
I started on a path I couldn’t have known existed in quite this way until one day I went down it and met all the people along it.

To my many patients, who were not just that, but were amazing, complex, and insightful individuals, it has been a privilege working alongside you toward your dreams of growing your families. You have influenced me greatly and given me the fulfillment and knowledge to contribute back in this way.

To my lovely partner, even though you had couvade during my pregnancy—maybe especially because you had couvade—your camaraderie, humor, and love hold me so deeply throughout any process.

To my daughter, who emerged during the writing of this book and unknowingly helped me with so many edits. You are the joy that everyone has talked about for all of these years. It is such an honor to be your mother.

To my dear friend and first editor, Joslyn Hamilton of Outside Eye Consulting, you guided me from gallivanting on a typewriter to writing an actual book. You organized my thoughts (and my cupboards). Going through this manuscript and our pregnancies together has been the most enriching editorial experience one could ask for.

To my team at North Atlantic Books, thank you for believing in this book and pursuing it with integrity, collaboration, and verve. It is a dream come true.

For everyone along the way, I thank you so much.