
I AM GRATEFUL to the following families and individuals who contributed photographs of the 70th Tank Battalion in World War II: Brodie, Ciaravella, Connors (Raimann), DeCarlo (Mundt), Dixon, Erickson (Poniatowski), Fritz, Gouget, Hallett, Isaacs, Kleinhuizen, Knoebel, Mary Lee Konty, McAtee, McKitrick (Larson), Malatesta, Ross, Stubbings, Taynton, Tomasheski, and Turner.

I am also grateful to the following individuals who were consulted and contributed to the writing of this work: Niels Henkemans (historian, specialist U.S. and German armor, Normandy, World War II), Sean Claxton (historian, Normandy, World War II), Richard Drew (Atlantic Wall historian, World War II), Robert Allen Dail Jr. (North Africa and Sicily historian, World War II), Jeff Wszolek (armor historian, World War II), and Mike Krizsanitz (historian, World War II).