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Abbott, William Rufus, 233
Adams, Merle, 156–157
Adonis Social Club (Brooklyn), 80–81
Ahern, Michael
Capone guilty plea, 407–410, 418
Capone tax trial, 404, 411, 418, 424–439, 440, 444–451
Capone trial sentencing, 459–460, 498
mishandling of case, 497–498
Aiello, Joe, xxv
Atlantic City peace talks, 215, 216
Capone assassinating, 300–301
contract on Capone, 111–112, 113, 114–115, 177, 213, 216
Moran alliance, 179, 213, 281
public enemy, 256–257
Unione Siciliana, 177, 210
Yale supporting, 148
Al Capone: His Life, Legacy, and Legend (Bair; 2016), xvi–xvii
Al Capone: The Biography of a Self-Made Man (Pasley; 1930), 340
Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary (“the Rock”), 530
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), 545–548
Alcohol Tax Unit, 529
Alcoholic Beverage Unit, 515
Alterie, Louis, 50
Alton, Craig “Southside,” 528
American Boys, xxiv, 147–149, 179–181, 182–183, 227, 487, 516. See also Burke, Fred; Carey, Robert; Goetz, Fred; Nugent, Raymond; Winkeler, Gus
American Protective League, 41, 313
Anselmi, Albert, xxiv, 77–78, 79, 84, 178, 186, 208, 209, 210–213, 216, 218
antiques shops of Capone, 5, 48, 57
Armstrong, Louis, 139
Atlanta federal prison, 482, 498, 499–501, 509
Atlantic City peace talks, 213–217, 218, 251
Avis, Dwight, 326, 327, 354, 355, 398
Bair, Deirdre, xvi–xvii
ballistics, 192
Anselmi, Giunta, and Scalise murders, 209
Chicago hires Goddard, 197–200
Killer Burke’s Thompsons, 228–229, 278
Lingle murder weapon, 278, 279, 280
Ness and Goddard, 203, 279, 280
Zuta murder, 286
Balsamo, Don Batista, 20
Barker, George “Red,” 282–283, 464
Barnard, Harrison, 231, 233
Barton, Bobby, 292, 434, 436
baseball bat banquet, xvi, 208, 209–213, 218, 372, 543
Basile, Frank
“alky cooker,” 125–128
fluent Italian, 126, 134
government chauffeur, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133–135
killing of, 162–163, 169
Beatty, William, 121, 122, 321
Becker, Morris, 176
beer legal, 512–513
Beer Wars
Capone’s version, 94
depictions of, 367–368, 462, 477–481, 534
Nitto kills killers, 516
start of, 56, 525
thug life of waiting, 108, 535
belt buckle, diamond studded, 143, 275–276, 280, 284–285, 387, 432, 452
Bennett, W. E., 417–418, 475, 494, 495
Berard, Ulric H., 317, 325
Bergmann submachine guns, 82
Berle, Milton, 141
Berwyn Tribune, 63
Blackstone Hotel, 543
Blakey, G. Robert, 539–542
“Boystown” clubs, 530
Bragg, Chester, 426
Brand, Neville, xi, xiii, xiv–xv
Brooklyn, New York
Capone family from Italy, 6, 13–18
Capone to Chicago, 27
Nitto and Capone childhoods, 16–18, 517
brothels, xxi
Capone pimp insult, 55, 370
Capone syphilis, 21. See also syphilis
Chicago Heights, 130
Forest View, 52, 84
St. John as john, 62
Stickney, xxi, 399
Torrio’s to Capone, 59
Brothers, Leo V., 307
Brown, Al, 74, 85, 99, 142, 182, 217, 364, 434–435, 547. See also Capone, Alphonse
Brown, Ralph, 434–435
Brown, Sherrod, 545
Brundidge, Harry T., 283–285
Bugs Moran gang territory, xxi. See also Moran, George; North Side gang
Bundesen, Herman, 197–200, 209
Bureau of Investigation
Capone contempt of court, 188, 189, 190, 341, 345
Capone jail liquor business, 469–473
into Division of Investigation, 514–515
Jamie joining, 41–42, 67
limitations of, 195
Nitto parole, 492
See also Hoover, J. (John) Edgar
Bureau of Prohibition. See Prohibition Bureau
Burke, Edward M., 545–546, 547
Burke, Fred “Killer,” xxiv, 147, 148–149, 179, 180, 227–229, 487
Burnet, David, 297
Burnett, W. R., 477, 478, 480
Burnham, Illinois, golf course, 151–153
Cadillac with armor plating, 58, 127
Cagney, James, 478
Calloway, James, 413
Calumet City, Illinois, 129, 132, 159
Campagna, Louis “Little New York,” 114, 148, 179, 227, 376, 511, 516
Capone, Albert (Umberto; brother), 15, 252, 253
Capone, Albert Francis “Sonny” (son)
birth, 23
Capone hiding handcuffs, 482, 499
Capone tax trial, 443
Capone to Atlanta, 498
Capone’s hopes for, 79, 371
ear operations, 79–80, 81, 107
father-son relationship, 145, 254, 366
gangster’s son, 107, 115, 250, 482, 499
influenza, 187
Mae’s kidnapping fears, 486
Palm Island, 252, 335, 380, 381, 382–383
Prairie Avenue, 45, 143
Capone, Alphonse Gabriel “Scarface Al”
animatronic, 543
arrest in Joliet, 117–118, 119
arrest in Philadelphia, 217–225
arrests in Miami, 253–255
baseball bat banquet, xvi, 208, 209, 210–213, 218, 372, 543
“the Big Fellow,” 6, 7, 150, 179, 189, 284, 334–335, 336, 339, 346, 370, 380, 382
birth, 15
burial, 531
businessman, 5, 7, 47, 48, 56, 57, 73, 118, 176, 182, 341, 417
Chicago Outfit, 59, 137, 296, 329, 374. See also Chicago Outfit
Chicago syndicate, 215, 374–376, 386, 526–527
childhood, 17–18, 19–20, 517
circumcision, 221
contempt-of-court charges, 187–188, 189–191, 216, 246, 247, 311–312, 325, 332, 337, 338–345, 380
“credo” false attribution, 557
description of, 6, 7, 36, 113, 137–139, 367
fan mail, 339, 368
fingerprinted, 342
Hawthorne Kennel Club, 265–269, 289–290
home on Palm Island, 5–6, 136, 144–145, 178, 186, 187, 250, 251–252, 276, 283–285, 334–337, 366, 375, 380–383, 432, 459, 461, 530–531
home on Prairie Avenue, xxi, 43, 44–47, 73, 107, 118, 381, 459, 461, 531
home on Prairie Avenue preservation, 536–537, 543–544
as honorable, 113, 434, 476–477
imprisoned in Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, 530
imprisoned in Atlanta federal penitentiary, 482, 498, 499–501, 509
imprisoned in Cook County Jail, 405, 460–461, 469–473, 485–489, 491, 493–494, 496–497, 498–501, 517
imprisoned in Eastern State Penitentiary, 220–225, 241, 243–244, 246–247, 336, 375
imprisoned in Holmesburg Prison, 219–220
imprisoned in own mind, 530–531
Lindbergh baby kidnapping, 486–489
on Lingle murder, 283–285, 299–300
Mafalda’s wedding, 333–334
McSwiggin murder, 83–87, 89–90, 276
meeting with Loesch, 149, 150–151
meeting with Randolph, 346–347
meeting with reporter O’Brien, 369–373
meeting with Roche, 299–300
meeting with Stege, 244–246
memoir via O’Brien, 371–373
“most-shot-at man in America,” 8, 58, 150, 152–153, 213, 216, 243, 244
Ness direct contact, 10, 397, 420–421, 482, 499–501, 545
Nitto wins, 526
North Siders war, 90–94, 95, 107, 111, 213, 215, 300, 489
peace talks, Atlantic City, 213–217, 218, 251
peace talks, Hotel Sherman, 92–93, 95, 107, 526
photos, ii, xxiii, 72, 106, 174, 208, 242, 332, 366, 384, 422, 440, 482
photos of homes, 44, 136, 366
Prohibition comments, 415, 544
Prohibition conspiracy indictment, 418–419, 464, 493–494
Prohibition guilty plea, 398, 402, 406, 407–410, 418
psychotic break, 82, 530–531. See also syphilis
public celebrity of, 175, 189, 221–223, 243–244, 250–251, 334, 340, 341, 366–373, 375, 380–383, 396–397, 398, 423, 461, 479, 486–489, 499, 537–538
Public Enemy Number One, 256–257, 342, 373, 388, 530
public persona, 73–74, 79, 81, 86, 92, 94, 117, 127, 139–142, 219–220, 243, 254–255, 257, 283–285, 305, 334–337, 342, 380–383, 385, 414–417, 433–434, 455–456, 476–477
public spotlight with style, 6, 18, 22, 138, 183, 251, 339, 396–397
released from Alcatraz, 530
“Scarface,” 7–8, 21, 72, 73, 176, 250, 278, 284, 334, 424, 427, 453, 479, 499
shooting himself, 152–153
“Snorky,” 278, 421
soup kitchen, 302–305, 340, 372, 456
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 5, 8, 178–183, 184, 185–186, 245–247
subpoenaed for Chicago Heights, 186–191, 338
subpoenaed for vagrancy, 341–342
tax evasion, 190, 205, 235, 244, 247–248, 267, 330–331
tax evasion guilty plea, 384, 396–401, 406, 407–410, 418
tax evasion indictment, 331, 385–388, 390, 398, 410–411
tax evasion jury deliberation, 453–457
tax evasion plea bargain, 386, 388–389, 392, 395–396, 400–403, 404, 405–408, 410–412, 496
tax evasion sentencing, 405–412
tax evasion settlement attempt, 248–250, 295–297, 430–431, 433, 444, 450
tax evasion testimony, 406–407
tax trial, 404, 410, 418–419, 422, 426–439, 440, 445–449, 534
tax trial appeal, 426, 443, 458, 460, 469, 485–486, 496–497
tax trial closing statements, 449–453
tax trial jury selection, 423–426, 440
tax trial money loss strategy, 444–445, 449
tax trial pushed Capone out, 518–519
tax trial sentencing, 458–461, 497
tax trial verdict, 456–459, 546
Torrio relationship, 18–19, 27, 59. See also Torrio, John
vagrancy warrant, 297–298, 300, 304, 306, 334, 341–342, 345
World Motor Service Company front, 413
Capone, Erminia (sister), 15–16
Capone, Erminio (Mimi; brother), 15, 380, 488
Capone, Frank (Salvatore; brother), xxiii
to America, 14
Cicero, 51–53, 54
death, 54, 85
description, 46–47
Capone, Gabriel (Gabriele; father), 10, 13–14, 15–17, 27
Capone, James (Vincenzo; brother), 14, 17
Capone, Mafalda (sister)
appearance for reporter, 246
birth, 16
Capone at Eastern State, 221, 222
Capone tax trial, 443
Capone to Atlanta, 498
Palm Island, 380, 382, 383
Prairie Avenue, 81, 143
wedding, 333–334
Capone, Mary Josephine “Mae” (wife), xxiii, 106
appearance for reporter, 246
appearance in public, 106, 187
Capone in Cook County Jail, 472
Capone tax trial, 432, 443
Capone to Atlanta, 498
Capone to Eastern State, 216, 222
Capone’s mistresses, 141–142, 152–153
Mafalda wedding, 334
marrying Capone, 22–23
Palm Island, 144–145, 181, 252, 254, 285, 335, 380, 381, 383, 432
Prairie Avenue, 45, 81, 143
Sonny ear operations, 79–80, 81, 107
Sonny kidnapping fears, 486
Sonny teased about father, 115
syphilis, 23, 81, 145
Capone, Matthew (Amadoe; brother), 15, 498, 525
Capone, Ralph (Raffaele) “Bottles” (brother), xxiii, 226
arrest in Miami, 252
“Bottles,” 46
Capone supported by, 117, 181, 187, 213, 244, 248, 304, 530
Capone tax trial, 434–435, 446–447, 449, 497–498
Chicago syndicate, 374, 386
childhood, 14
Cicero, 51–53, 54–55, 62, 63, 261–262, 447
Cotton Club, 139, 236–239, 264–265, 277
Greyhound Inn, 236, 261, 264–265
Mafalda’s wedding, 334
Montmartre Café, 236, 237–239, 277
Prohibition evidence report, 494
Prohibition indictment, 493
public enemy, 256–257
tax evasion, 205, 206, 262–263, 265, 338, 449
taxes on illegal income, 171–172, 206–207, 247
Wisconsin property, 142
Capone, Theresa Raiola (mother), 14, 15, 16, 45, 81, 143, 222, 380, 382, 383, 443, 470, 496, 498
Capone’s vault, 64, 537–538
“Caponeville,” 52, 84
Carey, Robert, 112, 147, 179, 487, 489
Carson, James, 171
Castro, Fidel, 539
Central Intelligence Agency, 539
Cermak, Anton J., xiii, xxvi, 337–338, 466, 510–511, 549
Chamberlin, Henry Barrett, 256
Chandler, Raymond, ix
Chapman, Lyle Bishop, xxviii
battering-ram truck, 356
Capone indictment credit, 398
to Detroit, 417
First National Bank office, 364
Outfit bribes and threats, 361–362
to Seattle, 325, 327–328
Untouchables evidence report, 390, 494–496
Untouchables formation, 317, 318–319, 321, 322
Chicago, xxi, 258, 528
1893 “White City” World’s Fair, 34, 524, 549
1932 Republican convention, 468
1933 Century of Progress Exposition, 109, 149, 230–235, 388, 458, 466, 510, 524–525, 526
Association of Commerce, 230–235, 508
bank failures, 503
beyond Capone, 528, 532–535, 541–542, 543
Capone as face of, 175, 184–185, 230, 257, 525, 532, 536, 542–545, 547
Capone burial, 531
Capone driven out, 115–117, 245–247, 306, 335–336
Capone moving to, 27, 35, 543
Capone tour, 528, 548–550
Chicago syndicate, 215–216, 248, 256, 374–376, 386, 463
“City of the Big Shoulders,” 547
civil suit over beer sales taxes, 496
Crime Commission, 149–151, 233, 256–257, 298, 466, 513, 538–539, 541
crime containment, 259, 263, 347, 350, 466, 468–469, 525–526
crime continues, 538–542
crime development, 23, 25, 36, 91, 98, 110–111, 149–150, 195–196, 229–231, 245, 274, 349–350, 467, 525
crime torn down, 528, 533–538
Daley as “Chicago personified,” 533
debt and unemployment, 467
gang borders, xxi, 95, 107, 215–217, 539
garlic on bullets, 77
Hooverville, 240
map of organized crime, xxi
Mrs. O’Leary exonerated, 546
Ness background, 30–31, 35–36, 547
Ness legacy, 545–548
Pineapple Primary, 145–147, 149
post-war Lost Generation, 65
Prohibition landmarks destroyed, 528, 533–538, 548–550
Prohibition Unit killings, 69
railway strike, 34
Randolph Street Station, 271, 272–273, 549
tallest building, 533
Untouchables raid outside the city, 509–510
Chicago Heights, xxv
Anthony Genna murder, 78
Capone sheltering at, 85–86, 118, 127
Capone subpoenaed, 186–191, 338
financial records seized, 170–171, 205, 239
grand jury witnesses, 161–163
murder capital of U.S., 166
Prohibition Bureau raids, 126–135, 154, 159–160, 162–166, 167–169, 205
Untouchables brewery raid, 358
Chicago Outfit (Torrio/Capone), xxiv
baseball bat banquet, xvi, 208, 209, 210–213, 218, 372, 543
beer business, 349–354, 389–390, 513
beer top brass, 322–323, 364, 369, 441, 510, 513
Bergmann submachine guns, 82. See also Thompson submachine guns
Capone as liability, 291, 311, 373, 375–376, 516, 517, 518, 531
Capone as titular head, 373, 374–376, 386
Capone burial, 531
Capone in Cook County Jail, 469–470, 472
Capone trial juror bribery, 423
Carey searched for, 487, 489
Castro assassination attempts, 539
Century of Progress, 525, 526
Cermak war, 510–511, 549
Chicago Heights, 127, 169. See also Chicago Heights
Cicero expansion, 51–53, 54–55, 61. See also Cicero
Daley allows to flourish, 538–539
Fitzgerald breaks up, 540–541
labor racketeering, 176–177, 515–516, 525
last major distillery raided, 514
milk business, 305
Nitto influence growing, 256, 376–377, 515–516, 517–519
O’Hare talking to Wilson, 290–291, 518
Prohibition indictment, 493
racing as revenue source, 266, 516–518
respectable workingmen, 347, 349, 350, 509, 547
RICO Act codifying Ness tactics, 540
Roche targeting for Lingle killing, 297, 298
“Snorky,” 278, 421
special agents targeting, 265, 277–278
St. John at Cicero Tribune, 62–64
tax evasions, 205–207. See also tax evasion
Thompson harassing, 115
tip line for Untouchables raids, 414
Torrio forming, 46, 47
Torrio giving to Capone, 59, 137, 214, 215, 296, 329
Untouchables bribery attempts, 360–361, 364–365, 391, 484–485
Untouchables harassment, 361–363, 364
Untouchables Kid working for, 358–360, 362, 413–414
Untouchables take vehicles, 362–363, 364, 413, 420–421, 474, 509
Untouchables work, Capone jailed, 463–464, 473–475, 492–493
virtually insolvent, 412
weakened and under pressure, 412–414, 419–421, 508–509, 540–541
Chicago Tribune
Dick Tracy, 549
Lingle and, 271–277, 549
O’Hare and Capone investigation, 516–518
strikebreaking by Capone, 335
Cicero, Illinois, xxi
Capone running Outfit, 61–64, 108
Cotton Club, 139, 236
Greyhound Inn, 236, 261
Hawthorne Kennel Club, 265–269, 289–290, 291, 437
Monmartre Café, 236, 237–239, 260, 494
PD distributing guns, 82
Secret Six speakeasy, 234
special agents targeting, 235–239
Sportsman’s Park, 517
St. John at Cicero Tribune, 62–64
St. Mary’s church, 333–334
Torrio suburban expansion, 52–53, 54–55, 61
Untouchables brewery raid, 352–354, 364
wiretapping, 236–239, 244, 259–261, 277
See also Hawthorne Hotel; Hawthorne Smoke Shop
Clark Street garage, xxi, xxxii, 174, 534–535. See also St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Clawson, Samuel, xxix, 446–448
Cleveland, Grover, 34
Cleveland, Ohio, and Ness, 529–530, 545
Cloonan, Bernard V. “Barney,” xxviii, 328, 353, 399, 475, 484–485
Collins, Max Allan, xi, xiii
Colosimo, James “Diamond Jim,” xxiv, 12
café, 24, 25, 26
café torn down, 533, 549
killing of, 12, 26–27, 478–479
Torrio as right-hand man, 23–24, 26
Connors, William, 421, 475
Conti, Frank, 357, 419
Converse, Clarence, 99–100, 206, 397
Cook County Jail, 460–461, 469–473, 485–489, 491, 493–494, 496–497, 498–501, 517
Corey, Irwin, 557
Corman, Roger, 534
Cornelison, Michael, xv, xvi
Costa, Albert, 143, 182, 432
Costello, Frank, 214–215
Costello, James, Jr., 171
Costner, Kevin, 547
Cotton Club (Cicero), 139, 236–239, 264–265, 277
Coughlin, Mary, 22–23. See also Capone, Mary
Coyne, Robert, 520, 521
Crosby, Bing, 236
Crowe, Christopher, 548
Crowe, Robert E., xxvi, 83–85, 89, 146
Cummings, Homer, 514
Curtis, Harry, 297
Daley, Richard J., 533–535, 538–539
Daley, Richard M., 542
D’Andrea, Phil, 227, 396, 425, 434
Dawes, Charles, 195–196
De Courseys, xxi
De Niro, Robert, 557
De Palma, Brian, xv, 547, 548
Debs, Eugene, 34
Delaney, Bert, 322–323, 356–357, 358, 413, 441, 474, 509, 510
Dempsey, Jack, 187
Deneen, Charles S., 145–146
1932 bank failures, 503
beer legal, 512–513
beer prices down, 509
bootlegger bankruptcy strategy, 510
Capone business downturn, 259
Capone comments on, 415
Capone soup kitchen, 302–305, 340, 372, 456
Capone tax trial jurors, 432, 449
Chicago debt and unemployment, 467
Hoover and Hoovervilles, 239–241, 400
Howlett’s three cars, 464
jobless shuffle, 358
Miami enjoying Capone, 251
movies on Beer Wars, 368, 462, 477–481, 534
Ness salary, 360
racketeers viewed with loathing, 393
Secret Six funding, 233
Des Plaines, Illinois, xxi, 532
Dever, William E., 51, 54, 83, 108–110
diamond-studded belt buckle, 143, 275–276, 280, 284–285, 387, 432, 452
Dick Tracy (comic strip), xi, 394–395, 490, 530, 549
“Dick Tracy Detective Squad,” 530
Dillinger, John, 522–523, 527
Dion O’Banion gang, xxi
Ditchburne, Harry, 245–246
Division of Investigation
formation, 514–515
Ness job switch, 515, 519–524, 527
Dodds, Johnny, 139
Doran, James, 123–124
Drucci, Vincent “Schemer,” xxv, 50, 90, 92, 95, 110, 128, 183, 525
Druggan Lake gang, xxi
dumdum bullets, 157, 160, 165, 166
Dunbar, J. C., 291, 436, 437
Dundee, Illinois, raid, 510
Durbin, Dick, 545, 547
Eastern State Penitentiary (Philadelphia), 220–225, 243–244, 336, 375
Egan’s Rats gang (St. Louis), 112, 147
Eig, Jonathan, xvi, xvii, 557
Eighteenth Amendment
Capone conspiracy indictment, 418–419, 464, 493–494
Capone guilty plea, 398–399, 402, 406, 407–410, 418
illegal manufacture, transportation, sale, 322
illegal transport by Capone, 364
Jones Law, 264
legal beer sales movement, 350, 512
legal consumption and purchase, 24–25, 73–74, 255
repeal of, 393, 415, 505, 512, 514, 524
Volstead Act, 96–97
See also Prohibition
Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life (play/film; 2004/2005), xv, xvi
Ellis, Oliver J., 170–171
Esposito, “Diamond Joe,” 111, 145–146
Jamie joining, 41–42, 67. See also Bureau of Investigation
Little Caesar viewings, 540
Mafia acknowledgment, 539
Ness as G-man, 521–524. See also Division of Investigation
Untouchables as G-men, 527
Dick Tracy, 394
pearl-gray, 6, 188, 226, 238, 242, 279, 332, 339, 345, 422, 482, 499
Feltrin, Tony, 163
Fermi, Enrico, 532, 542
films. See movies
Fink, Albert
Capone tax trial, 404, 424, 426–439, 444–451
Capone trial sentencing, 459–460, 498
mishandling of case, 497–498
First National Bank, 363–364
Fischetti, Charles, xxiii, 54, 58, 449
Fitzgerald, Patrick, 540–541
Florida banishing Capone, 251–255, 285. See also Miami
Ford, Henry, 544
ballistics, 192, 197–200. See also ballistics
Chicago crime lab, 199–200, 203
Crime House at Century of Progress, 524
criminology courses, 200–204
lie detector, 192, 202, 203–204
Northwestern Crime Lab, 200, 203, 278, 279, 280, 524
wiretapping, 236–239. See also wiretapping
Forest View, Illinois, 51–52, 84
Forsythe, James “Red,” 281
Foster, Frank (Ferdinand Bruna), 278–279, 280, 286
4 Against the Mob (Fraley), xii
Four Deuces (Chicago), xxi, 45–46, 48–49, 57, 534
Fraley, Oscar, xii, xiv, xviii
Franklin, Arthur, 156–157
Friel, Thomas J., 328
Froelich, William J., xxix
Capone contempt of court, 470
Gardner leave refused, 326
on Ness and Jamie, 507–508
Ness recommendation, 522
Ness urged to make headlines, 474, 475–476
touched Untouchable let go, 484
Untouchables formation, 312, 313
Untouchables leader Ness, 313–314
Fusco, Joe “Shrinking Violet”
beer business top brass, 322–323, 364, 369
Century of Progress arrest, 525
Gold Seal Liquors license, 513
Juffra working under, 441, 442
Nitto running Chicago, 516
running beer racket, 509
visiting Capone in jail, 469
Gabriel over the White House (film; 1933), 481
Galluccio, Frank, 21, 80
Capone trial money loss strategy, 444–445, 449
Capone’s business, 182
Capone’s compulsions, 5, 106, 137–138
Capone’s honor, 113, 434, 476–477
Hawthorne Kennel Club, 265–269, 289–290, 291, 437
Hawthorne Race Track, xxi
Hialeah Race Track, 187, 189
Miami Beach Kennel Club, 251
racing as Outfit revenue source, 266, 516–518
Sportsman’s Park, 517
stock market as, 138
Washington Park racetrack, 273
See also Hawthorne Smoke Shop
Gardner, William Jennings, xxviii, 317, 319–321, 326, 328–329
garlic on bullets, 77
Genna, Anthony, xxv, 78
Genna, “Bloody” Angelo, xxv, 76–77
Genna, Jim, 78
Genna, Mike, xxv, 77–78
Genna, Pete, xxv, 78
Genna, Sam, 78
Genna brothers, xxi, xxv
description of “Terrible Gennas,” 75–76, 525
O’Banion conflict, 56
O’Banion-Torrio buffer, 50–51
Unione Siciliana battle, 76–79
Get Capone (Eig; 2010), xvi, xvii, 557
Giannoni, John, 129–134, 159, 169
Gibaldi, Vicenzo, 76. See also McGurn, “Machine Gun” Jack
Gilbert, Daniel “Tubbo,” 273
Gilbert, LeRoy, xxx, 161–162, 169
Girton, Fred, 380–383
Giunta, Joseph “Hop Toad,” 178, 208, 209, 210–213, 215, 216, 218
Goddard, Calvin Hooker, 192
bullets gathered for, 209
Crime House at Century of Progress, 524
Lingle murder weapon, 278, 279, 280
Ness learning from, 203, 279, 280
Northwestern Crime Lab, 200, 203, 278, 279, 280, 524
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 198–200, 228–229
Zuta murder, 286
Goetz, Fred, xxiv, 147, 148–149, 179, 180, 516
Golding, George Elias “Hardboiled,” xxvii, 121–126, 128–135, 155–158, 321
Goldstein, Louis, 181–182
golf, 151–153
Gould, Chester, xi, 394–395, 490, 530
Green, Dwight H., xxix
Capone guilty plea, 397–398, 418
Capone tax trial, 418, 424, 426–427, 445
Capone tax trial witness, 448
Insull fraud trial, 504
Ness recommendation, 522
Greenberg, Alex, 266
Greyhound Inn (Cicero), 236, 261, 264–265
Grossman, Jacob, xxix, 427–429, 433, 435–437, 449–451
Guilfoyle gang, xxi
Gusenberg, Frank, 4, 179
Guzik, Jack/Jake “Greasy Thumb,” xxiv
Capone “nutty as a cuckoo,” 530
Capone tax trial, 429, 434–435, 436, 438, 446, 449, 454
Chicago Outfit, 46, 49, 55, 181, 213, 292
Chicago Outfit senior partner, 374, 375
Chicago syndicate, 215–216, 374–376, 386
Hawthorne Kennel Club, 290
as Jake, xviii
public enemy, 256–257
relaxation, 151, 227
reporter O’Brien interviews, 369–370
tax evasion, 171, 205, 247, 291, 292, 295, 369, 434, 498
Untouchables Kid working for, 359
wiretapped, 278
Hagenauer, George, xiii, xiv, xv, xviii
Haller, Percy, 264
Harney, Malachi, 508–509
Harvard Inn (Brooklyn), 20–21
hats pearl-gray. See pearl-gray fedoras
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 490
Hawks, Howard, 478, 480
Hawthorne Hotel (Cicero), xxi
Capone celebrating release, 244
Chicago Outfit base of operations, 53, 91, 108, 276, 287
McSwiggin murder, 85, 89–90
Weiss war, 91–92, 94, 478–479
Hawthorne Kennel Club (Cicero), 265–269, 289–290, 291, 437
Hawthorne race track (Cicero), xxi
Hawthorne Smoke Shop (Cicero)
Capone trial, 426–430, 445–448, 453
handbook daily value, 53
ledger and Shumway, 293–294, 329–331, 377, 427–430
ledger as best evidence, 387–388, 446
Reverend Hoover raid, 74–75, 426–427, 453
Ries talking to Wilson, 292
headquarters of Capone, xxi. See also Lexington Hotel; Metropole Hotel
Hearst, William Randolph, 481
Hecht, Ben, 478, 479
Hefner, Hugh, 532
Heitler, Mike “de Pike,” xxiv, 372
Henderson, Parker, Jr., 143, 144, 148, 182, 432
Herbert, John F. J., 354
Herrick, C. W., 249–250
Hialeah Race Track (Florida), 187, 189
Highball the dog, 4, 197
Higinbotham, Priscilla, 392
Hines, Earl, 139
Holmesburg Prison (Philadelphia), 219–220
Hoover, Henry C., 74–75, 426, 453
Hoover, Herbert Clark (president), xxx, 226
bankers worse than Capone, 504
Capone’s neighbor, 193–197
criminal justice reform, 195, 240–241
George Johnson promotion, 521
get Capone, 195, 241, 247, 248, 311, 389
got Capone, 467–468, 521
Hoover-ball, 226, 239
Hoovervilles, 239–240
at Lincoln tomb in Springfield, 399–400
Ralph Capone conviction, 263
stock market crash, 224–225
Untouchables formation, 196, 312
Hoover, J. (John) Edgar, xxix
Capone contempt of court, 188, 189, 190
Capone indictment credit, 345
Division of Investigation formation, 514–515
Jamie versus, 67, 68–71
Kub misleading Jamie, 507, 508
Mafia acknowledgment, 539
Ness as G-man, 521–524, 527
Palmer Raids, 42
Purvis performance, 522–523
“Untouchables” objections, xii–xiii
See also Bureau of Investigation
Hope, Walter, 247, 263
Hotel Metropole. See Metropole Hotel
Hotel Ponce De Leon (Miami), 143, 148
Hotel Sherman peace conference, 92–93, 95, 107, 526
Howard, Joe, 55, 56
Howlett, George, 322–323, 364, 464, 469
Hughes, Howard, 478, 479, 480–481
income tax evasion. See tax evasion
Insull, Samuel, xxviii, 232, 233, 400, 503–505, 534
Intelligence Unit, xxix
Capone evidence to Wilkerson, 405
Capone money orders, 364
Capone positive press memo, 488
Chicago Heights financial records, 239
Chicago unit head Madden, 265, 385. See also Madden, Arthur
handwriting samples gathered, 293
Lindbergh baby kidnapping, 488–490
Manhattan next, 399, 467–468
policing Prohibition Unit, 97–100
Prohibition Bureau relations, 442–443, 546
taxes on illegal income, 171–172, 206, 247, 263, 265, 291, 385–386, 434. See also tax evasion
Wilson out of Baltimore, 268, 383. See also Wilson, Frank
Irey, Elmer Lincoln, xxix
Capone guilty plea, 397, 408
Capone trial, 448
as hero capturing Capone, xvii–xviii
Intelligence Unit head, 97, 171, 248
Lindbergh baby kidnapping, 488, 489, 490
Manhattan next, 399, 467–468
Nitto parole, 491, 492, 518–519
on Wilson and Capone, 268
Italo American National Union, 177. See also Unione Siciliana
Jamie, Alexander Gleig, xxvii, 28, 88
Capone brewery and ledgers, 277–278
Chapman loan, 495
J. Edgar Hoover versus, 67, 68–69, 523
joining Bureau of Investigation, 41–42
kill revenue, kill gang, 350
Kub partnership, 506–508
Ness childhood, 28, 38, 41
Ness groomed for Bureau, 67–68, 100–101, 204, 313, 545
Prohibition agent, 69–70, 88, 98, 102
Ralph Capone Canadian booze, 264
Secret Six chief investigator, 312–313, 505, 506, 523
secretary Edna Stahle Ness, 166, 201, 313, 507, 521
special agent in charge, 158, 204–205, 235, 265
special agent under Golding, 123–124, 155–156, 157–158, 205
Jamie, Wallace Ness, 28, 38, 202, 508, 521
jazz, 139, 236
Johnson, Enoch “Nucky,” 208, 213
Johnson, George E. Q. (federal prosecutor), xxix
about, 103–105
Capone battle exhausting, 464–465
Capone bootlegging evidence, 389–390, 493, 494, 513
Capone contempt-of-court, 338–345
Capone contract on, 308–311
Capone custody delay, 244, 263, 311–312
Capone guilty plea, 397–398, 407–410
Capone indictment on tax evasion, 331, 385–388, 390, 397–398, 410–411
Capone jail liquor business, 469, 470–471, 472, 473
Capone plea bargain, 386, 388–389, 392, 395–396, 404, 405–408, 410–411
Capone positive press memo, 488
Capone sentencing, 401–403, 406–412
Capone strategy, 265, 277
Capone tax statute of limitations, 496–497
Capone trial, 423, 435, 439, 452–453
Capone trial juror bribery, 423
Capone verdict, 458, 463
Chicago Heights, 128, 129, 161, 162–163, 167
Chicago Heights Capone subpoena, 186, 187–190
Hoover in Springfield, 399–400
Hoover people losing patience, 311–312
Jamie as key asset, 123
Ness recommendation, 521–522
Ness report on activities, 492–493
Nitto plea bargain, 294–295, 377–379, 491, 492
Ralph Capone charges, 206–207, 235, 264, 265
Secret Six, 234–235, 507
son on Prairie Avenue home as landmark, 543–544
“square shooter” per Guzik, 369
Untouchables formation, 312, 313–314, 317, 321
“Untouchables” name, 364–365, 391, 476
Untouchables praise, 391–392, 522
Untouchables urged to make headlines, 474–475, 476
Wilkerson on plea bargain, 395–396
Yellowley versus, 204–205
Joliet, Illinois, arrest of Capone, 117–118, 119
Jones Law (1929), 264
Juffra, Nick, 441–442, 513
Juliano, Lorenzo, xxv, 127–128, 154, 163, 170
jury for Capone tax trial, 423–426, 440
deliberation, 453–457
verdict, 456–459
Justice Department. See U.S. Department of Justice
juvenile delinquency prioritized, 529–530
“Kansas City Massacre,” 514
Karlson, Phil, xii
Keeler, Leonarde, 192, 202, 203
Kemp, Mr., 519, 523
Kennedy, Robert, 539
the Kid, 358–360, 362, 413–414
King, Marion Andrew Rockwell, 355–356, 399, 417
Kirk, Mark, 545, 546, 547
Klenha, Joseph, 54
Klondike O’Donnell gang, xxi, 83
Kooken, Donald L., 129–133, 159–160, 162, 201, 313, 318
Kroc, Ray, 532
Kub, Shirley, xxviii, 506–508
Kuhn, Ted, 70, 71, 99
Kuhn, William, 506
Kulak, Joe, 519–520, 523
Kutner, Luis, 236
La Cava, Gregory, 481
labor racketeering, 176–177, 515–516, 525, 539
Lahart, Martin J., xxviii
Capone guilty plea credit, 399
Chicago Heights, 163–164
Cicero, 235–239, 261
Lingle killer, 279
to Minneapolis, 417
Outfit bribery attempts, 360
Outfit truck convoy, 420
special agent with Ness, 125
Untouchables, 328
Lake County, Illinois, raid, 509–510
Lang, Harry, 511
LaPresta, Lawrence, 113
Larson, John, 202, 203–204, 323–324
LaRue, Victor E., 397, 398, 418
Laubenheimer, Henry, 498, 499
Leavenworth penitentiary
Capone to, 345, 458, 460, 498
Nitto imprisonment, 376–379, 491–492, 518–519
O’Hare visiting Nitto, 376–377
Wilson visiting Nitto, 377, 518–519
Leeson, Joseph D., xxviii
away from Untouchables, 325
battering-ram truck, 356
Capone guilty plea credit, 398
grandson on graft, 361
Untouchables brewery raid, 351–352
Untouchables formation, 317, 318, 321
LeRoy, Mervyn, 477
Lewis, J. Hamilton, 519
Lewis, Joe E., 139–140
Lexington Hotel, xxi, 528
Capone brothel investigation, 399
Capone during trial, 433, 445
Capone headquarters, 150–151, 175–176, 246, 346–347, 369, 405, 414–417, 436, 454, 549
Capone headquarters wiretapped, 278, 322–323, 421
Capone’s vault, 64, 537–538
confiscated vehicle parade, 420–421
De Palma’s Untouchables film, 548
torn down, 538, 549, 550
lie detector, 192, 202, 203–204
Lincoln, Abraham, 108, 150, 176, 246, 399–400
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, 486–491
Lingle, Alfred “Jake,” xxvi
Capone finding killer, 299–300, 306–307, 308
Chicago Tribune reporter, 244, 269
hunt for killer, 278–283, 284–285, 286–287, 289, 307
killing of, 270, 271–277, 347
Mount Carmel Cemetery, 525
Lipschultz, Louis, 291
Little Caesar (Burnett), 477, 480
Little Caesar (film; 1931), 477–478, 480–481, 540
Loesch, Frank
Capone guilty plea, 401
Capone meeting, 149, 150–151
Cermak murder, 511
Hoover crime commission, 241
Public Enemies list, 255–257
Secret Six, 233
war on crime won, 468
Lolordo, Pasqualino “Patsy,” 178
Lombardo, Tony, xxiv, 92
Longergan, Richard “Peg Leg,” 80–81
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 214–215, 229, 472
Lyle, John H. (judge)
Capone contract on, 308–311
Capone supporting Thompson, 337, 340
Cermak murder, 511
organized crime thriving, 467
stool pigeon murder, 372
vagrancy law on Capone, 297–298, 300, 304, 306, 334
vagrancy warrant served on Capone, 341–342, 345
Mad Butcher, xiv–xv
Madden, Arthur P., xxix
Capone contract on, 308–311
Capone evidence to Wilkerson, 405
Capone guilty plea, 397
Capone indictment, 385
Capone jail liquor business, 469
Capone plan of action, 248–249
Lindbergh baby kidnapping, 488–490
O’Hare, 265–266, 267–268
Maddox “Circus” gang, xxi
Malone, Michael, 399, 434, 546
Maloy, Tommy, 306
Mamet, David, xv, 557
Mangano, Lawrence, 372
map of Chicago organized crime, xxi
Maritote, John J., 333–334
Martino, Joe, xxv, 130–132, 159–160, 169
Massee, Bert, 197–198, 199, 200
Mattingly, Lawrence P.
Capone settlement offer, 248–249, 295–297
Capone settlement offer as evidence, 386–387, 430, 431, 445
grand jury testimony, 448
McCormick, Robert R., 197, 275, 279, 335, 517, 549
McCreary, Samuel D., 253, 254
McErlane, Frankie, 51
McGeoghegan, xxi
McGurn, “Machine Gun” Jack, xxiv
arrest in Miami, 252
Genna vengeance by, 76, 78–79, 83
golf with the boss, 151
Gusenberg attempts at killing, 179
“Machine Gun,” 83
protecting Capone, 113–114
as public enemy, 256–257
roughing up Joe E. Lewis, 139–140
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 185–186
wiretapped, 278
McSwain, W. A., 470–471, 472
McSwiggin, Anthony, 89–90, 293
McSwiggin, William H., xxvi, 83–85, 89–90
Mellon, Andrew (Treasury Secretary), 196
Menjou, Adolphe, 250
Metropole Hotel, xxi
Capone headquarters, 108, 117, 150, 436, 454
Capone tax evasion trial, 432
torn down, 535–536, 549
Meyer, George, 212–213
Miami, Florida
Capone and St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 5, 181–183, 186, 245, 341
Capone Palm Island home, 5–6, 136, 144–145, 178, 186, 187, 250, 251–252, 276, 283–285, 334–337, 366, 375, 380–383, 432, 443, 530–531
Capone Palm Island home lien, 459, 461
Capone renting, 142–144
Capone’s “Summer White House,” 195, 298
governor banishing Capone, 251–255, 285
Penney mansion housing Hoover, 193, 194, 195
Ponce De Leon Hotel, 143, 148
speculative mania, 194
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 532, 533, 534
milk business of Capone, 305
Miller, Harry, 511
Mitchell, William D. (Attorney General), xxix
Capone guilty plea, 388, 401, 408, 409
Hoover’s Prohibition enforcement, 196
inter-bureau resentment, 443
Johnson delay, 311–312
Mob Museum (Las Vegas), 535
Moneypenny, David, 470, 471, 472–473
Montmartre Café (Cicero), 236, 237–239, 277, 494
Moore, E. A., 317, 325
Moran, George “Bugs,” xxv
Aiello alliance, 179, 213, 281
“Bugs,” 178, 184
Capone buying out, 300, 489
Capone tax trial, 445
Carey murder, 489
Chicago syndicate, 215
fleeing to France, 183, 215
Lake County rackets, 509–510
ledgers seized, 286
North Side gang, 92, 95
North Side head, 110, 178, 184, 300
O’Banion gang, 50, 178
as public enemy, 256–257
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 5, 178–181, 182, 183–184
Torrio assassination, 58–59
Zuta running North Side gang, 281
Morgan, Frank, 426–427
Morici, Vito, 499, 500
Mount Carmel Cemetery, 77, 209, 525
Beer Wars, 368, 462, 477–481, 534
Secret Six, 505
Moyamensing Prison (Philadelphia), 219
Muni, Paul, 462, 479–480
Murder Twins. See Anselmi, Albert; Scalise, John
Murdock, George, 262–263
Murray gang, xxi
Nabers, Albert M. “Nine Toed,” xxvii, 129–135, 164–166
Nash, Tommy, 424
national crime syndicate
beer and liquor market, 513–514
Chicago Outfit, 539, 540–541
Cleveland Syndicate, 529
FBI against Mafia, 539
foundations of, 214
Kub’s Crime Syndicate and System, 507–508
Robert Kennedy against Teamsters, 539
National Prohibition Act (1919), 96–97. See also Volstead Act
Ness, Edna, xxvii, 201, 313, 507, 520, 521
as Edna Stahle, 124–125, 158, 166, 201, 520
Ness, Eliot, xxvii, 60, 88, 120, 316, 348, 482
becoming Prohibition agent, 60, 67–68, 69–71, 100–103, 104, 545
birth, 35
Capone brewery and ledgers, 277–278
Capone bribery attempts, 360
Capone direct contact, 10, 397, 420–421, 482, 499–501, 545
Capone evidence to Wilkerson, 405
Capone guilty plea, 397, 398
Capone tax evasion trial, 442
Capone to Atlanta, 482, 499–501
Capone verdict, 463–464, 546
Cermak-Nitto war, 511
childhood, 28, 36–43
Cincinnati office, 519–521, 527
Cleveland public safety director, xiv–xv, 529–530, 545
college life, 64–67
criminology, 200–204, 260, 279, 280
death of, xii, xviii, 531–532
description of, 9, 164, 355, 465–466
Dick Tracy based on, xi, 394–395, 530
Division of Investigation job switch, 515, 519–524, 527
final raid, 511–512, 514
grand jury appearance, 412, 417
Hoover as boss, 515, 519–524
Juffra arrest, 442
Kulak still ignored, 519–520, 523
legacy, 545–548
life-sized dummy, 543
Lingle killer hunt, 278–280
marriage to Edna, 201, 521, 523
novels portraying, xiii–xiv, xv, xvi
“on the take,” 158–160
Outfit death threats, 362
pressure of the job, 483
promotion to chief investigator, 493, 508–510
reputation as omnipresent, 420
RICO Act codifying tactics, 540
salary, 70, 360
special agent beginnings, 123–126
special agent in Chicago Heights, 126–135, 158–159, 162–166, 167–169, 205
special agent in Cicero, 235–239
tax evasion defendant roundup, 390–391
Untouchables formation, 313–314, 317–321. See also Untouchables
The Untouchables memoir, xii, xviii, 531–532
“Untouchables” name, 364–365, 391
Untouchables praise, 391–395
Untouchables Prohibition report, 492–493
Untouchables’ “calling card,” 353, 356, 357, 419, 473, 474
as Untouchables’ face, 391–395, 474–477
Wilson relationship, 443, 546
Ness, Emma King (mother), 31–32, 37, 43, 165
Ness, Peter (Peder) Johnsen (father), 10, 29–35, 37, 38, 40, 43, 165, 473
Newton, Walter, 519–520
Nitti, Frank
De Palma Untouchables, xv
as Frank Nitto, xviii
Ness after assassination attempt, xiii
as Ries’s boss, 434
running Chicago, 458
Nitto, Frank “The Enforcer,” xxiv, 288, 502
arrest, 294–295
assassinations for Capone, 93, 180, 212, 300–301
baseball bat banquet, 212, 213
Brothers as Lingle killer, 307
Cermak war, 510–511, 549
Chicago Outfit senior partner, 374, 375, 492
Chicago Syndicate, 215–216, 248, 256, 374–376, 386, 515–516, 517–519, 526
childhood with Capones, 16–18, 517
Frank Nitti as, xviii
Hawthorne Kennel Club, 290, 437
labor union takeovers, 515–516
Leavenworth imprisonment, 376–379, 491–492, 518–519
running Chicago, 116, 178, 181, 219, 375, 458, 492, 511, 526
tax evasion, 171, 205, 239, 247, 294–295
“the Enforcer,” 180
working for Torrio, 49, 518
North Side gang (Moran), xxi, xxv
Capone war, 90–94, 95, 107, 111, 213, 215, 300, 489
ledgers seized, 286–287
Lingle on wrong side of, 276, 281, 299–300
Moran as head, 110, 178, 184, 300
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 184. See also St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Weiss as head, 90
Zuta running, 281, 299
Northwestern Crime Lab, 200, 203, 278, 279, 280, 524
Nugent, Raymond “Crane Neck,” 112, 147, 179, 182–183
Obama, Barack, 541
O’Banion, Charles Dean, xxv
flower shop, xxi, 50, 54, 56–57, 93, 532
flower shop torn down, 533–534
killing of, 56–57, 76, 77, 183, 478–479, 525
Prohibition profits, 49–50, 97
O’Brien, Howard Vincent, 369–373
O’Donnell, William “Klondike,” 83
Oftedal, Alf, 155
O’Hare, Edgar Joseph “Artful Eddie,” xxiv
airport named after son, 517, 549
Capone bribing jurors, 423
Capone finding Lingle killer, 308–311
dog track, 266–269, 289–291, 429, 437, 516
killing of, 516, 546
Nitto visit in Leavenworth, 376–377
as possible intermediary, 299, 300, 307, 311, 330
Wilson helped by, 289–291, 293–294, 516–518
Operation CeaseFire, 541–542
Operation Family Secrets, 540–541, 544–545
O’Toole, Garson, 557
Outfit. See Chicago Outfit
Padden, Frank M., 345
Paddock, George E., 233
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 42
Parsons, Louella, 368
Pasley, Fred, 340
Patterson, Eleanor, 334–336
Patton, Johnny, 151, 152, 290
peace talks
Atlantic City, 213–217, 218, 251
gang borders, xxi, 95, 107, 215–217, 539
Hotel Sherman, 92–93, 95, 107, 526
national syndicate formation, 214. See also national crime syndicate
pearl-gray fedoras, 6, 188, 226, 238, 242, 279, 332, 339, 345, 351, 420, 422, 482, 499
pearl-gray spats, 339, 369
Penney, J. C., 193, 194, 195
Penovich, Peter P., Jr., 427, 428, 434, 435, 436, 445–448, 449
Philadelphia arrest of Capone, 217–223
Phillips, Dr. Kenneth, xxiv, 187, 189, 337, 340–341, 342–343, 344
Picchi, Mike, 165, 169
Pinedo, Francesco de, 175
Piquett, Louis, 307
plea bargains, 102
Capone tax evasion, 386, 388–389, 392, 395–396, 400–403, 404, 405–408, 410–411
Nitto at Leavenworth, 294–295, 376–379, 491–492, 518–519
Polito, Rick, 547
Ponce De Leon Hotel (Miami), 143, 148
Pope, Frankie, 372, 427, 428, 446–447
Prairie Avenue
Capone harassed by police, 118
Capones living on, xxi, 43, 44–47, 73, 107, 213, 223, 381, 443, 531
changes, 535, 541
lien on Capone home, 459, 461
Nesses living on, 43, 165
preservation of Capone home, 536–537, 543–544
Prochno, Arthur, 440, 453, 455–456
bootlegging rarely convicted, 102, 265
Capone comments on, 415, 544
Capone conspiracy indictment, 418–419, 464, 493–494
Capone guilty plea, 398–399, 402, 406, 407–410, 418
Chicago deliveries down, 259
Chicago landmarks destroyed, 528, 533–538, 548–550
eat-drink-and-be-merry spirit, 65, 66
Eighteenth Amendment, 24–25, 73–74
end of, 524
Ford belief in, 544
illegal manufacture, transportation, sale, 322
illegal transport by Capone, 364
indictment for unpaid sales tax, 496
Jones Law, 264
kidnapping popular, 112
legal beer sales, 512–513
legal beer sales movement, 350, 512
legal consumption and purchase, 24–25, 73–74, 255
mayoral promise of ten thousand new speakeasies, 110
Ness opinion on, 103
President Hoover enforcing, 195–197
repeal of, 393, 415, 505, 512, 514, 524
rewards of, 1, 5–6, 76, 95, 97, 117–118, 119, 136, 137, 169, 218, 296, 339, 340, 349, 386
toxic liquor, 69, 76
Volstead Act, 96–97
Wickersham Commission, 241
Prohibition Bureau, xxvii, 60, 88, 316
into Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 545
into Alcoholic Beverage Unit, 514–515
Capone guilty plea, 398–399
Chapman’s lifestyle, 495
disbanding, 485
Intelligence Unit relations, 442–443, 546
to Justice Department, 311, 316, 442
making buys to build cases, 101–102
as Prohibition Unit replacement, 100
special agent Golding, xxvii, 121–126, 128–135, 155–158
special agent Ness beginnings, 123–126. See also Ness, Eliot
Untouchables broken up, 417
Untouchables formation, 196–197, 312–314, 317–321. See also Untouchables
Untouchables vs. regular forces, 475
Prohibition Unit, xxvii, 60, 88
administrator Yellowley, 97–100. See also Yellowley, E. C.
Intelligence Unit policing, 97–100
Jamie joining, 69–71. See also Jamie, Alexander
Prohibition Bureau replacing, 100
Volstead Act, 96–97
public enemies, 256–257, 298, 342, 466, 467, 513, 525
Capone as Public Enemy Number One, 256–257, 342, 373, 388, 530
public enemy brother Maritote, 333–334
The Public Enemy (film; 1931), 478, 480
Pullman, George, 31–32, 33–34
Purvis, Melvin, xxix, 472–473, 522–524
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act (1970), 539–542
radio broadcast of inaugural address, 195
Ralph Sheldon gang, xxi
Rand, Sally, 524
Randolph, Robert Isham, xxviii
Capone meeting, 346–347
Capone sentenced, keep working, 463, 464
Century of Progress arrests, 525
Jamie as Secret Six chief investigator, 313
Kub as Jamie partner, 507
legal beer movement, 350, 512
modern Chicago, 549
Prohibition repeal support, 505
Republican Party convention, 468
Ries to Uruguay, 295, 434
Secret Six formation, 231–235
Rathbun, Charles, 275, 297, 299, 307
Remus, George, 267, 289
Retail Credit Company, 68, 70
Ricca, Paul, 91, 92, 516
Rice, C. L., 233
Richman, Harry, 140
Ries, Fred, 291–292, 295, 434–439
Rio, Frankie, xxiv
Capone bodyguard, 91, 210, 217
Carey search, 487
Hawthorne Hotel attack, 91–92
Outfit takeover plot, 210
Philadelphia arrest, 217–218, 220, 244
as public enemy, 256–257
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 180
wiretapped, 278
Rivera, Geraldo, 64, 537–538
Roberto, Dominic, 85–86
Robinson, Edward G., 443–444, 477–478
Robsky, Paul Wenzel, xxviii, 355, 360–361, 398–399, 484
Roche, Pat, xxx, 288
arrests at Mafalda Capone wedding, 333
Capone contract on, 308–311
Capone custody delay, 245
Capone requests meeting, 299–300
Intelligence Unit brewery raid, 98–100
Intelligence Unit tracking Juliano, 128
Lingle investigation, 275, 279, 280–283, 286–287, 297, 298, 306–307
Nitto arrest, 288, 294
Rogers, John T., 289–290, 308, 330, 376–377, 423, 518
Rogers, Will, 486
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 511, 512
Roosevelt Finance Company, 266, 267
Rosenwald, Julius, xxviii, 233
Rosselli, Johnny, 539
Runyon, Damon, 380, 382, 425, 432, 444
Russell, William F., 167, 273–274, 275
Saltis gang, xxi
Samuelson, Tim, 536, 545
Sandburg, Carl, 547
Scalise, John, xxiv, 77–78, 79, 84, 178, 186, 208, 209, 210–213, 216, 218
Scarface (film; 1932), 462, 478–480
The Scarface Mob (TV; 1959), xii
Schofield, Lemuel B., 217–218
Schultz, Dutch, 472
Schwartz, A. Brad, xv–xvi, xviii
Schwarz, Charles, 364–365
Seager, (Samuel) Maurice, xxviii
Capone guilty plea credit, 398
Cicero, 235–239, 259, 260, 262
leaving Untouchables, 476
Outfit bribery attempts, 360
special agent with Ness, 235
Untouchables brewery raid, 351–352
Untouchables evidence report, 495
Untouchables formation, 317, 321–322, 326
The Secret 6 (film; 1931), 505
Secret Six, xxviii
Ahern and Fink bribed, 497
Capone beer business, 349
Chapman financial woes, 495
formation, 232–235
Jamie as chief investigator, 313, 505–508, 523
McCormick follows path, 275
paying Ries to hide, 295, 434
Randolph meeting with Capone, 346–347
Randolph Street, 549
reporter meeting with Capone, 369
Samuel Insull, 400
Serritella, Daniel, 110
Sharkey, Jack, 174, 187, 188
Shumway, Leslie A., 293–294, 329–331, 377, 387, 427–430, 517
Smith, Herbert, 221–223, 244
smokescreen from car, 283
“Snorky,” 278, 421
soup kitchen, 302–305, 340, 372, 456
South Prairie Avenue. See Prairie Avenue
Spike O’Donnell gang, xxi
Sportsman’s Park (Cicero), 517
Springfield, Illinois, 399–400
St. John, Archer, 63
St. John, Robert, 62–64, 544
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, xxi, xxxii, 174
American Boys as hit squad, 179–181, 182–183, 227–229, 487
author Burnett viewing, 477
ballistics, 192, 197–200, 228–229
Burke as machine gunner, 227–229
Capone in Miami, 5, 181–183, 186, 245, 341
Capone’s downfall, 8, 184, 185–186, 245–246, 526. See also forensics
Capone’s success, 184
coroner’s inquest, 197–200
description of events, 1–5, 178–181
garage demolition, 534–535
life-sized dummies in Chicago, 543
The Maltese Falcon copyright year, xiii
Moran and, 5, 178–181, 182, 183–184, 489
Nugent to Palm Island, 182–183
Scarface film, 462, 478–479
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre film, 534
Thompson submachine guns, 2–3, 199, 228, 278
Winkeler on hit squad, 180, 375, 516
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (film; 1967), 534
Stack, Robert, xii, 485, 532, 547
Stahle, Edna, 124–125, 158, 166, 201, 520. See also Ness, Edna
Startling Detective Adventures, 208, 380, 383
statute of limitations
liquor crimes, 410, 412
tax evasion, 239, 329–330, 331, 387–388, 396, 426, 449, 496–497
Stege, John, 167–168, 209, 213, 242, 244–246, 273, 275
Sterling, Robert D., xxviii, 354, 399
stock market
1929 crash, 224–225, 239–241
1929 ride, 194, 503–504
1932 bank failures, 503
as gambling to Capone, 138
Stribling, William, 187, 188
strike insurance, 177
strikebreaking by Capone, 335
Stutzman, Warren E., xxviii, 326–327, 398
Sullivan, James, 399
Supreme Court of the United States, 496
Swanson, John A., 146, 167, 169, 231–232, 234–235, 245, 259, 261, 275, 372, 507
Swoboda, Steve, 353, 357
syphilis, 21, 23, 39, 81–82, 145, 221, 530–531
tax evasion
Capone acquittal fix, 375–376, 518
Capone brewery records, 277–278
Capone bribing Internal Revenue, 297
Capone case under Wilson, 268–269
Capone dodging liability, 190, 205, 244, 247, 265, 267
Capone guilty plea, 384, 395–399, 402, 406, 407–410, 418
Capone indictment, 331, 385–388, 389, 390, 398, 410–411
Capone pushed out by Nitto, 518–519
Capone reward for Lindbergh baby, 486–487
Capone sentencing, 400, 401–403, 405–412, 458–461, 497
Capone settlement attempt, 248–250, 295–297, 430–431, 433, 444, 450
Capone tax history, 247–249
Capone trial, 404, 410, 418–419, 422, 426–439, 440, 445–449, 534
Capone trial appeal, 426, 443, 458, 460, 469, 485–486, 496–497
Capone trial jury deliberation, 453–457
Capone trial jury selection, 423–426, 440
Capone trial verdict, 456–459, 546
Capone vault contents, 537
Chicago Heights financial records, 170–171, 205, 239
first Chicago gangster conviction, 263, 265
Frank Nitto, 171, 205, 239, 247, 294–295
indictment for beer sales tax, 496
Jack Guzik, 171, 205, 247, 291, 292, 295, 369, 434, 498
Ralph Capone, 205, 206, 262–263, 265, 338, 449
Ralph Capone illegal income, 171–172, 206–207, 247
statute of limitations, 239, 329–330, 331, 387–388, 396, 426, 449, 496–497
Treasury and Justice plan strategy, 205–206
Taylor, Robert, 181
Terkel, Studs, 512
Terrible Gennas, xxi, xxv, 75–76, 525. See also Genna brothers
Tessem, Nels, 291, 292, 377, 397
Thompson, William Hale “Big Bill,” xxvi
Capone office portrait of, 108, 150, 246
Cermak battling gangs, 510
Cermak challenging, 338
driving Capone out of Chicago, 115, 116–117
Lyle challenging, 337, 340
Michigan Avenue Bridge plaque, 548
“Pineapple Primary,” 145, 146
presidential bid, 115, 118–119
second mayoral term, 47–48, 51
third mayoral term, 109–111
Thompson submachine guns (tommy guns)
about, 2, 82–83
Aiello family bakery, 113
Aiello murder, 300–301
“Chicago lightning,” 83
“Chicago typewriters,” 148, 479–480
first New York killing, 148, 181–182, 228
Geraldo Rivera firing, 537
McSwiggin murder, 83–85, 89
Scarface movie, 479–480
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, 2–3, 199, 228, 278
Tommy Gun’s Garage, 549
Weiss-Capone war, 91–92, 93
Zuta murder, 286
Time magazine cover with Capone, 250–251
Torchio, Antonio, 113
Torrio, John, xxiv
assassination attempt, 58–59
Atlantic City peace talks, 214–217
Capone at Four Deuces, 45–46, 48–49
Capone childhood, 18–19, 27
Capone in Cook County Jail, 469, 472
Capone tax evasion trial, 439
Chicago Outfit, 46, 47, 51–53, 54–55, 58
Chicago Outfit to Capone, 59, 214
Chicago syndicate control, 215–217, 219
as Colosimo’s man in Chicago, 23–24, 26
home of, xxi
mediator, 56, 309
Nitto working for, 49, 518
O’Banion setting up, 56, 441
“plenty for everyone,” 526
Prohibition profits, 25–26, 27, 46, 53
Touhy gang, xxi
Transportation Building, 124–125, 279, 321, 354, 363, 484, 500, 545, 548, 550
Treasury Department. See U.S. Department of the Treasury
Tribune. See Chicago Tribune
True Detective (Collins), xiii
Twenty-First Amendment, 514, 524
Uale, Frankie, 19, 20. See also Yale, Frankie
union labor racketeering, 176–177, 515–516, 525, 539
Unione Siciliana, 76–79, 111, 130, 148, 177–178, 210, 215
U.S. Department of Justice, xxix
Cloonan investigation, 485
Division of Investigation, 514–515
Prohibition Bureau to, 196, 311, 316, 442. See also Prohibition Bureau
Untouchables formation, 196, 312–314, 317–321. See also Untouchables
See also Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Justice Department meetings on taxes, 205–206. See also tax evasion
Prohibition Bureau to Justice, 196, 311, 316, 442. See also Prohibition Bureau; Prohibition Unit
See also Intelligence Unit
University of Chicago
criminology courses, 200–204
Meagher shooting, 231
Ness as undergraduate, 43, 64–67, 365, 475
Ness raid near, 511
nuclear research, 523
Untouchable Life (film; 2005), xv, xvi
Untouchable Life (play). See Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life
Untouchable Tours, 528, 550
the Untouchables, xxviii, 316
ATF memorial, 547–548
battering-ram truck, 353, 356, 357, 419, 473, 474
Capone and liquor statute of limitations, 412
Capone evidence to Wilkerson, 405
Capone guilty plea, 397–399
Capone jailed, work continues, 463–464, 473–475, 492–493
Capone linked to brewery, 413
Chicago Heights raid, 358
Cicero brewery raid, 349–354, 364, 389–390
disbanding, xiii
final raid, 511–512
Fitzgerald completes the work, 540–541
formation of, 196–197, 312–314, 317–321
grand jury appearance, 412, 417
Intelligence Unit relations, 442–443
the Kid, 358–360, 362, 413–414
Ness as face of, 391–395, 474–477
Ness legacy, 545–548
not G-men, 521–524, 527
as omnipresent crime fighters, 420
Outfit bribery attempts, 360–361, 364–365, 391, 484–485
Outfit harassment, 361–363
Outfit weakened and pressured, 412–414, 419–421, 508–509
outside Chicago, 509–510
personnel all named, 398–399
personnel changes, 325–329, 354–356, 417
praise and congratulations, 391–395, 398–399
Prohibition activities report, 492–493
Prohibition evidence, 494–496
publicizing raids, 474–476, 477
RICO Act codifying tactics, 540
salaries, 360, 391
South Side brewery raid, 356–358, 389–390, 413
touchable agent on squad, 483–485
“Untouchables” name, 364–365, 391
vehicles of Outfit, 362–363, 364, 413, 420–421, 474, 509
vehicles paraded, 420–421
wiretapping Capone sites, 323–325, 414, 421, 483–484, 485, 494
The Untouchables (film; 1987), xv, 543, 546, 547, 548–550, 557
The Untouchables (Ness & Fraley; 1957), xii, xviii, 531–532
The Untouchables (TV; 1959), xi, xii–xiii, 329, 532, 547
The Untouchables (TV; 1993), 548
Uva, Frank, 363, 417–418
vagrancy law use, 297–298, 300, 304, 306, 334, 341–342, 345
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr., 414–417
vault in Lexington Hotel, 64, 537–538
verdict of Capone tax trial, 456–459, 546
Vollmer, August, xxx, 202–204, 241, 476, 529, 538
Volstead, Andrew J., 96
Volstead Act (1919)
amendment redefining “liquor,” 512
Capone conspiracy charge, 418–419
Capone guilty plea, 398–399, 402, 406, 407–410, 418
illegal manufacture, transportation, sale, 322
illegal transport by Capone, 364
legal beer sales movement, 350, 512
Prohibition Unit, 96–97
repeal of, 393, 512, 514, 524
statute of limitations, 410, 412
von Frantzius, Peter, 278, 280
Waite, Charles, 198
Waller, Fats, 139
Washington Park racetrack, 273
Waters, Eddie, 171
Weiss, Earl “Hymie,” xxv
Capone war, 91–94, 478–479
Gennas killed O’Banion, 76, 183
killing of, 93, 94, 95, 183, 525
North Siders head, 90
O’Banion confederate, 49, 50
proclivity for violence, 50, 76, 77, 90
Torrio assassination attempt, 58–59
Welles, Orson, 140
Wellman, William A., 478
Wertheimer, Henry, 112–113
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse (TV; 1959), xi, xii
White, Frank L., 88, 101, 102
White Hand, 80–81
Wickersham Commission, 241
Wilkerson, James Herbert (judge), xxix, 404
Capone Chicago Heights subpoena, 187
Capone contempt-of-court charges, 338–345
Capone guilty plea, 396–398, 407–410
Capone jail liquor business, 469–473
Capone plea bargain, 395–396, 405–408, 410–412, 496
Capone sentencing, 400, 401–403, 405–410, 459–460
Capone trial, xviii, 410–412, 418–419, 427–439, 445–453
Capone trial jury deliberation, 453–457
Capone trial jury selection, 423–426, 440
D’Andrea intimidating witnesses, 434
Hoover support of, 468, 504
Insull trial, 504, 534
Ralph Capone tax trial, 262–263, 265, 338
retirement, 505
Willebrandt, Mabel Walker, xxix, 96, 188, 189, 190, 247, 442
Wilson, Frank John, xxix
on Capone at guilty plea, 397
Capone brothel investigation, 399
Capone contract on, 308–311
Capone evidence to Wilkerson, 405
Capone lifestyle, 383, 387
Capone tax case assignment, 268–269, 295
Capone trial, 423, 434
Hawthorne Smoke Shop ledger, 293–294, 329–331
Herbert Hoover in Springfield, 399–400
as hero capturing Capone, xvii, xviii
Intelligence Unit, 268, 383
Lindbergh baby kidnapping, 489, 490
Lingle murder and, 280, 289
Ness relationship, 443, 546
Nitto visit at Leavenworth, 377, 518–519
O’Hare help, 268, 289–291, 293–294, 518
Wilson, Louis H., 295–296
Winchell, Walter, xii, 336–337, 380, 382
Winkeler, Georgette, 6, 180, 227–228, 229, 375–376, 487, 488, 516
Winkeler, Gus, xxiv, 112–113, 147, 148–149, 179, 180, 375–376, 506, 516, 518
Winter, Dale, 12, 24, 26
Cicero jazz joints, 236–239, 244, 259–261, 277, 494
Cloonan tapped by Justice, 485
every Capone haunt, 323–325
Kub office phone, 507
Lexington Hotel headquarters, 278, 322–323, 421
Ness’s office, 363
Outfit tip line for Untouchables raids, 414
touchable Untouchable, 483–484, 485
Wisconsin property of Capones, 142, 179, 531
Wolff, Albert H., 483
World Motor Service Company, 413
World’s Fairs
1893 “White City,” 34, 524, 549
1933 Century of Progress Exposition, 109, 149, 230–235, 388, 458, 466, 510, 524–525, 526
Yale, Frankie, xxiv
Capone murdering, 147–149, 181–182, 228, 245, 246–247
Colosimo murder, 27
as Frankie Uale, 19, 20
Harvard Inn, 20–21
holiday party at Adonis Club, 80–81
Yellowley, E. C., xxvii, 88, 97–100, 102, 156, 205, 513
Youngquist, G. Aaron, xxix, 247–249, 263, 311–312, 331, 388, 389, 443
Zangara, Giuseppe, 511
Zuta, Jack, xxv, 281–283, 285–287