Emphasize local, organic, fresh, raw, ripe produce in season versus depleted, chemicalized, sprayed, irradiated, processed, packaged, GMO, shipped, and stored, stale, rancid and oxidized (cooked in air) foods.
Emphasize variety and rotation of high quality foods, as well as balance and simplicity in meals, taking time to chew and savor your foods.
The top chronic and delayed food allergies and sensitivities are best avoided or at least minimized by rotation:
Sugar (refined)
Soy (except natto, miso, tempeh, Phosphatidyl Choline, Phosphatidyl Serine)
Cow dairy (except colostrum, whey, butter)
Citrus (except grapefruit seed extract)
Food Tolerance
Food Tolerance is a 4-ounce energetic solution for the easing of the causes and symptoms of food intolerance, including both food sensitivity and food allergy. It is typically taken 1/2 teaspoon (1 capful) twice a day under the tongue on an empty stomach, on exposure to a food allergen or at the onset of food sensitivity symptoms. At this dosage, a bottle lasts about a month. For additional support, more frequent dosing up to 4 times daily is more effective than increased quantity per dose. It is frequently beneficial in Phase 4 of the 5 Phases of healing.
Food Tolerance homeopathic complex components:
ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone)
Adrenalinum (adrenaline)
Agaricus muscarius (an amanita mushroom)
Agaricus phalloides (an amanita mushroom)
Allium cepa (onion)
Allium sativum (garlic)
Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)
Avena sativa (oats)
Carbo vegetabilis (carbonized vegetable matter, essentially burnt toast)
Coffea tosta (roasted coffee bean)
Gossypium herbaceum (Levant cotton)
Histaminum (histamine)
Hydrangea arborescens (hydrangea, the best herbal solvent)
Lac defloratum (skimmed cow's milk)
Lactuca virosa (a mildly psychotropic lettuce)
Ovi gallinae (egg)
Phaseolus (bean)
Russula foetens (a mushroom)
Saccharomyces (yeast)
Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)
Solanum tuberosum (potato)
Stigmata maidis (cornsilk)
Triticum repens (couch-grass)
Target Diet
A good way to start improving your diet is what I call the Target Diet, as presented on page 12 in my book Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia, written with my colleague Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac.
In the Phase 1 quadrant of energy regulation are the fats and oils, the most concentrated form of energy in the diet. Allowed foods include extra-virgin cold-pressed olive, flax, primrose, borage, fish, grape seed and rice bran oils, preferrably unfiltered to include any phytosterols from the source. The oil foods to keep to a minimum include any acid forming foods, 'health food' snacks, heated oils (being sure to stir in garlic or onion before heating to prevent oxidation), and foods cooked with coconut oil. The foods to really avoid as much as possible are refined and processed foods including hydrogenated oils, margarine, vegetable oils, rancid oils, fried foods, french fries, snack foods, junk food, chips and fast food.
In the Phase 2 quadrant of maintenance and repair are the protein sources. Allowed foods include oiled free range fertile effs, baked or broiled cold water white fish including cod, flounder, haddock, halibut, herring, mackerel, Pacific salmon, perch, pollock, rockfish, sardine, scrod and sole. The foods at allowable at low frequencies and quantities are commercial eggs, free-range organic meat and poultry, shellfish, raw milk yogurt and raw milk cheese.
In the Phase 3 quadrant of regeneration are the carbohydrates. Allowed sources are brown rice, millet, buckwheat, and lightly steamed organic vegetables. Sources to minimize are whole wheat and other grains, alcohol, non-organic sweet fruits, bananas, papayas, dried dates, figs, fructose (e.g. Agave syrup), and lightly steamed non-organic vegetables.
The Phase 4 quadrant of tissue cleansing includes the water and electrolyte sources as well as diuretics. Allowed sources are whey protein, filtered water and goat dairy. Foods to minimize are Bragg's or grey sea salt, herb teas, fermented foods, and fruit juice diluted to 20% with water. Foods to avoid are table salt, preservatives, nitrates, sulfites, artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners, MSG, tap water, juice drinks, soda, alcohol, coffee, tea, and decaf.
In the Phase 5 center of the target diet, the emphasis is on whole ripe raw organic fresh local alkaline-forming foods, sprouts and juices. Eat more like your ancestors did during the bulk of your genetic history, the millions of years your genes developed adaptive capacities for a life of hunting, gathering, feasting and fasting, a life of communing with nature, spirit and each other. Others call this the Paleo diet, the way humans lived prior to the advent of agriculture about 10,000 years ago. The invention of agriculture, emphasizing grains which were mere survival foods, I believe was mothered by necessity due to global ecological change following the retreat of the last ice age and the global flood, leaving much of the earth's terrain covered in sediments which were then colonized by early species such as the grain grasses before other food species could thrive. The cultures then developed according to the consciousness of the grain they served... corn, wheat, rice... And as the spirit minerals in those soils have become depleted along with the biological nutrient minerals, the souls of those cultures languishes... crying out in thirst, like Christ facing the cross, thirsting for the life of the spirit, the water of life that forever quenches that deepest of needs.