All index entries shown here correspond to the page numbers within the printed edition only. Within this digital format these page numbers allow for cross referencing only.
1 Apology 39.2-3 35
1 Clement
5:1-4 67–73
5:5-7 103–4
6:1 104
6:1 98
42:3 22
1 Corinthians 15:3-5 19–21
1 John, persecution in 43
1 Peter
3:18 19
5:13 59
persecution in 42
1 Thessalonians 4:14 18
2 Maccabees, persecution in 45–6
2 Peter 1:12-15 64–7
Aageson, James W. 105
Acts of Andrew 178–9, 180–3, 225
Acts of Andrew and Matthias 253–4
beheading of Paul 111
as historical novel 109–10
Paul, martyrdom of 109–10
Acts of Peter 35, 60, 66–7, 82–4, 167
Acts of Philip 196, 205–6, 207, 211–12
Acts of Simon of Cananaean 246–7
Acts of Thaddeus 239–40
Acts of the Apostles 21–2
5:29-32 36
6:1-7 197
8:14-25 198
8:26-40 198
12:1-2 189–90
21:8-9 199
disappearance of John 151–2
as historical record/fiction 191–2
as historical text 98
James, son of Zebedee 189–90
missionary work of the apostles 32–3
Paul, martyrdom of 101–3
Paul in Rome 97–8
Philip the Evangelist 197
Addai 238–9
Against Heresies (Irenaeus) 89–90, 108, 139–40, 141–2
Agbar, King, story involving 238–9
Ancient Christian Martyrdom (Moss) 260–1
Acts of Andrew 178–9
background of 175
as bringing people to Jesus 176
character of 176
as disciple 175–7
martyrdom of 177–8
Acts of Andrew 180–3
crucifixion 185n46
Greece, persecution of Christians in 184
Hippolytus on the Twelve 181
Luke 184
Origen 183–4
summary of evidence 184–5
missionary endeavors of 177–80
Scythia, preaching in 177
Antiquities (Josephus) 120–2
Apocalypse of Peter (Ignatius) 60, 66, 76–8
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles 11–12
Apocryphon of James 85–7
Apollonius 35
as eyewitnesses to the resurrection 260–1, 262
probability of martyrdom for each apostle 263–4
recanting, no evidence of 263
unwilling, deaths as 261
willingness to suffer and die 263
writings of as issue-based, not historical 10
see also Twelve Apostles; individual apostles
Apostolic Acts of Abdias 196, 207
Apostolic Fathers 22
Armenian Church 212–13, 213n10
martyrdom of Bartholomew in 216–18
Thaddaeus tradition 241–2
Ascension of Isaiah 78–81
3.17-18 - missionary work of the apostles 34
Ascents of James 129
Bardaisan 164
Bartholomew 27
Acts of Philip 211–12
as apostle 211
Armenian tradition 212–13, 213n10
historical question 219–20
in India 213–15
martyrdom of 221
in Armenia 216–18
in India 218–19
in Parthia 215–16
variation in accounts of death 220
Martyrdom of Bartholomew (The Passion of Bartholomew) 213–14, 218, 219
missionary travels 211–15
as subject of writings 211
Bauckham, Richard 26, 28, 29, 56, 65, 66, 67, 71, 76, 80, 90n160, 117, 125, 128, 132, 140, 147, 203
Bauer, W. 63
Becker, Jürgen 95
Bede the Venerable 248
beheading of Paul 111–13
Beloved Disciple, John, son of Zebedee as 137–8
Bock, Darrell 130–1
Bockmuehl, Markus 3, 4, 4n7, 68, 71, 75, 87
Boettiger, Louis 242
Boismard, Marie-Émile 140, 148, 152, 154
Book of Fate (Bardaisan) 164
Book of Thomas the Contender 252
Bovon, F. 208
Bowerstock, G.W. 8n23
Breviarum Apostolorum 206, 227, 241, 246
Britain 247–9
brothers, Jesus’s, as unbelievers during Jesus’s ministry 117–18
Brown, Leslie 215
Bryan, Christopher 17
Budge, E.A. Wallis 183, 215, 232, 233, 255
Calendar of Carthage 154
Cameron, Ron 86
cannibalism 254
Carey, Greg 79
Carson, D.A. 138–9
Charles, R.H. 141
Christian, being named as 6–7
Chryostom 59
church calendars 154–5
Clement of Alexandria 13, 25‘, 145, 187, 229–30, 252
Clement of Rome 128–9
42:3-4b - missionary work of the apostles 34
Commentary on Genesis (Origen) 85, 183–4
Commentary on the Psalms (Eusebius) 153
Contending of the Apostles (Budge) 215
Andrew 185n46
James, son of Alphaeus 233–5
stretch out your hands, meaning of 63–4
upside-down, of Peter 84–5
Cullman, Oscar 8, 19, 56, 72, 72n81, 73, 84, 147
cup of Christ 148–51
D’Andria, Francesco 207
Daniel, persecution in 45
De ortu et obitu partum (Isidore of Seville) 241
de Ste. Croix, Geoffrey 7
decollation 111
departure as meaning death 90, 90n160, 100
persecution as cost of 37–9
see also apostles; Twelve Apostles
Dorotheus 248
Dunn, James 10, 21–2, 23, 47–8
Dvornik, Francis 177, 183, 184
early Christian creeds 17–19
Early Christian Mission (Schnabel) 33, 36
Eastman, David 101–2
Ecclesiastical Historiae (Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos) 233–4, 255
Ecclesiastical History (Eusebius) 4n7, 142, 199–200
Ehrman, Bart 9n24, 62, 73, 104, 192
Eisler, Robert 137n5
Epistle of the Apostles, The 35, 144
Eusebius 4n7, 89, 111–12, 121, 122–3, 141–2, 143, 153, 164, 182, 183–4, 198, 199–200, 201, 225, 228, 238, 251
execution methods
beheading of Paul 111–13
crucifixion 63–4, 84–5, 185n46, 233–5
flaying 220
in the Roman Empire 111–12
stoning, death by 232–3
eyewitnesses to the resurrection, apostles as 260–1, 262
farewell address by Peter 64–7
First Apocalypse of James 126–7
First John. see 1 John
First Peter. see 1 Peter
flaying 220
France, R.T. 224
Frend, W.H.C. 50
Frykenberg, Eric 159
Fulget coruscans 207
Gentile rulers, persecution under 48–52
Gillman, Ian 160
Giros-an, Nina 212
Gonzalez, Justo 12
Gospel of Matthias 251–2
Goulder, Michael 72
governmental backlash against disciples 40
Greece, persecution of Christians in 184
Green, Gene 18
Gregory of Nyssa 155
Habermas, Gary 19
Hartin, Patrick 133
Haykin, Michael 52
He Raised the Cross on the Ice (Alexandrou) 178
Hebrews, persecution in 41–2
Hegesippus 116, 122–4, 129–30, 130, 132–3
Hengel, Martin 55
Heritage of Armenian Literature, The (Hacikyan) 217
Herod Agrippa, King 190–1
Hieronymian Martyrology 218–19, 227, 233, 241, 247
Hippolytus of Rome 251
Hippolytus on the Twelve 181, 206, 216, 225, 226–7, 229, 240, 246, 254–5
Historia Ecclesiastica (Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos) 233–4, 255
historical evidence
contradictory traditions 12
lack of information in 9–10
legendary v. historical 11–12
martyrdom stories, fabrication of 13
reliability of 4–5
see also individual apostles
Historical Figure of Jesus, The (Sanders) 1
Historical Jesus of the Gospels, The (Keener) 1
historical novels
Acts of Andrew 183
Acts of Paul 109–10
Acts of Peter 82–4
Acts of Thomas 167
historicity of the Twelve Apostles 28
History of Armenia (Movses Xorenac’I) 216, 217–18, 247
history of the church, lack of until 4th century 10
Holmes, Michael 71
Homilies 128–9
Ignatius 22, 60, 74–6, 98, 105–6, 234
Inch, Morris 56
Incigneri, Brian 136
Bartholomew in 213–15
early Christians in 163–4
martyrdom of Bartholomew in 218–19
Thomas in 158–72
trade with Rome 161
travel to in first century AD 160–2
Irenaeus 59, 60, 89–90, 108, 139–45, 198
Irish Biblical Apocrypha 206
Isidore of Seville 206, 227, 241, 247
5:6 119–20
persecution in 42
James, brother of Jesus
as apostle 115–16
appearance of the risen Christ to 118–19
background 115
as early church leader 116–17
as eyewitness to risen Jesus 30
martyrdom of
biblical evidence 119–20
First Apocalyse of James 126–7
Pseudo-Clementines 128–30, 130
reasons for killing 130–3
Second Apocalyse of James 127–8, 133
summary of evidence 134
righteousness of 116
as unbeliever during Jesus’s ministry 117–18
James, son of Alphaeus
as apostle 231–2
crucifixion, death by 233–5
extra-biblical information on 232
mission of 232–4
and other James’ 231
stoning, death by 232–3
summary of evidence 235
James, son of Zebedee
Acts 12:1-2 189–90
death of 188–9
legendary accounts of 187–8
martyrdom of 189–90
Acts as historical record/fiction 191–2
reasons for killing 190–1
summary of evidence 192
as prominent apostle 187
Jameson, Anna 255
jealousy 69–70, 69n70, 69n71, 71
Jenkins, Philip 86
call for disciples to follow him 14
warning to disciples 13
Jews, persecution by 47–8
Johannine School 146–8
1:43-48 - Philip 193–4
6:1-15 - Philip 194
12:20-36 - Philip 194
13:36 66
14:8-21 - Philip 195
15:26-27 29
21:18 67
21:24 147
apostolic witness 29
authorship of 137–45
Johannine School 146–8
Thaddaeus in 237
John, son of Zebedee
background of 135
as the Beloved Disciple 137–8
martyrdom of
church calendars 154–5
cup of Christ 148–51
disappearance of John 151–2
external evidence 152–5
Gospel of John, authorship of 137–45
internal evidence 148–52
Johannine School 146–8
Mark 8:34-9:1 148–9
Mark 9:33-37 148–9
Mark 10:35-40 148
Mark 14:36 149
Mark 15:27 149
Philip of Side 152–4
summary of evidence 155–6
traditional view 137–45
significance of 135–6
John the Elder 143
Judas, son of James 26–7
Judas, Thaddeus named as 237
see also Thaddaeus
Keating, Daniel 65
Keener, Craig S. 1, 23, 143, 146, 190, 203, 245
Kistemaker, Simon 191
Klauck, Hans-Josef 11, 144, 211
Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim 160
Knight, Jonathan 78–9
Koester, Helmut 144
Kruger, Michael 147
Kuedemann, Gerd 125
Kurikilamkatt, James 167–8, 167n47, 171
Lane, William 149
Lanzilotta, Fernando 181–2
Last Supper 195
Letter of Barnabas 23
5:6 23
Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians (Polycarp) 22–3
Letter to Florinus (Irenaeus) 141
Letter to the Ephesians (Ignatius) 105–6
Letter to the Magnesians (Ignatius) 22, 106
Letter to the Philippians (Polycarp) 106–7, 234
Letter to the Romans (Ignatius) 98, 105
4:3 74–5
Letter to the Smyrneans (Ignatius) 234
3.1-2 75–6
Levi 27
Licona, Michael R. 1, 20–1, 117, 130, 261
Lightfoot, J.B. 201–2
Lipsius, R.A. 220
Lives of the Prophets, The (Torrey, ed.) 44–5
Lives (Plutarch) 166
living memory 3–4
MacRae, George 102–3
3:16-19 26
8:34-9:1 148–9
9:33-37 148–9
10:35-40 148
14:36 149
15:27 149
Peter in Rome 59–60
Martyr, Justin 37
Christian, being named as 6–7
defining martyrdom 5–8
eyewitnesses to the resurrection, apostles as 260–1
fabrication of stories 13
and jealousy 69–70, 69n70, 69n71, 71
modern martyrs 259–60
Old Testament 44–7
probability of for each apostle 263–4
of the prophets 44–5
sincerity of belief demonstrated by 2–3
unwilling, deaths as 261
voluntary, death as 6
willingness for 1
see also individual apostles
Martyrdom of Bartholomew (The Passion of Bartholomew) 213–14, 218
Martyrdom of Matthew 227
Martyrdom of Peter 84
Martyrium of Philip 206–7
Matthew 27
10:2-4 26
authorship of first Gospel 225
background 223–4
call to discipleship 223–4
knowledge about 223
martyrdom of 226–30
missions of 225–6
Matthews, Christopher 196, 202
Matthews, Shelly 190
biblical evidence 252–3
as confused with Matthew 252
Gospel of Matthias 251–2
martyrdom of 253–6
missionary work of 253–6
scarcity of information on 252
summary of evidence 256–7
McBirnie, W.S. 197
McLaren, James, S. 131
McRay, John 95
Medlycott, A.E. 165
Meier, John 38–9
Memoirs (Hypomnemata) (Hegesippus) 122–4
methodology 3–5
Michaels, Ramsey 63
Middleton, Paul 42
missionary work of the apostles 30–6
Andrew 177–80
Bartholomew 211–15
James, son of Alphaeus 232–4
Matthew 225–6
Matthias 253–6
Paul 94
Peter 57–8
Philip 196–7
Thaddaeus 239–42
Thomas 158–72
modern martyrs 259–60
Moo, Douglas 67
Morgan, R.W. 248
Moss, Candida 3, 7n16, 8, 8n23, 9, 11, 51, 260–1
Movses Xorenac’I 216, 217–18, 238, 241, 247
Nathanael 27
Neill, Stephen 163
Neronian persecution 48–51, 79–81, 84, 111
New Testament, persecution in 41–4
Neyrey, Jerome 64–5
Nicetas David 233
Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos 233–4, 255
Old Testament, persecution in 44–7
Oration octava (Nicetas David) 233
Origen 85, 150, 177, 183–4, 251, 253
Ormanian, Malachia 212, 218, 241
Pagels, Elaine 230
Painter, John 119, 127n45, 128
Paley, William 8n22
Pantaenus 163
Papias 59, 141, 142–3, 152–4, 175, 196, 199–200, 201
Pargiter, F.E. 160
Passio Simonis et Judae 247
Patrick, James 175–6
background of 93
as eyewitness to risen Jesus 30
as former persecutor 94
learns of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection 20–1
martyrdom of
Acts of the Apostles 97–8, 101–3
beheading 111–13
Dionysius of Corinth 87–8
extra-biblical evidence 98–9
historical question 95–6
Ignatius 105–6
Irenaeus 108
Letter to the Ephesians (Ignatius) 105–6
Letter to the Magnesians (Ignatius) 106
Letter to the Philippians (Polycarp) 106–7
Letter to the Romans (Ignatius) 98, 105
Philippians 96–7
Rome, Paul’s presence in 96–9
Scorpiace (Tertullian) 98
scriptural evidence for 99–103
summary of evidence 113–14
Tertullian 112–13
traditional view 95
ministry priorities of 93
missionary activities of 94
persecution in writings 39–41
suffering of 94–5
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, The 161
1 John 43
1 Peter 42
2 Maccabees 45–6
as cost of discipleship 37–9
Daniel 45
expectation of 262–3
as expected 37–9
under Gentile rulers 48–52
Greece, persecution of Christians in 184
Hebrews 41–2
James 42
by the Jews 47–8
Neronian 48–51
New Testament 41–4
Old Testament 44–7
Paul, writings by 39–41
reasons for 51–2
Revelation 43–4
Perumalil, A.C. 219
‘another place’ after prison escape 58
martyrdom of
1 Clement 5:1-4 67–73
2 Peter 1:12-15 64–7
Acts of Peter 81–5
Apocalypse of Peter 76–8
Apocryphon of James 85–7
Ascension of Isaiah 78–81
Dionysius of Corinth 87–8
historical question 56–8
Ignatius 74–6
Irenaeus 89–90
John 21:18-19 61–4
Letter to the Romans (Ignatius) 74–5
Letter to the Smyrneans (Ignatius) 75–6
summary of evidence 91–2
Tertullian 90–1
upside-down crucifixion 84–5
missionary activities of 57–8
prophecy of death 65–7
in Rome 58–60
significance of 55
suffering of 55–6
Peter: Disciple, apostle, Martyr (Cullman) 56
as apostle 193
blending of with Philip the evangelist 199–201
as both apostle and evangelist 202–4
character of 193–4
feeding the five thousand 194
John 1:43-48 193–4
John 6:1-15 194
John 12:20-36 194
John 14:8-21 195
Last Supper 195
martyrdom of 204–8
Martyrium of Philip 206–7
missionary travels 196–7
and other Philips 197–204
scriptural Philip 193–5
summary of evidence 208–9
traditions about 195–6
Philip of Side 152–4
Philip the Evangelist 197, 198–202, 204
1:28-2:11 41
martyrdom of Paul 96–7
Plutarch 166
Pobee, John 45
Polycarp 22–3, 106–7, 140–2, 234
pouring out of liquid, metaphor of 100
Preaching of Peter, The 34
Prescriptions Against Heretics (Tertullian) 90
prophecy of Peter’s death 65–7
prophets, martyrdom of 44–5
Pseudo-Clementines 128–30
no evidence of 263
Recognitions 128–9
Reisner, Rainer 188
reliability of historical evidence 4–5
Rengstorf, K.H. 253
resurrection, centrality of 262
1 Corinthians 15:3-5 19–21
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles 21–2
Apostolic Fathers 22
early Christian creeds 17–19
eyewitnesses to the resurrection, apostles as 260–1, 262
lack of evidence for disputation 23–4
letters of Paul 22
Resurrection of the Messiah, The (Bryan) 17
Revelation, persecution in 43–4
Rich Man Who is Saved, The (Clement of Alexandria) 145
Roman Empire
execution methods 111–12
1:3-4 18
4:24b-25 18
Paul’s presence in 96–9
Peter’s presence in 58–60
trade with India 161
Rosenblatt, M.-E. 30
Ruffin, C.B. 226
Russell, Donald 166
Sacred and Legendary Art (Jameson) 255
Sanhedrin 255–6
Sayings of the Lord Interpreted, The (Papias) 175
Schmidt, Thomas 196–7, 225–6, 239
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm 111, 254
Schnelle, Udo 93
Schoedel, William R. 75
Scorpiace (Tertullian) 90–1, 98, 112–13
Second Apocalyse of James 127–8, 129–30, 133
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks 259–60
Simon the Zealot
affiliation as a Zealot 245
Britain 247–9
Eastern traditions 246–7
extra-biblical information on 245–6
martyrdom of 246–9
summary of evidence 249–50
travels of 246–9
Western traditions 247
Smith, Jonathan 85n139
Socrates 255
Spencer, F. Scott 204
St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India 169–70
St. Thomas Christians 169–72
Stein, Robert 27
Stott, John 252–3
stretch out your hands, meaning of 63–4
Stromata (Clement of Alexandria) 229–30
Suetonius 49
suffering. see martyrdom; persecution; individual apostles
Tacitus 48–51
Tajra, Harry 110
Teaching of the Apostles 179
Tenney, Merrill C. 195
tent, metaphor of 65
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 259–60
Tertullian 13, 52, 90–1, 98, 111, 112–13, 150, 177, 200–1, 249
testament, Peter’s 64–7
Addai 238–9
Agbar, King, story involving 238–9
as apostle 237–8
Armenian tradition 241–2
extra-biblical accounts of 238–9
in John 237
lack of knowledge concerning 237–8
martyrdom of 239–43
missionary activities of 239–42
summary of evidence 242–3
Theophilos the Indian 163
Theophilus of Antioch 139
in the Gospel of John 157–8
as important figure 157–8
in India 158–72
St. Thomas Christians 169–72
Thomas, Christine 167
Thomas, C.M. 82
Thomas, Gospel of 34
Topchyan, Aram 217
‘Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century’ 161
Twelve Apostles
after Pentecost 36
apostolic witness 28–30
extended groups of 30
eyewitness testimony of 29
historicity of 28
lists of 25–7, 26
probability of martyrdom for each apostle 263–4
reasons for selection of 25
recanting, no evidence of 263
testimony of 36
twelve, significance of number 10
willingness to suffer and die 263
writings of as issue-based, not historical 10
see also missionary work of the apostles; individual apostles
Vadakkekara, Benedict 166, 166n42, 170–1
Van Belle, Gilbert 62
Van Esbroeck, Michael 216
Vigeveno, H.S. 231
Wallace, Daniel 143
Weidmann, Frederick 138
Weinrich, William 13–14
Wenham, John 58
Westcott, B.F. 137
Wilkins, Michael 225
Wilson, A.N. 95
Wright, N.T. 22
Zaccheus 252
Zwiep, Arie 252