Dr. Glen-Martin Swartwout graduated Magna Cum Laude with honors in Environmental Earth Sciences and Chemistry from Dartmouth College, and received his doctorate at the top of his class in Vision Science with honors in Optics as well as Leadership, being inducted into both Beta Sigma Kappa and the Gold Key Honor Societies at the State University of New York in Manhattan, where he trained at the largest outpatient vision clinic in the world. He served as Editor, Vice President and President of the American Optometric Student Association serving 4000 international student doctor members. He is the author of over 50 professional papers, books, and software programs. His first professional office was in Tokyo, Japan.
Also by this author:
Cataract Solutions: Prevention & Reversal Via Accelerated Self-Healing
Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions
Macular Degeneration... Macular Regeneration
The Shire:Cultivating Your Future Self
More writings by this author can be found at:
Additional contributions by this author include:
Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide (contributor)
EPFX SCIO QXCI Quantum Xeroid Eclosion Consciousness Interface (contributor)
IBIS: Interactive BodyMind Information System (contributor)
Natural Eye Care, An Encyclopedia (co-author with Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac.)
Connect online:
About.me: http://about.me/drglen
Facebook: http://facebook.com/DrSwartwout
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/glen-swartwout/10/902/5aa
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DoctorGlen
YouTube: http://youtube.com/doctorglen