
abduction, 54

Abernathy, Ralph, 36

Academy of Change, 129

accompaniment, 141–42

Ackerman, Peter, 18n8

Adams, John, 13

Adel, Mohamed, 128–29

agape, 17n7

Aguirre, Gilberto, 61

ahimsa, 16

AKKAPKA, 67–68, 76

Al-Adly, Habib, 133

Alagamar Land Struggle, 13

Albright, Madeleine, 149

Algeria, 158–59

Ali, Ben, 123, 124–25, 131

Al Jazeera, 124

alternatives, 167–72

Al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 129n49

American Revolution, 6

American Salt March, 31

Americas Watch, 51

Ammar, Rachid, 125

Amnesty International, 51, 64, 122, 125

Anabaptists, 146–47, 171n48

Andes Mountains, 7

Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU), 104

Antonio Valdivieso Ecumenical Center, 52

April 6 Youth Movement, 128–30

Aquino, Benigno, 63, 64

Aquino, Butz, 67, 72, 73

Aquino, Cory, 25, 69, 71, 75

Arab Spring, 101, 139

Argentina, 7

Ariyaratne, A. T., 144

Asatu, 106–7

Asher, Sarah Beth, 3n2

assassination, 54, 64, 142

Attila the Hun, 5–6

Austria, 6

authority, 24, 71, 106, 173

awareness, 116

Baez, Joan, 38

Baptists, 148

Battle of Tahrir, 138

Berlin Wall, 80, 96, 100

Bhave, Vinoba, 142

Birmingham, 37–39

bitterness, 27, 31, 90

Black Panthers Convention, 14

Blacno, José, 67–68, 76

blasphemy, 25

Bouazizi, Mohamed, 123–24

Boukhars, Anour, 126n32

Boulding, Kenneth, 1

boycott, xv–xvi, 23, 29

Boynton, Amelia, 41

bravery, 17

Bridge, Edmund Pettus, 41

Britain, 15–20, 23–25

Brown, Archie, 83n3

brutality, 20, 39, 41, 44

Bryant, Gyude, 112

Bujak, Zbigniew, 89–90

Bulgaria, 11

Caligula, 4–5

Camara, Dom Helder, 13, 66

Camel Charge Battle, 138

Catholic Bishops’ Conference, 70–71

censorship, 125

Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), 128–29

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 49, 54, 57

change, 130

Chavez, Cesar, 25

Chenoweth, Erica, 139, 159, 160, 162

Chile, 7

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), 146–50, 169, 170

Christians, 137

civil disobedience, 3, 10, 19

civilians, 51, 54, 72

civil rights, 43

Civil Rights Act, 40

civil war, 64, 66, 103

Clark, James, 39–40

classless revolution, 72

Claver, Francisco, 66

Coffin, William Sloane, 36

collective ownership, 107

collectivization, 84

Colombia, 146, 147, 148

commitment, 158, 166, 167, 171

Committee for Defense of Workers (KOR), 86

common ground, 166–67

Communism, 79–82

community, 137

compromise, 24, 39, 92

Congress for Racial Equality (CORE), 35, 43

Connor, Bull, 38

conscientious objectors, 62n54

Contras, 47–48, 51, 52, 58–59, 60–61

Cooper, Etweda, 104

coordination, 173

Cordova, Ernesto, 58

corruption, 69, 122

Cortright, David, 17n7

Costa Rica, 58–59

coup d’état, 8, 81

courage, 17, 73, 92

cowardice, 16

creativity, 132

credibility, 167

Crozier, Frank Percy, 10

curfew, 136

Daley Richard J., 39, 43

David, Randolf, 76

Day, Dorothy, 25

Day of Rage, 134

Deàk, Ferenc, 6

death, 28, 158–59, 173, 177

Deats, Richard, 68, 157, 162

del Vasto, Lanza, 7

demobilization, 113

democracy, 62n54, 159–60

demonstrations, 23

Denmark, 11

dependency, 49

Desai, Narayan, 143

desegregation, 37

desperation, 109, 112

deterrence, 53–54, 60–61, 75–76, 142

Deutsch, Karl, 172

Diamond, Louise, 115

dictators, xiv, 11–12, 121–22, 131, 161–62, 167

dignity, 87, 90

disappointment, 90

disarmament, 113

discernment, x

discipline, 173, 175

dishonesty, 69

domestic violence, 116

Donovan, Nancy, 47

draft law, 62n54

Drummond, Eric, 9

Duncan, Mel, 152

Dutcher, Mary, 62n54

DuVall, Jack, 18n8

East Germany, 95–100, 162

Ebola, 119

economic justice, 77

Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), 151–52, 170

education, 122

effectiveness, 16, 45, 168, 173

Egypt, 121, 126–38

Eisenhower, Dwight, 31, 34

ElBaradei, Mohamed, 130, 134

election fraud, 71, 96–97

electric shock, 64

El Salvador, 11

emotion, 109

Enrile, Juan Ponce, 71, 75

enthusiasm, 23, 24

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 40

equality, 39, 107

Esquivel, Adolfo Pérez, 66, 159

Esther, 108

Evangelical Committee for Aid and Development (CEPAD), 52, 61

Evers, Medgar, 39

evil, 160

exhaustion, 109

extremism, 122, 126n32

Facebook, 124, 125, 127–28, 132, 134

faith, 48

Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), 71

fascism, 10

fasting, 17, 18

fear, 48, 56, 137

Fellowship of Reconciliation, 32

Finland, 11

first century, 4–5

Flores, L. P., 74

flotilla, 56–57, 58–59

forcefulness, 16

forgiveness, 114

fraudulent elections, 71, 96–97

freedom, 25, 30, 96, 167

Freedom House, 160

Freedom Riders, 35–37

Führer, Christian, 96–99

GAM (Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo), 145

Gandhi, Mahatma, xiii, 7, 15–20, 22–25, 27–28, 142, 159, 167

Gandhism, 31

Gayflor, Varah, 115

Gbowee, Leymah, 103, 104–7, 109–15, 116, 118

Général, El, 124

General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), xv, 165

generalists, 170

genocide, xiv

Germany, 8–9, 95–100

Gestapo, 10, 96

Ghana, 111

Ghonim, Wael, 121, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 138

Gibbon, Edward, 5

Gish, Art, 150

glasnot, 79–80, 92

goals, 129, 158, 165, 177


calling of, 106, 165

power of, 58

prayer to, 75–76

presence of, 29, 57

Gomez, Hector, 145

goodness, 17n7

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 79–81, 92, 99

Goss-Mayr, Hildegard, 66–67, 68–69, 70, 169–70

Goss-Mayr, Jean, 66–67, 169–70

Gramdan movement, 143

Gregory, Dick, 38

Guatemala, 11–12

guerrilla warfare, 47–62

guilt, x

Guzman, Jacobo Arbenz, 49

Hamas, 149–50

Hammerskjöld, Dag, 143

Hartsough, David Ray, 152

hatred, 16, 30

Hebron, 148–50

helplessness, 137

Himmler, Heinrich, 11

Hindus, 17, 22, 142–43

history, 3–14

Hitler, Adolf, 10, 81, 84, 162

Hoekema, David, 160

Honduras, 52

Honecker, Erich, 99

hope, 118

Hostetler, Sharon, 47, 59

human dignity, 87, 90

human nature, 160

human rights, 62n54

humiliation, 30, 90, 112, 122, 123, 132

Hungary, 6

illiteracy, 50

imperialism, 6

independence, 15–25, 81

India, 15–20, 23–25, 31, 158–59

industrialization, 84

inflation, 123

injustice, xiv, 77, 157

Institute on Nonviolent Resistance to Segregation, 31–32

Inter-Factory Strike Committee (MKS), 87–88

interfaith effort, 106

international accompaniment, 142

International Atomic Energy Agency, 130

International Commission of Jurists, 64

International Ecumenical Peace Convocation, 164

international public opinion, 172

Internet, 122, 124, 125, 127–28

interpositioning, 53–54, 58, 153

invasion, 56

Iran-Contra Affair, 60

Iraq, 148

Islamic extremism, 122, 126n32

Jackson, Jimmy Lee, 41

Jagielski, Mieczyslaw, 88

James, William, 8, 9, 175–76

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 90–91

Jesus Christ

Anabaptists on, 146–47

moral power of, 172

nonviolence of, 99, 164, 165

teaching of, 137

John Paul II (Pope), xv, 86–87, 90, 93, 163, 171

Johnson, Lyndon B., 40, 41, 42

Josephus, 4

justice, 28, 30, 58, 66, 77, 167

Just War tradition, ix, xiv, 51, 158, 164, 166–67

Kapp, Wolfgang, 9

Kaunda, Kenneth, 143–44

Kefaya, 129

Kennedy, John F., 34–35, 40

Kennedy, Robert, 34, 36, 37

Kern, Kathleen, 148

Khalil, Ashraf, 135

Khan, Badshah, 21–23

kidnapping, 55, 58–59

King, Coretta, 34–35

King, Martin Luther, Jr., xiii, 7, 25, 27–45, 167

Kohl, Helmut, 100

Krenz, Egon, 99

Kuron, Jacek, 89

Kurtz, Lester R., 3n2

Kuttab, Jonathan, 150

Lacuesta, Amado L., Jr., 73

Latvia, 81

Lavella, Romeo Jr., 74

Lawson, James, 32, 33

Lederach, John Paul, 115

Leo I (Pope), 5–6

Lewis, John, 42

Liberia, 103–19

Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), 108

Liberian Women’s Initiative (LWI), 113n43

looting, 44, 64

love, 29, 45, 173

lynching, 28

Maggay, Melba, 71

Mahfouz, Asmaa, 132

malnutrition, 49, 64

mandate, 173

Marcos, Ferdinand, 63, 65, 68, 69, 71, 74

Marcos, Imelda, 64

Marker, Dennis, 62

Marovic, Ivan, 128–29

marriages, x

Marshall, Andrew Gavin, 123n13

martial law, 63, 89

Martínez, Maximiliano, 11–12

martyrdom, 177

Marx, Karl, 160–61

Marxist-Leninists, 50–51

mass murder, xiv

Mathis, Robet, 161

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 92

media attention, 37, 45, 54–55, 61, 107, 142, 148, 154

Mennonites, 146–47

Mennonite World Conference, 164

Mercado, Monina Allarey, 75

Milosěvić, Slobodan, 101, 129

Montgomery, 28–31, 36

moral equivalent, 8

morality, 116

Morsi, Mohamed, 129n49, 139

Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), 108

Mubarak, Hosni, 126, 129, 131, 136, 137–38

murder, xiv, 69, 112

Muslim Brotherhood, 129, 134, 137, 139

Muslim Peacemaker Teams (MPT), 151

Muslims, 21, 106, 109, 111, 137, 142–43

Naidu, Sarojini, 20

naiveté, 160, 161, 177

Nash, Diane, 32

National Association for Change, 130, 134

National Association of Evangelicals, xv, 164

National Citizens’ Movement for Free Election (NAMFREL), 69

National Council of Churches, 165

National Executive Commission (KKW), 91

nationalism, 16, 18, 126n32

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 21, 24

Nejji, Houcine, 124

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 149

New People’s Army, 64

Nicaragua, 47–62

nightmares, x

Nkrumah, 31

Nobel Peace Prize, 40–41, 90, 92, 104, 118, 130, 159

non-attachment, 17n7

noncombatants, 51

nonlethal coercion, xv

nonnuclear weaponry, 169


alternatives of, 167–72

costly demands of, 175–76

definition of, xv

effectiveness of, 16, 45, 168, 173

integration of, 30

power of, 172–73

Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), 152–54

Norway, 10

nuclear weapons, xv, 161, 169

obedience, 126, 177

oppression, 157

optimism, 77

Ortega, Daniel, 60, 62n54

pacifism, ix, xvi, 8, 147, 158, 166–67

Pakistan, 12, 24

Palestinians, 149–50

Parks, Rosa, 28–29, 42

passive resistance, 16

passivity, 108

Pastora, Edén, 48, 58

Pathans, 21–22

peace, 54, 110, 167

Peace Army, 9–10

Peace Brigades International (PBI), 144–46, 169, 170

peace flotilla, 56–57, 58–59

Peace Prayers, 96, 97

peace studies, 168–69

peace treaty, 113

People Power, 71–75, 162

perestroika, 79, 92

Petronius, 4–5

Philadelphia Quakers, 13, 14

Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), 71

Philippines, 63–77, 153

phronesis, x

pluralism, 90, 91

Poland, 83–93, 162

police brutality, 20, 39, 41, 44

Police Day, 131

Politburo, 99–100

Pontius Pilate, 4

Poor People’s March, 43–44

positivity, 130

post-traumatic stress, x

poverty, 44, 49, 64, 77

power, 45, 58, 172–73

practicality, x, 132

Pranao, Leonidas, xiii

prayer, 18, 73–76, 96–99, 103–119, 170, 171–72

preparation, 168

Presbyterians, xv, 148, 165

presence, 151

pride, 44, 176

prison, 33–34, 37–38

progress, 118

propaganda, 10

proportionality, ix

publicity. See media attention

public opinion, 54–55, 58, 61, 137, 172

Puri, Lakshmi, 117

Purificacion, Eduardo, 72

purification, 17

Qasr al-Nil Bridge, 135

Quainton, Anthony, 50

Quakers, 13, 14, 148, 152

Quisling, Vidkun, 10

racism, 28–45

Rahman, Omar Abdel, 129n49

Ramos, Fidel, 71, 75

rape, 104, 112

Rape Bill (2006), 117

Reagan, Ronald, 50, 55, 60–61, 75

Red Shirts, 21–22

Reeb, James, 42

reform, 91

resentment, 16

restorative justice, 118

retaliation, 16

revenge, 21

revolution, 64–65, 67, 76–77

riots, 43, 85

risk, 167, 176–77

road gangs, 34

role-playing, 170

Roman Catholics, 86, 92, 163, 164

Rondon, Cândido, 7

Runcie, Robert, 171

Rural Solidarity, 89

Russia, 162

Said, Khaled, 126–28

salmeya, 135

Salt Campaign, 19–20, 23–25

salvaging, 64

Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN), 50

Sandinistas, 50n15, 58

sanity, 176

Sarvodaya, 144

satyagraha, 16, 25

secret police, 96

segregation, 28

self-immolation, 123–24

self-sacrifice, 17, 173, 175

Selma, 40–42

Serbia, 101

Servants of God, 21

sex strike, 107

sexual violence, 104, 116, 137

shalom, 147, 177

shame, x

Shanti Sena, 142–43

Sharp, Gene, xiii–xvi, 7, 101, 108, 168

Shuttlesworth, Fred, 33

Sider, Ronald J., 141

Sikh, 22

Silent Stand, 127–28

Sin, Jaime Lachica, 70–71, 72, 74

sinfulness, 160

Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 116, 117–18

sit-in, 4, 32, 33, 37

Snyder, Arnold, 54, 56, 57

social justice, 116

social welfare, 8

Solidarity, 80, 83–93, 159

Solidarity Provisional Council (TRS), 91

solitary confinement, 37, 65

Somoza, Anastasio García, 48–50

South Africa, 16

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 30–33

South Sudan, 153

Soviet Communism, 79–82

Sri Lanka, 144

staff, 153

Stalin, Joseph, 81

Stasi, 96, 97, 98

Stephan, Maria, 139, 159, 160, 162

strike, xvi, 4, 84–85, 107

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 40, 43

study centers, 169

submission, 108

Subtavia, 57

success, 158

suffering, 17, 90, 173

suicide, x, 124

swaraj, 17–18

Swartzendruber, Loren, 119

Tagalog, 67

Tahrir Square, 133–38

Taliban, 21

Taylor, Charles, 103–4, 106–13

Taylor, Richard, 13

Taylor, Stuart, 57

tear gas, 73, 132–33, 134, 135, 150

television, 41–42, 45, 59, 61, 124

Temporary Coordinating Committee (TKK), 90

terminology, xv

terrorism, 69

testimony, 177

Thurman, Howard, 27

Tiananmen Square, 80, 98

Tillich, Paul, 28

Tolstoy, Leo, 16

torture, 54, 64, 112

training, 168, 173

training centers, 169–70

trespassing, 33

Triennial Conference of War Resisters International, 143

truth, 16

Tubman, Winston, 117

Tunisia, 121, 122–25, 131, 139

Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT), 124

Twitter, 125, 131, 132, 134

Ubico, Jorge, 12

unarmed civilian peacekeeping (UCP), 152

unemployment, 121, 123, 126

unions, 87, 124

United Nations, 143, 146, 153–54

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 104, 114

United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), 113–14

United Nations Security Council, 56, 151

untouchables, 18, 24

Vance, Cyrus, 49

Vatican II, 163

Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, xv, 164

Victores, Óscar, 145

Vietnam War, 43

vigilantes, 28, 32, 35, 41

volunteers, 146, 153, 170

Voter Education Project, 37

voter fraud, 71, 96–97

voter registration, 31, 40–43, 115

Walesa, Lech, 7, 25, 83, 84–85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92

Wallace, George, 42

Walzer, Michael, 161

war, 8, 77, 158, 175

Warsaw Uprising, 84

water cannon, 134, 135, 137

water torture, 64

weakness, 58

wealth, 49, 64

We Are All Khaled Said, 129–30, 138

Weigel, George, 92

West, Johnny, 127n40

West Germany, 95–96, 100

Wilhelm II, 9

Witness for Peace (WFP), 47–48, 52–62, 170

Wojtyla, Karol Józef. See John Paul II (Pope)

Women in Peacebuilding Network (WIPNET), 104–5, 112, 114

Wood, E. F. L. (Lord Irwin), 19

World Council of Churches (WCC), xv, 150, 151, 165, 170–71

World Health Organization, 104

World Peace Brigade, 143

World War II, 84, 95

Wounded Knee (1973), 13

Wright, Ann, 152

Wyszynski, Stefan, 86

Yeltsin, Boris, 81

Yoder, John Howard, ix

Youth of the Muslim Brotherhood, 129

Zambia, 143–44

Zedong, Mao, 172

Zunes, Stephen, 3n2