imagesThe first major book on the abilities of Edgar Cayce was written in 1931, There is a River by Thomas Sugrue, originally copyrighted in 1942 by Ault, Rinehart, and Winston. My own copy is the 50th Anniversary Issue printed in 1981. Sugrue actually first met Edgar Cayce in 1927 and spent the summers of 1929, 1930, and 1931 interviewing Cayce every day and examining materials from the files. But the story that is so appropriate, even today, is that told in chapter one of a stranger appearing in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in January 1912. A professor from Harvard, Dr. Hugo Munsterberg was arrogant and insulting, despite his impressive M.D. and Ph.D. degrees! At that time, for the previous year there had been stories appearing in news media about “Edgar Cayce— Psychic Diagnostician.” Edgar Cayce's mother-in-law was quoted as saying, “Well, you've got to expect that sort of thing from Yankees. They don't know any better, poor souls.” Fortunately, during the time that the arrogant Munsterberg was visiting Cayce, Dr. Ketchum, the first licensed physician to work with Cayce, also came in for one of the “readings.” It appears that watching the effect of that one reading actually noticeably changed Munsterberg. Nevertheless, Dr. Ketchum was received even less graciously by his fellow physicians.

Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum was a homeopathic physician. He was an M.D. but his specialty was homeopathy. At the time, homeopaths were generally at least reasonably well accepted in this country, but not by other physicians! Interestingly, at the time Ketchum first visited Edgar Cayce, Ketchum himself thought he had appendicitis and his physicians thought so. Cayce, on the other hand, recommended a spinal adjustment by an osteopath. In fact, Ketchum's original impression was that Cayce was a fake; however, he went to the osteopath that Cayce had recommended. After the osteopathic treatment, Ketchum is quoted as saying to Edgar, “You are not a fake. I have just been a damned fool.” Ketchum went on to report on some of his excellent patient results and even had a paper of his presented in Boston at the American Society for Clinical Research.

Shortly after that, Gertrude Cayce, Edgar's wife, became very ill with tuberculosis. Physicians had given up “hope” and Cayce recommended heroin, which other M.D.s would not prescribe, but Dr. Ketchum wrote the prescription and, perhaps most importantly, Cayce recommended inhaling the fumes of apple brandy placed in a charred keg. And, of course, although it was almost miraculous, Gertrude truly recovered from a disease that should have led to her death.

During his entire career, which lasted until 1945 at the time of his death, Cayce delivered more than fourteen thousand readings, of which more than nine thousand were related to the treatment of diseases or related to health itself.

Of significant interest is that Cayce helped Dr. Ketchum treat a patient who had severe malnutrition from “too much hominy and grits.” Cayce's recommendation of a well-balanced diet with plenty of green vegetables worked beautifully. This was well before we knew about B vitamins! Numerous cases with individual details are well described in both There is a River and another of the bestselling books about Cayce, Edgar Cayce –The Sleeping Prophet by Jess Stearn. Among the scores of books about Cayce, another of the most interesting is The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power by Edgar Evans Cayce and Hugh Lynn Cayce, Harper and Row 1971. More than nine thousand medically related readings were done for more than five thousand people. Some individuals had more than one reading (more than 50,000 pages and about 200,000 different topics covered).

In a small survey for their book, the authors report that, out of seventy-six readings for which they could find outcomes, 14.8 percent were negative and 65, or 85.5 percent, were positive. They stated, “Assuming that the ratio of positive to negative results remains the same in the cases not reported and applying the random survey to the 14,246 readings on file, Cayce's accuracy of 85 percent compares favorably to that of modern physicians.” Interestingly, there have been studies showing that the average physician, with a patient's history and physical exam, is about 80 percent accurate!

Shortly after returning from my 1972 visit to the A.R.E., one of our Appaloosa horses had a severe cut around the entire foot just above the hoof. At the time, it was winter and the veterinarian felt that the horse should be put down because it would be impossible to heal. I suggested instead that we should use a castor oil pack. To make a long story short, the horse recovered totally and our veterinarian, thereafter, was likely to recommend castor oil packs in such situations! In the ensuing thirty-seven years, I have recommended castor oil packs numerous times, and in the 1980s, a study was done at George Washington University on the effectiveness of castor oil packs on the abdomen in healthy people. Application of a castor oil pack to the abdomen for one hour yielded statistically significant results with a very objective test of immune function. To me, if Cayce had recommended nothing else in his entire career, his contribution of castor oil packs is one of his greatest and most useful “discoveries.”

The late Dr. William McGarey of the A.R.E. Clinic in Phoenix has written extensively on the clinical results of castor oil packs. These include the following:

•   Five drops of castor oil orally each morning to control allergies.

•   Puncture wounds, cuts, and bruises heal rapidly when rubbed with castor oil.

•   Prevention of pregnancy stretch marks when abdomens are rubbed with castor oil during the last two months of pregnancy.

•   Rapid healing of a sprained ankle rubbed overnight in castor oil.

•   Marked reduction in tinnitus and hearing loss by applying castor oil drops in the ears.

•   Rapid healing of hepatitis using daily castor oil packs.

•   Clearing of cataracts using one drop of castor oil in each eye at bedtime (use U.S.P. castor oil).

•   Healing of a pilonidal cyst after use of castor oil packs.

•   Clearing of brown skin aging spots using castor oil plus baking soda.

•   Relief of severe eye allergies by rubbing eyelids with castor oil at bedtime.

•   Relief of low back pain with one week's application of castor oil packs.

•   Relief of chronic diarrhea using abdominal castor oil packs.

•   Clearing of vocal cord nodes in horses, using castor oil packs applied daily on the neck for three months.

•   Complete clearing of tinnitus with six-eight drops of castor oil orally each day for 4 weeks.

•   Clearing of hyperactivity using castor oil packs.

•   Removal of a wart after four weeks of application of castor oil.

•   Resolution of a calcium deposit from the sole of the foot using daily castor oil massage.

•   Clearing of skin cancer using castor oil plus baking soda.

•   Clearing of snoring after two weeks of abdominal castor oil packs.

•   Improvement of a bee sting by application of castor oil.

•   Increased hair growth through daily scalp massage with castor oil 20 minutes before shampooing.

•   Clearing of nail fungus after four months of castor oil packs on the nail. All of these can be found at: http://www.edgarcayce.org/th4/

•   tharchive/therapies/castor1/html. These have been my own experiences:

•   Marked reduction of swelling of the knee in a number of patients who wrapped the knee in a castor oil cloth overnight.

•   Excellent and rapid relief of acute abdominal pain with acute intestinal flu.

•   Healing of deep wounds on the pastern of horses.

•   Rapid recovery from viral infections with a 30-minute soak in the bathtub in hot water, using one cup castor oil, or applying castor oil over the entire body after a shower and then putting on an old sweat suit or winter long johns underwear, top and bottom. The castor oil bath or suit is clearly the most effective and rapid approach for treating acute flu.

•   Clearing of early cataracts with the use of one drop of castor oil in the eye at bedtime.

•   Rapid recovery from a cold or flu by taking a castor oil bath or using a castor oil suit.

Cayce recommended white wool flannel, but even old cotton flannel works well. Or, in a pinch while traveling, I have used just facial tissues and castor oil. The entire abdomen should be covered, especially over the liver (or around a joint or neck), and cover this with plastic. The abdomen is best wrapped using plastic wrap around the body to absorb any leaking castor oil. Cover the area with a towel, and use a warm heating pad for 1 hour, or leave on overnight without the heating pad.

A castor oil bath consists of putting a cup of castor oil into a bathtub with adequate, comfortably hot water and soaking for thirty minutes. If you choose to do a castor oil bath, please be sure to let all the water out of the tub and wash off carefully with a cheap shampoo, rinse off, wash off a second time with the shampoo, and rinse yourself and the tub very thoroughly before getting out of the tub!

For a castor oil suit, after a bath or shower, rub castor oil over the entire body from neck to ankles. Put on an old sweat suit or pair of long johns and sleep in it overnight.

All of the medical advice given by Cayce might be considered by many to be anecdotal. There have been numerous uses of many of the approaches. It is also worthwhile mentioning that in certain situations, Cayce specifically stated that his recommendations would be useful for “this body,” meaning that this was not the case for everyone. One such example, which became very popular, was the statement that eating three almonds a day would prevent cancer. But this was said to only two people, and in both cases, this recommendation was specifically said “for this body.” Not that three almonds would harm anyone else, but it is important not to generalize unless Cayce did!

In addition to these fairly widely known aspects of castor oil, individuals have sent the following reports to me:

•   One individual reported that she had such severe pain during her menstrual cycle that physicians investigated. During a laparoscopic exam they discovered that she had adhesions between her fallopian tube, uterus, and intestine. She used castor oil packs for six weeks. The pain went away and has never returned in sixteen years.

•   An ankle sprain with great swelling and discoloration was cured within a week of using castor oil packs.

•   One individual noted that castor oil mixed with baking soda and applied to a mole leads to their shrinking and disappearing.

•   Castor oil plus baking soda not only removes moles but also removes age spots.

•   Castor oil rubbed on a neuroma in the foot cured the pain.

•   One individual reported that, in three generations of his family, castor oil had been very helpful for knee arthritis.

•   A Reiki master reported that massaging castor oil into irritated varicose veins helped them virtually disappear.

•   Castor oil packs relieved symptoms of gall bladder disease.

•   Another individual reported that a mole disappeared within five nights with just the application of castor oil.

•   Castor oil packs for acute low back pain have been reported as useful.

•   Application of a castor oil pack to someone with scleroderma led to a total cure.

•   Wounds to the abdomen left behind a blood clot, and the patient was told that the wound would have to be drained surgically if it did not heal within a month. Castor oil packs led to total resolution.

•   Although I have not had cataracts, I have recommended one drop of castor oil in each eye at bedtime and had numerous individuals report that their cataracts had disappeared.

•   "My husband has had great relief from the castor oil packs. He used to end up at the hospital with his severe pain in the abdominal area from complications with adhesions, etc. Now when he feels the pain coming on, we apply the castor oil packs. He no longer has to go on the painkillers or have the tube put down his nose to relieve the pressure on his stomach.”

And, of course, there are many other reports of benefits from the Cayce readings. The following are some that I have received from individuals:

•   An individual used the Wet Cell appliance recommended by Cayce. Twenty-one years later, her electromyographic studies revealed that her nerves were better than they were twenty-one years ago. She had a hereditary nerve degenerative disease.

•   Another individual reported using yellow saffron and slippery elm tea for serious skin problems. Incidentally, Cayce also recommended this for stomach ulcers and any indigestion problems.

•   IPSAB toothpowder cured diseased gums.

•   IPSAB cured severe tooth sensitivity.

•   "The moment I have an inkling of a cold coming on, I drink grape juice, eat raw vegetables, lots of salads, and stay away from acid-producing foods. The virus does not seem to take hold when I do that.”

•   Another individual reported hearing a voice say, “Be still and know who is here.” She knew that it was Edgar Cayce. She was instructed to apply cold compresses to the left wrist when she had had trauma to her head, causing an energy block in the left hand. After three nights of applying the cold compresses, energy went up the left arm and “left,” and she has been healed for many years.

•   Dramatic cures from tendonitis have been reported with the application of iodized salt, vinegar, and heat.

•   “In the summer of 1991, I developed multiple sclerosis, a chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord that can gradually result in total debility. My symptoms manifested in a relapsing/remitting pattern, and included numbness, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, tremors, muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, failing memory, slurred speech, and bladder dysfunction.

•   "In the fall of 1991, I began using an alternative treatment suggested by Edgar Cayce. It involved dietary measures, massage, maintaining a positive mental attitude, keeping a high spiritual ideal and, in particular, consistent use of a very mild, usually imperceptible, mode of electrotherapy. Over a period of about two years, all my MS-related symptoms gradually disappeared.”

•   "I'm an 84-year-old geezer with a couple of Cayce method healing experiences. Way back when I was in my thirties, I had skin problems that manifested with a hivelike rash on my chest after showers, and thin skin on my hands. The hands cracked and bled slightly from hard use. The hand problem showed when I used a golf club for a couple of hours or other such continual grip-type use.

"I also had trouble with IBS at that time, which I considered a minor disturbance—gas and irregular bowel movements.

We moved to Virginia Beach in 1976, and the problem became more acute. So I began having colonics and that helped somewhat, so I added psyllium husks once daily to my diet. The problem remained a little, so I ultimately consulted a gastroenterologist (non-Cayce), who suggested increasing the psyllium husks to twice daily. That, along with occasional colonics, cleared up the problem completely. I now follow this routine fairly closely, with the colonics only about once a year.

"During the past ten years, I've had other health problems (peripheral neuropathy and inoperable spine deterioration) and have been taking medications. I developed a severe rash on my buttocks, which I assumed was caused by the medications, so I went to a skin doctor, who prescribed a cortisone cream. It made the rash worse. That doctor said the problem may have been psoriasis, so I had about four colonics in a row. This didn't solve the problem, so I went on the Pagano diet (which is based mainly on the Cayce readings), and the rash eventually disappeared.

"Other than having a diet that adheres mostly (we indulge occasionally) to the Cayce recommendations and keeps me relatively healthy, I don't have any other healings to report.”

• “Although I already sent you a Cayce success story for your book about my Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, I want to share some other success stories with you.

1. “Having CMT, I used to be plagued with killer leg cramps at night in my calf muscles. I had to wake my husband up so he could push down on my knee to force my heel back down to the floor. The cramps were so strong and painful that I couldn't work them out myself. Dr. Genevieve Haller told me that I needed to take more minerals. Taking the Cayce product Calcios, which is a highly absorptive mineral paste, a couple of times a week has worked miracles. It completely banished the cramps. This was about 25 years ago, and the cramps have never returned.”

2. “For years I suffered recurrent sinus infections. For example, from 2002 to 2004 I had four sinus infections that required antibiotics. Wanting to cure this problem without taking medication, I turned to a gargle that Edgar Cayce frequently recommended, Glyco Thymoline, as an alkalizer. I was already gargling with it daily and knew that Cayce had recommended it for all of the mucous membrane linings in the body, so I thought it would be helpful to my sinuses. I began sniffing a few drops of Glyco, diluted with a small amount of water, from the palm of my hand up into my nostrils each morning and evening. I also tilted my head back and gently rolled it around to distribute the liquid into as many sinus passages as possible. Since that time, I've not had another major sinus flare-up.”

3. “Like many middle-aged, overweight Americans, my doctor told me that I was hypoglycemic, which meant I was a candidate for diabetes. I had seen my father-in-law lose both legs to this insidious disease, and I knew that I definitely did not want this to happen to me. Again I turned to a suggestion in the Cayce readings—Jerusalem artichokes. They are not actually artichokes but are part of the sunflower family, so they are often called sunchokes in health food stores. Cayce said they contained insulin, which would help the pancreas to resume its normal function. I began to snack on raw sunchokes a couple of times each week. They are rather bland and look like small potatoes or ginger root. They can also be cooked. As a vegetable, I assumed they were harmless. I thought that they may help my body chemistry in some subtle way, but I never expected to feel so much better. I was often at the mercy of blood sugar swings where, if I didn't eat soon, I felt like I would faint. After eating a couple of sunchokes each week for about six months, I realized one day that I was feeling hungry, but it was a normal hungry feeling, not a frightening sense that I might faint. This return to normal hunger also meant that I could eat less often and therefore diet to lose weight.”

Numerous simple responses have been received, such as these:

•   “For instance, using the Cayce diet, massage, and cleansing suggestion regularly, my blood pressure and weight are those of a 20-yearold; I am 71. My skin, too, is quite smooth for my age, so that was not the object of my efforts. Finally, my emotional and spiritual health have improved over the years.”

•   A 66-year-old man reported that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma some 8 years earlier, had tried one dose of chemotherapy, and was quite ill from it. Therefore, he ceased using any conventional therapy. He was in total remission 8 years later, which was 8 years after the original diagnosis, using carbon ash and the Ultra Violet lamp shining through a green glass light, the Cayce diet, and Essiac tea. The Essiac tea was not specifically recommended by Cayce, but all the others were, and the gentleman attributes his cure primarily to the use of the Cayce approach.

•   "I had just turned 80 in December 2007 when I started to experience 60-70 black floaters, large, medium, and small, coming from my right eye. I was referred to a doctor who specialized in the retina. Upon examination I was diagnosed with hemorrhaging behind the right retina.

"I was told that there is no known treatment for this condition except group therapy.

"The first week in February 2008, I attended a conference in Virginia Beach at Edgar Cayce's foundation [A.R.E.]. I went to the library and read materials pertaining to my eye condition.

"I spoke with a librarian who told me of Vibra Tonic 3810 [also sold under the name Optikade Eye Tonic], found in the Edgar Cayce readings. I purchased it right away and started to use it from February 2008 up to the present, January 2009, one tablespoon three times a day before meals and at bedtime.

"One month after taking Vibra Tonic 3810, I was seen again by my doctor, who was surprised to see the great change since December 2007. He stated, 'No one has recovered that quickly.'

"I am now being checked every three months. The bleeding and floaters are down to a small amount and, at times, none appear.

"My thanks and appreciation to Edgar Cayce's foundation [A.R.E.] and to the librarian who so lovingly told me of the tonic.

"P.S. Cause of hemorrhage: occlusion of vein between heart and eye.”

Another, more striking, case is that my wife learned in the early 90s that she had scleroderma. Being life members of the A.R.E., we immediately obtained the circulating file, and she began following his recommendations. When she began having problems with her lungs, we bought her a charred oak keg and ordered the 100-proof Laird's brandy. It completely helped her lungs and she discontinued that therapy. Her lungs have been fine ever since and the scleroderma has apparently gone into remission for almost two decades. It is interesting, of course, that one of the things that Cayce recommended for scleroderma was the apple brandy inhalation from the oak keg. For more information on the oak keg-apple brandy therapy go to: http://www.edgarcayce.org/health/database/chdata/data/theoakkeg.html.

• “I have had asthma since about 1960. At times it is triggered by exercise, being active in cold weather, or when stressed. An inhaler (Albuterol) usually took care of it. About one and one-half years ago, I decided to try the keg, the oak keg with apple brandy. I have not used the inhaler one time since. I haven't needed to. I am believing that unlike the inhaler, which merely relieves symptoms, the brandy fumes heal.”

Of considerable interest is that Cayce recommended cinnamon for treatment of diabetes. Certainly at the time that he was alive, we did not know that cinnamon is a remarkable source of chromium. Today many people with mild adult onset diabetes are cured just by taking 1 mg. of chromium daily. I have many reports of individuals using that for their adult onset diabetes.

In a marvelous book, The Edgar Cayce Products—Thirty-Five Years Ago, published by the Heritage Store in Virginia Beach, a chart on page 160 reports that 72 to 100 percent of individuals had reported good or excellent results with IPSAB, Formula 636, Crudoleum, Atomadine, Dermaglow, Formula 208, TIM, Scar Massage, Wet Cell Appliance, Formula 545, Slippery Elm Bark, and Egyptian Oil.

The unique aspect of Cayce's intuitive readings was not only his ability to diagnose without seeing the individual but also to recommend treatment with a phenomenal variety of approaches. Sometimes this involved current medical drugs, and other times it required drugs that were hard to find but had been used in the past. In addition to this is the use of the Wet Cell Appliance and the impedance device, for balancing the electrical system and the physiology of the body, which were certainly presages of what we now call energy medicine.

Cayce's expertise extended well beyond the wide application to medical problems. I first became acquainted with the broad Cayce approach to psychological and spiritual issues with Jeffrey Furst's book Edgar Cayce's Story of Attitude and Emotions: (published by Coward, McCann, and Geoghegan, Inc. New York, 1972). Jeffrey's book addresses such crucial issues as these:

•   Attitude is more important than fact.

•   We make ourselves sick.

•   Four aspects of mental, emotional growth.

•   Understanding past-life experiences.

•   Interpersonal relationships.

•   Home and family.

•   Balanced living.

•   The problem of extremes.

•   Changing attitudes and emotions.

•   Health and healing.

•   Love and forgiveness.

As a neurosurgeon, I was most impressed with “A General Reading on Multiple Sclerosis Itself.” Cayce repeatedly indicated that multiple sclerosis was a problem of “the general mental and spiritual attitude of the entity.” He often said it was a “case of the entity meeting self.” I found that particularly interesting, since the question of autoimmune diseases had not been raised in medicine at that time. It was many years later that we in the medical field recognized that multiple sclerosis is a true autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord.

Cayce emphasized “consideration of the whole person” and our relationship to our spiritual being. He emphasized that there are no incurable diseases, only incurable, stubborn minds and bodies.

•   Some individuals can only face the reality of their past-life era by “having their noses rubbed in it.”

•   Serious diseases require serious changes in attitude with “faith, acceptance, optimism and cooperation, etc.”

•   All healing comes from God.

•   No one should call themselves a healer. Individuals can only be channels for healing.

•   Prayer heals (certainly, this has been remarkably emphasized in the work of Dr. Larry Dossey in the last two decades).

Cayce truly was a fountainhead of holistic concepts, emphasizing the interrelationship between diet, especially proper balance of alkaline and acid foods; water intake; detoxification; castor oil packs; massage; herbs, tonics, and inhalants; vibrational therapy with color, sound, music, and electrical appliances; and spinal manipulation.

Finally, from the psychospiritual point of view, the three-volume work Attitudes and Emotions is truly an encyclopedia that far surpasses any psychological text of which I am aware. Cayce covers everything from attitudes and emotions in general but also every emotional concept that one can imagine, from anger to zealousness. Here we have almost thirteen hundred pages with detailed descriptions of the attitudinal, and sometimes karmic, foundations for both positive and negative emotions. I know of no one in history with a wider range of correct intuitive information that not only was useful at the time it was suggested and through the time of Cayce's death in 1945, but obviously, from the many current case reports, there remains a fountainhead of appropriate complementary, alternative, and holistic approaches to health. The only conclusion one can make from this body of information is that Edgar Cayce was truly the Einstein of medical intuition!

Edgar Cayce genuinely has been the role model for the broadest and most comprehensive medical intuitive but also a counseling intuitive and a spiritual counselor. The wisdom that he brought into the world will continue to be a light for many centuries to come.

For a collection of Web sites that deal with Edgar Cayce's approach to treating sixty-three common conditions and diseases, you can find it online: http://www.webspawner.com/users/ecstreatments/index.html.

Wherever possible, each ailment includes not only the treatment overviews featured on the main A.R.E. Web site but also relevant research, testimonials, treatment protocols, circulating files, related books, and supplemental e-books. These extra features make “The Directory of Edgar Cayce's Treatments” quite a useful and comprehensive source of information relative to the diseases and conditions in question.