
Muse Minutes

  1. To help cement principle #5 into that beautiful mind and heart of yours, rewrite in your own words what balance is here.Rewrite in your own words how God uses this principle in our lives.
  2. Do you see God as a Father or as a foe? Are you blaming him for something, forgetting that God is neither the source nor the cause of evil in this world? Do you believe God is for you or against you? Explain.
  3. Is forgiveness something that is easy or difficult for you? Why do you think this is?If forgiveness is difficult for you, what are some things that may help you grow in your ability to forgive God or others more easily? (I encourage you to pray and talk to God about these. Ask him to help you forgive as he forgives. I also encourage you to share your answers with someone who is trustworthy so they can be praying for and encouraging you in this area of your life.)