I am filled with gratitude as I write the last few words of this book. It seems fitting that I saved the thanking for the end, when I am tired and worn and words are blurring and have fed my children too many fast-food meals.
I am thankful still.
Thank you to the people at F+W Media, Inc. and Adams Media, who thought I might be able to pull this book off. Thank you to my editor, Maria Ribas, who believed in me, and made writing the book possible.
To my parents and my brother: Thank you for raising me to strive, to pursue, to hold my own. Thank you for your willingness to teach me at all times, never allowing me to settle at being less than my best. Thank you for supporting me all those years, and encouraging me now.
To my husband, Matt: This life would mean very little without you in it. I found you, that weird, silly person with whom I am meant to spend my days. Thank you for dealing with my extra workload, and for your ability to love and support me while always challenging me to be better. Thank you for being my person.
To my little ones, Grayson and Ava… oh, the places I hope to see you go. Thank you both for dealing with frozen waffles over the last few months, and for your help at the shop. Thank you for being such flexible little people, and for all the Grace you have given me. I love you more than you’ll ever know, and am inspired to live purposefully for you.
I have to thank our team at Perfectly Imperfect, and for those that pitched in during this hectic season. To Natalie, Adam, Julie, Ryan, Lori, Amanda, Kaitlyn, Lindsay Bolton (at Chena Designs), Jason, and Regina Garay; thank you all for what you do to grow and further our brand, take care of our customers and readers, and make Perfectly Imperfect far more than a dot on the Web.
To my “in real life” blogging friends, Marian Parsons and Ashley Mills: Thank you both for always supporting me, praying with me, and understanding me. Thank you to Jenny and Lisa for being the kind of friends who loved me from the beginning. You are all amazing, and your encouragement during this process means the world. You girls are my heroes.
To the bloggers who contributed projects: we are honored and are in awe of your talent and creativity… thank you for sharing your work with us!
Thank you to Candace Nelson, for taking the loveliest photos of our family for this book.
Thank you to Julie and Sara for help with projects, and Kaitlyn, who did the photo editing for this book. I literally could not have finished the book on time without you, sweet girls.
To my readers, I must say that you all have been the surprise of my life. You came out of nowhere, sweep me off my feet and take me soaring. You inspire me, and I want to try, in my own way, to inspire you. I am beyond grateful to have you in our lives.
Last, but certainly not least, I thank my God for restoring me, for giving me Grace on the days I need it most, and the days I forget to ask. For accepting me as I am: imperfect.