Wood Element Daily Lifestyle Practices

• Early to rise and go for a walk or practice some yoga / Qi Gong / exercise to get the Qi and blood moving

• Lemon water on waking to flush the liver

• In bed before 11pm

• Take up a new movement class or incorporate more movement into your day.

• Write up and brainstorm things you want to work on and bring into your life and throw out the things that don’t support that vision.

• Spring clean. Clean out your bedroom, house, car etc. Throw away the non-essentials. Be ruthless!

• Spend more time in nature and being in green environments.

• Be creative at night. Don’t watch the news or get work serious in the evening, instead dance, move, go to a yoga class, make music.

• Be open to new people and opportunities as they arise. Allow yourself to be open and flexible and adaptable.

• Avoid too much time watching TV, reading or sitting on a computer at night.

• Avoid or reduce those things that generate excess heat in the liver e.g. alcohol, drugs, BBQ’d foods, smoking, pharmaceuticals. This will help reduce the intensity and frequency of anger outbursts.

• Ride the wave of new energy and use it to learn new things or launch into new projects.