
ABDOMEN or belly  e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the infant

“Abdominal type ” of breathing, the

Abdominal wall, the

Abduction, of the arm

Abductor indicis, the

Acetabulum, the

Acromio-clavicular joint

Acromion, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  process, the

“Adam’s apple,”

Adduction of the arm

Adductor magnus muscle, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  muscles

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  tubercle, the

Air-cavity or frontal sinus

Air sinus of the mastoid process

Alæ of the nose

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  or wings of the thyroid cartilage


Anaemic subjects

Anatomical waist, the

“Anatomist’s snuff-box,” the

Anconeus muscle

Angle of torsion of the foot

Angles of the scapula

Ankle, the

Ankle-joint, movements of the

Annular ligament, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  ligaments of the foot

Ante-cubital fossa, the

Anterior superior spine of the ilium

Antrum of Highmore, the

Aponeurosis, the

Aqueous humour of the eye

Arch or “ dome ” of the foot, the

Arm, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the human

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  and leg compared

Armpit, the

Astragalus, the

Auricle or ear

Axilla or armpit


BACK of the hand, the


“Ball and socket” joint

Ball of the toe, the

Basilic vein

Bat, limbs of the

Bear, the foot of the

“Beetling brow,” the

Biceps flexor cruris

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  muscle, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the tendon of the

Bicipital groove, the

Bicipital tuberosity, the




Blushing and pallor

“ Body ” or horizontal part of the mandible

Bones of the foot, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the forearm

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the lower limb, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the skull, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the vertebral column

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the wrist

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  various forms of

Borders of the scapula

Brachial artery, the

Brachycephalic or broad head

“Breaking” of the voice

Breast, the female

Breast-bone, the

Bridge of the nose

Buccal cavity, the

Buccinator muscle

Buttocks, the



Calvaria, the

Capitellum, the

Carotid artery, the

Carpals, or bones of the wrist

Carpus or wrist

Carrying angle, the

Cartilage of the nose

Cartilaginous auricle, the

Caruncle, the

Cat, the foot of the

Cephalic vein, the

Cervical vertebræ

Cheek, the

Cheek-bone, the

Chest or thorax, the

Chin, the

Chin, the, as an indication of character

Choroid of the eye, the

Ciliary muscle, the

Circumduction of the arm

Clavicle, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  in quadrupeds, the

Coccyx, the

Colour of the skin

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the eye, the

Columna nasi, the

Comparative Anatomy

Complexus muscle, the

Compressor naris

Concha of the ear, the


 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  internal and external

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the humerus, the

Conjunctiva or membrane of the eyes

Contraction of the muscles

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the pupil of the eye

“ Co-ordination ” of muscles

Coraco-brachialis muscles

Coracoid process, the

Cornea, the

Corrugator supercilii muscle

“Costal type ” of breathing

Cotyloid notch, the

Cranial bones, the

Cranium, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  in relation to the spine

Crest of the ilium, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the tibia, the

Cricoid cartilage, the

Crico-thyroid membrane, the

Criminology and the skin

Crureus, the

Crus helicis, the

Cuboid, the

Cuneiform bones of the foot, the

Curve in the spine


DARK hair

Darwin’s tubercle



Deep fascia, the

Deer, the foot of the


Deltoid muscle, the

Depressor alæ nasi

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  anguli oris


Diaphragm, the

Digastric muscle, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  triangle, the


Digitigrade animals

Digits, the bones of the

Dilatores naris



Dog, the foot of

Dolichocephalic or long head

Dorsal surface of the scapula

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  vertebræ

Dorsum of the foot

“ Double chin,” the


EAR, the

Elbow, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  and knee compared

Elbow-joint, the

Elephant, the foot of the

Emaciation, the appearance of

Ensiform or lower part of the sternum

Ensiform cartilage

Erector spinæ muscle

Ethmoid bone, the

Expression dependent on correlated action of facial muscles

Expression and Gesture

Extension of the arm

Extensor brevis digitorum

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  carpi radialis brevior

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  carpi radialis longio. muscle

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif communis digitorum

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  internodii pollicis

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  internodii pollicis tendons

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  longus digitorum

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  longus hallucis

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  longus pollicis muscle, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  ossis metacarpi pollicis

Extensors of the foot and toes

External auditory meatus

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  malleolus, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  oblique muscle, the

Extremities, divisions of the

Eye, the light in the

Eyeballs, the

Eyebrows, the

Eyelashes, the

Eyelids, the


FACE, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  types of

Facial bones, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  nerve, the

False pelvis, the

Fascia lata

Fat, the deposit of


Female waist, the

Femur, the

Fibula, the

Fingers, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif flexion and extension of the

Flat bones, the

Flexion of the arm

Flexor carpi radialis tendon, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  longus hallucis muscle

“Floating ribs,”

Fold of the axilla

Foot, the bones of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the human

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the infant, the

Foramen magnum, the

Forearm, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the bones of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  veins of the

Forehead, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  types of

Form of the model, the

Frog, the leg of a

Frontal bone, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  eminence, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  furrows

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  sinus, the

Frontalis muscle, the



Gesture and expression

Gladiolus, part of the sternum

Glands of the skin

Glenoid cavity, the

Globe of the eye, the

Gluteal muscles, the

Gluteus maximus, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  medius, the

“Goitre” or “Derbyshire neck,”


Gracilis muscle, the

Great omentum, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  toe, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  trochanter, the

Greyhound, the foot of the


Groin, the


HAIR, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  direction of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  follicles

Ham or popliteal space

Hamstring muscles, the

Hand, the

Head, divisions of the


Heel or os calcis, the

Helix of the ear

Hill, Sir Charles

Hip-bones, the

Hip-joint and shoulder compared

Horse, the foot of the

Humerus, or bone of the arm

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  movements of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  in man and quadrupeds

Humphrey, Sir George

Hyoid bone, the


ILIAC crest, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  wings, the

Ilio-costal space, the

Ilio-psoas flexor, the

Ilio-tibial band, the

Ilium, the

Imprint of the foot

Inclination and torsion of the femur

Infancy and old age

Infant, the development and measurements of

Infants, male and female, comparison of

Infant’s skull

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  smiles and tears

Inferior angle of the scapula

Infra-clavicular fossa, the

Infra-spinatus muscle, the

Infra-sternal fossa, or “pit of the stomach,”

“Insertion” of a muscle, the

Instep, the

Intercondyloid notch

Intercostals, the

Internal malleolus, the

Interossei muscles

Interosseous membrane of the arm

Iris of the eye, the

Ischium, the


JAUNDICE, the yellow tinge of

Jaw, the movements of the

Jugular veins, the


KEYSTONE of the arch of the foot, the

Knee, the

“Knee” of the deer, the

Knee-cap, the


Knuckles, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the toes


LACHRYMAL cananiculus, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  gland, the

Larynx, the

Latissimus dorsi, the


Leg, the

Lens of the eye, the

Lesser trochanter, the

Levator anguli oris

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  labii superioris

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  menti

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  palpebralis superioris

Ligaments joining the radius to the ulna

Ligamentum nuchæ, the

,, patellæ, the

“ Light in the eye,” the

Linea alba, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  aspera, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  semi-lunaris, the

Lineæ atrophicæ

Lines on the palms, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the thumb

Lion, the foot of the

Lips, the

Lobe or lobule of the ear

Loins, the

Long bones, the

“ Lower chest,” the

Lower jaw, the

Lumbar vertebrae

Lunula of the nails


MALAR or cheek-bone, the

Male and female outlines

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif pelvis

Malleolus, the

Man, the leg of

Man and horse compared, skeletons of

Man and lower animals, essential differences between

Mandible, the

Manubrium, part of the sternum

Masseter muscle, the

Mastoid process, the

Maxillary bones, the

Meatus, the

Median basilic vein

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  cephalic vein, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  nasal spine, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  vein, the

Membranous ligament of the forearm

Mental protuberance

Mesial border of the scapula

Metacarpal bones, the

Metacarpo-phalangeal joint, the

Metatarsal bones, the


Monkey compared with man, the

Motor and sensory functions, the

Moustache and beard, the

Mouth, the

Movements of the ankle-joint

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the bones

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the hip-joint

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the knee

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the toes

Mucous membrane, the

Muscle, anconeus

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  adductor magnus

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  biceps

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the coraco-brachialis

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the deltoid

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  erector spinæ

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  extensor communis digitorum

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif   e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  carpiradialis brevior

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif   e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  carpiradialis longior

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif   e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  ossis metacarpi pollicis

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the gastrocnemius

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the gracilis

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the infra-spinatus

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  pectoralis major

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  pronator radii teres

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  quadriceps

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  supinator longus

Muscle, the supra-spinatus

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  tailor’s

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the tensor fasciae femoris

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the trapezius

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the triceps

Muscles, adductor

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  attached to flat bones

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  contraction of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the back of the neck

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the ear

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the eye

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the fingers

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the hamstring

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the hip-joint

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the leg

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the mouth

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the nose

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the shoulder-joint

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  superficial flexor

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  tibialis anticus, extensor longus hallucis, extensor longus digitorum, peroneus tertius

Musculo-cutaneous nerve of the leg

“Musculus cucullaris,”


NAILS, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the toes

Nasal bones, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  fossæ, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  septum, the

Naso-labial fold, the

Natal fold, the

Navicular or scaphoid, the

Neck, the

Nélaton’s line

Nipples, position of the

Nose, the

Nostrils, the


OCCIPITAL bone, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  protuberance, the

Occipitalis muscle, the

Occipito-frontalis muscle, the

Old age

Olecranon process, the

Omo-hyoid muscle, the

Opposition, of the thumb

Orbicularis oris

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  palpebrarum muscle

Orbital margins

Orbits of the eyes, the

Origin of the muscle, the

Os calcis or heel

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  pubis, the

Ossa innominata



Palate, the


Palm of the hand, the

Palmar fascia

Palmaris longus tendon

Palpebral fissure, the

Panniculus adiposus

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  carnosus, the

Parietal bones, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  eminence, the

Parotid gland, the

Patella, the

Pectoralis major muscle

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  minor, the

Pelvis, the

Peroneal tubercle, the

Peronei, the

Peroneus longus tendon, the

“ Perspiration ” or “sweat,”

Phalanges or bones of the digits, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the foot, the

Pigment of the skin

Pisiform bone, the

“Pit of the stomach,” the

Plantigrade animals

Platysma, the

Popliteal space, the

Posterior annular ligament, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  superior spine of the ilium

Poupart’s ligament

Processes of the scapula

Pronation of the forearm

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  and supination

Pronator quadratus, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  radii teres, the

Proportions, male and female

Protective bones


Ptosis or drooping of the eyelids


Pubes, the

Pulse, the

Punctum, the

Pupil of the eye, the

Pyramidalis nasi


QUADRICEPS extensor cruris, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  muscle, the


RADIO-ULNAR articulations

Radius, the

“ Ramus ” or vertical part of the mandible

Rectus abdominis, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  femoris, the

Relative measurements

Resonating air-chambers

Retina of the eye, the

Rhomboideus major, the

Ribs, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of man and horse compared, the

Ridges and furrows of the skin

Risorius, the

Root of the nose, the

Rotation of the arm

“ Round shoulders,”


SACRAL vertebrae, the

Sacro-iliac ligaments


Saphenous vein

Sartorius or tailor’s muscle

Scalp, the

Scaphoid, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  fossa of the ear

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  tubercle of the

Scapula, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of a horse, the

Scarpa’s triangle

Sclerotic, the


Sebaceous glands


Semilunar fascia, the

Semi-membranosus, the

Semi-tendinosus, the

Serratus magnus muscle, the

Sesamoids, the

Shaft of the humerus

Shape of the nose

Shin, the

Short bones, the

Shoulder, the

Shoulder-blade or scapula

Shoulder-joint, the


Sigmoid cavity, the

Skeleton, the shape of the

Skin, the

Skin of the forehead, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the palm, the

Skull of an adult, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of an infant, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  divisions of the


“ Snub” nose

Sole of the foot, the

Soleus, the

Sphenoid bone, the

Spinal column, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  cord

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  nerve

Spine, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  in relation to the cranium, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the pubes, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the scapula, the

Spinous process, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif   e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the scapula

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  processes of the vertebræ

Squamous part of the temporal bone


“Sternal angle,” the

Sterno-mastoid muscle, the

Sternum or breast-bone

Stylo-hyoid muscle, the

Styloid process, the

Subcutaneous tissue

Sub-mental pad, the

Sucking pad of the infant


Superciliary ridge, the

Superficial fascia

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  flexor muscles

Superficialis volæ artery, the

Superior angle of the scapula

Supination and pronation

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the forearm

Supinator longus muscle

Supra-condylar ridges, the

Supra-orbital margin, the

Supra-spinatus muscle, the

Supra-sternal fossa, the

Surface form of the foot

“Surgical neck,” the

Sutures of the bones of the skull

Sweat glands

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  secretion of

Symmetry in anatomy, the absence of strict

Symphysis pubis, the


TAILOR’S muscle or sartorius

Talus, the

Tarsus, the


Teeth, the

Temporal bones, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  muscle, the

Tendo Achillis, the

Tendon, flexor carpi radialis

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif   e9780486149752_img_8222.gif   e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  ulnaris

Tendons of the foot

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the hand

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the thumb

Tensor fasciæ femoris

Teres major, the


Thenar eminence

Thigh, the

Thigh-bone, the

Thoraco-mammary fold, the

Thorax or chest, the

Thumb, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  movement of the

Thyroid cartilage, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  foramen, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  gland, the

Tibia, the

Tibialis anticus, the

Tip of the nose, the

Toes, the

Tortoise, hind limbs of the

Trachea or windpipe, the

Tragus of the ear

Transversalis muscle, the

Trapezium, ridge of the

Trapezius muscle, the

Triangles of the neck

Triceps, the

Trochanters, the

Trochlea, the

Trunk, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  divisions of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of man and horse compared

Tubercle of the ilium

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the scaphoid

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the tibia, the

Tuberosities of the humerus

Tuberosity of the ischium, the


ULNA, or bone of the forearm, the

Umbilicus or navel

Unciform bone, the

Upper extremity, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  jaw, the


VASTUS internus and externus

Ventral surface of the scapula

Venus plexus

Vertebra prominens, the

Vertebræ, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  or quadrupeds

Vertebral border of the scapula

Vertical border of the scapula

Vitreous humour of the eye

Vocal cords, the


WAIST, the true

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the foot, the

Wasting illnesses, effect of

Whale, rudimentary limbs of the

White hair

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  of the eye, the

Windpipe, the


Withers of a horse, the

Wrist, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  the bones of the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  and ankle compared

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  man’s

Wrist-joint flexion


ZYGOMATIC arch, the

 e9780486149752_img_8222.gif  process, the

Zygomaticus, the