put them on for comfort but she looked sexy as hell to him. He wondered if he could have her before they had the dessert.

She looked over her shoulder, opening her mouth to say something, but whatever she saw in his expression made her blush and she turned back without saying a word. When they were in the kitchen, she scooted to the far end of the room, putting the island between them. He took a predatory step toward her and she pressed herself against the counter, holding up a hand.

“Dessert first,” she said, sounding breathless.

He continued stalking toward her and she watched him with her hands clenched on the edge of the counter, her chest rising and falling rapidly. His eyes lazily slid down her body, then back up to her face. He stopped inches away from her and placed his hands over hers, trapping her between his arms and his hard, aching body.

“Define dessert,” he purred, drawing his nose down the side of her face. Her shuddering breath made him smile. His hands circled her waist and he hefted her onto the counter. Spreading her legs, he stepped in between them.

The shyness melted away from Megan as she stared into his eyes and she smoothed her hands over his chest, then over his shoulders. “Dessert is something...decadent. A sweet, rich indulgence. Something that makes you feel a little...sinful.”

He crushed his mouth against hers like a man starved. He wanted her so much that a sob lodged itself in his chest. He moaned her name against her lips, which parted for him in invitation. Their tongues slithered against each other, tasting and teasing, and his body caught fire. His need for her was consuming him and he wanted her to burn for him.

But he froze when a sharp gasp escaped her. Both her hands flew to her stomach and her head dropped. Even though her breathing was ragged, she sat still and silent. Fear sliced through his lust-fogged mind.

“God, Megan.” He grabbed her shoulders and ducked his head to catch her expression. Was she in pain? “Tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart.”

“Oh, Daniel. There’s nothing wrong. The opposite actually.” She raised her tearstained face at last. “It’s the baby. He moved. I felt him move.”

His knees turned liquid with relief. She was okay. Thank God, she was okay. Then goose bumps rose on his arms as he registered what she had said. The baby—their baby—moved.

“Can I...?” He cleared his throat and tried again, “Do you think I could feel him?”

“Well, let’s see.” Megan tugged his hand onto her stomach and lowered her head again, as though listening to her body. “It’s very subtle. Almost like bubbles rising to the surface.”

They both held their breaths and waited. Nothing happened for a minute and Daniel was about to withdraw his hand when he felt it...felt him. The softest fluttering against his palm. He gasped and stepped back, his arm dropping to his side. “Was...was that him?”

“Yes.” Happy tears filled Megan’s eyes once more. “That’s him.”

He gingerly placed his hand on Megan’s stomach again, and the baby tickled it. “Hi, there.”

“Say hi to Daddy,” Megan whispered, gazing down at her stomach—her hand placed over his.

The baby fluttered again as though he heard his mother’s urging. Heat gathered behind Daniel’s eyes and undefinable emotions clogged his throat. Something between a laugh and a sob escaped from him. Then he laughed again because he was so damn happy.

Megan joined in his laughter, tears sliding down her face. He swiped his thumbs across her cheeks and pressed his forehead against hers. Their laughter died down and their breathing evened out as they leaned against each other. Something peaceful and content stole into his heart. This moment. He would never forget this perfect moment for the rest of his life.

“Megan? What...?” He spun around at the sound of Mr. Han’s voice, and the older man’s eyes widened with shock. “Daniel?”

Daniel’s hand was still pressed against Megan’s stomach. He didn’t remember doing so but he had wrapped a protective arm around her and had pulled her close. She was trembling against him and he tightened his hold on her, cursing under his breath. He couldn’t let Megan bear the brunt of her father’s anger and disappointment. He had to shield her from it somehow. But how?

“Appa—” Megan’s voice shook and when her father held up his hand, she pressed her lips together.

“Are you seeing my daughter, Daniel?” Mr. Han leveled a steely gaze at him.

“Yes, sir,” he said. There would be no more lies from this point on. He felt Megan turn to stare at him.

“How long has this been going on?” His mentor’s frown smoothed out and hope stole into his expression. God. Daniel felt guilt twist in his gut.

“About two months, sir,” he answered past his dry throat.

“Two months? So is this the result of my stellar matchmaking skills?” Mr. Han’s face split into a full-blown grin as he regarded the two of them. Then his expression turned somber again. “And you are at peace with the fact that my daughter is pregnant with another man’s child?”

Daniel felt Megan stiffen beside him and he turned to meet her gaze. She must have seen the grim determination on his face because she slowly shook her head and gripped his hand. She’d worked so hard to protect him from her father’s wrath. He gave her a small smile and smoothed back a strand of hair from her eyes.

“Mr. Han—” Daniel looked at his mentor and friend “—Megan is pregnant with my child. I am the baby’s father.”

Minsung Han staggered back two steps, the shock, betrayal and hurt plain on his face. Megan scrambled down from her perch on the counter and stepped toward her father with her hand outstretched. Mr. Han drew himself up and pointed a warning finger at her.

“Stay where you are. I don’t want to hear a word out of you,” her father grit out in an uncompromising tone before he turned to Daniel. “As for you... I presume you wouldn’t have kept the baby’s parentage a secret—making a mockery out of me—if you intended to marry her.”

It wasn’t posed as a question, so Daniel said nothing. He didn’t say that he would marry his daughter in a hot second if only she would have him, but she’d made it abundantly clear that she didn’t want to marry him. Because...because she wanted to marry for love. He couldn’t...give her that. If he loved her and lost her, then everything would be tainted...even his love for his son. Something inside him began quaking.

“Appa, please listen,” Megan tried again.

“Not. A. Word,” he roared.

“Do not speak to her that way.” Daniel stepped forward, half shielding Megan from her father’s rage.

Minsung Han’s face transformed into a mask of indifference and he waved a dismissive hand toward Daniel. “You have one week to tender your resignation.”

They stood in a cocoon of shock as the sound of Mr. Han’s footsteps faded away. Then Megan took a shuddering breath as though she was waking up from a nightmare.

“Daniel, it’s going to be okay,” she said urgently. “I...I just have to tell my father that you proposed to me—that you tried to do the right thing—but I said no.”

“Then we proceeded to see each other behind his back and didn’t tell him that I was the baby’s father. We lied to him, Megan,” he reminded her gently.

“No, I could explain everything. I’ll make him listen.” Megan hugged her arms around her midriff. “I’ll make him understand.”

The only way to appease her father—and to protect Megan from his anger—was for them to get married. His stomach dropped to his feet. He had to ask her...even if she said no again. He had to try.

“Megan, marry me,” he said, wrapping his hands around her shoulders. “Marry me. Please.”

She raised stunned eyes to his and searched his face. Her voice shook when she asked, “Do you...? Do you love me?”

“Love?” Something inside him seemed to shrivel. He dropped his hands to his sides and took a step back from her. “I told you that I...I couldn’t give you the fantasy. This isn’t a fairy tale, Megan. What we have is enough. We have a child between us. We respect and enjoy each other. And I will never be unfaithful to you. I promise you that. Isn’t that enough?”

A light in her eyes seemed to flicker and die, and a voice inside him screamed. Coward. Her bottom lip trembled and she bit viciously down on it. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms—hold on tight to her. She breathed in and out of her nose until the trembling eased. She drew back her shoulders, then lifted her chin.

“No, that isn’t enough.” Quiet strength resonated from her. “I won’t marry you, Daniel, because I deserve to be loved. I deserve the fairy tale.”

He wanted to shout and rant that fairy tales end. That love was a fickle emotion that faded, leaving pain in its wake. But he said nothing as he watched her walk out of the kitchen and disappear down the hallway. Because even though he had protected himself from the destructive force of love, pain had still found him. Even though he’d known that it was inevitable that she would leave him—abandon him—he still felt himself breaking apart into pieces.

And he said to no one in particular, “But I don’t deserve to be loved.”