Samhain: 1903—The Reform of the Theatre
Samhain: 1903—Moral and Immoral Plays
Samhain: 1903—An Irish National Theatre
Samhain: 1903—The Theatre, the Pulpit, and the Newspapers
Samhain: 1904—The Dramatic Movement
Samhain: 1904—First Principles
Samhain: 1904—The Play, the Player, and the Scene
Samhain: 1906—Literature and the Living Voice
The Arrow: 20 October 1906—The Season’s Work
The Arrow: 23 February 1907—The Controversy Over The Playboy of the Western World
The Arrow: 1 June 1907—On Taking The Playboy to London
Samhain: 1908—First Principles
A People’s Theatre: A Letter to Lady Gregory
[Preface] in The Collected Works in Verse and Prose (1908)
Preface to Plays and Controversies (1923)
Note in Mythologies (Edition de Luxe proofs, 1931–32)
Uncollected Contributions to Beltaine,Samhain,and The Arrow
Beltaine: May 1899—Plans and Methods
Beltaine: May 1899—The Theatre
Beltaine: February 1900—Plans and Methods
Beltaine: February 1900—Maeve, and certain Irish Beliefs
Beltaine: February 1900—[Note] to Alice Milligan’s The Last Feast of the Fianna
Beltaine: February 1900—The Irish Literary Theatre, 1900
Beltaine: April 1900—The Last Feast of the Fianna, Maeve, and The Bending of the Bough, in Dublin
Samhain: 1901—from Windlestraws
Samhain: 1901—[Note] to George Moore’s “The Irish Literary Theatre”
Samhain: 1902—[Note] to AE’s “The Dramatic Treatment of Heroic Literature”
Samhain: 1904—[Interpolations]
Samhain: 1904—Miss Horniman’s Offer of Theatre and the Society’s Acceptance
The Arrow: 20 October 1906—from The Season’s Work
The Arrow: 20 October 1906—A Note on The Mineral Workers
The Arrow: 20 October 1906—The Irish Peasant on Hyacinth Halvey
The Arrow: 20 October 1906—[Notes]
The Arrow: 24 November 1906—[Notes]
The Arrow: 24 November 1906—Deirdre
The Arrow: 24 November 1906—The Shadowy Waters
The Arrow: 23 February 1907—from The Controversy Over The Playboy
The Arrow: 1 June 1907—from [Notes]
Samhain: 1908—Alterations in Deirdre
The Arrow: 25 August 1909—The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet: Statement by the Directors
The Arrow: 25 August 1909—from [Note]
The Arrow: 25 August 1909—The Religion of Blanco Posnet