1200 |
Collapse of Mycenean Greece |
1200–800 |
Greek Dark Ages |
750–700 |
Composition of Homeric poems |
700–650 |
Introduction of hoplites and the tactics of the phalanx; beginning of Greek Lyric poetry |
560 |
Spartan War with Tegea |
494 |
Spartan victory over Argos at Sepeia |
490 |
Battle of Marathon |
480–479 |
Conclusion of the Persian War at Thermopylai, Salamis, and Plataia |
471 |
Collapse of Arcadians at Dipaia |
457 |
Athenian defeat at Tanagra but subsequent victory over Boiotians at Oinophyta |
447 |
Victory of Thebes over Athens at the first battle of Koroneia |
431 |
Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War; first Spartan invasion of Attica |
424 |
Athenian disaster at Delion |
422 |
Death of Brasidas and Kleon at Amphipolis |
418 |
First battle of Mantineia |
415 |
Athenian victory at Syracuse |
413 |
Athenian disaster on the heights of Epipolai and final Athenian defeat in Sicily |
403 |
Thrasyboulos’ victory at the Piraieus |
401 |
Kunaxa and retreat of Xenophon’s Ten Thousand |
395 |
Death of Lysander at Haliartos |
394 |
Spartan victories at the Nemea River and the second battle of Koroneia |
390 |
Destruction of Spartan regiment at Corinth |
377 |
Invasion of Boiotia by Agesilaos |
371 |
Spartan disaster at Leuktra |
362 |
Second battle of Mantineia and death of Epameinondas |
339 |
Victory of Timoleon over the Carthaginians at Krimesos |
338 |
Defeat of Greeks at Chaironeia and triumph of Macedon |