A door slides open. Fellidrone enters, the door sliding shut.
Those things weigh a ton, don’t they?
Fellidrone pulls a blaster on her.
Who’s there?
Ventress slinks into the room.
Don’t be coy, Portmaster. You know who I am.
Careful, Asajj. We can’t trust him.
How did you get in?
You need a new window, but thanks for not asking why I’m here. We’re both busy people. It’s better we cut to the chase. You hired Glute to abduct Jenza. I just need to know where she is.
Not why I did it?
I don’t care either way. Just tell me where she is, and I can kill you and move on.
How did you know it was me?
Your rocket pack. What is that? A Zim-500?
Impressive. Especially on a portmaster’s salary. Runs on what? Refined paralene? Such a distinctive smell.
(REALIZING) The village on Rattatak.
And to think I mistook it for aftershave. But it all came flooding back when I saw the Zim-Jumper.
So what happens next? You threaten me? I shoot?
No need. You’re going to drop the blaster.
The blaster clatters to the floor.
Good boy.
The mind of the weak. So easy to manipulate.
Now you’re going to show me where you’re hiding Jenza.
(DREAMLIKE) Behind a fake wall.
Through here?
She hurries through to the next room.
Tell me how to open it.
A secret switch, behind the picture.
Where is that? Glee Anselm? I must go there one day.
She moves the picture aside to reveal a control panel.
And that’s more like it. See? That wasn’t so difficult, was it? Perhaps I won’t kill you after—
She presses a switch and electricity surges through her body.
Ventress! Look out!
The electricity cuts off and she collapses to the floor.
I appreciate the sentiment, but it was never in the cards in the first place. (HE CROUCHES DOWN, CHECKS HER NECK) No pulse. I’m almost disappointed.
Fellidrone activates a comlink.
This is XD-Forty-Five. I need immediate extraction. Dooku sent an enforcer to recover the package.
He enters a code into the control panel.
No. She’s liquidated.
The wall slides back to reveal a secret compartment.
Copy that. I’ll prepare the package for transportation. Forty-Five out.
He cuts off the transmission and walks toward the bound woman he had hidden in the compartment. This is Jenza.
(WEAKLY) Please. No more. I’ve told you…I don’t know anything.
And I believe you, Jenza, but my superiors have gotten it into their heads that you’re going to be a valuable bargaining tool or something. It’s out of my hands.
A drawer opens and he removes an injector.
What is that?
The injector? Oh, don’t worry. We’re going on a journey. This is just a little something to make the time pass quick—
A lightsaber suddenly bursts through his chest.
You’re going nowhere.
The lightsaber extinguishes.
He slumps to the floor, dead.
You killed him.
Looks that way.
Jenza, I presume.
You can see the resemblance to her brother.
Dooku sent us…sent me.
Are you Jedi?
Not exactly.
She tries to release the binders around Jenza’s wrists.
We need to get you out of these restraints. What did that man do to you?
He…tortured me. Wanted me to tell him everything I knew.
About your brother?
I don’t even know who he was.
Republic Intelligence, if this equipment is anything to go by. It would explain how he could resist mind control.
Mind control?
You knew he was faking…
I heard a scream.
That would have been me. I spotted Fellidrone’s booby trap the moment I broke in. Needed him to think I was out of the picture.
So he would open the compartment himself. You could have been killed.
Didn’t it hurt?
I’ve survived worse.
She rattles the binders.
It’s no good. They’re stuck fast. I’m going to have to burn them off.
She ignites one of her lightsabers.
He’s in trouble, isn’t he?
He’s collecting enemies, that’s for sure.
You need to help him.
I’m trying to help you. Keep still.
I don’t care about me. You have to help him…like he helped me…
We hear the lightsaber burning through metal.
I said keep still! One false move and you’ll lose a hand.
I couldn’t get through to him.
On Coruscant. He’d done what he said he would. Joined the Council, thrown himself into the business of the Temple.
A restraint tumbles to the floor.
One down.
I tried everywhere. His holocomm. The Temple. Even the Senate. I’d seen him on the newsnet, addressing the senators. He was magnificent…
Dooku—now in his sixties—is standing on one of the Senate platforms, his voice booming around the chamber.
Senators, on behalf of the Jedi I would urge you to reconsider cuts to the trade route defense program. Not only do the routes guarantee the supply of equipment and resources to the Galactic Core, they also provide an essential lifeline to thousands of worlds on the very edge of the Republic. Time and time again, the Jedi are called upon to protect those using these routes, especially in the Outer Rim. The Hydian Way. The Corellian Run. The list goes on and on. While we gladly serve the Republic, our numbers are few compared with the very real threats that endanger starfarers the galaxy over.
Only a fully funded Republic Guard can provide the security our citizens deserve.
There is applause from around the Senate, but also much jeering.
With all due respect, our honorable friend oversteps the mark. The Jedi Council claims to be a servant of the Republic, and yet here they are attempting to influence senatorial policy. Master Dooku has no business petitioning the Senate on such matters.
As the senator for Salliche is aware, I speak on behalf of not just the Jedi, but also the billions in need of protection. Indeed, as I’m sure you’ll all remember, it wasn’t that long ago that Senator Bulgeski called for the Guard to intervene when Salliche was being ravaged by Norkronian raiders. Is he really suggesting that citizens in the Outer Rim shouldn’t receive the same security enjoyed by his own planet?
Salliche is the breadbasket of the Core Worlds. If we fell, how would planets such as Coruscant survive?
There are plenty of agricultural worlds in the Outer Rim who could supply crops. Perhaps Salliche is afraid of the competition?
That is a scandalous accusation. Chancellor Kalpana, must I remind you, once again, that Master Dooku stands here not as a member of the Senate, but as an independent adviser.
And my advice is that every planet in the Republic receive the same level of security, no matter how far they are from galactic central.
Master Dooku, the Senate thanks you for your contribution to this debate. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that the Republic is growing at an unprecedented rate, fueled largely by the ambitions of the Trade Federation. Unless the viceroy agrees to help fund the Guard…
The Trade Federation already pays more than enough in taxes!
…we simply do not have the budget to offer blanket protection to every system.
The Jedi are fond of telling us that the Force is with us, but sadly the Force doesn’t repair ships or build new droids. The Force doesn’t fund training centers or pay medical bills.
The vote has been taken and I for one intend to honor the will of the people.
Rapturous applause.
Atmosphere: Senators milling around. General bustle.
(TO HIMSELF) For the Force is strong. For the Force is strong. For the Force is—
Hello? It that the future chancellor I see?
Rael approaches.
Rael approaches.
In the flesh.
What are you doing back here? I thought you were on Pijal.
I’m representing the princess at a meeting of delegates this afternoon.
Then I hope you fare better than I did.
Don’t be hard on yourself. Ya spoke well. You’re a natural.
Not if they won’t listen.
At least ya tried. (SPOTS SOMEONE) Actually, there’s someone that wants to meet you.
Now isn’t the time. I must return to the Temple.
It’ll only take a minute. (CALLING OVER) Senator.
Palpatine walks over.
Master Averross. How pleasant to see you again. I trust your secondment to Pijal is going well.
It is, thanks to your advice, Senator.
I’m glad to hear it.
Master Dooku, may I introduce Senator Palpatine of Naboo.
It is a pleasure to meet you, Senator.
I fear that may not be the case, Master Jedi, especially after the chancellor’s remarks. Skor Kalpana is a good man, but he lacks backbone, which is probably why he was voted in.
I hope your experience here today will not discourage you. The Jedi need a voice in the Senate. For all its faults, I’ve always found that it’s better to operate within government, rather than outside. This is where you can make a real difference.
I’m not sure my fellow Council members would agree, but I thank you for your support.
I only wish I’d been able to influence the vote. Well, if you would excuse me. A senator’s work is never done. I hope we will speak again, Master Dooku.
As do I, Senator. As do I.
And we must see about getting you back to Naboo, Rael. Queen Ekay has been asking after you.
It would be an honor to see her again. Please give her my fondest regards.
(WALKING AWAY) I will. I promise. Until next time, then.
I didn’t realize you were so well-connected.
Oh, Sheev isn’t that influential, more’s the pity. He’s helped me a lot over the last few years.
So I heard. I would be interested in hearing more about Pijal.
You could come with me.
A tempting offer.
Then why don’t you take it? I’m worried about you, Dooku. I’ve never seen you so tense. Ever since Qui-Gon flew the coop, you’ve had a face like a constipated happabore.
What a captivating image.
I mean it. I’m not sure Temple life is good for you, especially now Qui-Gon’s makin’ a name for himself.
And so he should. He’s a fine Jedi.
Are you surprised? Just look at his teacher. But something needs to change. At the very least get yourself a new convor, or maybe even another Padawan.
And leave the Council? What would they do without me?
Find someone else to argue with?
But what of you? After the Advent—
(QUICKLY) I’m fine.
You should have come to see me.
You were too busy.
Never for you.
Master, I know what ya did. How you spoke on my behalf.
The Council vindicated you. For good reason. Your Padawan…
Lives forever in the Force.
We could raise a glass in her memory. I have a bottle of Soulean brandy I’ve been meaning to open for quite some time.
Now I’m the one being tempted, but I need to head back as soon as today’s business is concluded. There is someone who might appreciate the invitation, though.
I saw the Truthseeker in the shuttle bay. Lene must be back.
And Sifo-Dyas, too.
Yes, I…I was aware they’d returned.
And have ya talked to them?
Not yet.
But ya will…
A droid approaches, its servos whirring.
Excuse me. Master Dooku?
Someone is asking for you on the Avenue of the Core Founders.
Asking for me?
What did I tell ya? Your fame’s spreading. Just remember. Talk to Lene. It’ll do ya good.
Atmosphere: A warm pleasant day on the avenue, birds singing as members of the public wander past the statues.
Dooku approaches a familiar droid.
Ah. You remember me, Master Dooku. That should make this easier.
Make what easier?
I have been sent to deliver a message.
D-4 activates a hologram.
Brother. I see Dee-Four has found you.
Jenza? Are you…are you well?
I have been trying to contact you.
I’m sorry…Council business has kept me—
Please. Don’t make excuses. I know you don’t wish to speak to me. (THE MESSAGE GLITCHES SLIGHTLY) I just didn’t know where else to turn.
What has happened?
Serenno has been invaded.
By the Abyssin.
I find that hard to believe. The Abyssin are…
Little more than thugs. Yes, that is what the Senate said. (IT GLITCHES AGAIN)…didn’t stop them taking Carannia.
But surely Father—
Father (GLITCH) dead. Ramil has (GLITCH)
(GLITCH) Need your help. The Republic says (GLITCH) internal affair (GLITCH) beyond (GLITCH) jurisdiction.
What’s happening? Can you boost the signal?
I am trying, Master Dooku. The Abyssin are blocking signals to and from the planet. I was smuggled out on a Vandyne freighter.
And the Senate has refused to help?
From what little I know, they insist that as Count Ramil has failed to pay this season’s levy, Serenno is on its own.
Count Ramil. (SHAKES HEAD) Will you come to the Jedi Temple with me? Tell the Council what you know?
Will that help, sir?
I sincerely hope so.
I am sorry, Master Dooku, but the Council’s hands are tied.
Droom, listen to me. You heard what Dee-Four said. Serenno has been invaded.
What we heard is that a few space vagrants have set up camp on your homeworld.
A few? There are hundreds. Thousands.
We sympathize, Dee-Four, but must concur with the Senate’s ruling. From what we have learned, the Count of Serenno has refused to honor his fiscal responsibilities.
Fiscal responsibilities? Aerith, we are Jedi, not accountants. If Serenno needs us…
Serenno believes they need no one. They have withdrawn their senator, recalled ambassadors. And now, at the first sign of trouble, they call for help. They can’t have it both ways.
But as Jedi, is it not our duty…
To what, Master Dooku? To rush in, lightsabers blazing? Dooku, remind me. Where were you this afternoon?
At the Senate.
Telling all who would listen that the Jedi couldn’t police the Outer Rim.
A speech, if you recall, the Council strongly advised you not to make.
And yet here you are, a few hours later, suggesting we mount an assault on Abyssin raiders. How would you explain that to the senators? To the chancellor?
The Serennians have asked for our help.
No. They have asked you.
Once again, you are allowing your fixation on your birthplace to cloud your judgment.
My fixation?
The Senate has made their decision and we must abide with it.
Well, this is most disappointing.
Yes. Yes, it is. Master Yoda. I notice you have remained uncharacteristically quiet.
Speak only when they have something useful to say, a Jedi should.
So you agree with the others?
Nothing can we do, except intercede on your sister’s behalf. Talk to the chancellor, I will.
Washing our hands of the matter in the process.
The Council has made its decision.
Have we?
You must respect our wishes, and the wishes of the Senate.
It appears I have little choice.
He walks to the door.
Where are you going?
To accompany Dee-Four to her transport. Unless I need the Council’s permission to visit the shuttle bay.
Master Dooku…
I didn’t think so.
D-4 totters after Dooku.
But Master Dooku. I have no transport. The Vandyne will be long gone by now.
I have made alternative arrangements.
It’s about time.
Thank you for doing this, Braylon.
I take it from your expression that the vote went against you.
It did.
Then I’m afraid I can’t take the droid to Serenno.
But you said…
Dooku, I can’t afford to go against the Council. Not after so many years spent clawing myself back into their favor.
(NOT HAPPY) I understand.
But you don’t like it.
Can you blame me?
Excuse me. I’m not sure I understand. What is happening?
We’ve reached the end of the road, Dee-Four.
Now, I didn’t say that, did I?
I’m sorry?
While I cannot get involved, I have a friend who doesn’t give a damn what the Council thinks of her.
Footsteps approach.
Hello, Dooku.
Lene. Sifo-Dyas.
When he speaks, we realize that Sifo-Dyas has developed a slight stutter.
Your shuttle awaits.
I…I don’t know what to say.
You could say thank you. Now, or after we arrive in the Outer Rim. It’s up to you.
You’re coming with us?
Master Dooku has decided to meditate on the Council’s ruling.
All the way to Serenno.
Now go, before the Council realizes what’s happened.
They’re going to be furious.
I sincerely hope so.
The Truthseeker flies by.
So how bad is it?
Let me show you.
A hologram shimmers on.
We can expect resistance the moment we enter the Serenno system.
When did the Abyssin obtain an armada?
When the Great Houses funded them.
I’m sorry?
From what Dee-Four has told me, Serenno was being raided by pirates. My brother refused to offer protection, holing up in our ancestral seat.
And so the houses called in mercenaries.
For better or worse, Ramil has continued our father’s work, dismantling the Serenno military, replacing it with security droids loyal only to him. The other houses didn’t have a choice. The Abyssin took their money and decided to stay, claiming the planet as a new base of operations along the Hydian Way.
He deactivates the hologram.
As communications are being blocked both on- and offplanet, I have adapted our comlinks to operate on a shortwave frequency that should circumvent the jamming signal.
He passes Lene a comlink.
When did you become so good with technology?
(WITH GOOD HUMOR) Didn’t you know? I’m good at everything. Dee-Four, will you take this communicator to Sifo-Dyas in the cockpit?
(SIGHING) If I must.
D-4 totters off.
That droid reminds me of someone. I can’t think who.
Dooku, it’s okay. We’re good. I know exactly why you distanced yourself. Sifo-Dyas didn’t exactly make it easy.
How is he?
Honestly? He’s barely holding together. The visions have gotten worse. Some days he’s lucid, others I find him curled up in a ball in his quarters. Nothing I do seems to help.
A chime of a comm.
We’re coming out of hyperspace, Master.
The ship is suddenly buffeted, rocked by laserfire.
We’re under attack. Multiple orb-wings.
The Abyssin!
Atmosphere: We cut into the middle of a space battle. The Truthseeker is under attack by a squadron of orb fighters. Fire blossoms along its hull.
Explosions rattle the entire ship as Dooku and Lene run into the cockpit.
You take navigation. I’ll take the guns.
They rush to their stations as the ship takes another hit.
(PANICKED) This is hopeless.
Calm yourself, droid.
That’s easy for you to say. I’m getting too old for this.
You and me both.
Another hit. More sparks.
(GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION) Any chance of you holding us steady?
Maneuvering thrusters are gone. The power core is at twenty-nine percent.
I take it that means no.
Dooku lets off a volley of laser bursts. There’s an explosion outside.
You got one. Oh, well done, sir.
Unfortunately, there are still a dozen more.
Thank you for the encouragement.
There’s an explosion from behind. A warning klaxon sounds.
What was that?
The shields are down.
Any good news?
We still have propulsion.
There’s another strike. The ship is really shuddering now.
Propulsion has gone.
What does that mean?
It means we’re dead in the water.
Can’t you do something?
We can eject.
That’s not quite what I had in mind.
As soon as we enter the atmosphere. Are you ready?
No. No, I am not.
Ventress’s lightsaber thrums.
Jenza, please. You need to remain still.
I don’t want to think what Dooku will do to you if you hurt her.
The thought has occurred to me. Jenza. I won’t tell you again.
You need to listen to me.
Do I have a choice?
I knew he wouldn’t let me down. Not when we needed him most…
(SARCASTIC) Yes, he’s a real hero.
He is. At least, he was. (LAUGHS TO HERSELF) I should have known his return to Serenno would be suitably explosive…
Atmosphere: Wind blowing over open plains.
Lady Jenza? There’s activity in the upper atmosphere.
Let me see.
The sergeant passes her the macrobinoculars.
Looks like a ship coming down.
The whir of macrobinoculars zooming in.
And not just any ship.
The markings, Eson. They’re Jedi. Where will it land?
On that trajectory? Somewhere on the Delgaldon Plains.
Jenza is already running.
(CALLING BACK) Then I need a landspeeder.
(CALLING AFTER HER) My lady, come back. If you’re spotted by the Abyssin—
(CALLING BACK) It’s him, Sergeant. I know it is.
The shuttle wails as it dives down, everyone’s dialogue pitching up to be heard over the noise.
I thought you said we should eject.
The mechanism’s jammed!
That’s bad, isn’t it?
Unless you enjoy crashing, yes.
No, I do not. Not in the slightest.
There’s something else we can do.
We’re listening.
Jettison the cockpit.
The entire cockpit?
We could guide it down. Cushion our fall.
And by that you mean…?
We use the Force.
That’s insane.
The worst plan I have ever heard.
Most probably.
I’m in.
We’ll have to release the clamps manually.
Have you done this before?
No. On three. One.
Oh, why didn’t I stick with Ramil!
There comes a series of resounding clunks, and the cockpit detaches from the shuttle.
A landspeeder zips across the terrain.
We move into the back of it.
Can you still see them?
It’s breaking up. They’ll never survive.
There’s a crash nearby.
He will. Hang on.
She swings the speeder around.
Atmosphere: Burning wreckage. Sparking electrics.
(SHORTING OUT) Master Dooku…Master Dooku.
Dooku pushes twisted metal off himself.
(WITH EFFORT) I’m here.
My vision…is impaired. Are we home?
Yes. Yes, we are.
(AS IF WINDING DOWN) Oh, I am glad. I hated being…away…
I loved that shuttle. It always got down in one piece.
Sifo-Dyas stumbles up.
Until now.
Sifo-Dyas. You’re hurt.
It’s nothing. How’s the droid?
She didn’t make it.
A landspeeder approaches.
What’s that?
Dooku ignites his lightsaber.
A landspeeder.
More Abyssin?
Lene also ignites her lightsaber.
Let’s hope not.
The speeder slows to a halt.
Before Eson could stop me, I bounded from the speeder, flinging myself into Dooku’s arms. He hesitated for a second, unsure what to do, before returning the hug.
You came. You actually came.
I should never have stayed away.
Jenza pulls away.
Where’s the rest?
The rest of what?
The fleet. The Jedi are sending reinforcements, aren’t they?
You’re looking at them.
Jenza, may I introduce Lene Kostana and Sifo-Dyas.
That’s all there are? Three of you?
And you are?
Sergeant Eson of Borgin House Guard.
Then I ask the same of you—where are your troops, Sergeant?
I’m all that’s left.
That’s not entirely true. We have a number of veterans back at camp.
Most of whom can barely stand. We were expecting an army.
And you’ve got one. More or less.
Eson looked as if he was about to argue, when the ground shook beneath us.
The ground shifts beneath them.
Lady Jenza!
I’m fine. Really.
You’re still getting groundquakes?
No. Not for years.
The ground shakes again, splitting asunder nearby.
It’s getting worse.
I’m so glad you brought us back.
We should check on the camp.
Is it nearby?
On the side of the mountain.
If the mountain’s still standing!
Eson’s fears were confirmed as we reached camp. A rockslide had demolished half the tents, scattering supplies across the mountainside. The wounded were everywhere…
There is general chaos as the speeder sweeps in, children crying, the wounded groaning.
We must help the survivors.
I can’t believe you’re living like this.
It was this or the castle. I chose our people.
We leapt from the speeder, Dooku and the others fanning out to help the wounded.
I need a bandage!
Here, use this.
Lene moved to stop him as he began to unwind a length of cloth from around his arm.
Dooku, do you think that’s wise?
Her need is greater than mine.
He continues.
Will this help?
Yes, thank you. Can you hold it in place, while I wrap it?
They go to work, Hagi winding Dooku’s bandage around her patient’s head.
Remain calm.
Nice bedside manner. I take it you haven’t performed much field medicine.
And you have, Countess…?
Hagi, of House Malvern. Or what’s left of it. You’re Jenza’s brother. The Jedi.
I am.
I can see your father in you.
I trust you won’t hold that against me.
Not if you can help us. Press there.
You’ve certainly done this before.
My family has mined Serenno for centuries. I’ve witnessed enough accidents over the years. (TO THE PATIENT) There. Try to rest.
The ground rumbles again.
Easier said than done.
Must be an aftershock.
The quake passes.
Jenza and Lene run up.
Everything okay over here?
Does it look like it?
Hagi. Please. They’re only trying to help.
I had no idea it was this bad.
No one on Coruscant does. Here. Let me show you.
I took him to the lookout, so he could see Carannia. The city was…(SHE COUGHS)
It was…
She descends into a coughing fit.
We need to get her out of that restraint. She’s not well.
Thank you, Doctor.
Ventress burns through the last restraint. It clatters to the floor.
Jenza slumps forward.
Catch her.
Ventress’s lightsaber snaps off as she catches Jenza.
Careful. I’ve got you.
An alert bleeps.
What’s that?
Jenza. I need to check Fellidrone’s security feeds. Can you sit here?
(WEAK) Yes.
This won’t take long.
She moves to the console, working the controls.
Fellidrone’s handlers. They’re on their way.
She’s in no state to be moved.
Ventress reaches for her holocomm.
I’m so glad you’re here.
(CONFUSED) I’m sorry.
Just talking to myself.
She activates the holocomm, the unit beeping as a hologram shimmers into view.
You have news?
I’ve found your sister, but we’re about to have company.
And I can’t risk moving her, not on my own.
I will send assistance.
The holocomm disconnects.
As chatty as ever.
You can’t trust him.
(HISSING) Not now.
She moves to Jenza.
Jenza. Jenza, listen to me. Your brother is sending help.
My brother. Yes. I showed him.
We just need to sit tight. And be quiet.
I showed him Carannia…
Atmosphere: Carannia burns in the distance.
Look at it. Look at the devastation. And yet the Senate does nothing.
That’s a lot of Abyssin.
Enough to hold the city.
And that’s where they’re blocking transmissions?
The comm tower, yes.
Then that’s what we’ll hit first.
I’ll rally as many fighters as I can.
We won’t need any. Not yet. Sifo-Dyas, how well do you remember your levitation training?
What are you thinking?
Shifting Sands.
(LAUGHS) The Abyssin scouts never saw him coming…
What are you looking at?
There’s something in the hills.
Pass me the uniscope.
The whir of a uniscope.
You’re imagining things. There’s nothing there.
A wind starts to whip up.
Like I’m imagining all this wind?
Dirt and sand is blown up all around.
(COUGHING) Must be a dust storm.
Where did it come from?
The storm intensifies.
(CRIES OUT) It’s in my eye.
I can’t see anything. Oster. Oster, where are you?
A lightsaber strikes in the middle of the storm.
Oster! Oster, what was that? What happened?
Let me show you.
He spears the Abyssin with a lightsaber.
The Abyssin slumps to the ground.
(CALLING OUT) That’s enough, Sifo-Dyas.
The Force-induced storm subsides.
(APPROACHING) Did I pass the test?
He extinguishes his lightsaber.
Sifo-Dyas raps on the side of a tank.
This tank has seen better days.
It will serve our purpose.
He pulls open a heavy door.
(DISGUSTED) Surely there has to be another way. That stench.
You won’t be in it long.
I’d rather I wasn’t in it at all. Why do I have to pilot this thing?
We agreed on the plan.
You told me the plan. There’s a difference. Well, if I must…
Sifo-Dyas clambers into the tank.
I’m warning you, though…if I die in here…
You can come back to haunt me…
What is it, Commander?
The sentry tank. It’s returning.
No idea. They’re not answering comms.
The general opens a comm frequency.
Sentry tank. Report. Why have you abandoned your post? Repeat. Why have you abandoned your post?
The tank fires.
They’re firing on us, sir.
I noticed! All troops. Return fire. Now.
Multiple blasters fire.
Blaster bolts bounce off the tank’s hull.
Dooku. I’m still not convinced this is a good idea. When will I know when you’ve set the charges?
There is an explosion nearby.
Actually, scratch that. I’ve worked it out for myself.
Your distraction worked, Sifo. The jammer is down. Transmissions can get through.
So I can pull back?
No. Keep going. Draw their fire.
The sound of the tank taking yet another hit comes over the comm.
What do you think I’m doing?
He won’t last much longer in that monstrosity.
He doesn’t have to. We just need to keep them busy.
You were saying?
What are you doing here?
The Abyssin fires at them.
Typical Abyssin.
He blocks the shots before slicing the Abyssin in two.
Didn’t even give me a chance to answer.
Dooku? Are you still there?
A beep of Dooku’s comlink.
I’m here.
The tank is coming apart.
Jam it onto a collision course and bail out.
A groundquake hits.
Another quake.
Lene? Dooku?
The ground opens up beneath them.
We hear them tumble into a cave, hitting the ground, hard. When they speak, their voices echo in the cavern.
Landed on my shoulder.
It’s broken.
(CRIES OUT AS SHE MOVES) Of all the stupid…Can’t even hold a lightsaber.
You have another arm, don’t you?
Oh, you’re all heart. (WITH EFFORT AS SHE GETS UP) Climbing out is going to be interesting.
Dooku clicks his comlink.
Sifo? Can you hear us? We’ve fallen into some kind of cavern.
The rock must be interfering with the signal.
I could use the Force. Lift you back to the surface.
And what about you?
I can climb.
There’s another, smaller groundquake, more rocks falling.
If we’re not buried first.
The Tirra’Taka growls nearby.
What was that?
The monster is in the next cavern. We hear it move, its growl getting louder by the second.
It’s not possible.
What isn’t?
Lene, when we first met, you asked me what I’d seen in the Archive…
Yes. Yes, I did.
I think you’re about to find out.
The Tirra’Taka bursts through the cave wall, roaring fiercely.
And I thought rancors were big. That’s what you saw?
(IN AWE) The Tirra’Taka.
You know its name?
An old Serennian legend. The dragon that holds the world together.
It hasn’t been doing a good job of that recently.
The statue didn’t do you credit.
Another roar.
No. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
You’re sure about that? Dooku. You can feel it, can’t you? The dark side.
We need to make contact with her.
Contact? You want to bond with it?
As you taught me all those years ago. One mind. Two bodies.
The creature calms, her growl echoing around the chamber.
I don’t think this is a good idea. We’ve got an invasion on our hands up there, remember?
You’ve always wanted to understand the past, Lene. This is the past. She’s been down here so long. Hidden in the rock.
How do you know?
She’s showing me. Here. Touch her scales. See for yourself.
The Force will protect you.
I…I hope I don’t regret this.
She steps forward, touching the monster’s flank.
There. Do you see?
Yes! An army on the march.
As they describe their vision, we hear the sounds of the creature’s memories, echoing from the past.
Armor as black as night. Dripping with blood.
The sounds of a battle, screams, lightsabers slicing through bodies. So many lightsabers.
Death on such a scale.
They used her.
Dark siders.
A beast of war.
The bellow of the Tirra’Taka in the past.
But it wasn’t always that way. They hunted her. Captured her.
Laser blasts. The Tirra’Taka howling in agony.
Corrupting her…into something new.
Something malevolent.
She gasps, stepping back, breaking the link.
We should stop. The connection is too strong.
No. Riding into battle. Riding through the stars.
Dooku. Break away.
I can’t. The things they made her do. Until…until. (CRIES OUT)
What is it?
They fought back. The people. Against her masters. Against her.
More roars. More battle.
For Serenno!
In the past, the Tirra’Taka bays in fear.
She broke free.
The sound of the Tirra’Taka burrowing down into the planet.
Buried deep within the planet’s crust.
Dooku, please.
She goes to grab him.
Don’t touch me.
This has gone too far.
No. You don’t understand. This is because of me.
In the soundscape, we hear the following exchange from Dooku’s childhood.
Dooku, what are you doing? Don’t—don’t touch it, okay? It’s supposed to be bad luck.
She was asleep. All that time. Beneath the surface. She was at peace.
So beautiful.
So beautiful.
(WHISPER) Tirra’Taka…
And then I came home.
It was me. I woke her. She felt the Force within me. (TO THE BEAST) I’m so sorry. You just wanted to be left alone.
The dragon growl is almost like a purr, but then…
There’s an explosion high above. Rocks tumble down. The Tirra’Taka bays in fear.
I don’t think it’s going to get its wish.
The Abyssin.
Dooku’s comlink crackles.
The Tirra’Taka growls.
No, no. It’s all right. It’s just my comlink. Do you see? It’s a friend.
There’s a beep as he activates it.
(LOTS OF INTERFERENCE) Whe…[re are] you? We took the fight to the Abyssin…They’re…retreating, but re…[inforcements…]
Static takes over.
Sifo? Sifo? Can you hear me?
Nothing but static.
We need to get back up there.
The Tirra’Taka roars, not happy about this.
You can’t even lift a lightsaber.
We’ve got to do something.
And I will. But I need you to stay here…
I don’t need a lightsaber to fight.
Not to fight. To help her.
The Tirra’Taka?
Keep her calm. Please. She’s suffered so much.
Another roar.
And what if she won’t listen?
She will, Lene. She’ll trust you, as I do.
When you put it like that…
I’ll be back. I promise.
Atmosphere: A battle is in progress, blasters firing. Sifo-Dyas’s lightsaber slices left and right, the violence continuing through the sequence.
On the surface, transmissions started coming in the moment communications lines opened. Remnants of the other houses. Serennians all over the planet. They were fighting back. And so were we.
We’ve got them on the run.
(FIGHTING WITH LIGHTSABER) I admire your spirit, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s a long way to go.
(SHOOTING BLASTER) Any news from Dooku?
No. I can’t get through. I don’t know what happened to—(CRIES OUT)
What’s happening to him?
I can hear them.
Hear who?
Voices. United as one. Doo-ku. Doo-ku. Doo-ku. Chanting his name. The Lost Son. He who will divide.
What’s he saying?
I don’t know.
A bolt zips through the air and wings her.
My lady!
It’s nothing. Just caught my arm. Sifo-Dyas, we need you.
I can’t. I can’t block them out. Doo-ku…Doo-ku…
(SHOUTING OVER) Jenza! Look out!
A clattering walker, the size of an AT-RT, lurches toward them.
I looked up to see an Abyssin in a jerry-rigged walker clattering toward us, cannons glowing hot. Sifo-Dyas tried to stand, but his legs buckled beneath him. I tried to pull him clear, but it was obvious that neither of us was going to escape. Not this time…
A lightsaber carves through the walker’s legs.
Stay away from them.
The walker falls.
The walker crashed to the ground, its legs sliced away. Dooku loomed over the pilot and…
Dooku runs the Abyssin through.
Dooku! Help us! Something’s happened to your friend!
Dooku runs over.
Dooku. I heard them. I heard the voices. What have you done?
Nothing…But you’ll never believe what we’ve discovered…
There’s an explosion in the distance.
What was that?
We’ve taken the Abyssin control tower. They’re retreating.
It’s over.
No. It’s just beginning.
What’s that?
Assault craft had appeared on the horizon, powering toward us. And above them…
That’s the Windrunner.
Count Ramil?
He must be joining the fight.
Then why are their guns trained on us?
I know, old friend. I can sense it, too.
Sense what?
The assault tanks ground to a halt, ramps swinging down to deploy dozens of security droids, marching in unison.
That’s an attack formation.
It can’t be.
All units. Take aim.
They raise their guns.
What are they doing?
In answer, an all-too-familiar voice boomed out from the Windrunner…
People of Serenno. This is your count speaking. Lay down your weapons. The insurrection is at an end.
Insurrection? What’s he talking about?
Us? But we were fighting for freedom.
That’s not how it will be written.
Help me up. We can’t let him take control.
Dooku helps Sifo to his feet.
We won’t.
Then what shall we do?
Dooku looked at me sadly and then threw his lightsaber onto the floor in front of the droids.
We surrender.
We what?
We surrender!
We watched, mouths agape, as Dooku walked calmly toward the droids, his head held high.
Signal my brother. Tell him I am here. He will want to see me.
You’re giving up?
He turned and smiled at his friend.
I was at the Senate when the possibility of a droid army was debated. Units such as these are controlled by a central processor.
Which you think is on that ship!
There’s only one way to find out.
The count has signaled. A hoverpod is being sent to fetch the Jedi.
How gracious of him.
We were forced to kneel in the dirt as Dooku was led into the pod. It rose into the air, Dooku standing motionless, hands clasped behind his back. I watched him ascend, fearing the worst as he stepped onto the Windrunner…
Dooku walks onto the wooden deck, accompanied by the droids. We can hear Ramil’s labored breathing and, when he moves, the clank of his exosuit.
Cenevax really made a mess of you, didn’t she? Please tell me you haven’t stamped that face on any coins.
Energy lances through Dooku’s body.
That’s enough.
The shocks stop, Dooku gasping for breath.
That’s better. On your knees. Where you belong.
(PAINED) Spoken like a true monster.
I’m a survivor.
I’d like to see you survive out of that exosuit.
Don’t you get it, brother? This is the way it was supposed to be.
With you in a walking med-splint?
With me in charge. Not Father. And definitely not you.
I have no interest in ruling anyone.
Tell that to Jenza. The years I’ve had to listen to her bleating on about you, the brave Jedi. “Why can’t you be more like him, Ramil? Why can’t he be the heir?” Even after you desecrated Mother’s casket. If only she could see you now. I would show her, if it wasn’t already too late.
What do you mean?
The exosuit clanks as Ramil stomps to the edge of the deck.
Look at them all down there. Ha. Is that Hagi? Her father was the worst. So quick to call in mercenaries to protect him, just like the rest. But do you know the trouble with mercenaries, Dooku?
They can be bought by whoever has the deepest pockets.
And Father said I didn’t know what I was doing when I let the pirates in.
It was you. You orchestrated the entire thing.
You were the one who told me to sort out Serenno. You said it was my responsibility.
I didn’t mean like this.
But it’s so much better this way. Serenno will be stronger than ever before. No more houses. No more infighting. No more Republic. The people will welcome me with open arms, especially when I reveal the sad news that their beloved Jenza has been killed. By a Jedi no less.
Activate the holoscreen.
A screen appears. We can hear the thrum of a lightsaber over the transmission.
Your own lightsaber at her throat. It has a certain poetic charm, doesn’t it? Ramil to surface commander. Are you ready to execute her?
At your command, Your Grace.
You can’t!
Haven’t you worked it out yet? I can do anything I want. Hit him again.
More electricity surges into Dooku.
(CRYING OUT) She is our sister!
The torment continues, Ramil pitching up his voice to be heard over the arcing electricity.
And you’re about to kill her.
(PAINED) Don’t do this.
What did you expect? To summon your fancy little sword all the way up here and strike me down? You still don’t get it, do you? For all your airs and graces, for all your magic tricks, you’re the one who is writhing around the floor at the end of a shock-staff, not me.
You’re pathetic.
What was that?
Increase the voltage!
The shocks intensify, as does Dooku’s resolve.
I am Jedi! And I am not alone!
The action moves back down to the ground…
Below, on the ground, Dooku’s blade buzzed in my ear, while Sifo-Dyas writhed on the ground beside me, his mind aflame…
It is now. Coming into focus. The future.
And then, belowground, the Tirra’Taka howling.
And beneath our feet, Lene struggled to hold Dooku’s beast in place.
No. You must remain calm.
For that was exactly what it had become. One mind.
Two bodies.
Dooku! Don’t!
The Tirra’Taka roars, louder than ever.
On the Windrunner, Ramil staggered over to the side of the ship, his exoframe hissing with the effort. His mouth dropped open as the creature’s howl echoed from the depths of the planet.
What is that?
Our past. And your future.
Deep below, the Tirra’Taka erupts into the air, bellowing.
The creature burst from the shattered ground, scaled wings blocking out the sun. Sifo-Dyas laughed as he saw it, his sanity fracturing forever, as the droids looked up in confusion.
But I knew what it was, a legend made terrifying flesh.
Our savior.
I sprang up, barging into the droid that held Dooku’s lightsaber, knocking it back.
(SHOUTING) Attack them! Now!
The refugees snatched up the weapons we had stolen from the fleeing Abyssin, blasting the droids before they could regroup.
We hear the sounds of battle, and the roar of the monster.
Attack the creature! Attack the—
Force lightning swamps the droid before it can finish its sentence.
Energy burst from the Tirra’Taka’s maw, washing over the security droids. The monster swept down, snatching the melting droids from the ground, crushing their bodies between its hooked talons like magella nuts.
A figure clung to its serpentine tail, fingers curled around obsidian scales. She jumped when she saw Sifo-Dyas curled in a ball in the dirt.
Lene lands on her feet, grunting from the pain.
Master Kostana. You are hurt.
It’s not me I’m worried about. Sifo-Dyas.
She rolls him over.
Sifo-Dyas. I need you. It’s Dooku. He’s taken over the beast. He’s controlling it.
He is?
Doo-ku. Doo-ku. Doo-ku.
Sifo-Dyas, please. We need to break his hold, before it’s too late. He’s not protected. The dark side will consume him.
I didn’t understand her then, but I do now. After the battle was won, I accessed the Windrunner’s security feeds and saw what had happened with my own eyes. Dooku twisting, grabbing the shock-staff that had been thrust in his back.
His scream echoing the beast he controlled, he unleashed the dark fire he had buried for so long, the same energy that streamed from the Tirra’Taka’s mouth. Lightning flowed up the weapon, frying Ramil’s security droid to leap from metal body to body. The deck of the airship was ablaze with energy, surging through Ramil’s exosuit, the droid’s central processor erupting like a supernova.
The processor explodes.
Ramil convulsed, gripping onto the rail to stop himself from tumbling over the edge, as below his droid army collapsed as one. His mechanical joints frozen, the Count of Serenno stared in disbelief as a curved hilt flew straight toward the Windrunner, turning end-to-end as it returned to its master.
Dooku’s lightsaber slaps into Dooku’s open palm.
I cannot move.
The lightsaber ignites.
Brother. Please…
The lightning was gone, but Dooku’s fury remained.
I have no brother.
Have mercy.
For Serenno!
Dooku slices Ramil in two.
I couldn’t hear Ramil’s scream over the cry of the Tirra’Taka. Lene was standing between us and the beast, staring into its coal-black eyes, a shaking arm raised as if in greeting.
The monster roars.
(PANICKED) What are we going to do?
There is little we can do now.
We could run!
It would cut us down in an instant.
But you said my brother is controlling that thing.
He was.
Then it won’t hurt us. He won’t hurt us.
He may not have a choice.
What’s that supposed to mean?
The monster growls.
It’s going to pounce!
Dooku. Hear me. Hear me, for all our sakes.
Dooku told me it was like coming out of a trance. He looked over the side of the Windrunner to see the creature stalk toward us, broken droids crunching beneath its feet.
No. Do not do this. Hear me!
But the monster wouldn’t listen. Not anymore.
Our minds as one. Let me back in.
The creature bellows far below.
(REALIZING WHAT HE’S DONE) No. It is too late. I…I never meant to hurt you. Not like the others. Never meant to bend you to my will. I’m…I’m sorry. So, so sorry.
And with that, Dooku threw himself from the ship…
The Tirra’Taka continues to growl, ready to pounce.
Everyone get ready to run.
I thought you said we wouldn’t get away in time!
Do you want to die?
What about you?
I will hold it back as much as I can.
You’ll be immolated.
Jedi have lived through worse.
Than being burned alive?
Someone take Sifo-Dyas. Look after him.
This is madness!
We will.
Get ready. On my mark.
Something, I don’t know what, a sixth sense, maybe even that mystical Force you all talk about, made me look up. I tried to speak, to cry out, but the words died in my throat. A figure was plummeting from the Windrunner, somehow guided down in an arc. His lightsaber was held above his head, the hilt gripped by both hands, the glowing blade pointed down like a needle.
(QUIETLY) Dooku.
His teeth were bared, body taut, ready to strike.
The Tirra’Taka bellows.
The creature’s maw opened, dark fire swirling like a whirlpool in its throat.
Go! Now!
Hagi and the others ran as Kostana braced herself, but I couldn’t move. I was rooted to the spot, my eyes locked on my brother.
The Tirra’Taka prepares to unleash its lightning breath as Dooku dives toward it, letting out a bestial roar of his own. The monster begins to scream lightning when, at the culmination of his own cry, Dooku lands on the creature’s head, driving his lightsaber down into the monster’s brain.
His lightsaber found its mark, plasma burying deep into the beast’s skull. The Tirra’Taka let out one last agonized howl before the fire died on its breath and the once mighty head shook the ground as it fell.
We hear the creature’s final roar as its head smacks down.
Dooku didn’t move. No one did. My brother waited, crouched like a statue on the creature’s crown, his lightsaber lodged in its ancient brain, waiting until its breathing slowed, and stopped, its eyes closing for the final time.
The Tiri’Takka dies. Dooku extinguishes his lightsaber.
(QUIETLY) I’m sorry.
Dooku looked up, into the eyes of his friend. His face was a mask, although his eyes betrayed the remorse that raged inside. He jumped down from the dead monster’s head, walking not to her, but to me.
Jenza. Are you—
We’re fine. Thanks to you.
That at least elicited a flicker of emotion, but I couldn’t tell what—pride or shame. He turned, his hand on my shoulder, and faced the crowd.
Ramil is dead. The crisis is at an end.
At an end? You can’t be serious. Look around you, Dooku. Look at Carannia.
A datapad beeps in Jenza’s pocket. She pulls it out.
The Abyssin have retreated. Ramil’s droids…
Ramil’s droids are no longer operational.
We can start to rebuild.
If we can afford it.
We can.
She was kneeling where she had run as Kostana held off the dragon, a lump of black rock in one hand and an industrial scanner in the other.
Do you know what this is?
She rose, walking toward us, holding out the rock for me to take.
It’s sacanium.
Are you sure?
I don’t understand much about what’s happened today, but I know my geology.
As do I. A rare ore. Stronger than zersium when refined, and rarer than phrik. I’ve seen it before. A long time ago.
It’s scattered all across the plain. That…creature must have brought it up with it when it broke the surface.
But that’s incredible. If there’s a seam of sacanium running beneath us, the Senate is bound to send a contingent from the Mining Guild. Dooku—Serenno will receive as much help as it needs.
No help is required.
I don’t think that’s your choice to make, Master Dooku.
Not Master. (BEAT) Count.
What are you saying?
Dooku reached into his robes drawing out a holocomm. I recognized it at once. It was the holocomm I’d sent him as a child, still in pristine condition. He’d taken care of it all these years.
Beeps as Dooku enters a code.
Dooku. Answer me. What did you mean?
Far away, in Yoda’s quarters, a holocomm beeps.
He activates the comm, a hologram of Dooku appearing in the room.
Dooku. Late, it is. Meditating, I was.
Master Yoda.
Concerned the Council is, about your whereabouts.
I am on Serenno.
Surprised, I am not.
The Abyssin have been repelled.
Gratifying, that is to hear.
The planet is in disarray. Count Ramil is dead.
Hm. Talk to the chancellor, I will. Persuade him to send aid.
There is no need. A new resource has been discovered, one that has the potential to restore Serenno to its rightful state. The Serennians will process it themselves, under the supervision of their new leader.
Your sister. Jenza.
Much conflict I detect in you, my former Padawan.
You are wrong, Master Yoda.
What do you wish to say to me?
The Jedi have been my family since I was a child, the Temple my home. But my future lies here, on Serenno.
Leaving the Order, you are.
I have no choice. The House of Serenno brought this planet to its knees. It is my responsibility, my duty, to rebuild it, by whatever means possible.
And what of your duty to the Republic?
The Republic is changing, Yoda. Has changed. We all know it, even if we won’t admit it. A moment ago, Master Kostana told me that the Senate would happily send what is needed to process our new resources. I have no doubt that is true. And yet the very same Senate refused to help when my sister begged them to stand against the Abyssin. The Jedi refused to help. It is Protobranch, all over again.
Restored, Protobranch was.
Because of its people, or its commodity? The Senate decreed that Serenno’s plight was an internal affair. Its restitution will be likewise. I am the heir of Serenno. I will rebuild this planet, make it stronger. Not for the Republic. And not for the Jedi. But for the people. My people. I ask for you, and the Council, to respect my decision in this matter.
Hm. Saddened by your decision we are, but honor it we will.
Thank you. I will surrender my lightsaber to Master Kostana.
No. Necessary that will not be.
It is the weapon of a Jedi.
Which is why keep it you must. More than a name, a Jedi is. More than a title. Strong in the Force, you are. Guide you, it will. Guide us all, it must.
Until we meet again.
The hologram cuts off. We stay in Yoda’s chamber a moment longer, and hear the Jedi Master sigh.
Back on Serenno, my brother’s announcement had caused much consternation…
Dooku, I…
I’m sorry. But what just happened?
You can’t do this.
If you think we’re just going to stand back while you waltz in…
Hagi. Please.
No, Jenza. He has no right.
I have every right.
The houses will not stand for this.
And neither will the people.
(FIRMLY) No. The people will listen. The houses will listen.
My lady…
Don’t you see? This is our chance. Our chance to stand on our own two feet for the first time in our history. No one telling us what to do. No one telling us what our destiny will be. My brother will make Serenno strong again. He will save us. (RALLYING THE CROWD) Doo-ku. Doo-ku. Doo-ku.
Around me, the refugees picked up the chant, the battleground ringing to my brother’s name.
Doo-ku. Doo-ku. Doo-ku. (AND REPEAT)
Chanting his name…They’re chanting his name.
Dooku rushes to Sifo’s side.
I can see you, Dooku. I can see everything.
Lene. You must take him back to the Temple. Look after him.
What do you think I’ve been doing all these years?
I’ll find you a ship, whatever you need.
I will signal the Council. You have enough to do.
The futures have become one, Dooku. One path.
Here. Take this, old friend.
He passes Sifo his holocomm.
Take this…take this…
Your holocomm?
I have no need for it anymore. But one day. (TO SIFO, AS IF TALKING TO A CHILD) If you need to talk…
Thank you, Lene for everything. Please, tell Rael and Qui-Gon…
Tell them the Force will be with them. Always.
You can tell them yourself, when we all meet again. This is not the end, Dooku. Only the beginning.
The beginning…
Jenza and Hagi approach.
You must go. All will be well.
Dooku walks toward them.
We’ve received word.
The houses request a summit.
Then we shall have one.
Where? Carannia is a disaster.
We shall meet at the castle. Come, Jenza. We have much to do.
They walk off.
Wait. You mean your castle? Castle Serenno?
Why not? It is my home, after all.
(SOBBING) Home, Ventress. He said it was his home.
Yes, yes. I heard you the first time.
She’s getting worse. Such confusion.
Actually, I think she knows exactly what she’s saying.
An alarm sounds. Ventress presses buttons.
What is it?
Republic agents in the building. Outside the apartment.
Seal the compartment.
Don’t tell me what to do.
She presses a button anyway. The fake wall slides back.
We hear movement in the outer room. Agents moving about.
There’re two of them. They’re armed.
So am I.
She draws her lightsabers.
No. The sound will give you away.
(HISSING) I know.
We hear footsteps in the next room, the following lines muffled by the wall.
Through it all we hear Ventress’s breathing, close to the microphone.
(MUFFLED) It has to be here somewhere.
(MUFFLED) Over here. Behind the picture.
(MUFFLED) Glee Anselm? Always dreaming, that one.
The picture is pushed aside and the access code entered.
(HISSED) Get ready.
For what? I can’t do anything to help.
Then why are you here?
(MUFFLED) He must have changed the code.
(MUFFLED) Try the over— (GAGS) Can’t…breathe.
(MUTTERED) It’s about time.
Muffled boots are heard walking into the room.
That presence…
You might not be able to help, but he can.
Two bodies thump to the floor.
It’s him.
The door slides open.
Jenza. Look what they did to you.
He barely looks at me, making straight for his sister.
They wanted me to betray you. But I wouldn’t. I want to help, Dooku. You’ve lost your way.
That’s an understatement.
Dooku freezes. Can he sense Ky? He turns to me, his eyes cold.
Did they transfer any data?
I…I didn’t check.
Don’t you think you should?
Yes, Master.
She presses buttons.
The only transmissions were to Fellidrone’s handler, here on Serenno. No data parcels, only short-range comms.
He glances around the room, seeing the rocket pack. He raises an open palm, the Zim-Jumper lifting steadily from the floor. Then his hand becomes a fist, and the fuel tank ruptures.
The metal buckles, fuel pouring from the machine. Fuel splashes as the pack clatters back to the ground.
Ventress. Listen to me. This is your last chance. I know what he’s about to ask you to do. If you do, that’ll be it. You’ll be his forever.
Shut up, I think as Dooku walks back toward his sister. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. The count raises her head toward him.
My darling sister.
Please. If you would just come with me to Coruscant. The Jedi will know what to do. They’ll be able to help.
I have all the help I need.
The hooded man? He isn’t helping you. He’s corrupting you.
Hooded man? What is she talking about?
He’s not who you think he is, Ventress. Why can’t I make you see? You need to see.
Atmosphere: We cut into a vision. Everything bar Ventress’s narration is dreamlike, the voices and sound effects reverberating, the music discordant and eerie.
Everything changes. I’m back in the castle, in Dooku’s great hall, but the light is wrong, the room stretched beyond its usual dimensions. The count is hunched over his table, papers and data slates scattered in front of him. This is not the ordered desk of the Windrunner, Dooku not the man I know.
The affairs of state weigh heavy.
This isn’t real.
Ky Narec is standing beside me. He is exactly how I remember him. The strip of graying beard, the tattoo creasing on his chin, those warm blue eyes fixed, not on me, but on my new master.
You can speak, little one. He can’t hear you.
Is this you? Are you doing this?
You need to see who he is. Who you are.
He nods at the count. Dooku’s arms shake as he supports himself. He is tired, his usually immaculate hair hanging lank in front of bloodshot eyes. His cracked lips move. He is muttering beneath his breath.
I can’t hear.
Then move closer.
I’m beside the desk, wrinkling my nose at the odor. Dooku hasn’t washed for days.
Listen to him.
(MUTTERING) So much to do. So much to do. Why don’t they listen? Why don’t they cooperate? Don’t they realize I’m doing all this for them?
He sweeps out an arm, knocking the papers and readers from the desk. Glass shatters, casings break, and Dooku yells into the darkness of the empty room.
(SHOUTING) Why won’t anyone listen? Why won’t anyone help?
Is this the man who so commands you? Is this your future?
We hear an ironic slow clap from across the room as someone approaches.
Ky looks as shocked as I am as another figure crosses the hall toward us.
I’m impressed. Ky Narec. Back from the grave.
I—I don’t understand.
It is another Dooku. My Dooku. As he was in Fellidrone’s quarters. As he was when we first met.
You were always a disappointment. Even as a youngling. If I had my way, you would never have even made Jedi Knight.
Stop it.
And when you did, what exactly did you do? You made mistake after mistake.
Leave him alone.
People died because of you, Ky.
That’s not true.
And when the Council called for your return, you fled rather than face the consequences. Exiled yourself on a dustball, convincing yourself it was a crusade. And this is the man you have chosen as your conscience, my assassin? This is your hope? Are you like him, Ventress? Will you run?
I don’t know what you mean!
(BELLOWING) Will you run?
We hear Ventress running through the night, pushing past branches, slipping on mud.
She’s breathing heavily beneath the narration, the soundscape becoming increasingly more nightmarish.
And that’s what I’m doing, racing through the forest, my feet slipping on the mud. Castle Serenno looms above me, silhouetted against Mantero’s gleaming disk.
That’s it, little one. You can still make a choice. Run as far as you can.
Ky’s voice is everywhere. In the wind. In the trees. But it isn’t alone.
There is no choice. Not for you.
Don’t listen to him, Ventress.
Listen to yourself.
You need to be strong. Like me.
You are mine. He is nothing.
He rescued me!
(LAUGHS) Rescued you? From slavery? From the Siniteens? You have no idea what he did to you!
A root snags my foot and I fall…
Ventress lands in sand. There is blasterfire nearby, vultures calling from high above, their cries distorted, maddening.
…and land in coarse sand. The castle is gone. The forest, gone. A swollen sun burns high above, strike-vultures wheeling through a shimmering sky.
Ventress scrabbles up.
It’s Rattatak. I’m back on Rattatak.
Yes. The day Hal’Sted died.
The day he was killed.
(CALLING) Ventress!
That’s him. That’s Hal’Sted. The pirate who took me from Dathomir. The Siniteen who brought me up as his own.
A daughter in chains.
Hal’Sted runs over.
Spince. Have you seen Ventress?
I’m right here.
He can’t hear you, remember? There’s no way to warn him.
Warn him?
We need to get her away from here. Go.
The lackey runs off.
Ventress! Ventress. Where are you?
A figure jumps down behind the pirate. Hal’Sted whirls around.
She’ll be safe soon enough, slaver.
Jedi scum!
Hal’Sted fires. Ky ignites his lightsaber, deflecting the shots.
You’ll never use her again.
Ky runs Hal’Sted through.
Never again.
The slaver collapses to the ground, dead.
You never checked the wound. Sloppy. Not that you would have known the difference between a blaster shot…and a lightsaber.
It’s not true.
How do you know?
He said it was pirates.
And you believed him?
He’s not real, Ventress. You know that. He died on Rattatak. You cremated his corpse yourself. No one comes back from the dead. No one.
Thunder rolls above.
The sky turns black, lightning lancing across dark clouds, the same lightning I have felt across my back. His lightning.
A crack of lightning.
He used you, Ventress. A salve for his loneliness. His failure. They all used you. The Nightsister. The slaver. The Jedi. They define you, because you let them. Because you refuse to be free.
The storm intensifies, rain lashing down, the sound distorted.
Have you learned nothing, child? From the holos. From the journal.
The journal?
You think you found it by chance?
The Force guided me.
I guided you. Everything you have seen. Everything you have heard. Was it for nothing? The past does not define you, Ventress. The future does not define you. I define you.
He is not real, Ventress. I am. Who do you choose? Who do you choose?
Thunder bursts overhead, the sound warping as we are thrown out of the vision.
It’s all gone. The storm. Rattatak. Hal’Sted. I’m back with Dooku and Jenza. (WITH HATRED) And him, still sniveling in my head.
Asajj. Don’t listen to him. It’s lies. All of it.
Dooku peers at me, the rat in his maze. I think he’s going to speak, but everything has been said. He turns to his sister, her eyes brimming with hope. She has no idea.
You say you wanted to help me, Jenza.
Yes. More than anything.
By attempting to betray me to the Jedi. By revealing my plans.
I don’t know anything about any plans. And I don’t want to know. They’re wrong, Dooku. Can’t you see that? You said you were going to save Serenno.
And I have. Serenno will be the beating heart of a new Empire.
An Empire I want no part of. I don’t recognize you anymore. You’re not my brother.
I am. Which is why I must release you. Ventress…
You said you wanted her found.
A task you performed admirably, but you are an assassin. My assassin.
Ventress walks toward her.
Please. You don’t have to do this. It isn’t you. I know it isn’t. I can see it in your eyes.
She’s right, Asajj.
You’re not real.
Of course I am.
(IN UNISON) Of course I’m not. But I could be. I’m a part of you, Ventress. I always will be. The best part of you.
I’m sorry.
The lightsaber ignites, the blade buried in Jenza’s chest.
(GASPS IN PAIN) Brother.
We hold on the sound of the lightsaber burning for a moment longer before it cuts off.
Jenza’s body slumps to the floor.
You have done well.
(QUIETLY) Your will is mine.
There must be no evidence.
He turns and sweeps from the room, his sister cooling at my feet. I am alone.
I have a job to do. I look around, spotting a blaster clipped to a dead agent’s belt. I recover the weapon, cranking the power pack. I’ll have to be quick. It won’t take long to overload.
A piercing whine starts to build as she places the weapon carefully into the seeping fuel.
I try not to breathe in the fumes as I place the whining blaster in the pool of paralene. The fuel stings my eyes, tears pricking. It’s fuel. Nothing more.
I won’t have time to make it to the door. I head back to the window, the catch still smashed from when I broke in.
The window slides open. We can hear the sounds of the street outside.
There’s no sign of Dooku, and then I look up and see a shadow in the clouds above. The Windrunner, slipping silently home. I wonder how many of Dooku’s faithful subjects will see it and smile. The champion of Serenno, protecting his people. I reach into my pocket, drawing out his journal, feeling the cracked leather beneath my fingers.
I throw it back into the paralene.
It lands in the fuel.
Time to go.
Ventress jumps down to the street, her feet splashing on the wet sidewalk.
It’s stopped raining now. We hear her walking away from the building, the distant whine of the blaster building to a crescendo behind her.
I hate it here.
I hate the lies and the deceit and the fear and the hatred. I hate him and what he’s made me do. What he’s made me.
But where else can I go?
This is where I belong. This is who I am.
I am free.
A massive explosion tears the building apart.