
From beginning to end, my time researching and writing this project was possible only because of a team of generous supporters who surrounded and encouraged me. More than anyone else, my wife, Stephanie, gave me the strength to persevere when I was too tired and too frustrated to move forward, believing in me, encouraging me, reminding me I could do it. We did it, Love!

Tim and Kay Winn provided financial support through the Lampstand Foundation. I could not have done it without you. At different times, both Kim Van Vlear and John Nettleton have each provided unbelievable help so I could focus on this project.

Dr. Jim Parker was my doctoral advisor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where I began the research that resulted in this book. Thanks for guiding me through and for making it enjoyable along the way! J. Warner Wallace helped me remain focused throughout the writing process and provided exceptional feedback. Thanks for all the phone calls where we discussed the nuances of the Stromata by Clement of Alexandria, the best way to calculate the martyrdom accounts for various disciples, and how to evaluate evidence. You are a colleague and a friend.

There are many other professors and friends who have been helpful along the way. Thanks to Andre Murillo, Dr. Victor Velazquez, and Dr. Alan Gomes for help with translation from German, French, and Latin sources. Dr. Thomas Schmidt responded to many of my email questions in relation to his research on the various apostles. And thanks to Dr. Ken Berding for guiding me through issues related to Polycarp and John, and for suggesting I connect with Dr. Charles E. Hill, who was incredibly helpful. I am indebted to Dr. Ted Cabal and Dr. Michael Haykin for providing positive feedback and direction. And thanks to Carlos Delgado and Chris Bosson for insightful criticism and amazing edits.

Dr. Michael Licona provided significant feedback throughout the entire process. Thanks for the various phone calls and constructive feedback. You’re a true friend.

Scott Lindsey and the team at Logos Bible Software made much of my research possible. I could not have done this without the incredible resources they made so easily available or the personal direction they provided.

I thank my colleague and friend, Dr. Craig Hazen, head of the MA Christian Apologetics program at Biola University. Craig hired me to begin teaching in the fall of 2014, before I finished my doctorate, even freeing me up significantly to commit to research and study. Thank you, Craig. I am honored to be part of the program, and forever grateful for the support.