1 Detail, frontispiece (plate #2), BRP. William Birch etched his BRP engravings during 1798 & 1799 and appears to have sold some as individual prints early in 1799. See PG, Feb. 1, 1799.
2 Detail, plate #12, BRP.
3 Detail, plate #18, BRP.
4 JA to Dr. Benjamin Rush, Apr. 12, 1809, JAWO, IX, 619.
5 WDRP, 2.
6 Detail, plate #19, BRP.
7 GW to Benjamin Walker, Phil., Jan. 12, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 363-364.
8 [Paul Wentworth], “Minutes respecting political Parties in America and Sketches of the leading Persons in each Province” [app. 1778] … The Endorsement … by the hand of Wm Eden. SFAC, V, 487. Like the memorandum from Rev. J. Vardill to William Eden, Apr. 11, 1778, “Sketches of American public Characters and Hints for the use of the Commissioners,” SFAC, IV, 438, Wentworth’s “Minutes …” was probably a briefing paper for the Carlisle Peace Commissioners who were sent to America to thwart a Franco-American alliance. See BSDR, 68 n.-69 n., BFAW, 580-583, 589-593.
9 JA to Dr. Benjamin Rush, Apr. 12, 1809, JAWO, IX, 619.
10 Detail, plate #8, BRP.
11 AGA, May 12, 1800.
12 Detail, plate #15, BRP.
13 TJ to John Taylor, Phil., June 1, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 430, 432.
14 See JAC, 231 (“Decidedly, some time after he became Vice President, Adams concluded that the United States would have to adopt a hereditary legislature and a monarch”).
15 See AGA, July 8, 14, Aug. 14, Sept. 27, 29, 1797, Mar. 30, 1798. Various people heard JA say Americans would not be happy without a king. SDOP, 490.
16 JWM, 29, 63, BCMP, 192, JA to Jabez Bowen, June 26, 1789, JAPM, Reel 115.
17 See AGA, Nov. 4, 1796, JWM, 30, JBZP, 46, JAPM, Reel 376, JA to Trumbull, Apr. 2, 1790, JAPM, Reel 115, and JA to Abigail Adams, May 19, 1789, JAPM, Reel 372.
18 PG, May 14, 1798, has a detailed description of the cockade.
19 Because this history depicts a radical 1790’s Democratic-Republican point of view, your author has declined to use the narrative voice of the traditional historian (presumably impartial, implicitly omniscient, nearly anonymous, emotionally opaque) and has instead posited the chooser-of-fact to be William Duane, as he might narrate his life and times “with the advantage of these intervening years.” Those who object to the anachronicity and other deficiencies of this choice may interpret the narrator’s first-person/present-tense statements to be the author’s third-person/past-tense statements about WD and his time (they are endnoted). WD’s actual voice (as opposed to the narrative device) appears in Book Two and predominates in Book Three of this work, so WD’s actual voice can be compared with your author’s flawed, though useful, narrative device.
20 Italicized sentence quoted verbatim from WD’s letter to Stephen R. Bradley, Nov. 10, 1808, quoted in WDCA, 65-68.
21 Detail, plate #20, BRP.
22 The features of WD’s life prior to his arrival in America are found in WDKP, 4-50, WDBM, 1-5, DAB, V, 467.
23 Because the nation spoke and wrote of the paper as the Aurora or Philadelphia Aurora rather than as the Aurora General Advertiser (its masthead name), your author has frequently used the popular name when referring to the paper. For the history of the paper’s masthead names, see BCAN, 891-892.
24 TJ’s words. TJ to James Monroe, Monticello, Oct. 19, 1823, TJWF, XII, 316.
25 Detail, plate #9, BRP.
26 AGA, Aug. 11, 1802, BFBS, 158.
27 LTNA, II, 376.
28 Detail, plate #20, BRP.
29 N.H., Mass., R.I., Conn., Vt., N.Y., N.J., Pa., Del., Md., Va., Ky., Tenn., N.C., S.C., Ga.
30 Philadelphia Monthly Magazine, June 1798, 333-334.
31 NJUV, 42, 44.
32 Detail, plate #3, BRP.
33 ANC, 5C, 2S, 961-962, MLA, 17-19, 27-29, 73-102, BFBT, 332, 362.
34 BFBS, 135.
35 ANC, 5C, 2S, 968.
36 Detail, plate #22, BRP.
37 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1034. See PG, Feb. 9, 14, 15, 16, 1798, TJAH, 360-361.
38 BFBT, 331-332.
39 AGA, Feb. 14, 1798.
40 See BFBW, Pref.
41 LTNA, II, 376.
42 Detail, plate #22, BRP.
43 Philadelphia Monthly Magazine, June 1798, 333-334.
44 DMSM, 260-317.
45 BFBB, 337.
46 LTNA, II 379-380.
47 DMSM, 316.
48 See BFBP, 56-57, BFBT, 60-61.
49 DMSM, 262-263.
50 See AGA, Apr. 23, 1798.
51 RHMP, I, 235, 239.
52 TJ to Edward Rutledge, Phil., June 24, 1797, TJWF, VIII, 316, 318-319.
53 Elizabeth Hewson to Thomas Hewson, June 5, 1797, HP, cited by BFBS, 147.
54 AHO. See AHP, XXI, 121-144, JBZP, 75-85,168, TJMD, III, 326-328.
55 American Minerva (N.Y.), May 14, 1797. The letter first appeared in the Moniteur (Paris) of Jan. 25, 1797. TJMD, III, 301-306, GWF, IV, 382.
56 TJ to Philip Mazzei, Monticello, Apr. 24, 1796, TJWF, VIII, 235, 238-241. See TJMD, III, 267-268, xxiv, TCER, 376.
57 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1200-1202.
58 See SDOP, 609-612, 630-631.
59 SDOP, 609-612.
60 BFPP, 175.
61 ITHP, 35.
62 In general, see Joseph Moxon, Mechanick Exercises on the Whole Art of Printing (1683-1684) (London: Oxford Univ., 1958), Lawrence C. Wroth, Benjamin Franklin: The Printer at Work (N.Y.: privately, 1981), Lawrence C. Wroth, The Colonial Printer (Portland: Southworth-Anthoensen Press, 1938), Elizabeth Harris and Clinton Sisson, The Common Press (Boston: David R. Godine, 1978), Caleb Stower, The Printer’s Grammar (London: Gregg Press, 1965), and Edward Grattan, The Printer’s Companion (N.Y.: Garland, 1981).
63 TJ to James Monroe, Mar. 8, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 380, 381.
64 AGA, Aug. 4, 19, 1800. John Fenno’s son, John Ward Fenno, denied JA helped. GUS, Oct. 14, 1800.
65 Details of John Fenno’s life are taken from John Hench,“Letters of John Fenno and John Ward Fenno,” PAAS, Vol. 89, Part 1 (1979), 300-301. On Fenno being printer to the Senate, see AGA, June 19, 1798, Jan. 8, 1799.
66 See TJMD, III, 142.
67 JCPB, II, 148.
68 AGA, May 8, June 18, Nov. 8, 1794, Jan. 15, 1795, BFBS, 118-119.
69 WCPM, 17.
70 WCPM, 68-69, BFBB, 282-283.
71 PG, Mar. 4, 1797.
72 BFWE, 269.
73 BF published Poor Richard’s Almanacks from 1733 to 1758. See PRA.
74 BFPP, 72.
75 AGA, Oct. 2, 1790.
76 BF to Deborah Read Franklin, London, Aug. 14, 1771, BFPL, XVIII, 204-205.
77 BF to Jane Mecum, Jan. 13, 1772, BFPL, XIX, 29.
78 BF to Richard Bache, Passy, Nov. 11, 1784, BFSM, IX, 278-279.
79 EHFJ, 6, as translated by FNE, II, 80.
80 BFB to Margaret Markoe, May 2, 1790, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3. See BFBS, 102.
81 SJPF, 111-112.
82 TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-446.
83 James Monroe to Unidentified, Apr. 23, 1794, Simon Gratz Collection, Hist. Soc. of Penn., Case II, Box 16.
84 E.g., AGA, Oct. 21, Dec. 29, 1795, Apr. 11, 12 & 16, 1796, Jan. 23, 1797.
85 Benjamin Rush to JA, June 4, 1812, in A&R, 223.
86 AGA, Jan. 2, 1793.
87 AGA, Jan. 21, 1793.
88 AGA, Feb. 16, 1793. See GUS, Feb. 23, 1793.
89 AGA, Nov. 23, 1795.
90 AGA, Sept. 11, 1795.
91 AGA, Jan. 23, 26, Feb. 4, 1793.
92 AGA, Dec. 7, 1792.
93 AGA, Jan. 29, 1792. See also AGA, Nov. 23, 1795.
94 AGA, Feb. 5, 18, 1793. See also AGA, Dec. 7, 1792.
95 TJ to Edward Rutledge, Monticello, Nov. 30, 1795, TJWF, VIII, 199, 200.
96 AGA, Aug. 22, 1795.
97 AGA, Jan. 1, 13, 1796.
98 AGA, Sept. 18, 1795. See AGA, Sept. 11, Oct. 16, Dec. 1, 1795.
99 AGA, Nov. 2, Oct. 23, 27, 29, 30, 1795. See James Thomson Callender on same subject, JCHU, 247-248.
100 AGA, Nov. 20, 1795.
101 AGA, Nov. 18, 1795. See AGA, Oct. 16, Nov. 26, 1795.
102 AGA, Oct. 21, 1795.
103 AGA, Sept. 24, 1795.
104 AGA, Dec. 29, 1795. See AGA, Dec. 21, 1796.
105 Letters from George Washington to Several of His Friends, in June and July, 1776 … (Phil.: Repub’d at Federal Press [by BFB], 1795), 42. REDX 28,969. See AGA, Nov. 13, 1795.
106 James D. Tagg, “BFB’s Attack on GW,” PMHB, C (Apr. 1976), 194. See EMAF, 516.
107 GW to Gen’l Henry Lee, July 21, 1793, GWW, XXXIII, 23-24. See JABW, 53-55.
108 GW to Sec. of State, Mt. Vernon, July 18, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 143-144. See JABW, 53-55.
109 GW to Benjamin Walker, Phil., Jan. 12, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 363-364.
110 JA to Abigail Adams, Mar. 25, 1796, JAFW, II, 214, DMAF, 92. See JABW, 55-56.
111 GW to Alexander Hamilton, Mt. Vernon, June 26, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 101, 103.
112 Farewell Address (first draft), [May 15, 1796], GWW, XXXV, 51, 59. See BFBS, 145-146, AHWL, VIII, 203, JABW, 56-57. GWF, IV, 285 gives May 1 as date.
113 GW to Sec. of Treas., Mt. Vernon, July 6, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 125-126.
114 GW to Sec. of State Timothy Pickering, July 18, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 144-45.
115 GW’s Farewell Address is dated the 17th but was first published in Claypoole’s American Daily Advertiser (Phil.) on Sept. 19, 1796.
116 AGA, Mar. 6, 1797. See GWFS, VII, 439.
117 GW to Jeremiah Wadsworth, Mar. 6, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 420-421.
118 GUS, Mar. 7, 1797.
119 Benjamin Rush to JA, June 4, 1812, A&R, 223. See JABW, 57.
120 GW to Rev. William Gordon, Mt. Vernon, Oct. 15, 1797, GWW, XXXVI, 48, 50.
121 GW to Sec. of State, Mt. Vernon, Feb. 6, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 155-156. See CRIS, 47.
122 TJMD, III, xxv, 332.
123 JCUS.
124 JCUS, 204-230. See JBZP, 162-163.
125 GUS, July 8, 1797. See JCUS, viii.
126 AHO. See TJMD, III, 328.
127 TJ to John Taylor, Oct. 8, 1797, TJWL, XVIII, 201-202. See JBZP, 169.
128 JCUS, 220.
129 JCSH, 100.
130 1757 ed., PRA, II, 338.
131 TPLW, 8, See BFB’s approval of Paine’s opinion, AGA, Dec. 22, 1796, and article to same effect, Sept. 24, 1795.
132 JA to Abigail Adams, Dec. 4, 1796, JAFW, II, 231, JA to Abigail Adams, Dec. 8, 1796, JAFW, II, 233-234.
133 James Monroe, A View of the Conduct of the Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, Connected with the Mission to the French Republic, During the Years 1794, 5, & 6 (Phil.: BFB, 1797), REDX 32,491. See TJMD, III, 337-339.
134 AGA, Aug. 13, 1795 republished material sent with a June 23rd letter from Monroe to BFB, JMOW, II, 292-304.
135 Timothy Pickering obtained a copy of AGA. Pickering to Ed. Carrington, Dec. 9, 1797, TPPM. The disclosure persuaded GW to recall James Monroe. GW to Sec. of State, July 8, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 127-128 & 128n, TPAD, 55-5, BBMM, 9-79.
136 WDLW.
137 WDKP, 4, WDCA, 8.
138 WDKP, 5, WDGE. See AGA, May 18, 1799.
139 AGA, Mar. 13, 14, 1797. See also GUS, Mar. 12, 1797, BFBT, 284. Reply by Webster in American Minerva (N.Y.), Mar. 17, 1797. See also SDOP, 531.
140 See JAPW, xxvi, GWMK, 59. Historian Rupert Hughes held the same view. GWRH, III, 412.
141 The Jumonville event is well described in GWRH, I, 114-157, II, 106 ff. See GLBE, VI, 31, R. A. Brock, ed., Dinwiddie Papers, 2 vols. (Richmond: Virginian Hist. Collections, 1883), I, 120, 121, 151, 170.
142 PG, Apr. 10, 1798 reports Callender’s relief application to the overseer of the poor.
143 JCHT, 29-37.
144 JCHT, 43-51.
145 See AGA, Aug. 11, 1802, BFBT, 402, PG, Apr. 24, 1798, GUS, Apr. 24, 1798, JCHT, 105, 107, 200.
146 JCHT, 63.
147 It is clear that TJ’s and Thomas Leiper’s relationships to Callender were as charitable as they were political. On TJ, see TJJC, 9, 11, TJMD, III, xxv-xxvi, 332, 469-470, TJ to Stevens T. Mason, Oct. 11, 1798, TJWL, X, 61-62, SDOP, 473, JAPS, II, 978. On Thomas Leiper, see Richmond Recorder (Richmond), May 26, Aug. 4, 25, 1802, TJ to Madison, Apr. 26, 1798, TJJC, 9, JCHT, 106.
148 1752 ed., PRA, II, 150.
149 RJMP, I, 264.
150 On use of “Peggy,” see Mary Coxe to Margaret Hartman Markoe, Phil., Nov. 22, [1789], BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
151 1746 ed., PRA, I, 320.
152 Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of the College of the University of Penn.: 1749-1893 (Phil.: Society of the Alumni, 1894), 26.
153 BFBS, 90, BFBT, 72-74.
154 See letters from BFB to Margaret H. Markoe, Apr. 20, June 5, 15, 21, 27, Aug. 17, 18, 23, 27, Sept. 8, 15, 19, 23, Oct. 3, 4, 1791, in BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
155 BFBT, 73-78.
156 BFB to Le Veillard, Apr. 6, 1792, BF Papers, Pierpont Morgan Lib., N.Y., quoted in BFBT, 77.
157 SDOP, 198, TJAH, 273. BFBP, 115.
158 Elizabeth Hewson to Thomas Hewson, June 5, 1797, HP, quoted in BFBS, 147.
159 1751 ed., PRA, II, 114.
160 PG, Mar. 12, 1798.
161 On Nov. 9, 1793 (just before Robespierre ordered his arrest), Médéric-Louis-Elie Moreau de St. Méry sailed from Le Havre with his wife and two children. DMSM, xv-xvi.
162 DMSM, x.
163 Frank Luther Mott says Volney’s Ruins of Empires was America’s only French best-seller during the eighteenth century. MFBS, 63, 305.
164 PAPS, XXII, 168 (Moreau de St. Méry) & 246 (Volney).
165 Democratic-Republicans generally viewed violence in the French Revolution as regrettable but necessary to end monarchy. On BFB’s and AGA’s views, see BFBT, 119, 312-313.
166 1750 ed., PRA, II, 98. On the use of terms “Jacobin,” “Democrat,” and “Anti-Federalist,” see AGA, July 4, 1799.
167 GW to David Stuart, Jan. 8, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 360. See WCPM, 74-75.
168 On June 2, 1797, Congressman William L. Smith reported, “Porcupine is a great favorite at court,” JABW, 91.
169 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Mar. 13, 1798, AANL, 142-143.
170 JDBM, 11-25.
171 Notes, drafts, and fragments of Presidential messages and proclamations, JAPM, Reel 387. See DAQW, 68-69, 399.
172 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Mar. 13, 1798, AANL, 142, 144. See JABW, 93.
173 ANC, 5C, 1S, 430, DMAF, 135.
174 DMAF, 135. See CRIS, 44, AGA, June 28, 1800.
175 JCHT, 52.
176 See adv. in AGA, June 14, 1798.
177 MCA. Originally appeared as series of letters in New-England Magazine (July 1833-Dec. 1834), Vol. VI, 60, 93, 227, 306, 400, Vol. VII, 61, 145, 239, 320, 401, 481. See Edward Carlos Carter, The Political Activities of Mathew Carey, Nationalist, 1760-1814 (Ph.D. Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, 1962) (Univ. Microfilms Int’l, 1964).
178 Dr. James Reynolds is not the man of the same name with whom (and with whose wife) Alexander Hamilton had improper connections.
179 JCPB, I, 37.
180 JCHT, 76-77.
181 Dr. James Reynolds is identified as the author of pieces which appeared in the AGA on Jan. 24 (“South Front Street”), 26 (“Thomas Pickering”), 29 (“James Reynolds”), Feb. 5, 27, 1798, charging Sec. of State Timothy Pickering with receiving gratuities for the issuance of passports. Timothy Pickering to BFB, Jan 25, 1798 and Timothy Pickering to Rev. John Clark, Jan. 26, 1798 TPPM, XXXVII, 264-266, Rawle to Pickering, Feb. 27, 1798, TPPM, XXII, 48.
182 See WDKP, 47, 52, ITHP, 390, BCAN, 924, 955, WDBM, 5.
183 [Abigail Adams] to [BFB], Mar. 17, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.
184 1739 ed., PRA, I, 160.
185 AGA, June 30, July 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 15, 20, 24, 28, Aug. 2, 1791. The responses of “Brutus” appear in June 30, July 1, 2, 21, 24, 1791. See BFBT, 125, SDOP, 536, TJAH, 84-85.
186 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796, SDOP, 536.
187 AGA, Oct. 25, 1796.
188 AGA, Nov. 11, 1796.
189 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796.
190 AGA, Oct. 18, 1796.
191 AGA, Nov. 11, 1796. See JAWO, IV, 553.
192 AGA, Nov. 16, 1796.
193 AGA, Nov. 17, 1796.
194 AGA, Nov. 4, 1796.
195 1736 ed., PRA, I, 88.
196 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1271-1272, TJMD, III, 370.
197 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 386-388. See also TJ to James Monroe, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 388-389, and TJ to Edward Pendleton, Phil., Apr. 2, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 394-397.
198 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Mar. 20, 1798, AANL, 146-147.
199 GUS, Mar. 22, 1798.
200 TJ to James Monroe, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 388-389. In letters of this date to Monroe and Madison, TJ was correct that the constitution required Congress to declare war but incorrect that it required more than a majority vote.
201 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 386-388.
202 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1285-1296.
203 RJMP, I, 268-270. See BFBT, 344.
204 “Petition from the Quakers of Philadelphia to Congress,” Mar. 23, 1798, Logan Papers (Hist. Soc. of Penn.) as cited in MRFC, 104.
205 WD gives the full story of his expulsion from the House in AGA, July 29, 1800. See also AGA Mar. 24, 1798, PG, Nov. 3, 1798.
206 The $800 figure is elsewhere in AGA, Mar. 24, 1798. WD identified as the author of this letter on the basis of Carey’s United States Recorder (Phil.), May 3, 1798, which states: “In the Aurora of the 24th Mar. last, two essays treated mr. Harper with freedom and justice. At the bottom of one of them, the writer, mr. William Duane, gave notice, that his name, though not published, was left with the printer.”
207 Abigail Adams to William Smith, Phil., Mar. 24, 1798, Smith-Carter Papers (MHS).
208 TJ to BFB, Apr. 22, 1791, TJPB, XX, 246. See BFBT, 101, 114.
209 TJ to GW, Monticello, Sept. 9, 1792, TJPB, XXIV, 351, 356.
210 TJ to James Madison, June 9, 1793, TJWF, VII, 373, 376. See JABW, 53, 57, GWF, IV, 46.
211 Benjamin Rush to JA, June 4, 1812, A&R, 223. See JABW, 56-57.
212 GW to Henry Lee, July 21, 1793, GWW, XXXIII, 23-24. GW then spelled BFB’s name phonetically. See JABW, 53, 56.
213 JMOW, III, 106-115.
214 ANC, 5C, 2S. 3717.
215 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1319-1320, 1327-1328, 1333.
216 PG, Mar. 31, 1798. See AGA, June 14, 1800.
217 GLP, 46-47, 3-4.
218 GLP, 98.
219 GLP, 111-114.
220 GLP, 142.
221 GLP,147.
222 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1336.
223 AGW, 103.
224 AGW, 103.
225 WCPW, III, 253.
226 AGW, 114.
227 It was reported in the gazettes, e.g. AGA, Apr. 6, Dec. 9, 1797, PG, Apr. 6, 12, 13, 1797.
228 AGA, Dec 9, 1797 (“Comm of Penn vs. C. Humphreys”).
229 Sec. of State Pickering to M. Clement Humphreys, Phil., Mar. 29, 1798, ND, I, 47.
230 Detail, plate #29, BRP. On identification of shipyard as Humphreys’, see S. Robert Teitelman, Birch’s Views of Philadelphia: A Reduced Facsimile of the City of Philadelphia—as It Appeared in the Year 1800 (Phil.: Univ. of Penn. Press, 1983), plate #29.
231 AGA, Apr. 6, 1797. See also AGA, Dec. 9, 1797 (“Comm of Penn vs. C. Humphreys”). PG, Apr. 6 (“Measure for Measure”), 12 (“Clement Humphries”), 13, 1797, BFBS, 159-160, BFBT, 328, Edmund Kimball Alden, “BFB,” in DAB, I, 462-463, BFBW, pref., GUS, Aug. 9, 1798. See also Papers of Joshua Humphreys (Hist. Soc. of Penn.).
232 1736 ed., PRA, I, 88.
233 PG, Apr. 2, 1798, GUS, Apr. 3, 1798.
234 1754 ed., PRA, II, 224.
235 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1358-1359, 1364, 1366, AGW, 106.
236 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., Mar. 31, 1798, AANL, 150.
237 GUS, Apr. 4, 1798.
238 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1367, 1370-1371.
239 JMAW, VI, 311-314.
240 NJUV, 55.
241 NJUV, xix-xxv.
242 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1374-1375.
243 ANC, 5C, 2S, 536-537.
244 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 7, 1798, AANL, 153-155. See JAPS, II, 958.
245 On AGA’s revelation that Pickering’s office was taking bribes, see AGA, Jan. 24 (“South Front Street”), 26 (“Thomas Pickering”), 29 (“James Reynolds”), Feb. 5, 27, 1798, Timothy Pickering to BFB, Jan 25, 1798 and Timothy Pickering to Rev. John Clark, Jan. 26. TPPM, XXXVII, 264-266, Rawle to Pickering, Feb 27, 1798, TPPM, XXII, 48. Pickering wrote about the whole matter to GW, Jan 27, 1798, TPPM, and GW responded to the Sec. of State, on Feb. 6, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 155-157. See BFBT, 330.
246 PG, Apr. 21, 1798.
247 Timothy Pickering to Alexander Hamilton, Phil., Apr. 9, 1798, AHP, XXI, 408-409.
248 See ANC, 5C, 2S, 3336-3360.
249 JA to Alexander Hamilton, Apr. 5, 1798, W&A, II, 44-44.
250 PG, Apr. 13, 1798.
251 1733 ed., PRA, I, 7.
252 NJUV, 56-58.
253 1736 ed., PRA, I, 84.
254 1733 ed., PRA, I, 7.
255 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1402 ff.
256 Dunwoody’s was at 285 High between 7th and 8th Streets. PDS, 49.
257 AGA, Aug. 15, 1798.
258 GUS, Apr. 13, 1798.
259 PDS, 140.
260 1751 ed., PRA, II, 124.
261 Anas, TJWF, I, 345-346.
262 PG, Apr. 14, 1798.
263 GW to Sec. of State, Mt. Vernon, Apr. 16, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 248-249.
264 GUS, Apr. 18, 1798.
265 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 17, 1798, AANL, 155, 156, JAPS II, 961.
266 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1427, FETT, 26, DMAF, 152.
267 See BFFC, 79-80, AANL, 164 n.
268 Anonymous to JA, Apr. 18, 1798, JAPM, Reel 388. See FETT, 26.
269 1742 ed., PRA, II, 228.
270 Distance indicated in BFBL, 67.
271 NJUV, 60-62, 308.
272 TJ to Madison, Apr. 19, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 409-411.
273 See GLM, 57-60, TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-447.
274 GLM, 54.
275 1754 ed., PRA, II, 228.
276 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1484-1485, FETT, 155.
277 1745 ed., PRA, I, 300.
278 NJUV, 62.
279 PAPS, XXII, 270.
280 DMSM, 352.
281 DMSM, 350-351.
282 PAPS, XXII, 270.
283 1747 ed., PRA, I, 352.
284 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 21, 1798, AANL, 157, 159.
285 GUS, Apr. 23, 1798. See AGA, May 3, Aug. 6, 1798. Cameron’s is in PDS, 32.
286 AGA, Aug. 15, 1798.
287 GUS, Apr. 23, 1798.
288 PG, Apr. 25, 1798.
289 1736 ed., PRA, I, 81.
290 An account is in SWHP, I, 493.
291 ANC, 5C, 2S, 548, See FETT, Chapt. IV, SDOP, 465, TJAH, 374-375, DMAF, 165.
292 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1545, 1553, DMAF, 304.
293 Probably it was Callender. Fenno claims in GUS, Apr. 27, 1798 that BFB and Callender attended. In AGA, Apr. 30, 1798, BFB denies he was there and claims that Callender was not then very active at the paper.
294 DMSM, 345-347.
295 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil. Apr. 26, 1798, AANL, 164-165.
296 “Hail Columbia,” sung to the tune of the “President’s March,” served as America’s unofficial national anthem until 1931. See Joseph Hopkinson, Song adapted to the President’s March: sung at the theatre by Mr. Fox, at his benefit (Phil.: J. Ormrod, 1798), REDX 33,895, FETT, 8-9, JAPS, II, 962-963.
297 GUS, Apr. 26, 1798.
298 GUS, Apr. 26, 1798.
299 1739 ed., PRA, I, 155.
300 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., Apr. 26, 1798, AANL, 164-165. See Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., May 26, June 23, 1798, AANL, 179, 195-196.
301 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Apr. 26, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 411-413. See FETT, 95, PMHB, LXXVII (1953), 3-23.
302 AGA, June 14, 1800.
303 Margaret Morris to Milcah Martha Moore, Montgomery, May 11, 1798, SJRH, 296. See BFBP, 103-104.
304 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 27, 1798, Phil. AANL, 166.
305 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3722, DAQW, 90.
306 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3722.
307 Anonymous to JA, JAPM, Reel 388. Your author has dated this letter ten days after the Apr. 18 letter on the basis of Abigail Adams’ statement: “Another Letter of the same purport was sent ten days after.” Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 10, 1798, AANL, 170-172.
308 1740 ed., PRA, I, 176.
309 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 28, 1798, AANL, 167, FETT, 9, 191.
310 AGA, May 1, 1798, GUS, May 1, 1798, PG, Apr. 30, May 2, 1798. AGA, June 14, 1800, describes Relph’s role.
311 According to WD, BFB got him to give up his $10-a-week salary sometime in May or June, so that BFB could hire James Thomson Callender, AGA, Aug. 11, 1802. BFBT, 402.
312 PG, Apr. 30, May 2, 1798. See AGA, June 14, 1800.
313 See AGA, June 14, 1800.
314 AGA, May 3, 1798.
315 PG, May 2, 1798.
316 GUS, May 4, 1798, JAWO, IX, 186-187.
317 See FETT, 8-9, JAPS II, 963.
318 Anas, TJWF, I, 346.
319 TJ to Madison, Phil., May 3, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 413-416. See NJUV, 68, 308, DMAF, 161.
320 AGA, May 5, 1798.
321 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1578.
322 GUS, May 26, 1798.
323 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3726.
324 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3727.
325 PAPS, XXII, 270-271.
326 NJUV, 65-67.
327 KMM, 182-183.
328 GW to Sec. of State, May 6, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 254.
329 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 7, 1798, AANL, 169.
330 GUS, May 7, 1798.
331 PG, May 7, 1798.
332 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 8, 1798, AANL, 169.
333 1740 ed., PRA, I, 186.
334 JAWO, IX, 187-9.
335 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 8, 1798, AANL, 169.
336 AGA, May 9, 1798. See also NJUV, 67.
337 BFBW, [i].
338 NJUV, 67.
339 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 8, 1798, AANL, 169.
340 TJ to James Madison, May 10, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 417, 418. See AGA, June 14, 1800.
341 To the people of Burlington County, N. J., [May 8, 1798], JAWO, IX, 191.
342 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1631-1642.
343 NJUV, 68.
344 On this same day, William Cobbett published a pamphlet: William Cobbett, Detection of a Conspiracy Formed by the United Irishmen, with the Evident Intention of Aiding the Tyrants of France in Subverting the Government of the United States of America (Phil., 1798), REDX 48,395, WCPW, VIII, 220-225. See DMAF, 28, 150, TJAH, 375-376.
345 TJ to James Madison. [Phil], May, 17, 1798, TJJM, II, 1049-1050.
346 See W&A, II, 70-71, GLP, 150.
347 Joseph Hopkinson, What Is Our Situation And What Our Prospects? A Few Pages for Americans. By An American (Phil., 1798), REDX 33,904. That this was sent to GW on May 9th, see GW to Joseph Hopkinson, Mt. Vernon, May 27, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 274-275.
348 TJ to James Lewis, Jr., Phil., May 9, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 416-417.
349 PG, May 10, 1798.
350 AGA, Sept. 10, 1800.
351 James Abercrombie, A Sermon, Preached in Christ Church and St. Peter’s, Philadelphia: on Wednesday, May 9, 1798 (Phil.: John Ormrod [1798]), REDX 33,263.
352 David Osgood, Some Facts Evincive of the Atheistical, Anarchical, and in other respect Immoral Principles of the French Republicans, stated in a Sermon Delivered on the 9th of May, 1798, the Day Recommended by the President of the United States for Solemn Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. (Boston: Samuel Hall, 1798), REDX 34,284. Reprinted in GUS, Aug. 21, 1798.
353 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 10, 1798, AANL, 170-172.
354 JCPB, I, 35. Callender described the leader of the plot to burn BFB’s house on May 9 as “the attorney that fled for forgery.” Your author has substituted the name Joseph Thomas to identify that person. See AGA, Aug. 6, 1798.
355 AGA, Apr. 30, 1799.
356 JCPB, I, 35.
357 Margaret Morriss to Milcah Martha Moore, Montgomery, May 11, 1798, SJRH, 296. See BFBP, 103-104.
358 JAWJ, 127, TJAH, 367.
359 GUS, May 11, 1798.
360 Abigail Adams to Mrs. Elizabeth Peabody, Phil., June 22, 1798, SFP.
361 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 10, 1798, AANL, 170-172.
362 “To the Printers of the Boston Patriot, Letter 1,” JAWO, IX, 241, 279.
363 JCPB, I, 35.
364 AGA, May 21, 1798.
365 To the citizens of Hartford, Conn., [May 10, 1798], JAWO, IX, 192.
366 PG, May 23, 1798.
367 TJ to James Madison, May 10, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 417, 418. See DMAF, 151.
368 Abigail Adams to her sister, May 10, 1798, AANL, 172, FETT, 249.
369 Eliz. Hewson to Thos. Hewson, May 10, June 20, 1798, HP, BFBT, 107.
370 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1655-1656, 1678. See DMAF, 150, GUS, June 9, 1798, DAQW, 84.
371 See GUS, May 11, 1798, AGA, May 14, 23, 1798.
372 To the Citizens of Easton, Pa., Columbian Centinel (Boston), May 26, 1798, DMAF, 159.
373 See GUS, May 11, 1798, AGA, May 15, 1798.
374 Francis Von A. Cabeen, “The Society of the Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia,” PMHB, XXV (1901), 442-451; XXVI (1902), 346-347; XXVII (1903), 29-48, GLP, 150. See BFBB,183-186.
375 George Logan, On the Natural and Social Order of the World, as Intended to Produce Universal Good; Delivered Before the Tammany Society, at Their Anniversary, on the 12th of May, 1798 (Phil.: BFB [1798]), REDX 34,011. Also, quoted in GLP, 151.
376 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1727-1729. Two eminent historians have concluded that the army acts were to suppress democracy rather than to protect the country. AGHA, 170 and DMAF, 210. See ANC, 1631-1770, TPAD, 166-67.
377 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1738-1739, 1744.
378 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1744-1746.
379 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1747-1748.
380 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1752-1754.
381 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1755.
382 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1772, DMAF, 305.
383 ANC, 5C, 2S, 559.
384 TJMD, III, 374.
385 Albert Gallatin to J. W. Nicholson, May 18, 1798, AGW, 107.
386 DMAF, 222. See TJMD, III, 374-375.
387 James Madison to TJ, May 20, 1798, JMAW, VI, 320-322.
388 William Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams, May 20, 1798, JAPM, Reel 388. See FETT, 24.
389 To the Young Men of Boston, Mass., [May, 22, 1798], JAWO, IX, 194-195.
390 JCHU, 249.
391 PG, May 26, 1798.
392 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 26, 1798, AANL, 179-181.
393 GW to Joseph Hopkinson, Mt. Vernon, May 27, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 274-275.
394 GUS, May 30, 1798.
395 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3729-3733.
396 To the Grand Jury for the County of Plymouth, Mass., [May 28, 1798], JAWO, IX, 195.
397 AGA, June 9, 1798.
398 TJ to James Madison, Phil., May 31, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 427-429.
399 TJ to John Taylor, Phil., June 1, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 430-433.
400 PAPS, XXII, 272.
401 Abigail Adams to William Shaw, Phil., June 2, 1798, SFP.
402 See Grenadiers adv., GUS, May 24, 1798.
403 PG, May 26, 28, 1798.
404 GW to Judge Alexander Addison, Mt. Vernon, June 3, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 279-280.
405 James Madison to TJ, June 3, 1798, JMAW, VI, 320-322.
406 PG, June 7, 1798, CRIS, 39.
407 See AGA, June 9, 1798. The Infirmary treated the doctors’ threat of resignation as a resignation. JCPB, I, 37.
408 See SWHP, I, 493, JAPS II, 969.
409 GLP, 155.
410 PG, June 7, 1798. See GUS, June 4, 1798.
411 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1868.
412 JCHT, 109, See GUS, June 6, 1798. See TJ to James Madison, Phil., June 7, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 433-434.
413 1739 ed., PRA, I, 156.
414 YF, 36.
415 PG, June 8, 1798.
416 TJ to James Madison, Phil., June 7, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 433-434. See TJMD, III, 387.
417 FETT, 160-161, DAQW, 87.
418 FETT, 161, n. 6. See CFFR.
419 Alexander Hamilton to Timothy Pickering, June 7, 1798, TPPM, XXII, 196.
420 Italicized words in this paragraph are WD’s. WDBM, 6. See WDKP, 54, Diary of William Wood Thackara (Hist. Soc. Penn.).
421 BFB to unknown subscriber, June 8, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.
422 1748 ed., PRA, II, 26.
423 James Thomson Callender, Sedgwick & Co. or A Key to the Six Per Cent Cabinet (Phil., [at the office of the AGA], 1798), 35. REDX 48, 395. Pref. is dated May 22, 1798.
424 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 8, 1798, AANL, 187-189.
425 JMAW, VI, 323-325.
426 1749 ed., PRA, II, 64.
427 GLM, 75-76.
428 GLM, 57-60. See GUS, June 23, 1798.
429 FETT, 206.
430 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3737-3739.
431 E.g. BFBW, 35-47, AGA, Mar. 26, Apr.14, 25, 1798.
432 AGA, Aug. 27, 1793.
433 See WDRP, 553-576.
434 BFBR, 46-47.
435 JMOW, III, 125-136.
436 PMIIB, XLVII, (1923), 359-360.
437 GUS, June 20, 1798.
438 GUS, June 21, 1798.
439 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3739-3742.
440 CRIS, 47-48, AALP, 350. See TJMD, III, 385.
441 1739 ed., PRA, I, 159.
442 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3425.
443 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1972-1973.
444 James Lloyd to GW, Phil., June 18, 1798, GW Papers (LC Microfilm), Ser. 4, Reel 112. See AGA, June 25, 1798, Time Piece (N.Y.), June 22, 1798, GUS, July 19, 1798, Albany Centinel (Albany, N.Y.), June 13, 29, 1798.
445 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 19, 1798, AANL, 193-194.
446 GUS, July 28, 1798.
447 Elizabeth Hewson to Thomas Hewson, June 20, 1798, BFBS, 158.
448 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2008, 2010, 2013-2014, 2016.
449 RJMP, I, 266.
450 TJ to James Madison, Phil., June 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 439-441.
451 JCHT, 106, 109.
452 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3743-3744. See DAQW, 96.
453 JA to GW, June 22, 1798, GW Papers (LC Microfilm), Ser. 4, Reel 112.
454 1748 ed., PRA, II, 20.
455 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 23, 1798, AANL, 196. See JAPS, II, 961.
456 GUS, June 25, 1798.
457 GUS, Aug. 2, 1798.
458 The sender, 28-year-old Louis Pichon, was working for the American section of the French Foreign Office and had worked as secretary to the French legation in Philadelphia. See BFBT, 377-386, 393 n. 42.
459 JCPB, II, 74-75.
460 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 25, 1798, AANL, 196.
461 GW to James Lloyd, June 25, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 299. The dotted sections of this excerpt are illegible.
462 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3744-3746. See FETT, 61.
463 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3747-3748.
464 To the Students of Dickinson College, [June 25, 1798], JAWO, IX, 204-205, GUS, June 30, 1798.
465 AGA, Dec. 18, 1800.
466 1733 ed., PRA, II, 18.
467 AGA, June 27 & 30, 1798. BFBT, 387-388. Columbian Gazette (Boston), July 4, 1798, See BFBW, Pref., and Bee (New London, CT), July 4, 1798.
468 TJMD, III, xxvi, TJWF, VIII, xx.
469 See also PG, Apr. 16, 1798.
470 Italicized words in this paragraph are presumably WD’s. AGA, Mar. 31, 1800.
471 See TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443, 446, Anas, TJWF, I, 353-354.
472 BFB to Louis Gabriel Cramer, June 27, 1798, BFBL, 70-71.
473 1737 ed., PRA, I, 105.
474 DMSM, 252.
475 DMSM, 252.
476 YF, 35.
477 YF, 35.
478 See GUS, Aug. 9, 1798, AGA, Aug. 10, 1978.
479 BFB’s fourth son, Hartman, was born on Sept. 3, 1798.
480 Margaret Bache’s brother responds, “You are certainly unhappy & 1 would advise you to come to us immediately.” Fr[ancis] Markoe to Margaret H. Bache, Aug. 4, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3. See BFBT, 396, 403.
481 1740 ed., PRA, I, 180.
482 WWHJ, 31.
483 AGA, June 30, 1798. Opening date for Penn. Cir. Ct. from PDS, 21.
484 When Israel Israel was elected to the Penn. Senate in Oct. of 1797, PG called it a complete triumph of the Jews over the Gentiles. On Dec. 13, Penn.’s Federalist-controlled Senate called an investigation of his election and proceeded to expel him. PG, Oct. 10, 1797. See PG, Apr. 12, 15, 16, 1797, THRF, 176-177, 179. On the issue of his Jewish extraction, see WWHJ, 31, NJUV, 45.
485 See AGA, Aug. 22, 29, 1798.
486 Whether it was “Robert” Smith seems in some question. See GUS, June 30, July 3, 1798, FETT, 202, Massachusetts Mercury, July 6, 1798, BFBT, 387-389.
487 JCPB, I, 33.
488 WBRA, 341.
489 RJMP, I, 267, GWF, IV, 397.
490 DAQW, 343.
491 Thomas Day, An Oration on Party Spirit Pronounced Before the Connecticut Society of Cincinnati convened at Hartford … (Litchfield: T. Collier, 1798), REDX 33,612.
492 Theodore Dwight, Esq., An Oration Spoken At Hartford in the State of Connecticut on the Anniversary of American Independence, July 4, 1798 (Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin, 1798), REDX 33,655.
493 Augustus Pettibone, An Oration Pronounced at Norfolk on the Anniversary of American Independence … (Litchfield: T. Collier, 1798), REDX 34,344.
494 David B. Ogden, An Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July, 1798 … (Newark: Jacob Halsey & Co., 1798), REDX 34,266.
495 GUS, July 5, 1798.
496 Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Peabody, Phil., July 7, 1798, SFP.
497 PG, July 6, 1798.
498 PG, Aug. 15, 1798.
499 Stevens T. Mason to TJ, Phil., July 6, 1798, TJ Papers, (LC), CIV, 17825.
500 ANC, 5C, 2S, 599. See DMAF, 162-163, 206, 343-348.
501 James Lloyd to GW, July 4, 1798, GW Papers (LC Microfilm), Series 4, Reel 112. See DMAF, 199.
502 GW to Pres. of the U.S., Mt. Vernon, July 4, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 312-315.
503 GW to Sec. of War, Mt. Vernon, July 4, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 304-305. See TPAD, 168, 172, DAQW, 96-97.
504 DAQW, 104.
505 1750 ed., PRA, II, 98.
506 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2093-2101.
507 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2107-2111.
508 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2114
509 GW to Sec. of War, Mt. Vernon, July 5, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 318-320.
510 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2118-2220.
511 Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, Phil., July 20, 1798, JAPM, Reel 390.
512 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3753-3754. See AALP, 350, DAQW, 100.
513 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3752-3753.
514 Time Piece (N.Y.), July 9, 1798, AGA, July 9, 1798, Argus (N.Y.), July 7, 1798, Daily Advertiser (N.Y.), July 7, 1798, FETT, 204-220, TJAH, 404-405.
515 Timothy Pickering to Richard Harrison, July 7, 1798, TPPM, XXXVII, 315. See FETT, 211, TJAH, 404-405.
516 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3754. See SDOP, 325, THRF, 183, DMAF, 305.
517 Bass vs. Tingey, as reported in GUS, Aug. 20, Oct. 11, 1800, AGA, Aug. 22, Oct. 8, 1800.
518 ND, I, 175-179, VII, 366.
519 Columbian Centinel (Boston), July 14, Aug. 8, 1798, as quoted in ND, I, 176.
520 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3757ff. See THRF, 215.
521 GUS, July 12, 1798.
522 ND, II, 363-364, GUS, Mar. 2, 1799.
523 ND, II, 147-197.
524 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., July 9, 1798, AANL, 199, 200.
525 “Instructions of Sec. Stoddert to commander of U.S. Armed Vessels,” July 10, 1798, ND, I, 187.
526 By its own terms, the Sedition Act expired on Mar. 3, 1801, last day of JA’s presidential term. See FETT, 130, 143.
527 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3774-3776.
528 JAWO, IX, 170-172, DAQW, 103, 410, BASN, 332.
529 GW to JA, Mt. Vernon, July 13, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 328. See JABW, 105.
530 WDKP, 54.
531 WDCA, 15. Cf. WDBM, 6 which says William John caught yellow fever.
532 WDBM, 1.
533 WDKP, 33.
534 1754 ed., PRA, II, 244.
535 WDKP, 58, WDBM, 6-7.
536 1737 ed., PRA, I, 107.
537 Callender found sanctuary in Loudon County, Va., at the home of Republican U.S. Senator Stevens Thomson Mason. James Thomson Callender to TJ, Rasberry Plain, Sept. 22, 1798, TJJC, 10. See TJ to James Monroe, Wash., July 15, 1802, TJWF, IX, 387-388.
538 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3776-3777.
539 See DMAF, 163-164, FETT, 441-442, DAQW, 100.
540 JAWO, IX, 291.
541 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3777-3785.
542 DMSM, 253.
543 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3785-3787.
544 ANC, 5C, 2S, 619-624, 2186.
545 FETT, 385-390.
546 DMSM, 253.
547 ANC, 5C, 2S, 622.
548 ANC, 5C, 2S, 621-623.
549 To the Freemasons of the State of Maryland, PG, Aug. 3, 1798.
550 1734 ed., PRA, II, 31.
551 GUS, July 23, 1798.
552 GLM, 75-76.
553 GUS, July 24, 1798.
554 1740 ed., PRA, I, 184.
555 PG, July 28, 1798. See WLFA, 42 & 42 n. (documenting JA’s absences from Phil.).
556 1736 ed., PRA, I, 85.
557 AGA, Aug. 2, 1798.
558 AGA, Oct. 12, 1799. See Minutes of the U.S. Circuit Ct., Dist. of N. J., Oct. Sess. 1798, Records Group, 21 (Nat’l Archives), Chronicle (Newark, N.J.), Nov. 15, 1798, AGA, Aug. 2, 1798, as cited in FETT, 270-274, CRIS, 112-113.
559 AGA, Oct. 12, 1799.
560 PG, July 31, 1798.
561 Sec. of the Navy to JA, Phil., July 30, 1798, ND, I, 255-256.
562 Benjamin Stoddert to JA, Phil., Aug. 25, 1798, ND, I, 336.
563 GW to Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Mt. Vernon, Aug. 2, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 382, 384.
564 AGA, Aug. 30, 1798.
565 DMSM, 254.
566 AGA, Aug. 30, 1798. See also the GUS, Aug. 9, 1798.
567 See TJ’s response, TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-447.
568 GW to William Heth, Mt. Vernon, Aug. 5, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 388-389.
569 JA to Benjamin Rush, Quincy, June 23, 1807, JAOF, 144, 148.
570 YF, 46-47, 53.
571 AGA, Aug. 10, 1798.
572 GUS, Apr. 13, 23, 1798, AGA, Aug. 9, 15, 1798.
573 Callender described the leader of the plot to burn BFB’s house on May 9 as “the attorney that fled for forgery” and reported that the Federalist crowd concluded its activities by going “to serenade Liston’s printer.” JCPB, I, 35. See AGA, Aug. 6, 1798, Apr. 30, 1799.
574 Carey is quoted in Earl Lockridge Bradsher, Mathew Carey, Editor, Author and Publisher: a Study in American Literary Development (N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 1912), 11.
575 AGA, Aug. 10, 1798.
576 AGA, Aug. 9, 1798.
577 GUS, Aug. 8, 1798.
578 1738 ed., PRA, I, 137.
579 1733 ed., PRA, I, 15.
580 JBZP, 98-99.
581 AGA, Aug. 10, 1798. See BFBT, 349, 366, BFBS, 161, JBZP, 184.
582 GUS, Aug. 9, 1798.
583 1735 ed., PRA, I, 62.
584 YF, 51.
585 YF, 51.
586 PG, Aug. 13, 1798.
587 YF, 51.
588 See FETT, 216-217, TJAH, 404-405.
589 YF, 58.
590 GUS, Aug. 20, 1798.
591 To the Citizens of Harrison County, Va., JAWO, IX, 216, PG, Aug. 27, 1798. See DMAF, 144.
592 Timothy Pickering to JA, Aug. 28, 1798, TPPM, XXXVII, 325.
593 AGA, Aug. 30, 1798.
594 YF, 94-95.
595 DMSM, 255.
596 AGA, Aug. 21, 1798. On the depth of the yellow fever problem, see BFBT, 396, SWHP, I, 459 n., TJAH, 380-381, TCER, 345.
597 AGA, Aug. 24, 1798.
598 Presumably GUS, July 28, 1798.
599 TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-447.
600 IRPT, 295-299.
601 ND, I, 331, VII, 366, 371.
602 Richard Peters to Timothy Pickering, Belmont, Aug. 24, 1798, TPPM, XXXVII, 71.
603 YF, 85-86.
604 1740 ed., PRA, I, 182.
605 Timothy Pickering to William Rawle, Aug. 28, 1798, TPPM, XXXVII, 326.
606 FETT, 216.
607 AGA, Sept. 5, 1798.
608 1733 ed., PRA, I, 15.
609 YF, 67-70.
610 AGA, Nov. 9, 1798.
611 AGA, Sept. 7, 1798, GUS, Sept. 6, 1798, See John Hench, “Letters of John Fenno and John Ward Fenno,” PAAS, Vol. 89, Part 1 (1979), 301-302.
612 ND, I, 377, II, 478 (map), VII, 371, DAQW, inside back cover.
613 LTNA, II, 24-28.
614 RWA, Sept. 15, 1798. See PG, Sept. 13, 1798.
615 YF, 84.
616 RWA, Sept. 15, 1798, quoted in Louis Richards, “Hon. Jacob Rush of the Pennsylvania Judiciary,” PMHB, XXXIX (Jan. 1915), 65, 66. See AGW, 114.
617 TCER, 346, FETT, 203, BFBT, 396.
618 Will, Sept. 7, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3. See BFBS, 163.
619 AGA, May 13, 1800.
620 IRPT, 326.
621 GW to William Jones and the Bd. of Managers of the Marine and City Hospitals, Sept. 10, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 435).
622 Independent Chronicle (Boston), Sept. 17, 1798 reports that, “real friends of their country cannot but lament the loss of so valuable a citizen.” BFBT, 398.
623 Elizabeth Hewson to Thos. T. Hewson, Oct.? & 30, 1798, HP, BFBT, 396, 403 n. 5.
624 AGA handbill, Sept. 11, 1798. See BFBB, 356.
625 1757 ed., PRA, II, 355.
626 BF to BFB, Aug. 19, 1779, BFPL, XXX, 241.
627 Timothy Pickering to T. Williams, Trenton, Sept. 13, 1798, TPPM, IX, 315.
628 BFBS, 164.
629 GW to James McHenry, Sept. 30, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 474. See DMAF, 215.
630 TJ to Stevens T. Mason, Monticello, Oct. 11, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 449-450. See SDOP, 472, JAPS, II, 978.
631 JA to Benjamin Rush, Quincy, June 23, 1807, JAOF, 144, 148.
632 Detail (cropping), George Washington (1776), by Charles Willson Peale (Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, N.Y.).
633 Doodle sketch of BF by BFB [1790], “Memorandum, No Date” Folder, Franklin Papers, Bache Collection (APS). Tentatively dated 1790 on the basis of Claude-Anne Lopez and Eugenia W. Herbert, The Private Franklin: The Man and His Family (New York: W. W. Norton, 1975), 140 (illus.). Cf. BFB’s doodle sketches of BF in BFB’s notes of debates in Congress, Mar. 7-17, Mar. 18-Apr. 10, 1796, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.
634 BF to Robert Livingston, July 22, 1783, BFSM, IX, 62.
635 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796.
636 WD to Franklin Bache, Wash., Mar. 4, 1804, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.
637 JA to Arthur Lee, Paris, Apr. 10, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.
638 BFBR, 3, 65.
639 “Notes, drafts, and fragments of Presidential messages and proclamations,” JAPM, Reel 387.
640 During the 1790’s, Thomas Paine was known not only for his political writings during and after the American Revolution but also for his service as secretary to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Continental Congress during the revolution, viz. Thomas Paine, The Writings of Thomas Paine, Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Congress of the United States of America, in the Late War (Albany, N.Y.: Charles R. & George Webster, 1792?) REDX 24,658 & 27,466. Paine served as secretary during 1777, while French arms were arriving to equip America’s northern army under Gen. Horatio Gates. Paine was, therefore, well positioned to appreciate the dimensions of French aid.
641 WDRP, 545-555.
642 JA to Benjamin Rush, Mar. 19- Apr. 22, 1812, A&R, 211, 212-213.
643 Timothy Pickering to James Robertson, Salem, July 29, 1824, as reported in John Womack Wright, “Pickering’s Letter on Washington,” TYQ, VII (July, 1925), 16, 24-26.
644 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3776-3777.
645 James Monroe to TJ, Mar. 26, 1798, JMOW, III, 106-115.
646 BFB was born Aug. 12, 1769. BFB’s college-age cousin, William Temple Franklin, also accompanied BF and would serve as secretary to the Paris commissioners.
647 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., June 18, 1777, JAFC, II, 267-268.
648 BFBR.
649 GLBE, VI, 31-32.
650 GWRH, I, 113, GLBE, VI, 38-39, 52-53.
651 The Jumonville assassination and its aftermath are well described in GWRH, I, 114-157, GLBE, VI, Chap. 2.
652 GW to John Augustine Washington, June 28, 1755, GWPD, I, 321. (“The Genl. before they met in Council ask’d my priv’e Opinn concern’g the Exp’n … This was a scheme that took.”) See GWRH, I, 205, 227-229, GWAC, 104.
653 GWRH, I, 197, 227-229. See GWAC, 102.
654 BFA, 159.
655 GW to John Augustine Washington, June 28, 1755, GWW, I, 241. See GLBE, VI, 82, 97.
656 GW’s account is found in GWW, I, 151-152.
657 GWRH, I, 260.
658 GWKC, 147.
659 E.g., Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, Va.), Sept. 3, Oct. 5, 1756. See GWKC, 222.
660 GWKC, 268.
661 Just a few months before marrying Martha, GW professed love to Sally Fairfax: “You have drawn me … into an honest confession of a Simple Fact—misconstrue not my meaning—’tis obvious—doubt it not, nor expose it—the World has no business knowing the object of my Love, declard in this manner to—you when I want to conceal it.” GW to Sarah Cary Fairfax, Sept. 12, 1758, GWPD, VI, 10-13. See GWKC, 259.
662 MJTF, 64-65, GWMK, 108-120.
663 MJOR, 74-77, BSDR, 96-97, AGBE, 194-195.
664 See GWCA, 159-160, WDLW, 47.
665 MJOR, 82-89.
666 Adam Smith articulated the principles of mercantilism in his An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1776).
667 On Hancock’s smuggling, see JHHA, 45-47.
668 GW to William Crawford, Mt. Vernon, Sept. 21, 1767, GWPD, VIII, 26-29.
669 MJOR, 123-126, MJTF, 65.
670 Edmund S. Morgan and Helen M. Morgan, The Stamp Act Crisis (Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univ. of N. C. Press, 1953), 181, MJOR, 129-130, 144-145.
671 JADA, IV, 258, JAC, 49.
672 MJOR, 137-139.
673 MJOR, 143.
674 JCSH, 41. Radical Democrat-Republicans of the late 1790s, though passionately anti-British, fostered the suspicion that Federalists, particularly New England Federalists, really wanted independence to create their own monarchy and to establish themselves as a wealthy aristocracy, in short, to feather their own nests. See, e.g., JCUS, 270, TPW, II, 915-916.
675 JPBL, 78-83. Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967) details the arguments.
676 MJOR, 231, 269-276, 287-295.
677 MJOR, 308-316.
678 MJOR, 76-77.
679 For GW’s reaction, see GWAC, 159-160.
680 JHB, 282.
681 TPTB, 193, JHAH, 140-141.
682 MJOR, 359.
683 See RARW, 166.
684 From the late 1770s until 1796 when he came to America, WD worked for the Clonmel Gazette or Hibernian Advertiser in Clonmel, Ireland, for the Bengal Journal and the Bengal World in Calcutta, India, and the Telegraph and probably the General Advertiser in London, England. WDKP, 9-12, 21, 38.
685 As a weekly paper, the Pennsylvania Gazette’s masthead date means “the week ending Wednesday,—.”
686 TPHD, 162.
687 BF to Richard Bache, London, Sept. 30, 1774, BFPL, XXI, 325-326. On the connection between Paine, BF, and BFB, see BFBT, 126-127.
688 “Crisis” (3d), TPW, I, 88 n. 7.
689 Thomas Paine to BF, Phil., Mar. 4, 1775, TPW, II, 1130-1131.
690 Paul Revere to Jeremy Belknap [ca. 1798], Revere Family Papers (MHS).
691 JAWO, II, 215-216, GWMK, 65.
692 MJTF, 36-37, TPAD, 8.
693 Italicized words from AGA, Apr. 11, 1800.
694 JCC, II, 26-27.
695 JCC, II, 24-25.
696 They were married on Sept. 1, 1730. BFCV, 93.
697 BFB was born Aug. 12, 1769. BFBT, 1.
698 MJTF, 90-91.
699 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., May 29, 1775, JAFC, I, 207.
700 JCC, II, 91.
701 JADA, III, 321-323, MJTF, 61-62. See GWFS, III, 434-435, GWMK, 19, 84, 53-92.
702 JCC, II, 91.
703 JCC, II, 92-93.
704 JA to James Lloyd, Quincy, Apr. 24, 1815, JAWO, X, 162, 165-166.
705 BFBR, 30.
706 MJTF, 46-47, MJOR, 410-411.
707 JCC, II, 96-97.
708 MJTF, 48-52.
709 See Orlando W. Stephenson, “The Supply of Gunpowder in 1776,” AHR, XXX (Jan. 1925), 271-281.
710 James Warren to JA, Watertown, June 20, 1775, JAPA, III, 37.
711 JCCS, I, 17.
712 JCC, II, 101.
713 GW to Pres. of Cong., Camp at Cambridge, July 10, 1775, GWPA, I, 85.
714 BFBR, 67.
715 BF to Mary Hewson, Phil., July 8, 1775, BFPL, XXII, 99-100.
716 JCC, II, 195-197. See FUMR, 80-83, BFWE, 238-239.
717 JCC, II, 199. Compare BF’s plan in 1775 for a 125-member congress with the first U.S. House of Representatives fourteen years later which, despite the nation’s population growth, had only 58 members. ANC, 1C, 2S, 1075.
718 Those who wanted the first U.S. House of Representatives to be larger (and voting districts to be smaller) feared that wealthy aristocrats would control large voting districts. See AFC, I, 43-44, V, 89-90, 192, 258, II, 235-236, 268-269, 272-273, III, 158, VI, 154, BBDC, I, 320-322, 424-425, JPBL, 109.
719 Gen. Orders, July 23, 1775, GWPA, I, 158.
720 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., July 23, 1775, JAFC, I, 252-253.
721 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Aug. 4, 1775, GWPA, I, 227.
722 BF to Philip Schuyler, Phil., Aug. 10, 1775, BFPL, XXII, 160-161.
723 Memorandum on the Use of Pikes, Aug. 26, 1775, BFPL, XXII, 182.
724 GW to Richard Henry Lee, Cambridge, Aug. 29, 1775, GWPA, I, 374.
725 Benjamin Rush to JA, Feb. 12, 1812, A&R, 206-207.
726 BFPL, XXII, 181.
727 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Sept. 21, 1775, GWPA, II, 24, 28-29.
728 JCC, III, 265.
729 JCC, III, 266.
730 JCC, III, 270-271.
731 JCCS, I, 28.
732 JCC, III, 484-485.
733 JA to Abigail Adams, Oct. 29, 1775, JAFC, I, 318-319.
734 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, GWPA, II, 349, 350.
735 Abigail Adams to JA, Nov. 27, 1775, JAFC, I, 328-330.
736 JADA, III, 358.
737 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Nov. 28, 1775, GAPA, II, 444, 446.
738 GW to Joseph Reed, Cambridge, Nov. 28, 1775, GWPA, II, 448, 449-450.
739 JCC, III, 392. See MJTF, 265, SWHA, 74-75, BSDR, 32.
740 JCC, III, 400-401.
741 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Dec. 4, 1775, GWPA, II, 483, 486.
742 BF to Joseph Priestley, Paris, Jan. 17, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 237-238.
743 BF writes Barbeu-Dubourg (French translator of BF’s works) in Paris and Charles Willam Frederick Dumas (a paid American observer and agent) at The Hague. BSDR, 125-126.
744 BF to Charles William Frederick Dumas, Phil., Dec. 9, 1775, BFPL, XXII, 287-290.
745 BFPL, XXII, 311.
746 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Dec. 14, 1775, GWPA, II, 549.
747 Richard Smith Diary, Dec. 18, 1775, LCCS, II, 494.
748 JCC, III, 444-445.
749 JCC, III, 446, 449.
750 GW to Joseph Reed, Cambridge, Dec. 25, 1775, GWPA, II, 606, 607.
751 Achard de Bonvouloir to Comte de Guines, Phil., Dec. 28, 1775, NDR, III, 279-285.
752 JCC, III, 466. See BSDR, 34.
753 Gabriel de Sartine to Comte de Vergennes, Versailles, Dec. 30, 1775, NDR, III, 465.
754 See GW to Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler, Camp at Cambridge, Aug. 20, 1775, GWPA, I, 331, 332, Instructions to Col. Benedict Arnold, [Cambridge, Sept. 14, 1775], GWPA, I, 457.
755 Benedict Arnold to GW, Camp Before Quebec, Jan. 14, 1776, GWPA, III, 81-82.
756 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Jan. 4, 1776, GWPA, III, 18, 19.
757 In general, see SWHA, 99-100, MJOR, 461-474, 492, TPHD, 39-41, 44. TPHD, 44 says pamphlet went on sale Jan 9.
758 “Crisis” (3d), TPW, I, 88-89 n. 7.
759 Thomas Paine to Hon. Henry Laurens, Phil., Jan. 14, 1779, TPW, II, 1160, 1163.
760 See DERD 13 (“Thomas Paine … first identified the Revolution with democracy”).
761 TPW, I, 7,10,13, 16, 27.
762 TPW, I, 27-29.
763 William Temple Franklin confirmed this. BFWT, II, 13. See Benjamin Rush to James Cheetham, Phil., July 17, 1809, BRL, II, 1007, 1008, TPHD, 162.
764 BFCV, 548.
765 JADA, III, 330-332.
766 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Jan. 14, 1776, GWPA, III, 84-85.
767 GW to Joseph Reed, Cambridge, Jan. 14, 1776, GWPA, III, 87-90.
768 Caron de Beaumarchais to Louis XVI, [Jan. 22, 1776], NDR, III, 525-530. See RDCW, I, 369.
769 Horatio Gates to Charles Lee, Jan. 22, 1776, quoted in TPKJ, 111.
770 JADA, II, 227.
771 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Feb. 9, 1776, GWPA, III, 277, 278.
772 GW to Joseph Reed, Cambridge, Feb. 10, 1776, GWPA, III, 286-287.
773 BF to Charles Lee, Phil. Feb. 11, 1776, BFPL, XXII, 342-343.
774 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Feb. 18, 1776, GWPA, III, 335.
775 BFBR, 6.
776 GW to Pres. of Cong., Cambridge, Feb. 26, 1776, GWPA, III, 364-365.
777 See SWHA, 119, 79, DNL, I, 268, BSDR, 23, 198.
778 GWPA, III, 434.
779 “Considerations on the Affair of the English Colonies in America,” Versailles, Mar. 12, 1776, NDR, IV, 966-969. See SFAC, XIII, 1316.
780 GW to Gov. Nicholas Cooke, Cambridge, Mar. 17, 1776, GWPA, III, 483.
781 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 718-719.
782 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., Mar. 19, 1776, JAFA, 145-146.
783 GW to Col. Joseph Reed, Cambridge, Apr. 1, 1776, GWPA, IV, 9, 11.
784 FBRS, 70, quoting and translating DNL, I, 280-283. See JAPP, 153.
785 JA to William Tudor, Apr. 12 1776, JAPA, IV, 118.
786 Pennsylvania Packet (Phil.), Apr. 22, 1776, as cited by JAPA, IV, 68.
787 John Adams, Thoughts on Government: Applicable to the Present State of the American Colonies in a Letter from a Gentleman to His Friend. (Boston, 1776), REDX 14,640, JAPA, IV, 88-89.
788 DERD, 31-32.
789 JA to Benjamin Rush, Apr. 12, 1809, A&R, 142, 144, JAOF, 375, 377.
790 JADA, III, 333.
791 Thomas Paine, “To the Citizens of the United States … Letter II,” National Intelligencer (Wash.), Nov. 2, 1802, reprinted in TPW, II, 912, 915-916.
792 Philip S. Foner, The Life and Major Writings of Thomas Paine (Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1974), xiv, TPHD, 48.
793 JAWO, III, 189.
794 JA to TJ, Quincy, June 22, 1819, JATJ, II, 542.
795 General Ct. to Mass. delegates, May 9, 1776, JAPA, IV, 180.
796 JCC, IV, 342.
797 JA to James Warren, May 12, 1776, JAPA, IV, 181-182.
798 BSDR, 27.
799 Quoted in JAPP, 141.
800 JCC, IV, 357-358.
801 JAWO, II, 510-511.
802 JCC, IV, 427-429.
803 JCC, IV, 429-431.
804 JAWO, II, 510-511.
805 JCC, IV, 432-433.
806 DIMJ, 53.
807 DIMJ, 70.
808 DIMJ, 109, 118.
809 JA to Benjamin Rush, July 20, 1811, A&R, 182-183.
810 SJPC, 147.
811 “A Serious Address to the People of Penn. on the Present Situation of Their Affairs,” Pennsylvania Packet (Phil.), Dec. 1, 1778, as quoted in TPW, II, 277, 280. See BFPL, XXII, 512, which observes that BF “chaired the convention at a substantial proportion of its meetings.”
812 See BFSG, 22-32.
813 See JADA, II, 247, BFPL, XXII, 536-538.
814 Protest against the First Draft of the Articles of Confederation, BFPL, XXII, 571-574. See BFWT, II, 38-42.
815 Lord Stormont to Lord Weymouth, Paris, July 31, 1776, SFAC, XIII, 1342.
816 Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Ser., X, 763, DERD, 267.
817 Pierre Penet to BF, Nantes, Aug. 3, 1776, BFPL, XXII, 543-544.
818 Abigail Adams to JA, Boston, Aug. 14, 1776, JAFC, II, 92.
819 Silas Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Aug. 18, 1776, RDCS, I, 9, 30-31.
820 JA to Francis Dana, Aug. 16, 1776, JAPA, IV, 466.
821 Silas Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Aug. 18, 1776, RDCW, II, 112, 114.
822 Caron de Beaumarchais to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Aug. 18, 1781, RDCS, I, 35.
823 Lieut. Col. Robert Hanson Harrison to Pres. of Cong., N.Y., Aug. 27, 1776, GWPA, VI, 140, 142. On Harrison, see GWPA, I, 78.
824 GW to Pres. of Cong., Long Island, Aug. 29, 1776, GWPA, VI, 155-156.
825 JA to William Tudor, Phil., Aug. 29, 1776, JAPA, V, 1-3.
826 Gen. Orders, Hdqr., N.Y., Aug. 31, 1776, GWPA, VI, 171-172.
827 GW to Pres. of Cong., N.Y., Aug. 31, 1776, GWPA, VI, 177-178.
828 GW to Pres. of Cong., N.Y., Sept. 2, 1776, GWPA, VI, 199.
829 JA to Samuel Cooper, Phil., Sept. 4, 1776, JAPA, V, 11.
830 BF to GW, Phil., Sept. 8, 1776, BFPL, XXII, 593-594.
831 JADA, III, 417-418.
832 BFPL, XXII, 599. See MJTF, 129-131.
833 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr. at Col. Morris’s House, Sept. 16, 1776, GWPA, VI, 313-314.
834 BFBR, 6.
835 JCC, V, 768-778.
836 See BSDR, 46.
837 JADA, III, 329.
838 JAWO, II, 516. Also JADA, III, 337-338.
839 WDBF, I, 367 (William Temple Franklin’s words).
840 PG, Mar. 31, 1779, SJPC, 186.
841 PG, Mar. 26, 1777, SJPC, 215.
842 Thomas Paine, Constitutional Reform. To the Citizens of Pennsylvania on the Proposal for Calling a Convention, TPW, II, 992-1002.
843 Benjamin Franklin, Queries and Remarks Respecting Alterations in The Constitution of Pennsylvania, BFSM, X, 54, 56-58.
844 Benjamin Franklin, Queries and Remarks Respecting Alterations in The Constitution of Pennsylvania, BFSM, X, 54, 58-60.
845 JA to T. Pickering, E. Chester, Oct. 31, 1797, JAWO, VIII, 559-560.
846 Benjamin Franklin, Queries and Remarks Respecting Alterations in The Constitution of Pennsylvania, BFSM, X, 54.
847 Benjamin Franklin, Queries and Remarks Respecting Alterations in The Constitution of Pennsylvania, BFSM, X, 54-55.
848 DERD, 216.
849 SJPC, 190. Georgia emulated Pennsylvania in a unicameral legislature but required members to be Protestant and possess £250 in property (or 250 acres of land). For a comparison of the state constitutions, see William. C. Morey, “The First State Constitutions,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. IV (Sept. 1893), 201-232.
850 JAFW, I, 168-169. See SJPC, 255-259. That John Adams was an American aristocrat, see RARW, 196.
851 GW to Pres. of Cong., Col. Morris’ on the Heights of Harlem, Sept. 25, 1776, GAPW, VI, 393, 394, 396.
852 JA to Col. Tudor, Phil., Sept. 26, 1776, JADA, III, 437-439, 438n.
853 JCC, V, 827. See BFPL, XXII, 624.
854 See JADA, IV, 70, JAWO, I, 248.
855 Richard Henry Lee to [TJ], Phil., Sept. 27, 1776, RHLL, I, 218-219.
856 RDCW, I, 473.
857 Autobiography, TJWF, I, 80.
858 JA to Henry Knox, Phil., Sept. 29, 1776, JADA, III, 441-442.
859 Comm. of Secret Corres. to William Bingham, Phil., Sept. 21st [-Oct. 1] 1776, BFPL, XXII, 615, 618-619.
860 Comm. of Secret Corres. to Silas Deane, Phil., Oct. 1, 1776, BFPL, XXII, 639-645.
861 JA to Gen. Parsons, Phil., Oct. 2, 1776, JADA, III, 444-445.
862 Anthony Wayne to BF, Tyconderoga, Oct. 3, 1776, BFPL, XXII, 652-653.
863 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., Oct. 4, 1776, JAFC, II, 137-138.
864 M. Garnier to Comte de Vergennes, London, Oct. 11, 1776, DNL, I, 615-616.
865 Instructions to BF, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, Commissioners appointed by the Cong. of the U.S., Sept. 24-Oct. 22, 1776, BFPL, XXII, 625, 627-628.
866 Comm. of Secret Corres. to Charles W. F. Dumas, Phil., Oct. 24, 1776, NDR, VI, 1407.
867 Comm. of Secret Corres. to Captain Lambert Wickes, Phil., Oct. 24, 1776, NDR, VI, 1400-1401.
868 Comm. of Secret Corres. to Commissioners in Paris, Phil., Oct. 24, 1776, RDCW, II, 178. See LWSR, 88-92.
869 BFBT, 9, 23, SWHA, 127-128. See LWSR, Chapt. VI.
870 BFWT, II, 46.
871 Silas Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Nov. 6, 1776, RDCW, II, 190.
872 GW to Pres. of Cong., Gen. Greene’s Quarters, Nov. 16, 1776, GWW, VI, 284, 286-287.
873 Nathanael Greene to Henry Knox, November 17, 1776, quoted in GWKB, 135-136, 136 n. 3.
874 GW to John Augustine Washington, Hackensack, Nov. 19, 1776, GWW, VI, 243-246.
875 See GWKB, 130, GWMK, 182-185, GWRH, III, 2.
876 Col. Joseph Reed to Charles Lee, Hackensack, Nov. 21, 1776, LP, II, 293-294.
877 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hackensack, Nov. 19 [-21], 1776, GWW, VI, 292, 295. See MJTF, 141-142.
878 GW to Maj. Gen. Lee, Hackensack, Nov. 21, 1776, GWW, VI, 298.
879 TPHD, 58.
880 “A Letter to GW …” TPW, II, 691, 719.
881 Timothy Pickering to James Robertson, Salem, July 29, 1824, as quoted in John Womack Wright, “Pickering’s Letter on Washington,” TYQ, VII (July, 1925), 16, 25.
882 Charles Lee to Col. Joseph Reed, Camp, Nov. 24, 1776, LP, II (1872), 305-306.
883 GW to Maj. Gen. Lee, Newark, Nov. 27, 1776, GWW, VI, 309.
884 BFWT, II, 46-47.
885 See SWHA, 146, LWSR, Chap. VI.
886 Silas Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Dec. 3, 1776, RDCW, II, 210, 211.
887 BF to Silas Deane, Auray in Brittany, Dec. 4, 1776, RDCW, II, 216-218.
888 GW to Pres. of Cong., Trenton, Dec. 5, 1776, GWW, VI, 330-332.
889 See GW to Pres. of Cong., Mr. Berkleys Summer seat, Dec. 8, 1776, GWW, VI, 335.
890 MJTF, 144.
891 BF to John Hancock, Nantes, Dec. 8, 1776, BFPL, XXIII, 31-33.
892 GW to Lund Washington, Falls of Delaware, South Side, Dec. 10, 1776, GWW, VI, 345-346.
893 LFCA, 79.
894 Quoted in GWWF, V, 83 n.
895 MJTF, 144. SWHA, 152.
896 Silas Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Dec. 12, 1776, RDCW, II, 224.
897 Charles Lee to Gen. Horatio Gates, Basking Ridge, Dec. 12/13, 1776, LP, II, 348.
898 Caron de Beaumarchais, “A Faithful Statement of the good Offices of the Court of France Toward the Court of England, against her own Commercial Interests” [1779], SFAC, XXIII, 2008.
899 GW to Council of Safety of Penn., Hdqr., Bucks County, Falls of Delaware, South Side, Dec. 15, 1776, GWW, VI, 376.
900 GW to Lund Washington, Falls of Delaware, South Side, Dec. 10 [-17], 1776, GWW, VI, 345, 347.
901 GW to John Augustine Washington, Camp, Near the Falls of Trenton, Dec. 18, 1776, GWW, VI, 396, 398-399.
902 Thomas Paine’s first “crisis” essay appeared in the Pennsylvania Journal and four days later as a pamphlet. TPHD, 61.
903 TPW, I, 50.
904 GW to Pres. of Cong., Camp, Above Trenton Falls, Dec. 20, 1776, GWW, VI, 400, 402, 404, 406.
905 Lord Stormont to Murray Keith, Dec. 20, 1776, DNL, II, 103, partially quoted in PJFR, 219.
906 Robert Morris to Commissioners at Paris, Phil., Dec. 21, 1776, RDCW, II, 231-235.
907 Benjamin Rush to JA, Feb. 12, 1812, A&R, 206-207.
908 BFPL, XXIII, 85 n.
909 BFBR, 7.
910 See MJTF, 155-158, 238, GWRII, II, 7.
911 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Newton, Dec. 27, 1776, GWW, VI, 441-443.
912 Comm. of Secret Corres. to American Commissioners, Balt., Dec. 30, 1776, BFPL, XXIII, 96-98.
913 JA to Edmund Jenings, July 18, 1780, JAPM, Reel 352.
914 GW to Pres. of Cong., Pluckamin, Jan. 5, 1777, GWW, VI, 467-469. See MJTF, 159-160, GWRH, II, 16-17, 31-42.
915 Quoted in GWWF, V, 149 n.
916 Timothy Pickering to James Robertson, Salem, July 29, 1824, as reported in John Womack Wright, “Pickering’s Letter on Washington,” TYQ, VII (July, 1925), 16, 36.
917 TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443.
918 WDRP, 553-554.
919 TPIID, 232-233, TPKJ, 322.
920 WDRP, WDKP, 48.
921 WDRP, 545-555.
922 JAWO, I, 660. See CEFP, 93-94.
923 BF to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Jan. 4, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 113-114.
924 Jaeques-Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont to BF, [before Jan. 4, 1777], BFPL, XXIII, 112.
925 BFPL, XXIII, 112 n.
926 BF, Lee, and Deane to Vergennes, Paris, Jan. 5, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 122-123.
927 [The American Commissioners]: Memoir [for Vergennes] [c. Jan. 8, 17771, BFPL, XXIII, 126-127.
928 BF to Mary Hewson, Paris, Jan. 12, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 155-156.
929 Quoted in BFP, 49, and, with some variation, in BFFC, 61-62.
930 BF, Lee, and Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Jan. 17, 1777, BFPL, XX, III, 194, 196.
931 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Morristown, Jan. 22, 1777, GWW, VII, 48 49.
932 Jonathan Williams, Jr., to American Commissioners, Nantes, Jan. 23, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 225-226.
933 BFPL, XXIII, 236 n.
934 Jonathan Williams, Jr., to BF, Nantes, Jan. 25, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 231-232.
935 GW to Pres. of Cong., Morristown, Jan. 26, 1777, GWW, VII, 63, 67.
936 GW to Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler, Hdqr., Morristown, Jan. 27, 1777, GWW, VII, 68-69.
937 BF to Joseph Priestley, Paris, Jan. 17, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 237-238. Bracketed words replace the word “make” (which your author construes as camouflage for the French release of arms and ammunition for America).
938 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Morristown, Jan. 31, 1777, GWW, VII, 80-81. See GWRH, II, 73.
939 Richard Bache to BF, Phil., Feb. 5, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 279-281.
940 Lambert Wickes to American Commissioners, Port Lewis, Feb. 14, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 330.
941 Sarah Bache to BF, Goshen, Feb. 23, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 361-362.
942 La Rochefoucauld to BF, before Feb. 24, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 375 and 375 n.
943 JAWO, IX, 622-623. See BFPL, XXII, 514.
944 GW to New York Legislature, Mar. 1, 1777, GWW, VII, 215-216.
945 GW to Gov. Trumbull, Hdqr., Morristown, Mar. 3, 1777, GWW, VII, 229, 230.
946 GW to Pres. of Cong. (two letters), Hdqr., Morristown, Mar. 29, 1777, GWW, VII, 328-330.
947 GW to Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, Hdqr., Morristown, Mar. 29, 1777, GWW, VII, 332, 334.
948 GW to Gov. Nicholas Cooke, Hdqr., Morristown, Apr. 3, 1777, GWW, VII, 349.
949 See MJTF, 208, 278-281, 505, SWHA, 137-140, MJSS, 21, BSDR, 37, 93.
950 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., Apr. 6, 1777, JAFC, II, 199-200.
951 BF and Silas Deane to Comm. of Secret Corres., Paris, Mar. 12 [-Apr. 9], 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 466, 471-473.
952 Comtesse Conway to BF, Apr. 14, 1777, BFPL, XXIII, 582.
953 MJSS, 23-24.
954 FBRS, 67.
955 1777 British pamphlet quoted in SLFR, 75-76.
956 Abigail Adams to JA, Apr. 20, 1777, JAFC, II, 217-218.
957 GW to Richard Henry Lee, Morristown, Apr. 24, 1777, GWW, VII, 462-464.
958 Robert Gordon to John Robinson, Cork, Apr. 25, 1777, DRDK, XIV, 73.
959 JA to James Warren, Phil., Apr. 27, 1777, JAPA, V, 173-174.
960 Comm. of Secret Corres. to Commissioners at Paris, Phil., May 9, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 46-47.
961 BF, News from America [memorandum], Paris, May 12, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 52-53.
962 BF to Richard Bache, Passy, May 22, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 63-64.
963 American Commissioners in Paris to Comm. for Foreign Affairs [BF’s handwriting], Paris, May 25, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 73-76. See SWHA, 163-164.
964 Abigail Adams to JA, May 28, 1777, JAFC, II, 248.
965 Comm. of Foreign Affairs to Commissioners at Paris, Phil., May 30, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 101.
966 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., June 18, 1777, JAFC, II, 267-268.
967 GW to Chevalier D’Anmours, Hdqr., Camp at Middle Brook, June 19, 1777, GWW, VIII, 265, 266.
968 TPW, II, 1132.
969 William Carmichael to William Bingham, Paris, June 25 [-July 6], 1777, RDCW, II, 346-349.
970 Lambert Wickes to American Commissioners, St. Malo, June 28, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 232-234.
971 Richard Bache to BF, Phil., July 1, 1777, BFPL, XXIV, 250-251.
972 Lord Weymouth to Lord Stormont, July 4, 1777, quoted in SWHA, 185.
973 Gen. Sir William Howe to Lord George Germain (No. 62), N.Y., July 7, 1777, DRDK, XIV, 129-130.
974 Lord Stormont to Lord Weymouth, Paris, July 16, 1777, SFAC, XVI, 1575.
975 Vergennes to Commissioners at Paris, Versailles, July 16, 1777, RDCW, II, 364.
976 Lord Stormont to Lord Weymouth, Paris, July 16, 1777, SFAC, XVI, 1577.
977 Lambert Wickes to Captain Henry Johnson, St. Malo, July 20, 1777, SFAC, XVI, 1583. See LWSR, 188-189.
978 GW to Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, Coryell’s Ferry on Delaware, July 31, 1777, GWW, VIII, 506-507.
979 JCC, VIII, 604.
980 JADA, III, 387.
981 GW to John Augustine Washington, Germantown, near Phil., Aug. 5, 1777, GWW, IX, 20, 22.
982 BFBS, 60.
983 See JCC, VIII, 357, 357 n.-358 n.
984 MJTF, 179-182, 190-191.
985 GW to Pres. of Cong., Phil., Aug. 3, 1777, GWW, IX, 8-9. See GWRH, III, 133, 135-136, BARC, 335.
986 Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne to Lord George Germain (Private), Nearly Opposite to Saratoga, Aug. 20, 1777, DRDK, XIV, 165-167.
987 GW to Pres. of Cong., Camp, at Cross Roads, Aug. 22, 1777, GWW, IX, 118-119.
988 GW to Maj. Gen. Sullivan, Wilmington, Aug. 27, 1777, GWW, IX, 135.
989 Quoted in GWRH, III, 139-140.
990 Silas Deane to Robert Morris, Paris, Aug. 23, 1777. RDCS, I, 105-111.
991 Paper by Comte de Vergennes, read to King of France, Aug. 23, 1777, SFAC, VII, 706.
992 GW to Pres. of Cong., Aug. 23, 1777, GWW, IX, 127-128.
993 See MJTF, 200, MJSS, 26, GLP, 43.
994 JA to Abigail Adams, Phil., Sept. 2, 1777, JAFC, II, 336.
995 See MJTF, 202-203, HNYJ, I, 197, GWRH, III, 176, MSOH, 249.
996 GW to Pres. of Cong., Chester, Penn., Sept. 11, 1777, GWW, IX, 207.
997 Timothy Pickering to James Robertson, Salem, July 29, 1824, as reported in John Womack Wright, “Pickering’s Letter on Washington,” TYQ, VII (July, 1925), 16, 30.
998 HNYJ, I, 197.
999 GW to Pres. of Cong., Camp, Sept. 19, 1777, GWW, IX, 237, 238-239. See MJTF, 202.
1000 Timothy Pickering to James Robertson, Salem, July 29, 1824, as reported in John Womack Wright, “Pickering’s Letter on Washington,” TYQ, VII (July, 1925), 16, 25, 30-31.
1001 See MJTF, 204, TPHD, 68-70, GWRH, III, 183.
1002 Thomas Paine to BF, Yorktown, May 16, 1778, TPW, II, 1143, 1144.
1003 JADA, II, 264.
1004 Thomas Paine to BF, Yorktown, May 16, 1778, TPW, II, 1143, 1147.
1005 “Journal of Thomas Sullivan, H. M. Forty-Ninth Regiment of Foot,” 132, in Hist. Soc. of Penn., as quoted in Henry Pleasants, Jr., “The Battle of Paoli,” PMHB, LXXII (1948), 44, 45.
1006 JADA, II, 265.
1007 GW to Pres. of Cong., Camp, Near Potts Grove, Sept. 23, 1777, GWW, IX, 257-259.
1008 Elias Boudinot to Elisha Boudinot, Sept. 23, 1777, as quoted in GWKB, 195.
1009 Baron de K[alb] to Comte [de Broglie], Lancaster, Penn., Sept. 24, 1777, SFAC, VIII, 755.
1010 See Thomas Paine to BF, Yorktown, May 16, 1778, TPW, II, 1143, 1145, AGA, Aug. 29, 1804, TCER, 25-26 (which puts the occupying force at 3,000).
1011 GW to Pres. of Cong., Camp, Near Pennibacker’s Mill, Oct. 5, 1777, GWW, IX, 308-310. See MJTF, 205-206, GWMK, 170-171, GLP, 44, TCER, 26-27, GWRH, III, 187-208.
1012 BFBR, 67.
1013 Minutes of Council of War at Saratoga, Oct. 12-15, 1777, DRDK, XIV, 212-215.
1014 Henry Laurens to John Laurens, Oct. 16, 1777, as quoted in GWKB, 67.
1015 MJTF, 208. See MJTF, 195, 212-213, SWHA, 137-140, BSDR, 37, 93.
1016 Orlando W. Stephenson, “The Supply of Gunpowder in 1776,” AHR, XXX (Jan. 1925), 281.
1017 Orlando W. Stephenson, “The Supply of Gunpowder in 1776,” AHR, XXX (Jan. 1925), 277-281.
1018 GW to Richard Henry Lee, Matuchen Hill, Oct. 17, 1777, GWW, IX, 387-389.
1019 SDBF, 272.
1020 “A Letter to GW …” TPW, II, 691, 720-721.
1021 GWRH, III, 228.
1022 GW to Landon Carter, Phil. Cty, Oct. 27, 1777, GWW, IX, 451, 453.
1023 Thomas Paine to Richard Henry Lee, Hdqr., fourteen miles from Phil., Oct. 30, 1777, TPW, II, 1138, 1140.
1024 GWRH, III, 251.
1025 Jonathan Dickson Sergeant to James Lovell, Nov. 20, 1777, as quoted in GWKB, 194.
1026 JCC, IX, 970-971.
1027 James Lovell to Horatio Gates, Nov. 27, 1777, Gates Papers (N.Y. Hist. Soc.), quoted in NGL, II, 7-8.
1028 GW to Thomas Conway, Nov. 9, 1777, GWW, X, 29, quotes the letter from Conway to Horatio Gates.
1029 JCC, IX, 975.
1030 JADA, IV, 3.
1031 JCC, IX, 1013-1014.
1032 Benjamin Rush to JA, Feb. 12, 1812, A&R, 206, 209.
1033 JCC, IX, 1023, 1026.
1034 BF, Deane, and Lee to Comm. of Foreign Affairs, Paris, Dec. 18, 1777, BFPL, XXV, 305-306.
1035 JCC, IX, 1035-1036.
1036 Penn. Archives: [1st ser.] Samuel Hazard, ed. (Phil.: J. Severns & Co., 1852-1856), VI, 104. The date of the remonstrance is surmised from its placement in the archives and from the action of the Continental Congress the next day.
1037 GW to Pres. of Cong., Valley Forge, Dec. 23, 1777, GWW, X, 192-194.
1038 Marquis de Lafayette to GW, Camp, Dec. 30, 1777, LFL, 14-16.
1039 Monsieur Gérard to [Comte de Vergennes], Jan. 1, 1778, SFAC, XXI, 1817.
1040 James Craik to GW, Port Tobacco, Maryland, Jan. 6, 1778, GWWS, V, 493-494.
1041 SWHA, 260-261.
1042 Louis XVI to Charles III, Jan. 8, 1778, RDCW, II, 467.
1043 Monsieur Gérard, Narrative of a Conference with the American Commissioners, Versailles, Jan. 9, 1778, SFAC, XXI, 1831.
1044 Anonymous (Benjamin Rush) to Patrick Henry, Yorktown, Jan. 12, 1778, GWWS, V, 495-496.
1045 BEJ, 73-76.
1046 Richard Bache to BF, Manheim 10 Miles wide of Lancaster, Jan. 31, 1778, BFPL, XXV, 551, 553.
1047 DJDH, 165-169.
1048 JCC, XI, 421-446.
1049 WDRP, 555.
1050 WDRP, 557.
1051 BFP, 121 ff.
1052 CMLV, I, 181.
1053 JADA, IV, 6-7.
1054 CMLV, I, 184-185. See BFFS, 124. For a different version, see HMP, III, 431. Though no dispositive evidence exists that Voltaire blessed BFB rather than William Temple Franklin, it would seem more reasonable for BF to request (even humorously) Voltaire’s benediction for an eight-year-old child than for an eighteen-year-old man who was then secretary to the American legation. A rendering in La Revue des Lettres et des Arts (1889), reproduced in FNE, II, 78, affirms the image of a child rather than of a young adult.
1055 Lafayette to GW, Albany, Feb. 27, 1778, LFL, 31, 32.
1056 JADA, IV, 5-6.
1057 JCPB, II, 79.
1058 “To The Citizens of the United States,” Letter VIII, TPW, II, 955-956, AGA, June 7, 1805.
1059 Lord George Germain to Lords of the Admiralty (Most Secret and Confidential), Whitehall, Mar. 21, 1778, DRDK, XV, 72-73.
1060 Secret Instructions for Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, St. James, Mar. 21, 1778, DRDK, XV, 74-75.
1061 M. d’Estaing à M. Gérard … Extraits de mes instructions du 27 mars 1778, DNL, III, 237.
1062 See MJTF, 316, SWHA, 282, MJSS, 59.
1063 King of France to Cong., Versailles, Mar. 28, 1778, RDCW, II, 521-522.
1064 BF to Richard and Sarah Bache, Passy, Mar. 31, 1778, BFPL, XXVI, 202-203.
1065 BF to Robert Livingston, July 22, 1783, BFSM, VIII, 62, IX, 62.
1066 JA to Dr. Benjamin Rush, Apr. 12, 1809, JAWO, IX, 619.
1067 Noted under Feb. 11, 1779, JAWO, III, 189.
1068 JADA, IV, 36-37.
1069 JADA, IV, 41-42.
1070 Noted under Feb. 11, 1779, JAWO, III, 190.
1071 JADA, IV, 48-49.
1072 JA to Abigail Adams, Passy, Apr. 12, 1778, JAFC, III, 9.
1073 DJFN, 112, MJSS, 57-58. GWKB,101 says fleet departed April 3.
1074 “Extracts of Letters from Paris … in the hand of Paul Wentworth,” Apr. 16, 1778, SFAC, XXII, 1914.
1075 JADA, II, 302.
1076 JADA, IV, 69.
1077 BEJ, 77-81.
1078 MFDR, 565.
1079 JADA, IV, 79-81.
1080 [Virginia Delelgates in Cong.] to Gov. of Virginia, York, May 3, 1778, RHLL, I, 396-397.
1081 JCC, XI, 457-458.
1082 Gen. Orders, Hdqr., Valley Forge, May 5, 1778, GWW, XI, 353-354.
1083 From the N.Y. Journal (New York), June 15, 1778, as reported in MFDR, 578.
1084 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691, 720.
1085 JADA, IV, 92.
1086 Thomas Paine to BF, Yorktown, May 16, 1778, TPW, II, 1143, 1151.
1087 JADA, IV, 118-119.
1088 JADA, IV, 120.
1089 JADA, IV, 120.
1090 JADA, IV, 121-123.
1091 Patrick Henry to Richard Henry Lee, Williamsburg, June 18, 1778, PHL, I, 564-565.
1092 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., 1/2 after 11 A. M., June 18, 1778, GWW, XII, 82-83.
1093 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain, N.Y., July 5, 1778, DRDK, XV, 159.
1094 GW to Pres. of Cong., English Town, July 1, 1778, GWW, XII, 139-146.
1095 LP, II, 435-436, as quoted in CLMS, 70-71.
1096 See CLMS.
1097 John Quincy Adams enrolled at Le Coeur’s on Apr. 13th. JADA, IV, 57-58.
1098 JCC, XII, 908.
1099 JCC, VIII, 1034-1035.
1100 ALLR, I, 404-405.
1101 JA to James Warren, Passy, Dec. 5, 1778, JAWL, II, 73, 77.
1102 JA to Mercy Otis Warren, Passy, Dec. 18, 1778, JAPA, VII, 281, 282-284.
1103 GWRII, III, 458. See GWF, II, 336 n, GWMK, 265.
1104 JCC, XIII, 62-63.
1105 JADA, II, 346.
1106 JA to Samuel Adams, Passy, Feb. 14, 1779, JAPM, Reel 93.
1107 JA to Abigail Adams, Passy, Feb. 20, 1779, JAFC, III, 175.
1108 JA to Abigail Adams, Feb. 28, 1779 (2 letters), JAFC, III, 181-182.
1109 JAPS, I, 426-431.
1110 Gerard to Vergennes, Phil., Mar. 8, 1779, CGD, 563 (Dispatch 95), 565.
1111 Gerard to Vergennes, Phil., Mar. 8, 1779, CGD, 568-570 (Dispatch 96).
1112 BF to Jane Mecum, Passy, Apr. 22, 1779, BFPL, XXIX, 357-358.
1113 BF to BFB, Passy, May 3, 1779, BFPL, XXIX, 413.
1114 BF to David Hartley, Passy, May 4, 1779, BFPL, XXIX, 425-427.
1115 JADA, II, 369. See JAC, 123-125.
1116 BFB to BF, May 30, 1779, BFPL, XXIX, 578.
1117 BF to Richard Bache, Passy, June 2, 1779, BFPL, XXIX, 599-600.
1118 BF to Sarah Bache, Passy, June 3, 1779, BFPL, XXIX, 612-615.
1119 JA to Edmund Jenings, L’Orient, June 8, 1779, JAPA, VIII, 78, 80.
1120 Comte de Vergennes to Chevalier de La Luzerne, June 18, 1779, DJNM, 215-216.
1121 JADA, II, 390-392.
1122 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., New Windsor, July 21, 1779, GWW, XV, 447-448.
1123 GW to Joseph Reed, Westpoint, July 29, 1779, GWW, XVI, 7-9.
1124 GWWF, VII, 501 n.- 502 n.
1125 JAPS, I, 434.
1126 See BFBT, 30-31, BFBL.
1127 BF to BFB, Passy, Aug. 19, 1779, BFPL, XXX, 241-242.
1128 A&R, 145 n.
1129 JA to Benjamin Rush, Apr. 12, 1809, A&R, 142, 145.
1130 JA to Benjamin Rush, Braintree, Sept. 19, 1779, JAPA, VIII, 153.
1131 JPJ, 148-163.
1132 JCC, XV, 113.
1133 JADA, IV, 178-180.
1134 JADA, IV, 242-243.
1135 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain, N.Y., Sept. 30 1779, DRDK, XVII, 229-230.
1136 DNL, IV, 327 n.
1137 See MJTF, 402-403, MJSS, 93, GWRH, III, 476, ODF, 68.-69.
1138 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain, N.Y., Oct. 18, 1779, DRDK, XVII, 237.
1139 JA prepared the first draft of the new Massachusetts state constitution. See Samuel Eliot Morison, “The Struggle over the Adoption of the Constitution of Massachusetts, 1780,” Proceedings of MHS, L, 353, 356.
1140 JAWO, IV, 220-266.
1141 Oscar and Mary Handlin, eds. The Popular Sources of Political Authority: Documents on the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780. (Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harv. Univ. Press, 1966), 434, 437-438. The Constitutional Convention submitted its proposed constitution and the “Address” to Massachusetts towns on Mar. 2, 1780.
1142 Samuel Eliot Morison, “The Struggle Over the Adoption of the Constitution of Massachusetts, 1780,” Proceedings of MHS, L, 353, 389. See UHRA, 162-165.
1143 JA to James Sullivan, Phil., May 26, 1776, JAPA, IV, 210.
1144 JA to Benjamin Rush, Apr. 12, 1809, A&R, 142, 144.
1145 TPHD, 102, 106.
1146 JADA, IV, 191.
1147 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Morristown, Dec. 15, 1779, GWW, XVII, 272-273.
1148 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Morristown, Jan. 5, 1780, GWW, XVII, 355.
1149 JA to Cong., Paris, Feb. 15, 1780, JADA, IV, 240.
1150 JAWO, IX, 623. See JAPW, 105-106.
1151 JADA, IV, 241.
1152 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, Feb. 12, 1780, JADA IV, 243-244.
1153 Comte de Vergennes to JA, Versailles, Feb. 13, 1780, RDCS, IV, 363-364.
1154 JADA, IV, 250-251.
1155 JADA, IV, 251-252.
1156 JADA, IV, 252.
1157 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, Feb. 25, 1780, JADA, IV, 253.
1158 JA to James Lovell, Paris, Mar. 4, 1780, JAPM, Reel 96.
1159 Instructions Delivered to M. de La Fayette [in the hand of M. de Vergennes], Mar. 5, 1780, DNL, IV, 314-315.
1160 BF to GW, Passy, Mar. 5, 1780, BFSM, VIII, 27-29.
1161 JCC, XVI, 263-265.
1162 BF to Joseph Reed, Mar. 19, 1780, BFWS, VIII, 443, 445.
1163 See MJSS, 115, PJFR 305, ODF, 70.
1164 See DJFN, 191, MJTF, 513-518.
1165 GWRH, III, 515-516.
1166 GW to Marquis de Lafayette, Hdqr., Morristown, May 16, 1780, GWW, XVIII, 369-370.
1167 GW to Joseph Reed, Morristown, May 28, 1780, GWW, XVIII, 434-435.
1168 Chaumont to [unidentified] official of French Foreign Ministry, Passy, June 16, 1780, DJNM, 224-226. The “forty percent” figure is obviously mistaken.
1169 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 654.
1170 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Springfield, June 20, 1780, GWW, XIX, 34-35.
1171 Comte de Vergennes to JA, Versailles, June 21, 1780, JAWO, VII, 190-192.
1172 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, June 22, 1780, RDCW, II, 809-816.
1173 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, June 22, 1780, JAWO, VII, 193.
1174 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, June 22, 1780, JAWO, VII, 193.
1175 BF to Comte de Vergennes, June 24, 1780, DJNM, 227.
1176 Comte de Vergennes to JA, Versailles, June 30, 1780, RDCS, V, 232.
1177 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 655.
1178 Comte de Vergennes to BF, Versailles, June 30, 1780, DJNM, 227, 228-229. See RDCS, III, 152-153.
1179 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649-651.
1180 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, July 1, 1780, RDCS, V, 233-234.
1181 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 655.
1182 GW to Fielding Lewis, Bergen County, Jersey, July 6, 1780, GWW, XIX, 129-132.
1183 BFBR, 8.
1184 BF to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, July 10, 1780, RDCS, V, 245-246.
1185 See MJTF, xiii, 526, MJSS, 117-118.
1186 GW to Comm. of Cooperation, July 13, 1780, GWW, XIX, 165, 166.
1187 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, July 13, 1780, RDCS, V, 247-259.
1188 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, July 17, 1780, RDCS, V, 266, 267.
1189 JA to Edmund Jenings, July 18, 1780, JAPM, Reel 352.
1190 Comte de Vergennes to JA, Versailles, July 20, 1780, RDCS, V, 278.
1191 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Prekeniss, July 22, 1780, GWW, XIX, 234-235.
1192 Comte de Vergennes to JA, Versailles, June 25, 1780, JAWO, VII, 235-236.
1193 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, July 26, 1780, RDCW, IV, 7-10.
1194 JA to Comte de Vergennes, Paris, July 27, 1780, RDCS, V, 301-303.
1195 Comte de Vergennes to JA, Versailles, July 29, 1780, RDCS, V, 304-305.
1196 Comte de Vergennes to BF, Versailles, July 31, 1780, RDCS, V, 305-306.
1197 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 651-652.
1198 JA left Paris on July 27th. JA to Pres. of Cong., Amsterdam, Aug. 14, 1780, JAWO, VII, 244.
1199 BF to Samuel Huntington, Aug. 9, 1780, BFSM, VIII, 128.
1200 JA to Mercy Warren, Quincy, Aug. 3, 1807, JAPM, Reel 118. See BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 658.
1201 Comte de Vergennes to Chevalier de La Luzerne, Aug. 7, 1780, DJNM, 232-233.
1202 BF to Pres. of Cong., Passy, Aug. 9, 1780, RDCS, III, 161, 163-164.
1203 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 653, 655-567.
1204 BFB to BF, Dec. 21, 1779, BFB Papers (APS), as quoted in BFBT, 39.
1205 Gen. Anthony Wayne to Robert Morris, York, Oct. 26, 1781, AWSC, 283.
1206 Alexander Hamilton to James Duane, [Bergen County, N. J.], Sept. 6, 1780, AHP, II, 420-421.
1207 WCWR, II, 728-730.
1208 GW to Comm. of Cooperation, Hdqr., Orange Town, Aug. 17, 1780, GWW, XIX, 391.
1209 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Orange Town, Aug. 20, 1780, GWW, XIX, 402, 405.
1210 GW to Comte de Guichen, Hdqr., Bergen County, Sept. 12, 1780, GWW, XX, 39-42.
1211 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., New Bridge, Sept. 15, 1780, GWW, XX, 49, 51.
1212 “Conference at Hartford,” Sept. 22, 1780, GWW, XX, 76.
1213 GW to Gov. Clinton [of N.Y.], Hdqr., Robinson’s House, Sept. 26, 1780, GWW, XX, 93-94.
1214 BF to John Jay, Passy, Oct. 2, 1780, BFSM, VIII, 142-143.
1215 BF to JA, Passy, Ocober 8, 1780, RDCW, IV, 86-87. See JAPS, I, 480.
1216 Marquis de Lafayette to GW, Light Camp, Oct. 30, 1780, LFSL, III, 211-212.
1217 GW to Marquis de Lafayette, Hdqr., Oct. 30, 1780, GWW, XX, 266-267.
1218 JCC, XVIII, 1079-1084.
1219 Vergennes to Luzerne, Versailles, Dec. 4, 1780, RDCW, IV, 181-182.
1220 JCC, XVIII, 1130.
1221 GW to Gouverneur Morris, Hdqr., New Windsor, Dec. 10, 1780, GWW, XX, 457-458.
1222 JCC, XVIII, 1141.
1223 GWRH, III, 590-593.
1224 Circular to New England States and New York, Hdqr., New Windsor, Jan. 5, 1781, GWW, XXI, 61-62.
1225 Pres. of Cong. to JA, In Cong., Jan. 10, 1781, JAWO, VII, 353.
1226 TJ to GW, Richmond, Jan. 10, 1781, TJPB, IV, 333-335.
1227 GW to Lieut. Col. John Laurens, New Windsor, Jan. 15, 1781, GWW, XXI, 105-109.
1228 GW to BF, New Windsor, Jan. 15, 1781, GWW, XXI, 100-101.
1229 GW to Mrs. Sarah Bache, New Windsor, Jan. 15, 1781. GWW, XXI, 101-102.
1230 Circular to New England States and New York, Hdqr., New Windsor, Jan. 22, 1781, GWW, XXI, 129-130.
1231 GW to Inspector-Gen. von Steuben, Feb. 6, 1781, GWW, XXI, 192-193.
1232 TPHD, 115.
1233 “A Letter to GW …” TPW, II, 720.
1234 BF to Comte de Vergennes, Passy, Feb. 13, 1781, RDCS, III, 186-188.
1235 Comte de Vergennes to Chevalier de La Luzerne, Versailles, Feb. 19, 1781, DNL, IV, 583-584.
1236 ANAM, II, 556, 558.
1237 GWRH, III, 625.
1238 Comte de Vergennes to Chevalier de La Luzerne, Mar. 9, 1781, DJNM, 236-237.
1239 TPHD, 116.
1240 As of Mar. 27, Laurens was still on the coast of France. See D. E. Huger Smith, ed., “The Mission of Col. John Laurens to Europe in 1781,” S. Carolina Hist. and Geneol. Mag., I (1900), 34.
1241 BF to Samuel Huntington, Passy, Mar. 12, 1781, BFSM, VIII, 217-219.
1242 MJTF, 549-550, GWRH, III, 614.
1243 John Laurens to Pres. of Cong., Passy, Mar. 20, 1781, RDCS, IX, 208-209.
1244 John Laurens to Pres. of Cong., Phil., Sept. 2, 1781, RDCS, IX, 235-237.
1245 GW to Benjamin Harrison, Hdqr., New Windsor, Mar. 27, 1781, GWW, XXI, 380-382. Harrison was speaker of the Va. House of Delegates.
1246 GW to John Laurens at Paris, New Windsor, Apr. 9, 1781, GWW, XXI, 436, 438-439.
1247 BF to William Carmichael, Passy, Apr. 12, 1781, BFSM, VIII, 236-237.
1248 Comte de Vergennes to La Luzerne, Versailles, Apr. 19, 1781, DNL, IV, 588, 590.
1249 Lafayette to GW, Alexandria, Apr. 23, 1781, LFM, I, 146.
1250 GW to Lund Washington, New Windsor, Apr. 30, 1781, GWW, XXII, 14-15.
1251 MJTF, 609, 609 n.
1252 Comte de Vergennes to La Luzerne, Versailles, May 11, 1781, DNL, IV, 560.
1253 BF to M. de Lafayette, Passy, May 14, 1781, RDCS, III, 209, 211.
1254 “Substance of a Conference between Gen. Washington and Comte de Rochambeau at Weathersfield, 22 May, 1781,” GWWF, IX, 251, 254.
1255 GW To Chevalier de La Luzerne, Weathersfield, May 23, 1781, GWW, XXII, 103.
1256 “A Letter to GW …” TPW, II, 691, 721.
1257 Comte de Rochambeau to de Grasse, June 11, 1781, DNL, IV, 647, quoted and translated in MJSS, 152, and in GWRH, III, 640.
1258 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis, N.Y., DRDK, XX, 157-159.
1259 Richard Henry Lee to Virginia Delegates in Cong., Chantilly, June 12, 1781, TJPB, VI, 90-92.
1260 Autobiography, TJWF, I, 79.
1261 TJMD, I, 354-358.
1262 GW to Comte de Rochambeau, Hdqr., New Windsor, June 13, 1781, GWW, XXII, 207-209.
1263 JCC, XX, 652-654. Instructions, JCC, XX, 651-652.
1264 Quoted in MJSS, 152.
1265 MJSS, 156, GWRH, III, 635.
1266 See Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis, N.Y., June 11, 1781, DRDK, XX, 157-159 and Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, Portsmouth, Virginia, July 27, 1781, DRDK, XX, 196-197.
1267 James Lovell to JA, June 21, 1781, JAPM, Reel 355.
1268 JCC, XX, 746-747.
1269 James Lovell to Abigail Adams, July 13, 1781, JAFC, IV, 173.
1270 GW to Richard Henry Lee, Camp, Near Dobbs Ferry, July 15, 1781, GWW, XXII, 382, 384.
1271 BFBR, 7.
1272 James Lovell to JA, Phil., July 21, 1781, LCC, VI, 151.
1273 GW to Comte de Grasse, Hdqr., Dobbs Ferry, July 21, 1781, GWW, XXII, 400-401.
1274 WPAE, I, Map 9.
1275 GW to La Fayette, Hdqr. near Dobbs Ferry, July 30, 1781, GWW, XXII, 432-433.
1276 MSOH, 259-260.
1277 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 718.
1278 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Dobbs Ferry, Aug. 2, 1781, GWW, XXII, 445-447.
1279 BFBR, 9.
1280 MJTF, 594-595, MJSS, 165, GJAY, 113.
1281 BFB to BF, Geneva, Aug. 16, 1781, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1282 GWD, II, 253-254.
1283 BF to JA, Passy, Aug. 16, 1781, JAWO, VII, 456.
1284 MJSS, 165.
1285 GJAY, 15, DJFN, 246, 246 n.
1286 JAC, 150, JAPS, I, 504-505.
1287 See JADR, 98.
1288 JA to Pres. of Cong., Amsterdam, Oct. 15, 1781, RDCW, IV, 779-780.
1289 JA to Abigail Adams, Amsterdam, Oct. 9, 1781, JAFC, IV, 224.
1290 JA to Pres. of Cong., Amsterdam, Oct. 15, 1781, RDCW, IV, 779-780. See JAC, 151-152.
1291 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691, 721. See TPHD, 120, 151.
1292 GW to Superintendent of Finance, Chatham, Aug. 27, 1781, GWW, XXIII, 50, 52.
1293 TJMJ, 326-327.
1294 DFMC, 43.
1295 Gen. Anthony Wayne to Robert Morris, Williamsburg, Sept. 14, 1781, AWSC, 279, 280.
1296 Quoted in RDCS, XI, 463 n. -465 n.
1297 See MJTF, 607, MSOH, I, 263-265, GWRH, III, 649, ODF, 82.
1298 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain (No. 140), N.Y., Sept. 7, 1781, DRDK, XX, 222-223.
1299 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain (No. 141), N.Y., Sept. 12, 1781, DRDK, XX, 229-230.
1300 GWFB, 214.
1301 MJTF, 614. GJAY, 113. Historian Samuel Eliot Morrison placed GW’s Yorktown army at 5,645. MSOH, 264.
1302 Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Henry Clinton, Yorktown, Sept. 16, 1781, DRDK, XX, 231-232.
1303 DJFN, 246.
1304 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain (No. 142), N.Y., Sept. 26, 1781, DRDK, XX, 232-233.
1305 YCJH, 100, 112-117.
1306 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Before York, Oct. 12, 1781, GWW, XXIII, 212-213.
1307 FFKL,142.
1308 FFKL,142.
1309 GJAY, 20-21, FFKL, 142-144.
1310 JA to Pres. of Cong., Amsterdam, Oct. 15, 1781, RDCW, IV, 776-779.
1311 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Before York, Oct. 16, 1781, GWW, XXIII, 227-229.
1312 GJAY, 341.
1313 JA to Benjamin Rush, Dec. 4, 1805, A&R, 44-45.
1314 JA to Benjamin Rush, Jan. 26, 1806, A&R, 47-48.
1315 RANV, 140-141.
1316 MJSS, 180-181, PJFR, 394-395.
1317 GW to Pres. of Cong., Hdqr., Near York, Oct. 19, 1781, GWW, XXIII, 241-243.
1318 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691, 721.
1319 Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Henry Clinton, Yorktown, Oct. 20, 1781, DRDK, XX, 244-246.
1320 Gen. Anthony Wayne to Robert Morris, York, Oct. 26, 1781, AWSC, 283.
1321 MJTF, 614.
1322 MJSS, 182.
1323 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain (No. 145), London off Chesapeake, Oct. 29, 1781, DRDK, XX, 252-253.
1324 JA to Francis Dana, Amsterdam, Dec. 14, 1781, Dana Papers (MHS).
1325 BF to BFB, Passy, Jan. 25, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 372-373.
1326 BF to David Hartley, Passy, Feb. 16, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 381-382.
1327 MJTF, 617.
1328 BF to Lord Shelburne, Passy, Mar. 22, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 460-461.
1329 Lord Shelburne to BF, London, Apr. 6, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 461-462.
1330 JCCS, II, 415-416.
1331 Oswold to Shelburne, July 10, 1782, FC Lord John Russell, ed., Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox (London, 1853-1857), 4 vols., IV, 239-241. See BSDR, 207-208, MRPM, 287.
1332 See TJMD, I, 399.
1333 BSDR, 208.
1334 See JAC, 161-163.
1335 JA to Edward Jennings, Hague, July 20, 1782, JAPM, Reel 357.
1336 Lord Shelburne to Richard Oswold, July 27, 1782, Shelburne Papers (William L. Clements Lib., Univ. of Michigan), LXXI, 165-169.
1337 BF to Robert R. Livingston, Aug. 12, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 576.
1338 BFB’s Journal (translated into English by Margaret Hartmann Bache), Aug. 1, 1782-Sept. 14, 1785, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1339 BFBT, 33-34.
1340 JA to Robert Livingston, Aug. 18, 1782; crossed-out portion in JA to John Trumbull, Jan. 23, 1795, De Coppet Collection, Princeton Univ. Lib. See MRPM, 304-305.
1341 Thomas Townshend to Richard Oswald, Whitehall, Sept. 1, 1782, Shelburne Papers (William L. Clements Lib., Univ. of Michigan), LXXXVII,8 9.-96. See British Cabinet Meeting Minutes, Aug. 29, 1782, KGFJ, VI, 118, MRPM, 317-318.
1342 JA to Robert Livingston, Hague, Sept. 6, 1782, JAPM, Reel 106.
1343 Mathew Ridley to JA, Paris, Sept. 20, 1782, JAPM, Reel 358.
1344 MRPM, 315-316.
1345 JAC, 167, MJSS, 202. On Jay’s approach to the negotiations, see DJDH,146.
1346 Following Yorktown, French Admiral de Grasse returned to the West Indies and, on April 12, 1782, lost five ships-of-the-line and three thousand men to British Admiral George Rodney’s fleet. See PJFR, 397-401.
1347 Comte de Vergennes to Comte de Montmorin, Versailles, Oct. 2, 1782, BGH, III, 330-331. See BSDR, 243.
1348 BSDR, 228.
1349 RDCW, V, 805-807, MJTF, 639.
1350 BFB to BF, Geneva, Oct. 15, 1782, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1351 JAC, 163.
1352 JAC, 162.
1353 JJPA, II, 448-449.
1354 JADA, III, 37, JAGC, 166, JAPS, I, 537-539.
1355 JADA, III, 38.
1356 Mathew Ridley Diary (MHS), quoted in JADA, III, 40n.
1357 JADA, III, 39.
1358 JADA, III, 82.
1359 JA to Sec. Livingston, Paris, Oct. 31, 1782, JAWO, VII, 652-654.
1360 JADA, III, 46-47.
1361 See MRPM, 298, 360. That Jay had a negative effect on negotiations, see MJTF, 628-632, 641.
1362 JA to Sec. Livingston, Paris, Nov. 6, 1782, JAWO, VII, 659-660.
1363 JA to Sec. Livingston, Paris, Nov. 8, 1782, JAWO, VIII, 3-4.
1364 JA to Abigail Adams, Paris, Nov. 8, 1782, JAPM, Reel 359.
1365 RDCW, V, 869.
1366 JADA, III, 49-50.
1367 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams Esq. President of the United States [N.Y., Oct. 24, 1800], AHP, XXV, 169, 191.
1368 JAC, 155.
1369 See JAC, 155-157.
1370 JADA, III, 53.
1371 JADA, III, 64-65.
1372 See MJTF, 630.
1373 Vergennes to Luzerne, Nov. 23, 1782, as quoted in BSDR, 234 n. 19.
1374 BSDR, 232-233, 239.
1375 JA to Robert Livingston, Paris, Dec. 4, 1782, RDCW, VI, 106. See JAC, 184.
1376 John Jay to Robert R. Livingston, Paris, Dec. 12, 1782, JJPA, III, 6.
1377 Comte de Vergennes to BF, Versailles, Dec. 15, 1782, RDCS, IV, 55.
1378 BF to Comte de Vergennes, Passy, Dec. 17, 1782, RDCS, IV, 56-57.
1379 Vergennes to La Luzerne, Versailles, Dec. 19, 1782, BFSM, X, 390-393.
1380 BF to Samuel Cooper, Passy, Dec. 26, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 48-49.
1381 JCC, XXIV, 4-6.
1382 BSDR, 247.
1383 BFB to BF, Geneva, Jan. 30, 1783, BF Papers (Hist. Soc. of Penn.).
1384 JA to Robert Livingston, Paris, Feb. 5, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.
1385 JA to Thomas McKean, Paris, Feb. 6, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108. See JAC, 184n.
1386 James Madison to TJ, Phil., Feb. 11, 1783, JMAP, VI, 220-221.
1387 France: Feb. 25, 1783 (Ratified by the U.S. Oct. 31, 1783), TMH, II, 115, 118-120.
1388 ODF, 90-91, MJSS, 202, 204.
1389 ODF, 91.
1390 JADA, III, 41 n.-43 n. See JAC, 181-182, JAPS, I, 549.
1391 JA to Samuel Osgood, June 30, 1784, JADA, III, 43 n.
1392 James Madison to Edmund Randolph, Phil., Mar. 18, 1783, JMAP, VI, 355.
1393 BF to Henry Laurens, Mar. 20, 1783, quoted in JADR, 134.
1394 JA to James Warren, Paris, Mar. 21, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.
1395 Robert R. Livingston to Paris Commissioners, Phil., Mar. 25, 1783, RDCW, VI, 338-339.
1396 JA to Abigail Adams, Paris, Mar. 28, 1783, JAPM, Reel 360.
1397 JA to Gen. Warren, Paris, Apr. 9, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.
1398 JA to Arthur Lee, Paris, Apr. 10, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.
1399 JA to James Warren, Paris, Apr. 13, 1783, JAWL, II, 208-212.
1400 FNE, II, 171.
1401 JA to Abigail Adams, Paris, Apr. 16, 1783, JAPM, Reel 360.
1402 JCC, XXIV, 321.
1403 JADA, III, 117-118.
1404 JA to Robert R. Livingston, Paris, May 25, 1783 (unsent), JAPM, Reel 108.
1405 JCC, XXIV, 364.
1406 BF to BFB, Passy, June 23, 1783, BF Papers (Univ. of Penn.). See BFBS, 79.
1407 BFB to BF, Geneva, July 2, 1783, BFBC, Film 1506, Reell.
1408 JA to Robert Livingston, Paris, July 9, 1783, RDCW, VI, 529-530.
1409 BF to Robert R. Livingston, Passy, July 22, 1783, BFSM, VIII, 59-62.
1410 BFB to Mrs. [Sarah] Bache, July 27, 1783, quoted in in BFBT, 44.
1411 BFBT, 45. See BFPP, 9, 12.
1412 Definitive Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, Sept. 3, 1783 (ratified by the U.S., Jan. 14, 1784), TMH, II, 115, 152-153.
1413 GWAC, 173.
1414 JADA, III, 141-142.
1415 BP, Apr. 29, May 2, 1812, quoted in JADA, III, 143 n.-144 n. On the timing of JA’s illness, JA writes that, as of Sept. 14, 1783, “I had been some days unwell, but soon fell down with a Fever.” Diary, Paris, Sept. 14, 1783, JADA, III, 143.
1416 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Paris, Sept. 10, 1783, JAPM, Reel 107.
1417 BF to John Jay, Passy, Sept. 10, 1783, RDCW, VI, 686. BF sent identical letters of the same date to John Jay and JA.
1418 JA to Ben Franklin, Paris, Sept. 13, 1783, RDCW, VI, 696.
1419 Samuel Osgood to JA, Annapolis, Dec. 7, 1783, LCC, VII, 378, 383-384, 386.
1420 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of JA … [N.Y., Oct. 24,1800], AHP, XXV, 169, 190-191.
1421 GW, Address to Cong. in Resigning His Commission, [Annapolis, Dec. 23, 1783], GWW, XXVII, 284-285.
1422 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691, 718.
1423 JCC, XXVI, 22-23.
1424 BF to Mrs. Sarah Bache, Passy, Jan. 26, 1784, BFSM, IX, 161-162.
1425 MHCC. See BFCV, 710, BFWE, 326, BFFC, 80-82.
1426 See James A. Leith, “La Culte de Franklin en France Avant et Pendant la Révolution Française,” AHFR, XLVIII, (Oct.-Dec., 1976), 543, 565.
1427 JAC, 194-195.
1428 JA to Arthur Lee, Hague, Apr. 6, 1784, ALLR, II, 250-251.
1429 Two drafts of letters (unsent) from JA to Samuel Osgood, Hague, Apr. 9, 1784, JAPM, Reel 362. The increasing type size is intended to mirror the size change in JA’s handwriting.
1430 JCC, XXVI, 355-356.
1431 BF to Samuel Mather, Passy, May 12, 1784, BFWS, X, 82, 84-85.
1432 JAC, 195, TJAH, 98.
1433 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1434 BF to William Strahan, Passy, Aug. 19, 1784, BFSM, IX, 259, 263-264.
1435 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1436 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1. See BFPP, 9, 12.
1437 BF to Richard Bache, Passy, Nov. 11, 1784, BFSM, IX, 278-279.
1438 EHFJ, 6, as translated in FNE, II, 80.
1439 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Auteuil, Dec. 12, 1784, JAPM, Reel 107.
1440 JCC, XXVIII, 98.
1441 Elbridge Gerry to JA, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1785, JAPM, Reel 364.
1442 JCC, XXVIII, 134.
1443 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1. See Albert J. George, The Didot Family and the Progress of Printing (Syracuse, N.Y., 1961), 6-13.
1444 JA to Richard Price, Auteuil, Apr. 8, 1785, JAWO, VIII 232.
1445 Richard Price, Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of Making it a Benefit to the World. With a letter to Price from Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (London, 1784), 71-87, REDX 18,739.
1446 Anne-Robert Jacques Turgot to Dr. Richard Price, Mar. 22, 1778, reprinted in Bernard Peach, ed., Richard Price and the Ethical Foundations of the American Revolution (Durham, N. C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1979), 215-219.
1447 JAWO, IX, 623.
1448 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Auteuil, May 2, 1785, JAPM, Reel 364.
1449 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1450 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1451 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1452 BF to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bache, Passy, May 10, 1785, BFSM, X, 327-328.
1453 JAPS, II, 624-625.
1454 TJ to Rev. William Smith, Phil., Feb. 19, 1791, TJPB, XIX, 112-113.
1455 JA to Sec. John Jay, Bath Hotel, Westminster, June 2, 1785, JAWO, VIII, 255, 258.
1456 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1457 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1458 TJ to Rev. William Smith, Phil., Feb. 19, 1791, TJPB, XIX, 112-113.
1459 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.
1460 JAWO, IX, 622-623. See BFPL, XXII, 514.
1461 WDBF, I, 367 n.
1462 On BFB and Rousseau, see BFBT, 130, 138.
1463 [Paul Wentworth], “Minutes Respecting Political Parties in America and Sketches of the Leading Persons in Each Province” [app. 1778] … The Endorsement … by the hand of Wm Eden. SFAC, V, 487.
1464 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796.
1465 JA to Benjamin Rush, Sept. 30, 1805, A&R, 39-40.
1466 WDRP, 558.
1467 FNE, II, 81.
1468 Thomas Paine to BF, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1785, TPW, II, 1250.
1469 Thomas Paine to Temple Franklin, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1785, TPW, II, 1251.
1470 BF to Thomas Paine, Phil., Sept. 27, 1785, BFSM, X, 467-468.
1471 TPHD, 162.
1472 BF to Mrs. Mary Hewson, Oct 30, 1785, Phil., BFSM, IX, 473-474.
1473 BF to Mrs. Mary Hewson, May 6, 1786, Phil., BFSM, IX, 510, 512.
1474 SRMG, 33-35.
1475 JA to Samuel Perley, June 19, 1809, JAWO IX, 623.
1476 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 486.
1477 See JAPP, 31, 38, JAGC, 212, JA to Benj. Rush, Braintree, Dec. 2, 1788, JAWO, IX, 556.
1478 A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States …, JAWO, IV, 299-300.
1479 JAWO, IV, 358-359.
1480 JAWO, IV, 391-393.
1481 JAWO, IV, 397.
1482 JAWO, IV, 406.
1483 JAWO, IV, 414.
1484 JAWO, IV, 444-445.
1485 JAWO, IV, 553.
1486 TJ to William Short, Monticello, Jan. 8, 1825, TJWF, XII, 388, 394-395.
1487 John Jay to GW, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1787, JJPA, III, 226-227.
1488 BFCV, 743-744.
1489 “The Society for Political Enquiries,” TPW, II, 41-43.
1490 JA to Samuel Perley, Quincy, June 19, 1809, JAWO, IV, IX, 621, 623-624.
1491 GLEF, 98-102, SSC, 237ff.
1492 Autobiography, TJWF, I, 106.
1493 Henry Knox to GW, Mar. 19, 1787, GWWS, IX, 237 n.-238 n.
1494 Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, London, Mar. 20, 1787, JAPM, Reel 369.
1495 BF to Due de La Rochefoucauld, Phil., Apr. 15, 1787, WDBF, VI, 195-197.
1496 BF to Marquis de Chastellux, Phil., Apr. 17, 1787, WDBF, VI, 197-198.
1497 TPHD 173.
1498 BF to Francis Childs, Phil., May 8, 1787, BFSM, IX, 580-581.
1499 John Jay to JA, Off. of Foreign Affairs, May 12, 1787, JJPA, III, 246.
1500 FBRS, 192. See LFGB, 310, 314-315, CFR 13.
1501 SSC, 281-283.
1502 JMAD, I, 17-18.
1503 Thomas Paine to BF, Paris, June 22, 1787, TPW, II, 1262.
1504 CBCMP, 34-35.
1505 JMAD, I, 31.
1506 JMAD, I, 37-40.
1506a Benjamin Rush to Richard Price, Phil., June 2, 1787, BRL, I, 418.
1507 JMAD, I, 41-46.
1508 JMAD, I, 49-55.
1509 BF, “Speech in a Comm. of the Convention,” June 11, 1787, BFSM, X, 595-599.
1510 JMAD, I, 111-120.
1511 Alexander Hamilton’s Notes [June 18, 1787], AHP, IV, 185-186.
1512 TJ to William Short, Monticello, Jan. 8, 1825, TJWF, XII, 388, 392-394.
1513 Anas, TJWF, I, 163, 179-180.
1514 Thomas Paine to BF, Paris, June 22, 1787, TPW, II, 1262.
1515 BF, “Proposal for Consideration in the Convention for Forming the Constitution of the United States,” June 30, 1787, BFSM, X, 602-603.
1516 BFBR, 34-35.
1517 JAPS, II, 711.
1518 John Jay to JA, N.Y., July 25, 1787, JJPA, III, 251.
1519 BFB to BF, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1787, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2. See BFPO, 158-159.
1520 JMAD, II, 363-368.
1521 JMAD, II, 373-374.
1522 BFB to R. Bache, N.Y., Aug 8, 1787, BFBC, Film, 1506, Reel 2.
1523 BFB to BF, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1787, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
1524 “BF’s Speech at the Conclusion of the Constitutional Convention,” BBDC, I, 3-4.
1525 WDRP, 564.
1526 JMAD, II, 577-583.
1527 Remark to Gilbert Stuart in 1825, quoted by MSOH, 347.
1528 Letter from “Z,” in Independent Chronicle (Boston), Dec. 6, 1787, quoted in BBDC, I, 6, 8.
1528a The 17th Amendment (providing for direct popular election of U.S. senators) won’t be adopted until 1913. The idea that, even with this change, the U.S. Senate would remain the handmaiden of aristocracy is a corollary of the anti-federalist fear that only wealthy aristocrats can win in larger voting districts (see anti-federalist arguments on the size of the House of Representatives, cited supra n. 718).
1529 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 471-472.
1530 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 470-471.
1531 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 468.
1532 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 473.
1533 “Centinel” in the Independent Gazetteer (Phil.), Oct. 5, 1787, quoted in BBDC, I, 52, 54-61.
1534 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691-694.
1535 “To the Citizens of Penn. on the Proposal for Calling a Convention” [1805], TPW, II, 992, 995, 1001.
1536 TPLW, 9.
1537 WD reports that, during the decade following publication of the Federalist Papers, Hamilton was thought to be their exclusive author. AGA, June 7, 1800.
1538 PAFC, I, 186, AFC, III, 97.
1539 BFBS, 90.
1540 Independent Chronicle (Boston), Dec. 6, 1787, BBDC, I, 6-8.
1541 Thomas Paine to George Clymer, Paris, Dec. 29, 1787, TPW, II, 1266.
1542 Lafayette to Henry Knox, Paris, Feb. 4, 1788, Henry Knox Papers (MHS), Reel 23 (letter misdated on microfilm).
1543 BF to Madame Brillon, Apr. 19, 1788, Phil., BFSM, IX, 643-645.
1544 JAPS, II, 730-731.
1545 Due de La Rochefoucauld to BF, Paris, July 12, 1788, BFWS, X, 355, as quoted in J. Paul Selsam and Joseph G. Rayback, “French Comment on the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776,” PMHB, LXXVI (1952), 311, 325.
1546 GW to Noah Webster, Mt. Vernon, July 31, 1788, GWW, XXX, 26-27.
1547 JA to Benjamin Rush, Mar. 19- Apr. 22, 1812, A&R, 211, 212-213.
1548 GLEF, 102.
1549 TJ to James Monroe, Paris, Aug. 9, 1788, TJPB, XIII, 488, 489-490.
1550 FNE, II, 81.
1551 BF to M. Le Veillard, Phil., Oct. 24, 1788, BFSM, X, 673-674.
1552 GLEF, 104-105.
1553 BF to Mrs. Catherine Greene, Phil., Mar. 2, 1789, BFSM, X, 3, 4.
1554 TJ to Francis Hopkinson, Paris, Mar. 13, 1789, TJPB, XIV, 649-651.
1555 BFBR, 3.
1556 Benjamin Rush to JA, Feb. 12, 1812, A&R, 206, 209-210.
1557 JA to Benjamin Rush, Quincy, Apr. 22, 1812, JAOF, 375, 377.
1558 John Hench, “Letters of John Fenno and John Ward Fenno,” PAAS, Vol. 89, Part 1 (1979), 301-302.
1559 JWMA, 3.
1560 JWM, 10-13.
1561 GLEF, 121.
1562 TJ to Lafayette, Paris, May 6, 1789, TJPB, XV, 97-98.
1563 JWMA, 40-41.
1564 JWMA, 46.
1565 JWM, 30.
1566 James Madison to TJ, N.Y., May 23, 1789, TJPB, XV, 147-148.
1567 Benjamin Rush to JA, Phil., June 4, 1789, BRL, I, 513-515.
1568 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., June 9, 1789, JAOF, 36-38.
1569 WDRP, 8.
1570 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., June 19, 1789, JAOF, 39-40.
1571 JA to Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, N.Y., June 19, 1789, JAPM, Reel 115.
1572 JA to Hon. Jabez Bowen, Richmond Hill, N.Y., June 26, 1789, JAPM, Reel 115.
1573 JA to Benjamin Rush, Richmond Hill, July 5, 1789, JAOF, 41-43.
1574 TJ to Thomas Paine, Paris, July 11, 1789, TJPB, XV, 266-268.
1575 DMSM, xii, GLEF, 135-137.
1576 WDRP, 17.
1577 SSC, 453-455.
1578 TJ to Thomas Paine, Paris, July 17, 1789, TJPB, XV, 279.
1579 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., July 24, 1789, JAOF, 44-47.
1580 TJ to James Madison, Paris, July 29, 1789, TJPB, XV, 315-316.
1581 See FBRS, 269-270, 176.
1582 WDRP, 30.
1583 TJ to William Carmichael, Paris, Aug. 9, 1789, TJPB, XV, 236-238.
1584 WDGE, 22-23.
1585 WDRP, 38-39.
1586 SSC, 442. See Lafayette to TJ, Versailles, July 6, 1789, TJPB, XV, 249, GLEF, 143-145.
1587 WDRP, 39-40.
1588 TJ to James Madison, Paris, Aug. 28, 1789, TJPB, XV, 364-367.
1589 SSC, 458. On the choice between the JA and BF models in France, see Joyce Appleby, “America as a Model for the Radical French Reformers of 1789,” William and Mary Quarterly, XXVIII (1971), 267-286.
1590 SSC, 458.
1591 JA to Count Sarsfield, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1789, JAPM, Reel 115.
1592 JWM, 155.
1593 GW to TJ, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1789, GWPB, IV, 174.
1594 BF to Samuel Moore, Phil., Nov. 5, 1789, BFSM, X, 63.
1595 “Queries and Remarks …” BFWS, X, 54, 58-60.
1596 BFAW, 780, 768.
1597 BF to David Hartley, Phil., Dec. 4, 1789, BFSM, X, 72.
1598 BFB to Margaret Markoe, Phil., Dec. 6, 1789, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
1599 DSFR, 167-168.
1600 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., Feb. 2, 1790, JAOF, 54-55.
1601 ANC, 1C, 2S, 984.
1602 JWM, 191-192.
1603 JA to Francis Adrian Vanderkemp, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1790, JAPM, Reel 115.
1604 “To the Citizens of Pennsylvania on the Proposal for Calling a Convention” [1805], TPW, II, 992, 993, 998.
1605 Thomas Paine to Anonymous, Paris, Mar. 16, 1789 [sic], TPW, II, 1285-1286. This misdated letter is logically placed a year later. See TPHD, 202.
1606 JA to Francis Adrian Vanderkemp, N.Y., Mar. 27, 1790, JAPM, Reel 115.
1607 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., Apr. 4, 1790, JAOF, 55-57.
1608 Benjamin Rush to JA, Phil., Apr. 13, 1790, BRL, I, 544, 546.
1609 BFWE, 347, BFBB, 117.
1610 BFB to Margaret Markoe, Phil., May 2, 1790, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
1611 BFPL, I, 109-111.
1612 ANC, 1C, 2S, 1534.
1613 TJ to William Short, N.Y., Apr. 27, 1790, TJPB, XVI, 387-388.
1614 TJ to Benjamin Rush, Wash., Oct. 4, 1803, TJWF, X, 31-32.
1615 “Discourses on Davila …” JAWO, VI, 225.
1616 Lettres d’un Bourgeois de New-Heaven à un Citoyen de Virginie, sur l’inutilité de partager législatif entre plusieurs corps. [Letters from a common citizen of New Haven to a Citizen of Virginia on the uselessness of dividing legislative power between several bodies], included in Filippo Mazzei, Recherches historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale: où l’on traite des établissemens des treize colonies, de leurs rapports et de leurs dissentions avec la Grande-Bretagne, de leurs gouvernements avant et après la revolution, &c./par un citoyen de Virginie; avec quatre lettres d’un bourgeois de New Haven [Condorcet] sur l’unité de la législation, 4 vols. (Paris: Froulle, 1788), I, 267-371.
1617 “Discourses on Davila …” JAWO, VI, 224, 252.
1618 “Discourses on Davila …” JAWO, VI, 224, 399.
1619 Thomas Paine to GW, London, May 1, 1790, TPW, II, 1302-1303.
1620 WDRP, 62, See CFR, 152.
1621 JA to Thomas Brand-Hollis, N.Y., June 11, 1790, JAWO, IX, 571.
1622 Quoted in BFFC, 212-213, and in FBRS, 287.
1623 Louis-Guillaume Le Veillard to BFB, Paris, June 10, 1790, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
1624 TJ to Rev. William Smith, Phil., Feb. 19, 1791, TJPB, XIX, 112-113.
1625 LJLC, II, 34-35, as quoted in BFFC, 92.
1626 Gilbert Chinard, “The Apotheosis of Benjamin Franklin,” PAPS, Vol. 99 (1955), 440, 463.
1627 Journal de la Société de 1789, June 19, 1790, as quoted in BFFC, 87.
1628 On Brissot’s relationship to Franklin and America, see FBRS, 237-246.
1629 See FBRS, 237-247.
1630 J. P. Brissot de Warville, “Reflections on the Constitution of Pennsylvania” (1782), trans. by J. Paul Selsam, PMHB, LXXII (1948), 25-43.
1631 GLEF, 169.
1632 WDRP, 62-63.
1633 James A. Leith, “La Culte de Franklin en France Avant et Pendant la Révolution Française,” AHFR, XLVIII, (Oct.-Dec., 1976), 543, 565.
1634 See Robert Morris to BFB, July 28, 1790, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.
1635 AGA’s original name was General Advertiser and Political, Commercial, Agricultural and Literary Journal. For the history of the paper’s masthead names, see BCAN, 891-892.
1636 JWM, 349-350, 378.
1637 Gilbert Chinard, “The Apotheosis of Benjamin Franklin,” PAPS, Vol. 99 (1955), 451-452.
1638 JWM, 379-380.
1639 TJ to Benjamin Rush, Wash., Oct. 4, 1803, TJWF, X, 31-32.
1640 TPHD 223-227.
1641 TPW, I, 298-301.
1642 TPW, I, 313-314.
1643 TPW, I, 338-340.
1644 TJ to Jonathan B. Smith, Apr. 26, 1791, TJPB, XX, 290.
1645 See TJPB, XX, 272.
1646 TJ to James Madison, Phil., May 9, 1791, TJPB, XX, 293.
1647 Tobias Lear to GW, May 8, 1791, GW Papers (LC), as quoted in TJPB, XX, 277.
1648 JAWO, VI, 272.
1649 Anas, TJWF, I, 163, 180.
1650 Thomas Paine to Messieurs Condorcet, Nicolas de Bonneville, and Lanthanas, Paris, June, 1791, TPW, II, 1315.
1651 GUS, July 20, 1791. The series was first published in the Columbia Centinel (Boston), June 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 29, July 2, 9, 13, 20, 27, 1791. AGA carried “Publicola” series on June 30, July 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 15, 20, 24, 28, Aug 2, 1791.
1652 CFR, 237.
1653 GLEF, 193.
1654 Séance du vendredi 7 octobre 1791. Correspondance patriotique, I (1791), 67, as quoted in BFFC, 87.
1655 TJ to Pres. of the U.S., Monticello, Sept. 9, 1792, TJPB, XXIV, 351, 354-355.
1656 TPW, I, 389.
1657 TPW, I, 410-413.
1658 TPW, I, 415.
1659 TJ to Lafayette, Phil., June 16, 1792, TJPB, XXIV, 290.
1660 TJ to Thomas Paine, Phil., June 19, 1792, TJPB, XX, 312.
1661 TPHD 257.
1662 See Thomas Paine, “Answer to Four Questions on the Legislative and Executive Powers,” TPW, II, 521-534.
1663 WDRP, 194.
1664 SSC, 639-641, CFR, 291.
1665 Thomas Paine to Benjamin Mosley, Paris, Oct. I, I Year of the Republic, TPW, II, 1326.
1666 WDRP, 194.
1667 Thomas Paine, Address to the People of France, Sept. 25, 1792, TPW, II, 537-540.
1668 Thomas Paine, “An Essay for the Use of New Republicans in Their Opposition to Monarchy,” TPW, II, 541, 543, 546-547.
1669 JA to Lafayette, Hague, May 21, 1782, JAWO, VII, 593.
1670 JAWO, IV, 358-359.
1671 Thomas Paine to William Short, Nov. 2, 1791, TPW, II, 1320.
1672 TPHD 266-267.
1673 LEV, 285-286, TPHD 267-270.
1674 As quoted in JCHU, 230-231.
1675 See The Whole Proceedings on the Trial of an Information Exhibited ex Officio by the King’s Attorney-General Against Thomas Paine … Taken in Short-Hand by Joseph Gurney (London: Sold by Martha Gurney, 1793), 71-73.
1676 GLEF, 221-222.
1677 BP, May 15, 1811, as reprinted in JAWO, I, 649, 660-663.
1678 GLEF, 236.
1679 JA to Abigail Adams, N.Y., Mar. 2, 1793, JAPM, Reel 376.
1680 Tom Paine to Danton (undated), Danton Files, item #5, AF II 49, Dossier 380, Archives Nationales, Paris, cited and attributed in TPKJ, 357, 597, n.17.
1681 JAWO, VI, 403. See JAPP, 167.
1682 WDRP, 563. James Thomson Callender details the Democratic-Republican argument in JCPB, I, 95-108.
1683 Willard Sterne Randall, Thomas Jefferson: A Life (New York: Henry Holt, 1993), 513-517. See GUS, Aug. 28, 1800.
1684 AGA, Apr. 24, 1793. See TPHD 263-264.
1685 French admirers often addressed BF as “Papa.” BFLC. See, in general, James A. Leith, “La Culte de Franklin en France Avant et Pendant la Révolution Française,” AHFR, XLVIII, (Oct.-Dec., 1976), 543-571.
1686 R. R. Palmer observes, “The constitutions drafted in Pennsylvania in 1776, and in France in 1793, were, in their formal provisions, by far the most democratic of any produced in the eighteenth century.” ADR, II, 219.
1687 Detail, plate #12, BRP.