Chapter Thirteen
“No, I need to know more. She thought you and Scott were married?” Jacqui thought it was hilarious, and Lily couldn’t blame her.
“She did. She figured, I guess, that was why I couldn’t date her.”
“I’d like to know why you can’t date her. She sounds lovely.”
Lily nodded. “Yes, but aside from the fact she’s Bodhi’s teacher…there’s Megan.”
Jacqui shook her head. “I’m sorry, but there’s not Megan. I love Megan, you know that, and I know you had something special, but she’s not here. She wanted you to date someone.”
“When I’m ready. She said that.”
“Lily, it has been six years already.”
Lily was annoyed. Jacqui couldn’t possibly understand. Lily would have thought that herself if she was giving advice to someone. “Anyway, we’re going for dinner Friday night.”
“So, there’s potential? Like a date?”
Lily shook her head. “There’s no potential.” She didn’t tell Jacqui she couldn’t get Parker out of her head, and that being with her made her happier than she’d felt in a long time. She certainly didn’t tell Jacqui she was looking forward to their dinner on Friday night more than she’d looked forward to a dinner in over a decade. Jacqui was sulking and protesting, but Lily didn’t need the pressure. She certainly didn’t need Jacqui thinking there was a chance, when Lily knew that as attracted to Parker as she was, she wasn’t going to replace Megan.
PARKER AND LILY read the menu in silence before sharing what they were ordering. “I’m getting fettucine carbonara,” Parker said.
“Me too.” Lily grinned. “It’s my favourite.”
They shared stories—small talk at first before discussing bigger topics—Megan, Bodhi’s schooling, and then, finally, Lily asked Parker for her dating history.
“I had a wife too. Well, it was before it was legal, but we called each other wives after our commitment ceremony. Ebony. She ended up cheating on me—with a guy! I never saw that coming. I think that’s why I felt so awful for your ‘husband’.” She smiled as she used air quotes around the word husband.
“How long were you together?” Parker’s story made her hesitation around Scott much more understandable.
“Six years. Nothing compared to you and Megan, I suppose, but I still gave it my all.”
“Of course,” Lily said. Everything she knew of Parker showed she would be all in. She seemed loyal and considerate.
“I felt so betrayed, humiliated. We tried to make it work, but I could only picture her with him. Our relationship relied on trust—I suppose all relationships do—and she’d completely betrayed my trust. I no longer believed her about anything, from where she was after work, through to what money she was spending on what. It destroyed us. When we broke up, she ended up dating the guy she’d cheated on me with, so it wasn’t just a fling. I think they were together a few years but eventually broke up.”
“What’s she doing now?” Lily wondered although she didn’t know why.
“Last I heard she’d had a string of partners, and I think she’s settled down with some guy now. I don’t know.” Parker shrugged, trying to downplay her feelings, but Lily could see the pain cross her face.
Once their food arrived, silence fell over the table as they practically inhaled their carbonara pasta. “Mmm,” Lily expressed her appreciation for the warm bowl.
“It’s great, hey.” Parker took a momentary break from her food, dabbing at the sides of her mouth with a napkin. Lily nodded in response and returned to her bowl. Parker finished her food first, so started to talk. “I’m pleased I’m getting to know you. Meeting you last year was very unexpected. I knew I liked you, and not just like that. I know we had a fling, but I thought you were really cool even before that.”
Lily smiled. “Me too. I think that’s what made it so easy for me. We had talked at the Palace and then we went for coffee. You were easy to talk to. But I’m pleased to hear your story about your wife. It would have been really hard for you.”
Parker nodded. “It was. I’ve moved on, I think. I’ve dated here and there. I’m not angry, or sad, so I’ve moved on from Ebony. There’s a part of me that finds it hard to trust now, so I haven’t really dated seriously since.”
Lily nodded. “I am sure it would be hard to trust. But remember, she’s only one person.”
She pondered for a moment before responding, “She’s one person, but she’s someone I lived with. If she could pull the wool over my eyes, how do I ever trust my judgement again?”
“That definitely makes sense. So, will you date? Have you gone online or anything?” Lily didn’t know why the answer to this question was so important to her, but it was. She hated that she cared, when she was the one telling Parker that they couldn’t have a relationship.
“Like I said, I’ve dated here and there. Some of that was online. Mostly Nathan telling me to get back out there. He always says I need to find someone. I’ve dated online, which meets his approval, but I’m always second-guessing everything. I don’t just allow myself to feel anymore. I’m constantly analysing.”
Lily felt sad for Parker, but she understood why she’d feel that way. Part of her was relieved that it didn’t sound like Parker was planning to rush out to meet someone any time soon.
“I might go back online soon though,” Parker added, ruining Lily’s moment of peace about it all.
They paid the bill and walked towards an ice cream shop that Parker recommended. Ordering large serves of ice cream, then sitting outside in the chilly air, they shared more stories—now, stories about Parker’s work.
As they got up to walk toward the car park, Parker’s hand grazed Lily’s accidentally, and Lily instantly felt her whole body respond to the touch. She hated that her body betrayed her mind. She had hoped that getting to know Parker as a person would reduce some of the chemistry between them as their attraction morphed more into a friendship, but the opposite seemed to be happening—Lily was incredibly drawn to Parker. Parker’s respect for her decision only drew her to her more.
At the car park, Parker stood by Lily’s car and thanked her for dinner. “I’ll see you Monday,” she said and stood waiting for Lily to get into her car. It seemed like the weekend that stretched before them felt too long—she wanted to spend more time with Parker.
Lily got into her car but looked at Parker, standing waiting for her to start her car, and felt an overwhelming attraction for her. She got back out of the car, and Parker looked her in the eye.
“Everything okay? Is something wrong?” Parker asked.
Lily strode towards Parker, filled with confidence, nodding as she walked. “I missed my goodnight kiss.” She reached up to Parker and kissed her.
Parker responded immediately. “Are you sure?”
Lily nodded. “I’m sure. I don’t know what it means, but I’m sure.” They kissed for what felt like both seconds and hours. It felt like a life changing kiss to Lily, and she hated that.
“Shit. Your kiss sends me wild,” Parker said, clearly feeling the same. She glanced around the car park. “I don’t usually kiss in public, being a teacher, but I can’t help myself with you.”
Lily smiled. “Let’s go somewhere private, then. Can we go to your house?” She couldn’t believe how brazen she was being. Parker nodded, groaning in anticipation a little. That little groan instantly turned Lily on, as she felt a tingle between her legs. She had to have Parker—now.
Having travelled in two cars, they drove separately, and then arrived one after the other at Parker’s front door.
“Are you sure?” Parker asked her again.
Lily nodded. “Like I said, I don’t know what it means, but I’m sure about tonight. I need you. Tonight.”
Banishing all thoughts of Megan and Scott, and the fact that Parker was her son’s teacher, Parker and Lily reunited and had one more incredible evening.
Afterwards, she lay in Parker’s arms, tracing the muscles that turned her on so much.
“I wish I got a goodnight kiss every night,” Parker said.
Lily was pleased to hear it and hated that she felt that way too. She was absolutely not ready for anything like that, and besides, Bodhi was in Parker’s class. But Lily was incredibly turned on by Parker, and they connected in a way she hadn’t felt in such a long time. She craved Parker. And, perhaps more dangerously, she loved her company.
“I want you to be honest,” Lily said. “Please feel free to say no, if it’s not your thing. Have you ever had an FWB?”
“FWB?” Parker frowned.
“Friend with benefits.” Lily couldn’t look Parker in the eyes as she proposed her idea. Instead she continued tracing Parker’s body with her fingertips.
“I know the acronym. I’m just surprised to hear it from you, Mrs Delaney-Jones.”
Lily laughed at the posh accent Parker put on whenever she said her name. “Well, I think we have something. But I’m not ready to have a relationship, and you don’t trust women. Bodhi’s your student, and Scott hasn’t dated, and I’d hate to be the first. Those are just a few reasons why we can’t be. But I love when we do…that.” She blushed. “But if you’re keen to do it, I don’t want to stop you from meeting your Ms Right if she comes along. We need an agreement.”
“What if I’ve already met her?” Parker looked intently at Lily.
“See, that’s also what I’m afraid of. This is not to be misconstrued as meaning anything. This is not going to be a love story for us. We would be friends. With benefits.” Lily shrugged. “You’re free to keep dating, and the moment you meet someone, you tell me.” Lily hated that deep down she didn’t believe what she was saying to Parker, but she also knew she wasn’t ready for a relationship, replacing Megan.
Parker considered for a moment, then finally spoke up, “Okay. Let’s be completely honest. We’re both free to date, but we catch up for fun times—benefits—and also catch up to be friends if you want.”
“Dinner dates.” Lily shrugged. “Movies?”
Parker nodded. “How often do we meet?”
“I don’t know if we need to be prescriptive, but it would help with planning with Scott. Once a week?”
“Twice, and you have a deal.” Parker raised an eyebrow.
The idea of twice a week really appealed to Lily, but she didn’t know if she could arrange it with Scott without raising suspicion. She could finish work early once a week though. “What about one weekend night a week, and an afternoon after school? Scott picks Bodhi up, so I could get away with it. Be at your house by four?”
“Okay. It can’t be Thursdays because I have duty roster. And we’ll possibly have dinner dates Friday or Saturday nights. Wednesday? Or Tuesday?”
“Tuesday,” Lily said excitedly. “That should space out nicely and give me my fix before the weekend.” Lily raised her eyebrows and gave a cheeky look.
Parker grinned. “You’re a little minx, aren’t you?” She kissed Lily on the forehead and then on the lips, and suddenly, she trailed kisses all the way down her body, til they were moaning together again.