1. M. Eliade, Le Chamanisme et les techniques archïques de l’extase, Paris, 1951, pp. 407–8.

2. The Muria and their Ghotul, Oxford, 1947, pp. 149–50.

1. Odin is shown hanging from the tree on an early Swedish carved stone along with scenes that seem to belong to the story of the gaining of the mead.

1. A figure consisting of three legs radiating from a common centre. The valknut is formed of three triangles linked together.

1. J. S. Ryan, ‘Othin in England’, Folklore, 74, 1963, pp. 472 ff.

1. ‘Oseberggraven Haugbrottet’, Viking, 1945, pp. 1 ff.

1. Flateyjarbók, þáttr þorleifs jarlaskálds, 1, 174.

2. H. R. Ellis, The Road to Hel, Cambridge, 1943, pp. 105 ff.

1. H. R. Ellis, op. cit., pp. 87 ff.

1. Antiquaries’ Journal, 4, 1924, pp. 113 ff.

2. Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archaeological Society Trans., 1, pp. 156 ff.

3. F. W. Bull, Recent Discoveries of Anglo-Saxon Remains, Kettering, 1904.

1. E. Salin, Le Haut Moyen Age en Lorraine, 1939, pp. 87 ff.

1. H. R. Ellis Davidson, ‘The Hill of the Dragon’, Folklore, 61, 1950, pp. 180 ff.