— in which —
a proud papa,
having read “Porphyria’s Lover” six times
having seen “Rosemary’s Baby” seven times,
is pleased to report
the success of his experiment.
“Where did we go wrong?” the woman cries.
How like my wife to trust the poor clichés
Of Dr. Freud. Do you read Dr. Spock
Or Dr. Cagliostro? Dr. Seuss
Or Dr. Nostradamus? The good wife
Was always half-agreeing with those slobs
Who told us “what an imp” our daughter was—
As if an Imp is cute! I realized
Our restive girl was right to run away
(Or fly away?) from our suburban block,
Where school and church conspired to seduce
My changeling child to duller paths of life.
“Lord knows where she is these days,” she sobs,
While I smile—for I’m not so sure He does!
The “mischief” that they caught her at, of course,
Was nothing to the misdemeanors done
As soon as that fat cop had brought her home.
(That very night the station-house burned down!)
He should have let her study without fear
Of interruption by the law. And she did worse
Than that to those who crossed her, like the one
Who made such vicious fun of my last poem.
(He disappeared the night she left town.)
A bed is always waiting for her here.
“She was such a good girl,” neighbors sigh.
Forgive them, Nick, they know not that they lie.
But let those who know better call her bad—
Even a witch has someone she calls Dad.