“We need to acknowledge some things before we proceed,” Daniel said, holding her gaze. “I want you.”

Her lips parted on a sharp indrawn breath. Then Megan nodded with wide eyes, accepting his desire or admitting her own—he wasn’t sure.

“But we can’t act on this attraction. We can’t add more lies to our deception.”

“No, we can’t,” she said in a small voice, her guilt plain on her face. “We...we could be partners. Co-parenting partners. Nothing more.”

“Agreed. We’ll be partners.”

They sat in silence for a while. When he glanced up, his eyes caught on her bottom lip, which she worried between her teeth. He swallowed and resolutely shifted his focus to her forehead.

As lovely as it was, it seemed safer than staring into her beautiful eyes, which were dangerously close to her plump, pink lips.

* * *

One Night Only by Jayci Lee is part of the Hana Trio series.