Chapter 1
© 1978, 1985, 1995, 2005, 2012 by C. Peter Wagner. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited.
Although teaching on spiritual gifts is prominent in the New Testament, it is not often taught in churches today. Why do you think this is the case?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. What are some of the gifts that Paul lists in this passage?
What interests you about these verses? Do you have any of the gifts listed here? If so, which ones? How do you know?
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts
The 1970s brought widespread interest in moving beyond creeds and theologies with regard to the Holy Spirit. Why do you think this movement ignited at that particular time? What were people looking for?
One facet of this new experience with the Holy Spirit was the re-discovery of spiritual gifts. What does the word “rediscovery” signify? What are some examples of this type of rediscovery in your own life even if you are born after the 1970s?
How would you describe your relationship with the Holy Spirit?
Fixing the Date
During the birth of the classical Pentecostal movement in the early 1900s, Pentecostal leaders wanted to influence major Christian denominations from within but found their movement incompatible with mainline American churches. Why do you think this was the case?
Have you resisted new ideas in your own life? If so, what caused you to resist them?
Read Acts 9:1-9. What happened to Paul in this passage? How did that forever transform his life? How did his transformation affect the Church?
“Through their discovery of how the gifts of the Spirit were intended to operate in the Body of Christ, the Holy Spirit is now being transformed from abstract doctrine to dynamic experience across the board” (page 9). What are some examples of dynamic transformation in your life? In the lives of people you know?
Witnessing the Demise of Cessationism
For years, “cessationism”—the view that the more spectacular spiritual gifts ceased with the apostles—has been a prevailing doctrine in the Church. Why have some churches adopted this viewpoint? Why don’t we often see the same types of miracles today as in the Early Church?
Are you inclined to hold the view of cessationism? Why or why not?
Realizing the Ministry of All Believers
According to 1 Peter 4:10, how are we to use the spiritual gifts we have been given? How is this action an extension of God’s grace to others?
What concerns do you have about spiritual gifts?
Review the discussion about the priesthood of all believers and the ministry of all believers on page 11. In your opinion, what is the difference between the two?
Spiritual gifts are given for ministry. What are ways you have or will use your gifts, whether or not you have discovered all that you may possess?
In John 14:12, Jesus told His disciples (and us) that they would do even greater works than He did on earth. What do you think Jesus meant by this? How could we do greater works than Jesus Himself? How does this relate to the use of spiritual gifts?