Wood Organ Physiology

Let’s have a look at these organs function from both a western medical perspective and an Oriental medical perspective.

Liver function (Western Medicine)

- The production of bile for the digestion of food and in particular for the digestion of fats

- The production of amino acids (proteins)

- The production of cholesterol and special proteins to assist in the transport of fats around the body.

- The conversion and storing of extra glucose in the form of glycogen that is then converted back into glucose when the body requires more energy.

- The storing and processing of iron for red blood cell production

- The Clearing and cleaning of drugs and toxic substances in the blood

- Removes infectious bacteria from the bloodstream

- Regulates and manages and produces blood clotting factors

- The metabolization of medications into active ingredients

Gallbladder Function (Western Medicine)

- Stores bile (a dark green to yellowish fluid that aids in the digestion of fats that is produced in the liver)

- Secretes bile into the small intestine to aid in digestion and aids in neutralizing acids produced by the stomach

Liver Function (Oriental Medicine)

- Governs the smooth flow of Qi and Blood around the body

- Responsible for filtering, detoxifying, nourishing, replenishing and storing blood

- Governs the tendons and ligaments

- Detoxes the body of toxins

- Related emotion is anger, frustration or their opposite, contentedness

Gallbladder Function (Oriental Medicine)

- Supports the functions of the liver in governing a smooth flow of Qi and blood around the body

- Absorbing and managing excess heat conditions from the liver

- Aids digestion

- Related to indecisiveness and decision making

Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Signs and Symptoms

(Oriental medicine)

Liver & Gallbladder In Balance

- Good healthy digestion

- Regular and healthy bowel movements (not too dry, not too wet and one a day before breakfast is ideal)

- Generally in a good and positive mood

- Enjoys moving the body, enjoys exercise, dancing, walking etc.

- Motivated and energized

- Doesn’t get angry or frustrated easily

- Is clear and decisive in the decision making process

- Is content and happy with the way life is unfolding

- Willing to launch into new projects

- Is flexible and adaptable to new situations as they arise, (sees them as a healthy challenge rather then an obstacle)

- Healthy eyes with good vision

Liver & Gallbladder Out Of Balance

- Easy to agitation, frustration & anger

- Feelings of stagnation or being stuck

- Mild depression and moodiness (bipolar related symptoms)

- A poor, sluggish digestion (bloating, excess gas, cramps etc.) or an over stimulated, rapid metabolism (too much fire)

- Can be overweight and slow (not enough heat) or very thin and looks dried out (too much heat)

- Mentally Unclear, uncertain and lacks ability to make firm decisions

- Irregular bowel movements eg. Constipation

- Lots of sighs and feelings of “can’t be bothered” or “its too hard”

- Irregular menstruation

- Tendency to alcohol addiction

- Tendency to drug addiction (marijuana & methamphetamine mainly)

- Lacks energy and motivation

- Self absorbed, greedy, selfish

- Stubborn, pig headed and not adaptable to new circumstances

- Intolerant (easily agitated)

- Red face

- Narrow minded – prefers to stick to familiar ways

- Clumsiness

- Shakes or has a tremor in the hands and limbs

- Regular dry, red or irritated eyes, sometimes partnered with vision problems