
for Your Home and Heart

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. (Rom. 12:6)

I am often asked, does everything in my home have to match? Sometimes the person asking means color-wise, and other times they mean style-wise. My answer is no! Your furniture pieces do not have to be the same shade of blue. In fact, it is nearly impossible to get the fabric, carpet color, and paint to be the same shade of a particular color. Contrast is a good thing, and varying shades of a color throughout a room is too.

Regarding style, just because your home is mostly done in a contemporary style doesn’t mean you can’t have an antique side table or chair thrown into the mix. Adding a piece that is from a different style or time period adds interest to the space.

This made me think of you and me. Sometimes we don’t feel stylish or that we belong. We may be all contemporary and everyone else is, well . . . traditional. I encourage you to be you. We are not created to match everyone else’s style. Varying spiritual gifts and talents have been given to all of us, which creates beauty and interest within the kingdom of God. He has placed you where you are for a reason. Eclectic is in, so embrace how God has made you and whatever room he has seated you in.