
I’d like to thank the entire team at Entangled Publishing for all their hard work and long hours, especially my editor Alethea Spiridon who has been so amazingly supportive. Of course, I send glittery kisses to my agent. Nic, I love you!

A big shout-out to my real-life rogue bocce team: Julie, Trina, Ashling, Ginnie, Victoria, Mikaela, Nikki, Kristin, and Max, Maura and Eleanor, too. Go Team A or B or 1 or 2 or Ikea or Christmas! Thanks for welcoming me into the group and for adding some fun to my summers!

A huge thank you to my family and friends. To my fur-baby Harry, I can’t imagine writing a book without you sleeping under my desk, or, on occasion, lounging across my laptop.

To Jen-Jen and Katinka and the infamous sangria-filled BBQ singing The Golden Girls theme song. Sorry, neighbors!

Lastly, I’d like to thank my Nunnie, who not only decided I would be a writer when I was a little girl, but also introduced me to many things I probably shouldn’t have been watching at an early age. Thank you for the introduction to Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia. You were right, they were ahead of their time. And I treasure those Saturday night sleepovers laughing at the TV. I miss you!