
for Your Home: Texture

Women often want their home to feel feminine, but they may not want to decorate with floral patterns and lace. Or you may have a man living with you who does not appreciate having doilies and pink everywhere! Bless him. Deep breaths. You can still have feminine without the fluff. You can still have masculine without animal heads and sports memorabilia on every wall too. Here is where texture comes into play.

All objects have a visual or perceived texture to them that allows your eyes to feel the space before your hands do. To add a casual vibe that will make your man feel more at ease, consider textures that are rough, sturdy, or rugged. Think of adding wood, stucco, or stone on the floor, walls, or horizontal counter space. For a more traditional or feminine feel without the frills use fine, smooth, or soft textures or curved shapes throughout the space. Can you mix textures? Absolutely. In fact, most contemporary spaces have a mix of both.2