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Note: Page references in italics indicate maps and illustrations.
“aboriginal peoples,” xvii, 441
abortion, 293
“Acadian-Métis” organizations, 482
Acadians, expulsion of, 482
Adams, Howard, 437
addresses, need for, 400
agriculture. See farming
Alaska Purchase, 171
in constitution talks, 449, 450
and jurisdiction over Métis land claims, 409
Métis lawsuit against, 444
Métis population of, 410
Métis relations, 406, 413–16, 444
northern Métis in, 402–3, 404–5, 428
proposed as province, 333
wintering sites in, 292
Alberta Federation of Métis Settlements, 444, 446, 447
Alberta Métis movement, 405–13
Alberta Métis settlements, 405–6, 415–16, 416, 444–45
oaths to refrain from, 188
prohibition on liquor distilling, 146
sales to Ojibwa, 165, 193–94
subsidization of, 451
alliances, 49, 72–73, 313
boundaries and, 111
American civil rights movement, 419, 439
American Civil War, 239
American Fur Company, 113, 122
American Indian Movement, 419, 439
American Indians, Métis relatives in treaties of, 393
American Revolution, 439
amnesty, 462
for Canadian Party members, 237
general, promise of, 261–64
in the Manitoba Act negotiations, 225, 226, 272
for North-West Resistance participants, 357–58
offers of, 267
anciens, les, 3. See also Old Wolves, the
Anderson, Chris, 475
André, Father Alexis, 331, 359, 360, 361
anti-Catholicism, 167, 353–54
and land reserves, 279
in Red River, 164
use of by the Canadian Party, 234
use of by HBC, 152–54
anti-colonialism, 403
anti-French sentiment, 167
and the North-West Resistance, 338
in Red River, 164
appropriation, xx, 481
Arcand, Joseph, 359
Archibald, Lt.-Gov. Adams George, 241
and the Fenians, 256, 259, 260, 261, 287
and land allocation, 271, 281, 282, 287
in the reign of terror, 247–48
assemblies, 148
assimilation, 130, 414, 432, 433
granted to Selkirk, 44
Métis in, 322
Assiniboine, 111–12, 126, 314, 321
buffalo hunt, 321
and Dumont, 314
Assiniboine River, 39, 175, 269, 269, 295
at the Forks, 31 (see also Forks, the)
land claims along, 281
and the Red River region, 38
settlement belt along, 270, 280, 285
Assiyiwin (Cree headman), 339
Association Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal, 357
asylum, Riel in, 366
Athabasca, 13, 14, 29, 55, 56
Athabasca River, 108
Aux Îlets-de-Bois, Rivière, 175, 280, 283
babiche, 106
Baie St. Paul, 269, 297, 425
“Ballad of the Trials of an Unfortunate King” (Falcon), 189
Ballantyne, Robert, 16–17
Ballenden, John, 152, 155
Ballendine, Peter, 303
banishment, 219–20
banks, and land scrip, 387
Bannatyne, Andrew, 168, 209, 243
Bannatyne, Annie McDermot, 168
bark, 45–46
Barton, Bradley, 468
Batoche, 295, 295
after the Resistance, 351–52, 363–64
commemorative services at, 429–30
Dumont in, 358
national historical committee at, 6
population, 346
Riel in, 327
Batoche, Battle of, 338, 341, 346–50, 358, 452
Batoche, Bell of, 353–54
Battleford, 295, 304, 332, 343
Battle River, 295
Beauport, 366
Bear Hills, 295
Beaulieu, King, 92
Begg, Alexander, xvii, 190, 243
Belcourt, Father Georges-Antoine, 108, 143, 144, 150, 152
Belcourt, Tony, 431
Big Bear (Cree Chief), 406
Big Eddy, The, 422, 423
Big Four, the, 412, 413–14, 416
Bigsby, John, 17–18
bilingualism, official, 272
in courts, 154, 156, 210
in legislatures, 210
Bill of Rights for the Métis in the North-West, 327, 328
birch syrup, 30
Bird, Frederick, 247
Bird, James, 142
Bird, Nancy, 390
Bishop, Alex, 428
Bishop, Rod, 437
Black, John, 199, 210, 224
Blackfoot, 98, 148, 311–12
buffalo hunt, 321
starvation, 322–23
Blackfoot Confederacy, 313
black-leg, 305
Black Panthers, 439
Black Winter, 321
Blake, Edward, 160, 251, 265
Bloc Québécois, 453, 455
blood quotient, 415, 481, 482–83
blood revenge, 72–73
buffalo hunt, 49–50
culture, 45, 49
English perceptions of, 70–72
as an ethnic group, 87
as Freemen, 51
at Frog Plain, 63–66, 73–74, 87
in the fur trade, 84–85
gang mentality, 52, 109
government, 97
and Grant, 75–76, 85
as a group name, 109
in HBC–NWC trade war, 54, 57–58, 75
HBC relations, 51, 58–59, 84
identity, 35–36
jeunes gens, 51–52
land relations, 44, 48–49, 58
and law, 51–52
as a military force, 52, 53–54, 87
mobility, 49
morality, 56–57
as a nation, 87–90
NWC relations, 40, 48, 51, 59, 67, 75–76, 84, 136
Ojibwa relations, 38, 84
in Pembina, 95–96
in Red River, 38
settler relations, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47–49, 55–57, 57–59, 88
bone picking, 306–7
Bottineau family, 122
Boucher, Elizabeth, 390
Boucher, Firmin, 65–66, 69, 79
Boudrias, Rheal, 443
Boulton, Maj. Charles Arkoll, 198
Boulton’s Mounted Infantry, 348
and alliances, 111
historic geographic, 479–80
impact of on customary land systems, 285
Manitoba–Ontario border, 392–93
of the Métis Nation, 478–80, 484
provincial, 480
social, 478–79
U.S. border, 12, 110–11, 113–14, 314, 393–94
bounties, 251–52, 263, 264, 265, 305
Bourassa (Métis), 251
Bourassa, Henri, 4
Bourget, Bishop Ignace, 337
Boyer, Baptiste, 354
Boyer, François, 343
Boyer, Isadore, 349
Boyne River (Rivière aux Îlets-de-Bois), 283
Brady, James, Sr., 400
Brady, Jim, 402, 439
background, 403
and Marcel Giraud, 418
in the Métis Association of Alberta, 407, 408, 411–12, 413–14, 416
in Saskatchewan, 428, 429
in the Second World War, 416
Branconnier, Annie Jerome, 393–94
Brandon House, 54, 96, 107
bread, 30
Breland, Pascal, 98, 151
and annexation, 175
and land claims en bloc, 281
on the North-West Council, 329–30
and the Red River Resistance, 222, 223
on the St. Laurent Métis Council, 304
Breland family, 269
and the Riels, 329–30
Bremner, Charles, 355–56
Bremner’s furs, 354–56
bribery, of Riel, 329–31
British Army, in Red River, 119–20, 241
British Columbia, 161, 449, 450–51, 480
Brown, John, 375, 376
Brown, Paul, 79
Bruce, John, 176, 183, 185, 186, 192
“Brûlés,” 474. See also Bois-Brûlés
Bruneau, François, 98
buffalo, 95, 99, 102. See also buffalo hunt, buffalo meat
bones, 305–7, 306, 340
bounties for, 305
camps, 102, 103, 107
conservation of, 303
extermination program, 321
hide, 105, 106
loss of, 298, 305, 314, 317, 397
migration of, 107–8, 121, 141, 162, 296, 321
ownership of, 137
robes, 50, 92, 106–7, 141
running, 47, 49–50, 52
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West, 357
buffalo hunt, 95–98, 108, 148. See also Laws of the Hunt
American, 321
in Bois-Brûlé culture, 49–50
death in, 469–70
failure of, 163, 167
HBC investment in, 195
and the Iron Alliance, 112, 121
military organization of, 52
partnerships in, 32–33
restrictions on, 47, 48
self-governance and, 90
territory boundaries and, 111
transformation of, 30, 31–33
“Buffalo Hunt, The” (Falcon), 101
Buffalo Lake, 415, 416
buffalo meat, 30, 32–33, 50, 94, 105–6, 138, 141, 298
appropriation of, 303–4
Bunn, Thomas, 209, 224, 244
Cadieux, Jean, 18
Cadotte, Joseph, 84
Cadotte family, relocation of, 13
Caldwell, Gov. William, 152, 154
Callihoo, Felix, 408
Campbell, Maria, 421, 421–22
Campbell, Sir Alexander, 369
federal jurisdiction question, 409, 457–58, 459
First Nations relations, 170, 314
and general amnesty, 262
HBC relations, 170–71
lack of trust in, 256–57, 300
and land ownership, 461
in the Manitoba Act negotiations, 224–27
and Métis land claims, 281–82, 442
Métis relations, 170, 182–83, 202, 222
as a military threat, 182
purchase of the North-West, 170–71
and recognition of the Métis Nation, 438
in the reign of terror, 252, 253
and resource ownership, 461
Canada First movement, 159–60, 179
Canadas, lii, 7, 160. See also Canadian Party
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 224–25, 227, 228, 230, 237–41, 254
historical designation for, 253
in Red River, 241–42, 244–45, 247, 248, 250
Canadian Pacific Railway, 316, 318
Canadian Party, 7, 160–63, 177
anti-Métis agenda of, 316–17
and death of Parisien, 214, 216
and the Fenians, 261
and the HBC, 161–62, 163, 175–76, 189, 290
and immigration to Red River, 277, 287
and land, 279, 290
and the Manitoba Act, 226
Ojibwa relations, 165–66, 202
Ontario indignation meetings, 233, 234–35
racism of, 191
in Red River, 164, 174–75, 192, 289–90
and the Red River Resistance, 184–85, 192, 196, 198, 199, 207, 211, 229
in the reign of terror, 244, 248, 251, 289–90
and Riel, 251–52, 317
and Scott, 214
canoes, 14, 18, 20, 43
capital punishment. See death penalty
captains of the hunt, 97, 102
Cardinal, Baptiste, 390
Carlton, 296, 332
Carlton House, 55, 298
Carlton Trail, 425
Caron, Jean, 341, 342
Caron, Marguerite, 340, 341, 342, 349, 352, 364
Carrière, Damase, 349, 358, 359
Cartier, Sir George-Étienne
and the Manitoba Act, 225, 226, 272, 273, 280, 284–85
as a politician, 229, 262–63
in Provencher riding, 264, 330
Casa Loma, 431
Cassels, Dick, 346
Catholic Church
and the Conservative Party, 317, 324
Dumont and, 357
education by, 410
in the land scrip process, 384–85, 387
and the Métis Association of Alberta, 412
and Métis culture, 90, 92, 105, 318
Métis relations, 135, 289, 324, 358–59, 409–10
and the North-West Resistance, 337, 349, 358–59
in Pembina, 112, 113
political power of, 331
protection of, 225
on rebellion, 337
renaming of places by, xxii
and Riel, 329, 331, 358, 359–60, 370
and St. Paul des Métis, 398–400
census, 31
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 430
Champagne, Ambroise, 335, 342, 347
Champagne, Marie, 364
“Chanson des Bois-Brûlés” (Falcon), 67–68, 72, 73
chansons de voyageurs, 17–18
Chapleau, Joseph-Adolphe (secretary of state), 328
Charette, Guillaume, 6
Charlottetown Accord, 458, 459
Charlottetown negotiations, 457, 464
Chartier, Clément, 431, 445, 448, 448, 449
Chartrand, David, 434, 465, 466, 466, 467
Chartrand, Paul, 273, 456
Chatelain, Old Nick, 227, 228, 229, 286, 292, 392–93
Chicago, petition from, 373
disease in, 132
education of, 94, 113, 410
land grants to, 271, 273, 274, 277, 279, 285, 287–88, 327, 333 (see also Métis Treaty)
non-Indigenous, 30
role of godparents to, 313
on the voyageur highway, 26–27
Chippewa, 123, 151
Chippewa treaty, 393, 394
cholera (bloody flux), 132
Chrétien, Jean, 441, 442
Christie, Gov. Alexander, 143
churches, 327
Churchill District, 56
Churchill River, 108
Churchill River Diversion, 434
citizenship, 111, 113–14, 393–94
Clarke, Lawrence
and the buffalo hunt, 302–4
and the Catholic Church, 331
in Conservative clique, 317
in justice system, 298–99, 302
as member of Parliament, 332
and Métis labour, 297–98, 317
and the Mounties, 323
and the North-West Resistance, 334, 336, 344
and Riel, 325
class, 433
clemency, extrajudicial, 456
climate, 37–38
clique, Conservative, 317, 324, 329, 331
clothing, voyageur, 20
Codd, Donald, 288
Cody, Buffalo Bill, 357
Cold Lake, 343, 406, 415, 416, 423
colonialism, 48, 49, 172, 481, 486
Colonial Office, 78, 245–46, 267
colonial theory, 439
colonization companies, 315, 316, 317
Coltman, William Bacheler, 69–70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 85
Coltman Commission of Inquiry, 73, 75, 76, 413
Columbia District, 56
Colville, Gov. Andrew, 141
common, right of, 271
common lands, 180–81, 197, 268, 270
denial of claim to, 289
in land claims notices, 281
common law, 217, 218, 420, 426
Communauté Métis Autochtone de Maniwaki (CMAM), 483
communion, 360
community development, 432, 434
commutation, 390
complaintes, 18, 19
Confederation, 172, 182, 183, 196, 225
Métis Nation in, 440, 454, 466, 467, 486
confession, 337
consensus, 176
conservation, 303
Conservative Party. See also clique, Conservative
inside dealing by, 316
road relief project and, 164
Manitoba Act in, 272, 440
patriation of, 440
Constitution Act, 1982
Aboriginal rights and protection clauses, xvii, 441, 443, 445, 449
Métis in, 458
constitutional amendments, Aboriginal consent for, 442
constitutional conferences, 448–52, 453, 457–58, 477
constitutional interpretation, 457
Constitutional Review Commission, 443, 444
constitutional talks, 440
Corner, The, 422, 423
Cornish, Francis, 249, 265
Corps of Canadian Voyageurs, 117–19
Coteau du Missouri, 108, 108, 124
Couchiching Band, 286
Council of Assiniboia, 98, 130, 131
bias of, 141
HBC relations, 149
Métis on, 154, 156, 162
overthrow proposed, 175–76
and the Red River Resistance, 185, 186
representation by, 172
and rule of law, 145
Council of the Hunt, 97–98, 130
Council of the Métis Senate, 188, 189
Court of Assiniboia, 149, 151, 163, 166, 218
credit, 83, 137, 195
Cree. See also Plains tribes
Bois-Brûlé relations, 56–58
buffalo hunt, 321
and Dumont, 314
HBC relations, 343–44
in the Iron Alliance, 111–12
justice system, 217
language, 21, 474, 476
Métis relations, 126, 345, 352
military traditions of, 52
in the North-West Resistance, 339
reserves, 314
Selkirk Treaty payments to, 151
settler relations, 47
starvation, 322–23, 343
crimes against humanity, 254, 255
Criminal Code, land fraud in, 386
criminal law, 302
crop failure, 94, 163, 167, 317, 322, 399
Crown lands, transfer of, 405
Crozier, Leif, 339
Cullen, Rita Vivier, 420–21
Culloden, Battle of, 40
Cumberland District, 56
Cumberland House, 31, 55
“custom of the country,” 288–89
Cuthand, Adam, 437
Cut Knife Hill, 295
Cypress Hills, 30, 108, 148, 292, 294, 320, 321–22, 388, 389, 460
Cyr, Jean, 249
Dakota Confederacy, 313
Dakota Territory, 393
dance, 15, 100–101
Daniels, Harry, 439, 439–43
Daniels, Stan, 437
Dauphinais, François, 202
Dauphine, Maximilien, 98
Dease, William, 175–77, 184–85, 186–87, 223, 229
death, cultural practices concerning, 469–70
death penalty, 72, 218, 220, 345, 361, 369, 370, 374
decolonization, 432
defence, right to determine, 371
delay, as political strategy, 277, 287–88, 291
Delorme, Joseph, 219
Delorme, Pierre, 304
De Meuron Regiment, 74, 75
faith in, 184
in the Manitoba Act negotiations, 225
as a Métis value, 96, 176, 188, 414
Dene, meaning of, 473
Dennis, Col. John Stoughton
land speculation by, 317
and land surveys, 177, 180
and the Red River Resistance, 187, 188, 198, 199
support for, 300
and Treaty #3, 286
Department of Justice, 188, 386, 461
Department of the Interior, 386
de Salaberry, Lt.-Col. Charles, 194, 205, 217
Deschamps, Melanie, 388
Deschamps family, 73
Des Groseilliers, Médard, 34
Desjardins, Alphonse, 264, 265
Desjarlais, Marie, 390
Desjarlais, Michel, 343
Devil’s Lake, 39, 122
devolution, of programs and services, 458
Dewdney, Edgar
on Clarke, 297
and Conservative clique, 317
governance by, 333
and Métis land title, 324
and the Mounties, 332
newspaper ownership by, 316
and Riel, 325, 329, 372
diaspora, 292–97, 320
and Métis identity, 294
Dickson, “General” James, 115–17
diet, 420
Dion, Joe, 398, 406–7, 408, 409, 410, 412–13
diplomacy, 49, 59
discrimination, and the Métis “problem,” 420
disease, 132, 163, 313, 314, 414
in buffalo, 305
“distinct society” status, 452, 453
DNA testing, 482
Dog Den Butte, 123, 124
dog hotels, 20
Dog Patch, 422, 423
dogs, 11, 20–21, 99, 340, 427
dogsled, travel by, 20
dogs of war, 238, 240, 340
Dominion Lands Office, 288, 291, 333–34, 385, 386
Dominion Police, 291
drought, 163, 425–26
Dubuc, Joseph, 249
Ducharme, Charles, 349
Duck Lake, 295, 304
Duck Lake, Battle of, 338–40, 346
Dufferin, Frederick Blackwood, Lord, 267
Dufferin, Hariot Georgina Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Lady, 264
Dumas, Michel, 325–26
Dumont, Ambroise, Sr., 349
Dumont, Edouard, 342–43
Dumont, Elie, 342
Dumont, Gabriel, 312
background and character, 311–13, 324
at Batoche, 346, 347, 349, 351, 358
at the Battle of the Grand Coteau, 124, 311
in Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show, 357
and the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 227, 228, 229
as captain of the hunt, 301, 311
demand for surrender of, 360–61
at Duck Lake, 338–39, 346
in exile, 357–58, 363
and family, 360
and First Nations, 311–12, 313–14, 314–15, 322–23
as general, 335, 346, 347, 367
as godparent, 313
grave of, 430
languages spoken by, 312
and the Laws of St. Laurent, 300–301, 303
North-West Resistance, launch of, 334, 335
as peacemaker, 311–12, 313
petitions by, 319–20
in Quebec, 357
in the Red River Resistance, 227, 228, 229, 311, 314
and Riel, 325–26, 359, 361, 367
on the St. Laurent Métis Council, 302
at St. Paul des Métis, 398
at St. Vital, 4
at Tourond’s Coulee, 341, 342, 346
as warrior, 311
Dumont, Isidore, dit Aicawpow, 296
Dumont, Isidore, Jr., 339
Dumont, Jean, dit Chakasta, 296–97
Dumont, Madeleine, 357, 364
Dumont, Marilyn, 474–75
Dumont, Yvon, 452, 457
Durham, John Lambton, Lord, 130, 139
Durham Report, 130, 131, 139
dysentery, 163
Eagle Hills, 295
East Prairie, 415, 416
Edmonton, 319, 344, 345, 403, 416, 445, 446. See also Fort des Prairies
education, 94, 113, 327, 333, 406, 408, 410, 414
elections. See voting and elections
Elizabeth (Alta.), 415, 416
emigration, 287, 292–97, 320, 400, 462
English language, gender in, 463
Englishmen, employed as fur traders, 39
English Métis. See Métis, English
English River, 56
English River District, 55
Erasmus, Peter, 134
ethnic group, defined, 87
event staging, 430–32
Ewing, Albert, 413, 414
Ewing Commission, 413–14, 432
excommunication, 337, 358
Exovedate, 335
Expeditionary Force. See Canadian Expeditionary Force
Falcon, Isabelle, 125
Falcon, Jean-Baptiste, 124, 125
Falcon, Pierre, 68, 71–72, 73, 74, 101, 117, 189, 342
land claims by, 281
land allocation and, 269, 271, 281
Métis, 90–93, 96, 147, 148, 400
scrip documents as records of, 387–88
voyageurs as, 16
famine, 163, 164, 304
Fanon, Frantz, 439, 475
Farmers’ Union, 317, 325
farming, 44, 94
by Métis, 167, 297, 401, 425
farm labour, 397, 405
farms, experimental, 429
Farquharson, James, 210, 245, 248–49
feathers, 20, 54
Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak, Les, 472
Fenians, 202, 234, 255–60, 287, 291, 330
fidèles à Riel, les, 3. See also Old Wolves, the
Fidler, Peter, 58, 67
Fidler, Véronique, 349
filibuster, 457
fire, 163, 321, 342, 348
First Ministers’ constitutional conferences, 445–46, 447, 448–52, 453, 457–58
First Nations
in the Constitution, 441, 445
in constitution talks, 449
Freemen relations, 53
as “Indian,” 457
land claims, 438
Métis identity denied by, 474–75
Métis relations, 315, 457
in the North-West Resistance, 315
welfare, arrangements for, 327, 333
First Nations bands, Métis in, 286, 383, 393
Fiset, Dr. Jean-Baptiste Romuald, 264, 265
Fish Creek, 364, 430
Fisher, Mme., 355
fisheries, 30, 46, 163, 178
women in, 27–28, 92
fishing camps, 270, 271
Fishing Lake, 405–6, 415, 416
fishing rights, 394, 406, 460
flags, 4, 21
British, 206
infinity flag, 54, 54, 485
Métis, 206, 428, 481
in the Red River Resistance, 206
Flanagan, Thomas, xvii
Fletcher, John, 74, 76
Fleury, George, 307
Fleury, Patrice, 105, 295, 324, 335, 347, 358, 395
flooding, 163
control of, 46–47, 48, 139, 314, 322
shortages, 136–37, 137–38
foraging, 283
Forks, the, 38, 63–64, 112. See also St. Norbert; St. Vital
Bois-Brûlés and Freemen at, 31, 96, 107, 114
Fort Carlton, 108, 295, 295, 298, 299, 304, 332, 339
Fort des Prairies (Edmonton), 55, 87
Fort Douglas, 58, 60, 61–62, 64, 65, 76
Fort Edmonton, 29, 31, 61, 108, 148, 345
Fort Ellice, 108, 425
Fort Espérance, 51, 108
Fort Garry, 39, 108, 136, 150, 154, 175, 215
death of Scott at, 214–16
prisoners and trials at, 166, 199, 209
in the Red River occupation, 242–43
in the Red River Resistance, 189–90, 193, 194, 202, 204–5, 209, 211, 212
Fort Gibraltar, 57, 59, 65, 83–84
Fort Lac la Pluie (Rainy Lake), 75
Fort McMurray, 416
Fort Pelly, 108
Fort Pembina, 258, 260
Fort Pitt, 295, 332, 343
Fort Qu’Appelle, 108, 295
Fort Shelby, 117
Fort Snelling, 113, 117
Fort William, 75–76, 117
France, petitions from, 373
Fraser, Alexander, 55
as core Métis value, 96, 129, 485–86
as a Freemen identity, 33–34
as an Indigenous value, 28
as a voyageur value, 22, 28
Freemen, 29–36, 476
and the Bois-Brûlés, 35–36, 38, 51–52
and the buffalo hunt, 30, 31–33, 52
creation of, 84
farming by, 95
at Frog Plain, 63, 65
HBC and, 51, 61
and the HBC–NWC trade war, 75
identity, 33–34, 35
and land ownership, 44
and law, 51–52
marriages of, 112
NWC relations, 61
Ojibwa relations, 38
in Pembina, 95–96
population of, 29, 31, 35
in Red River, 38
settler relations, 43, 44, 47
social structure of, 90
trading practices of, 51, 61
violence, avoidance of by, 52
free trade, 35, 143
U.S. legislation against, 12, 113
freighting, 297–98, 317, 397, 401
French Canadians, employed as fur traders, 39. See also voyageurs
French language. See also bilingualism
loss of, 463
protection of, 225, 228, 368
French Métis. See Métis, French
French Revolution, 41
Frog Lake, 343
Frog Plain, 55, 58, 63, 65
Frog Plain, Victory at the, 40, 63–74, 65
as origin story, 55, 68, 88
trials for, 77–80
as war or murder, 72–73
fundraising, 399
fur trade. See also trade war, HBC–NWC; voyageur highway
American, 85, 96, 113, 114, 141
Freemen in, 30
HBC restrictions on, 139–40, 140–41, 142–43, 146, 154, 155
violence in, 72
Gaboury, Marie-Anne, 25–26, 30, 61, 61–62
Gale, Samuel, 78
Gariépy, Rosalie, 349
Garneau, Eleanor, 344–45, 403
Garneau, Laurent, 344, 345, 352, 400, 403
Garrioch, Peter, 131, 142, 144
at the Sayer trial, 154, 155
Gathering Strength policy, 453
Gatling guns, 345–46, 347, 348
Gaudry, Adam, 481, 482
Gay, Cpt. Norbert, 202
genealogy, 481–82, 482–83
General Quarterly Court of Assiniboia. See Court of Assiniboia
gens libres, 476
Ghostkeeper, Elmer, 443, 444, 444–45, 446, 447
Gibson, Dale, 135
Gift Lake, 415, 416
Giraud, Marcel, xvii, 418
Gladue, Cindy, 467, 468–69, 471, 472
Globe, The, 6, 167, 237, 290, 337
godparents, 313
going free, 29, 35, 84
Good, Dr., 293–94
Goodon, Frank, 417
Goodon, Will, 394
Goulet (trader), 152, 155
Goulet, Elzéar, 219, 220, 246, 250
death of, 245, 246, 247, 248, 251
Goulet, Lorette, 250
Goulet, Louis, 106, 164, 270
Goulet, Mme., 250
Grand Cache, 415
Grand Coteau, Battle of the, 123–26, 124, 311, 460
Grand Coteau du Missouri, 123
Grande Prairie, 416
Grandin, Bishop Vital-Justin, 345
Grand Rapids, 298, 434
grand silence, le, 397, 411
Grant, Cuthbert, 50
background and character, 50–51, 52–53, 144
as Bois-Brûlé, 51, 86
on the Council of Assiniboia, 131, 150
as Freeman, 84
and Frog Plain, 63–65, 67, 69, 76, 77
and “General” Dickson, 117
as HBC man, 85–86, 132, 139
as an Indigenous leader, 86–88
land grant to, 223
and the Laws of the Hunt, 96–97, 109, 119, 216
medical skill, 86, 131–32
Métis relations, 142
as a Nor’Wester, 51, 52, 70, 75, 76
relatives of, 208, 222
and the Sioux, 122, 123
and trade war, 79
and the Red River Settlement, 58
as war chief, 52–55, 75, 84
as Warden of the Plains, 122, 123, 131
Grant, Marguerite, xvi
Grant Avenue, 424
Grant family, 269
and the Riels, 329–30
Grantown, 86, 96, 131, 132
Grant Park Shopping Centre, 424
grasshoppers, 163, 164
Gravelle, Domitilde, 342
Great Britain
and general amnesty, 262
HBC relations, 144, 170
Métis relations, 202, 206–7
and North-West annexation, 170
petitions from, 373
and the Red River Resistance, 238, 239–40
Great Depression, 408, 425
Great Lakes
Freemen migration from, 29
Iron Alliance control of, 112
on the voyageur highway, 12, 14
Green Lake, 344, 358, 360, 396, 428, 460
experimental farm, 429
guards and patrols
buffalo hunters as, 216
in the Red River Resistance, 174, 177, 181, 190, 198, 204–5
and the trial of Scott, 214–16, 216–17
Guerre Nationale (The National War), 315. See also North-West Resistance
Guillemette, François, 249, 251
Gunn, Isobel, 30
gunpowder, 199
“half-breed,” 109, 409, 474, 475
Half-breed Adhesion to Treaty #3, 286, 383
Hallett, William, 141
Hamelin, Salomon, 98, 222, 223
Hamlet, The, 423
Hardisty, Richard, 204
Harper’s Ferry, 375
Harriott, John, 155
Harrison, August, 375
Harrison, Damase, 215
Hayakawa, Sen. S. I., 186
Hayden, Peter, 149–50
hay privileges. See also common lands
theft from, 284
townships and, 285
hay theft, 284
Headingley, 211, 269
health, 406, 420
hierarchy, 50
Hibbert, Louis (Henri), 248
High Bluff, 269
Highland clearances, 40–41, 42
Highlanders, 40
High Level, 416
High Prairie, 416
Histoire de la Nation Métisse dans l’Ouest Canadien, xviii–xix, 8–9, 273, 278, 462
histories. See also oral history
of the Métis, xvii, 3–4, 6–9, 438 (see also national historical committee)
of the voyageurs, 18
history, Métis, 432
homesteading, 387, 395–96, 399, 405, 420
hommes du nord, 12. See also northmen
hommes libres, 476
horse culture, 31, 102
horses, 104
decoration of, 20
trade in, 43
in warfare, 54, 343
hospitals and health care, 327, 333, 408
hostages, 355
Howard, Cpt. Arthur, 345–46
Howard, Dr. Henry, 366
Howard, Joseph Kinsey, 99
Hudson Bay, 12, 14
Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC). See also merger, HBC–NWC; trade war, HBC–NWC
Bois-Brûlés relations, 53, 55, 58–59, 71–72, 84, 107
British government relations, 60, 194
and the buffalo hunt, 195
and buffalo robes, 106–7
Canada, relations with, 166, 170–71
Canadian Party and, 160, 163, 164
charter, 12, 134, 149, 152, 170–71, 194
districts, 56
employee identities, 39–40
financial accounts, 195
First Nations relations, 135
Freemen relations, 33, 35, 61
and Frog Plain, 66, 77, 84
governance by, 34–35, 60, 76, 130–31, 133–34, 135–36, 143–45, 298–99
and Grant, 53, 85
justice system, 131–31, 149–50, 218, 298–99
land ownership, 46, 297, 318
land title, 145, 146–47, 150–52, 178, 277, 289
looting of, 242, 343–44
“made beaver” payment system, 391
Métis relations, 91, 120, 135–36, 136–47, 185, 297–99
monopoly, 151–52, 153–54, 163
and the North-West Resistance, 324, 345
Ojibwa relations, 83–84
ownership, assertion of, 135, 137
at Pembina, 112–13
and the Red River Resistance, 222
and the Red River Settlement, 41–42, 44–45, 83, 131, 145
in the reign of terror, 248
sale of the North-West, 170–71
in the Saskatchewan, 297–99
Sioux relations, 84
structure, 133
trade routes, 12–13, 14
human rights revolution, 418–19, 439
Humboldt, 295, 334
“hunt for justice,” 460
hunting, 102–4, 428. See also buffalo hunt
small game, 92, 163
hunting brigades, 90
hunting camps, 270, 271. See also under buffalo
hunting grounds, 49, 111
hunting rights, 394, 406, 460
hurl, 57
hybridity, 475
hydro, 437
identity, changes in, 294
Île-à-la-Crosse, 28, 31, 55, 84, 148, 358
land scrip process in, 383–85
illiteracy, 301, 313, 385, 420
immigration and immigrants, 411–12, 450–51
British, 160
colonization companies, 315, 316, 317
and land allocation, 279, 280, 282
from Ontario, 164, 201, 277, 280, 282–83, 290
impersonation, 385–86
as a Bois-Brûlé value, 57
as Freemen identity, 33–34
and names for Métis, 474, 476
as a voyageur value, 22
as legal term, 457
Métis as, 286
Indian Act, status loss under, xx, 390, 404
Indian agents, 314, 322
Indians, non-status, 406, 409, 434, 438, 445, 446
population of, 404
“Indian title,” 271, 272
Indigenous peoples
in the Constitution, 441, 443
jurisdiction over, 409, 457–58
as “savage,” 70–71
Indigenous rights
as already existing rights, 445
constitutional protection of, 441, 443, 445
litigation of, at Supreme Court of Canada, 461
Indigenous rights movement, 419
Indigenous title
vs. property rights, 185
scrip and, 381–82, 390–92
treaties as extinguishing, 382
infant mortality, 420
infinity flag, 54, 54, 481, 485
infinity symbol, 485
influenza, 132
Ingram, John, 249
insanity defence, 364, 368, 371
integration, 432, 434
Intercolonial Railway Commission, 291
intermarriage, 60. See also marriage
International Boundary Commission, 110
Inuit, 441, 445, 449, 457
meaning of, 473
Ipperwash, 452
Iron Alliance (Nehiyaw Pwat), 111–12, 121, 122, 313–14, 321–22
Iroquois, 18
Irving, Washington, 15–16
Isbister, A. K., 143–44
Isbister, James, 325–26
James River, 124
Jarvis, Lt.-Col. Samuel Peters, 250–51
Jasper National Park, 410, 415, 416
Jay Treaty, 110
Jesuits, 178
jeunes gens, 51–52. See also Bois-Brûlés
jigs, 100–101
Jobin, Ambroise, Jr., 349
Joe, Margaret (Commodore), 443
Johnson, Francis, 245, 246, 247
Judith Basin, 322, 388
jurisdiction, 409, 457–58, 459
justice, aspiration to, 463
justice, Métis system of, 216–18, 470–71
justices of the peace, 302
justification defence, 371–72
Kavanagh, Father François-Xavier, 242
Kennicott, Robert, 33
Kikino, 415, 416
Kildonan, 211, 212, 269
Killistine, 151
Kimberley, John Wodehouse, Lord, 246
Kirkness, Andrew, 27, 28
Kirkness, Marguerite, 27–28
Kittson, Dr. John, 323
Kittson, Norman, 114
La Barrière, 165, 184–85, 186–87, 192
labour movement, 403, 439
Lac la Biche, 344, 416
Lac la Pluie, 56
Lacombe, Father Albert, 359, 360, 398, 399
Lac Ste. Anne, 416
Laframboise, Auguste, 339
Lagassé, Jean, 432–33
Lagassé report, 433–34
Lagimodière, Elzéar, 375
arrest and trial of, 267
at Scott trial and execution, 219, 220
Lagimodière, Jean-Baptiste, 25–26, 30, 61–62
and Selkirk, 61–62, 74
Lagimodière, Josephte (La Cyprès), 30
Lagimodière, Reine, 30
Lake of the Woods, 39, 164, 165, 227, 292, 392, 479
La Loche, 298
land, “unimproved,” 288–89
land agents, 386, 399
land allocation. See also children, land grants to
by committee, 280, 281
local control of, 226
by lottery, 281–82
land claims, First Nations, 438, 452–53
land claims, Métis, 163, 317
common lands in, 281, 289
customary method of, 270–71
date of occupancy for, 288
denial of, 289, 291–92, 442
en bloc, 280–81, 286
law preventing court filings for, 288
and the North-West Resistance, 395
order in council to investigate, 328–29
processing of, 274–77
public notice of, 280–81, 283
as “vacant” land, 283, 284
land disputes
court of claims for, 288
surveys for, 289
land fraud, 266, 275–77, 284, 383–86
land grants, 465
land leases, 146
land ownership
HBC assertion of, 135, 137
litigation of, 461
under Métis customary law, 145–46, 163, 178, 210
proof of, 420
settler assertion of, 44, 46, 49, 56
land scrip, 381, 420, 465
and borders, 391–94
and Indigenous title, 381–82, 390–92
as speculation laundering, 391
land selection committees, 280
land speculation, 161, 279, 283–84, 315–16
grants to children as protection from, 274
petition against, 333
land speculators, 399
and the North-West Resistance, 324
in the scrip process, 384, 385, 387, 391–92
land title
collective Indigenous, 382
court cases on, 150–52
under the HBC, 145, 146–47, 150–52, 178, 277, 289
held by Métis, 163, 178, 183
Indigenous, vs. property rights, 185
lack of, 318
and mobility, 272
protection of, 210, 272, 277–78, 287
registration of, 318
land use system, customary, 180–81, 197, 268–70, 318. See also common lands; rangs
and en bloc reserves, 281
in the Manitoba Act negotiations, 225
protection of, 210, 284–85
Langevin, Sir Hector-Louis, 328, 359
Lansdowne, Gov. Gen. Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Lord, 328, 332, 338
Larante, Régis, 84, 139–40, 155
La Rivière, Marie, 250
Larocque, Antoine, 136
Laronde (trader), 152
La Terre Qui Brule (Sioux Chief), 122
Laurier, Wilfrid, 366
absence of, 76, 299, 302
British, 49, 52, 56, 76, 135, 185, 218, 302
Canadian, 299, 302, 420
criminal, 302
enforcement of, 77
First Nations, 52, 76
French, 52
“majesty of,” 178, 179
Métis (see Laws of St. Laurent; Laws of the Hunt; Laws of the Prairie)
in oral culture, 216, 301–2
rule of, 145
Scottish, 76
Laws for the Prairie and Hunting, 302–3
Laws of St. Laurent, 299, 301–2, 302–3
Laws of the Hunt, 76, 96–98, 299, 300, 301
Laws of the Prairie, 76, 299, 300, 301, 471
codification of, 187
institution of, 183
origin of, 98
trials under, 216–18
and land scrip, 386
Métis, 441, 460
in the Riel trial, 364, 368, 371, 372
leadership, 50, 53, 215–16
Lépine, Ambroise, 266
as adjutant-general, 209
arrest and trial of, 265, 266–67
in exile, 241, 243
at funeral of Goulet, 247
on government deception, 320
and McDougall, 188
in the Red River Resistance, 188, 195
refusal of amnesty, 267
on rule of law, 252–53
Scott, arrest and trial of, 212, 214, 219, 220
warrants for arrest of, 241, 262, 263
Lépine, Baptiste, 219, 257–58, 258–59
Lépine, Maxime, 251, 339, 348
Leroux, Darryl, 481, 483
L’Esperance (impersonator), 385–86
Lesser Slave Lake, 56, 360, 384
Lestanc, Father Joseph, 205–6
Lestock, 423
Letendre, André Batoche, 349–50
Letendre, Louis, dit Batoche, 296
Letendre, Xavier, 347
Leveille, Gabrielle, 389
Léveillé, Pierre, 204–5, 206, 207, 251
Lewistown (Mont.), 357
Liberal Party, 369
Liberté, La, 6
liberty. See freedom
liquor. See alcohol
Lists of Rights, 197–98, 198–99, 209, 210, 224, 225, 261–62
litigation, as a political tactic, 411
Little Chicago, 422, 423
Little Eagle (Chief Mikiseesis), 286
Little Shell (Chief), 393
local control, 195, 197
of land and resources, 209–10, 225, 226, 272, 285
local representation, in government, 272
Long, Maj. Stephen, 114
Longue-Pointe, 366
looting, 242, 352, 353, 354, 363
“Lord Selkirk at Fort William” (Falcon), 74
lottery, land allocation by, 281–82
Lougheed, Peter, 445
Lower Canada. See Quebec
Lower Fort Garry, 175, 269
Lower Red River, 38. See also Red River
Lowman, Maurice, 245
Macdonald, Sir John A., xxi
as an alcoholic, 368
on Bremner’s furs theft, 356
and the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 237–38, 240
and the colonization companies, 315
defeat of, 266
and First Nations, 323
and the Manitoba Act, 225–26, 273, 278, 280, 284–85
on the Métis, 179, 191, 224, 237
and Métis land, 277, 279–80, 282, 288
and Métis petitions, 319
Métis relations, 182–83
and the Mounties, 323
and the North-West Resistance, 334, 337, 338
and North-West transfer, 196, 203
as Orangeman, 249
as politician, 229, 262–63, 277
propaganda value to, 316
and Quebec, 376, 455–56
and the Red River Resistance, 189, 194, 200, 201, 224, 237–38, 240
reign of terror, responsibility for, 253–55
and Riel, 328, 329, 330, 369–70, 372, 376, 455–56
and Schultz, 249, 261
Macdonell, Alexander, 57
Macdonell, Gov. Miles, 42
appointment of, 44
character, 135
in HBC–NWC trade war, 57, 58
prohibitions made by, 45–47, 49, 57
Machray, Bishop Robert, 239
Mackenzie, Alexander, 265–66, 279
Mackenzie, William Lyon, 430
“made beaver,” 391
Mair, Charles, 6
and immigration from Ontario, 277, 282
land speculation by, 316
leaves Red River, 212, 233
on the Métis, 167–68
in Ontario, 233, 234, 235, 431
in Red River, 164, 174, 212
South Saskatchewan propaganda by, 316–17
Maison du Chien, 123
mangeurs de lard, 11–12. See also pork-eaters
manhood, 57
amnesty, resolutions requesting, 264
government of, 263–64
Métis relations, 432, 434
as province in name only, 225
in the reign of terror, 252
resolution to honour Riel in founding of province, 454
Manitoba, Lake, 39, 113, 175
land claims, 280
seasonal camps at, 270
Manitoba Act, 1870, 230, 272–74
land protections in (see Métis Treaty)
litigation of, 464–66
and Métis rights outside Manitoba, 319, 394–95
as model, 333
negotiation of, 224–27, 272, 284–85
political impact of, 277–78
promises broken, 228, 278, 440, 462
ratification and royal assent, 239, 240, 272
sections 31–32 as Métis Nation Treaty, 272–74
support for, 257
Manitoba Court of Appeal, 465
Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench, 372
Manitoba Hydro, 434
Manitoba Liberal, The, 282–83
Manitoba Metis Federation, 273, 434, 437, 438, 446, 452, 462–64, 465
reconciliation agreement, 467
Manitoba Metis Federation case, 273–74, 442, 464–66
Manitoba News-Letter, The, 282–83
Manitoba–Ontario border, 392–93
Manitoulin Island, 15, 178, 179
map, of Métis Nation boundaries, 480
maple syrup, 30
Marchand, Jean-Paul, 455–56
Marion, Edouard, 181
Marion, Narcisse, 98
Marlboro, 415
à la façon du pays, 24–25
dissolution of, 25, 26
Indigenous custom, 24–25
within the Iron Alliance, 112
Métis, 148
polygamy, 26, 92
of voyageurs and Indigenous women, 12, 23–25, 26–27, 28, 35
martyrdom, 328
Maskinongé, 15, 25
Masters of the Plains, 126
McDermot, Andrew, 150, 250
McDermot family, 209
McDougall, William
expulsion of, 188–89
La Barrière and, 184, 185
as lieutenant-governor, 178–79, 196–97, 198–99, 239
and road relief project, 165, 166–67
and surveys, 177
at the U.S. border, 192, 193, 196–97, 203
as “Wandering Willie,” 178, 197
McGillis (trader), 152, 155
McGillivray, Joseph, 118–19
McGillivray, Simon, 55
McGregor, 423
McKay, James, 198–99, 202, 304
McKay, Jerry, 103
McKeagney, James Charles, 265
McKenna, Catherine (Min. of the Environment), 253
McKenney, James, 19
McLachlin, Beverley, 369
McMicken, Gilbert, 291–92
McTavish, Mary Sarah McDermot, 168
McTavish, Gov. William, 166, 168, 187, 188, 193, 208
measles, 132
Medicine Hat, 295
medicine line, 110, 111. See also U.S. border
Meech Lake Accord, 451–52, 453, 464
meetings, 411
meetings, in oral cultures, 411
mega projects, 434
memory, in oral culture, 301
Mennonites, 279
mercenaries, 74, 75, 115, 116
merger, HBC–NWC, 12–14, 29, 83
Methy Portage, 460
definition of, 415, 433, 434, 458, 477–78
in First Nations sign languages, 32, 474
pronunciation of, 109, 473
spelling of, 463
Métis, American, 113–14, 258, 394, 480
Métis, English, 403–4
Canada, relations with, 167, 172–73, 183–84
as farmers, 134
as group name, 109
as “half-breed,” 475
HBC relations, 141
population of, 183, 241
at Red River conventions, 191, 193, 195–96, 197–98, 201, 208
and the Red River Resistance, 174, 192, 199, 203–4
in the reign of terror, 242, 243
and the Sioux, 122
Métis, French, 404
and the buffalo hunt, 134
Canada, relations with, 167, 181–82, 184
and the Canadian Party, 173, 180
and Grant, 131
as group name, 109
land claim, 174, 175
as “Métis,” 475–76
population of, 183, 241, 398
at Red River conventions, 193, 196, 197–98, 201, 206, 208
in the Red River Resistance, 174, 179–80, 194–95, 198–99, 204, 209, 211
in the reign of terror, 242–43
Métis, Le, 251, 281, 282–83
Métis, “new,” 481–84
Métis, northern, 401, 403, 428–29
Métis, southern, 401, 403, 428
Métis, woodland, 401
Métis Association of Alberta, 407–13, 408, 415, 416, 437, 446, 447
Métis Canadien, Le (Giraud), 418
Métis Constitutional Council, 446
Métis identity, 440, 473, 474–75, 476–77
Métis Nation. See also Bois-Brûlés, as a nation; Métis, English; Métis, French
ancestry, 478
assemblies, 148
boundaries of, 478–80, 484
buffalo hunt as establishing, 109
and the Canadian Party, 287
and the Catholic Church, 358–59, 360, 409–10
as collective entity, 434, 460–61, 476
culture, 90–93, 100–102, 433, 463, 469–70 (see also buffalo hunt)
death in, 469–70
decision making, 176
defined, xix–xx, 477–78
demographics, 183, 271
as distinct society, 452
enumeration and registration of, 458, 478
fear of, 322
and the Fenians, 255–56, 257–61
First Nations relations (general), 311–12, 315, 321–22, 327, 333
government of, 188
HBC relations, 136–47, 162, 172, 175–77, 185, 218, 222–23
as Indigenous collective, 391
in the Iron Alliance, 112, 126
jurisdiction over, 458, 459
marriages in, 148
as Masters of the Plains, 126
migration of, with buffalo, 121
as minority group on Prairies, 412
minutes of, 7
names for, 473–76
in the North-West Resistance, 315
police surveillance of, 344
political culture, 229, 328
political independence, 440
population, 183, 404
recognition of, 286, 438, 458, 460–61
resistance as tool of, 138, 139
Sioux relations, 121–22, 122–26, 202–3, 311–12, 313
stereotypes of, 135, 186
subgroups, 403–4, 476–77
trademark, 481
Métis Nation Accord, 457, 458, 459, 464, 477, 486
Métis national consciousness, 428
Métis National Council, 447–49, 449–50, 451
draft map of Métis Nation boundaries, 480
Métis nationalism, 414, 438
Métis Nation of Alberta, 354
litigation by, 470
Métis Nation of Ontario, 431, 477
Métis Nation Treaty. See Métis Treaty
Metis Population Betterment Act, 414–15
Métis “problem,” 370, 419–20, 432
Métis rights
HBC on, 143–44
legal theory of, 438
litigation of, 460–61, 461–62
Riel on, 208
Métis rights movement, 419
Métis Treaty, 230, 272–74. See also reserves, in the Manitoba Act negotiations
as deception, 285
land protected by, 271, 284–85
lawsuit on failure to implement, 442, 443
litigation of, 464–66
negotiation of, 225, 226–27
promises unkept, 228
as “treaty-like promise,” 274
Métis Women’s Association of Manitoba, 471
Michif language, 4, 21, 109, 473
dictionary of, 394
“Michifs,” 474
Michilimackinac, 117
Middleton, Gen. Frederick, 360
at Batoche, 347, 348, 349, 358, 359
and Bremner’s furs, 355–56
at Tourond’s Coulee, 341, 343, 345, 346, 347
Midland Battalion, 348
Mikiseesis (Little Eagle), 286
Milk River, 87, 108, 320, 322
Millbrook (Ont.), 353–54
milling, 139
Minerve, La, 392
Minitinas Hills, 295, 351, 361
Minneapolis (Minn.), 113
Mississippi River, 108, 116
Missouri River, 39, 108
Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear), 406
mobility, Métis, 147–48, 270, 305
in Bois-Brûlé life, 49, 95–96
of the French Métis, 134
and land customs, 270, 272
maintenance of, 427
and the Métis “problem,” 420
in northern Alberta and Saskatchewan, 404–5, 428–29
road allowance people, 420–22
in scrip documents, 388–89
seasonal, 96
in song and story, xiv
trade routes and, 13
as “vagrancy,” 400–401
moccasins, 351
moccasin telegraph, 227, 405–6
Mohawk land claims, 452–53
money, 391
money scrip, 381
Métis in, 356–57
Riel in, 320, 324, 326, 330, 357
wintering sites in, 292
Montour, Jean Baptiste, 339
Montour, Joseph, 339
Montreal, 13, 15, 15, 58, 61, 77–78, 375
Moore, Thomas, 19
Moose Jaw, 295
Moose Mountain, 388
Morin, Louis, 383, 385
Morin, Vital, 417
Morris, Lt. Gov. Alexander, 265, 286, 299, 302, 303, 323, 373
Morrisseau, John, 442
mosquitoes, 99, 163, 240
and national identity, xiv–xv
North-West as, 87, 148, 463
Red River as heart of, 147, 148
Moulin, Father Julien, 358, 360
Mounties. See North-West Mounted Police
Mount Tambora, 37–38
Mulroney, Brian, 449
multiculturalism, 440
mumps, 132
murmuration, 147
music, Métis, 100, 101
Musqua (Brûlé man), 55
names and naming, xxi–xxii, 51, 66, 93, 109, 473–76
nicknames, 45, 346
Canada’s development as, xxi
defined, 87, 88, 89
Métis as, xx–xxi, 126
National Committee of the Red River Métis, 183, 184
national historical committee, 4, 5–8
Native Council of Canada, 437–38, 440, 442, 443, 445–46
natural resources development, 437
Nault, André, 375
arrest and trial of, 267
in exile, 243
and the Fenians, 257–58, 258–59
in the Red River Resistance, 184, 189, 199
in the reign of terror, 249–50, 251
at Scott trial, 219
Nault, Romain, 245
Neault, Napoléon, 359
Nehiyaw Pwat. See Iron Alliance
Nelson House, 56
Nelson River, 56, 108
“new Métis,” 481–84
New Nation, The, 171–72, 214, 233, 237, 244
newspapers, 160
New York Times, The, 251
nicknaming, 45
90th (Winnipeg) Battalion of Rifles, 348
Nipissing, Louison, 388, 389
Nipissing, Madeleine, 388
Nolin, Augustin, 84, 166, 177, 194
land claims by, 281
Nolin, Joseph, 219
Nolin, Norbert, 281
Nolin family, 13, 203, 269
nomadism. See mobility, Métis
noose, 431
Norquay, John, 211–12
Norris, Malcolm, 402, 439
event staging by, 429–30
in the Métis Association of Alberta, 403, 407–8, 408, 411, 412–13, 413–14, 416
in Saskatchewan, 428, 429–30
in the Second World War, 416
Northcote, SS, 298, 346–47
North Dakota, Métis in, 356–57
northmen (hommes du nord), 12, 35. See also voyageurs
and the Bois-Brûlés, 36, 89–90
vs. pork-eaters, 20
songs of, 18
North Saskatchewan River, 87, 108
North-West, the
annexation of, proposed, 160–61, 174–75
Canadian governance of, 171–72, 177
as Crown colony, 172
defined, xv
law and governance in, 34–35
as the Métis Nation motherland, 87, 148
as a temporary territory, 209
transfer to Canada of, 164, 169–72, 177, 178, 192, 196, 198, 207
North West Company (NWC). See also merger, HBC–NWC; trade war, HBC–NWC
Bois-Brûlés relations, 48, 52, 53–54, 59, 89, 136
employee identities, 39
First Nations relations, 53
founding of, 13
Freemen relations, 61
and Frog Plain, 67, 77–78
and Grant, 52, 53–54
and the Red River Settlement, 43, 58
rules and justice system, 76
in War of 1812, 117
western shift of, 12
and women, 26
North-West Council, 298
offer to Riel of position on, 329–30
North-Western Territory, 13, 161
annexation of, 160–61
North-West Field Force, 348
North-West Mounted Police (Mounties)
and Clarke, 303
and Dumont, 361
First Nations relations, 322
in the land scrip process, 383, 385
and land tenure, 319
Métis harassment, 397
and Métis land title, 324
in the North-West Resistance, 339, 341, 345
recruitment, 332
requests for, 323, 332
and Riel, 329, 331
North-West Resistance, 295, 315, 335–51
cause of, 395
exile after, 351–52, 356–58
Métis history of, 6–9
in scrip documents, 388
scrip in, 381
Northwest Territories, 480
North-West Territories
Canadian law in, 302
and the Iron Alliance, 112
proposed as provinces, 327, 333
Norway House, 56
Nor’-Wester, The, 160, 161
Nor’Westers. See North West Company (NWC)
Nouveau Monde, Le, 168
nouvelle nation, la, 68, 88–90
Nova Scotia, 182
“new Métis” in, 482
nuisance grounds, 422
Oakley, Annie, 357
Oak Point, 165, 166, 175. See also Sainte-Anne-des-Chênes
occupancy, date of, 288
O’Donoghue, William Bernard, 209, 241, 255–56, 257–58, 260
Oglala (S.D.), 39, 123
oil and gas, 437
Ojibwa. See also Plains tribes
Bois-Brûlés relations, 38, 56–57
buffalo hunt, 321
Canadian Party relations, 202
and Dumont, 314
Freemen relations, 38
at Frog Plain, 63, 65
HBC relations, 40, 59, 83–84
hunting practices of, 47
in the Iron Alliance, 111–12, 121
justice system of, 217
land ownership by, 44, 165–66
linguistic influence of, 21
liquor sales to, 165, 193–94
marriages, 38 (see also under women, Indigenous)
McDougall and, 178
Métis relations, 126
military traditions of, 52
NWC relations, 40
in Red River, 38
at Red River conventions, 192, 201
and the Red River Resistance, 198, 211, 212, 227
settler relations, 40, 43, 44, 47
Sioux relations, 121
starvation of, 322–23
in Treaty #3, 286
Oka crisis, 452–53
Old Cardinal (Alberta Métis), 406, 410–11
Old Wolves, the, 3–5, 5, 6, 7, 8–9, 402, 462
and the Métis Treaty, 273, 278
O’Leary, Bishop Henry Joseph, 412
O’Lone, Bob, 249, 251
Omeniho, Melanie, 472, 472
one-man-to-blame theory, 359, 370
Ontario. See also under immigration and immigrants
bounty for death of Scott, 252, 263, 265
Canadian Party in, 160, 161, 233–37, 290
election in, 237–38
immigrants from, 164, 201, 277, 280, 282–83, 290
Métis in, 392–93, 480
and the North-West Resistance, 337–38
oral culture, xiv, 301–2
law in, 216
meetings in, 411
oral history, xiv, 8, 18, 275
Orange Lodge, 234, 235–37, 237–38, 241, 279, 353, 366, 373, 431
Orangemen (orangistes), 164, 227, 249, 251
Oregon boundary dispute, 117, 119, 120
origin story, Métis, 55, 68, 88
Orkneymen, 12
Otipêyimisowak (Métis), 404, 474, 476
Ottawa, 15
Riel in, 264–65
Otter, W. D., 355
Ouellette, José, 350
Ouellette, Moïse, 325–26, 340, 360–61
Ouri, Thomas, 342
over-hunting, 305
over-trapping, 12
Pacific Scandal, 266
Paddle Prairie, 415, 416
Papineau, Louis-Joseph, 129, 430, 439
Papineau Rebellion, 131
Papaschayo (Chief), 352
pardon, requests for, 300
Parenteau, St. Pierre, 343
Parisien, Norbert
absence of, in history, 220
beating and death of, 211, 213–14, 237, 251
Parkman, Francis, 103–4
Parks Canada, 253
Park Valley, 423
Parliament, expulsion of Riel by, 265, 330, 447
partnerships, in buffalo hunt, 32–33
Patriotes, 129–30, 131
patrols. See guards and patrols
patronage, political, 330
“peace, order, and good government,” 463
Peace River, 108
Peace River District, 56
Peavine, 415, 416
Peguis (Salteaux Chief), 62
Pembina (N.D.), 26, 39, 108, 175
Bois-Brûlés and Freemen in, 30, 31, 96, 97, 104–5
emigration from, 304
Fenians in, 257
fur trade in, 85
HBC and, 96
Métis in, 107, 112–14, 121, 258
non-Indigenous children born in, 30
population of, 104, 121
Riel in, 249
seasonal camps at, 270
Selkirk Settlers in, 95–96
trade in, 141–42
Pembina River, 97, 107, 108, 108, 175
pemmican, 33, 92, 106
confiscation of, 47, 48, 58
trade in, 63, 87, 106, 138, 141–42, 297, 298
Pemmican Publications, 462
Petite-Ville, 295
petitions, 319–20, 327, 328, 329, 411, 412
for amnesty, 267
on fur trade rights, 142–43, 154
on HBC monopoly, 154–55, 156
for land protection, 320
for North-West Council representation, 304
not answered, 320, 328, 332–33
for reserves, 320, 321–22, 397, 406
on Riel, 373–75
for treaties, 322
“Petit Rocher,” 18
place names, xxii
Plains, the, 389–90
ecosystem of, 307
Iron Alliance control of, 112
Plains tribes. See also Cree; Ojibwa
foods of, 33
Freemen and, 31, 32, 33
horse culture, 31
hunting customs of, 32
Plessis, Bishop Joseph-Octave, 113
Pointe-Coupée, 259
Poitras, Eleanor, xvi
Poitras, Pierre, 202, 242
police. See also North-West Mounted Police
under Riel, 243
polygamy, 26, 92
Poplar Point, 175, 247, 269
Poplar River Agency, 357
pork-eaters (mangeurs de lard), 11–12. See also voyageurs
vs. the northmen, 20
songs of, 18
Portage la Prairie, 174, 198, 211, 212, 269
Port Hope Evening Guide, 353–54
Poundmaker (Chief), 355
poverty, 414, 417, 420, 421–22, 423, 432, 433
Powley case, 477, 480–81
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act, 426
prayer, 342, 349, 361
precedent, 470
presents, ceremonial, 83
priests. See Catholic Church
Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range, 415
Prince (Chief), 198, 201, 211
Prince Albert, 294, 295, 296
Conservative clique in, 317
Mounties in, 332
population of, 304
Riel in, 327, 331
Prince Albert Colonization Company, 316, 317
Prince Albert Times, The, 316–17
printing press, 331
prisoners, release of, 209, 211, 212
Privy Council, 372
at close of Red River Resistance, 230, 261
of North-West transfer to Canada, 196–97, 198, 199, 222
promise, treaty-like, 274, 465
propaganda, 3, 34, 58
Canadian Party, 160, 161, 170, 290, 431
in the Saskatchewan, 316–18
property rights, 46, 49, 420, 426
vs. Indigenous title, 185
Protestant clergy, and the North-West Resistance, 345
Provencher, district of, 264
provisional council, 196, 202, 207
provisional government, proposed, 194–95, 196, 208
Provisional Government of Rupert’s Land, 208–9, 211, 212, 216, 244
and the Manitoba Act, 224–27, 272
violence under, 245
Provisional Government of Saskatchewan, 335, 344
pulp and paper, 451
Qu’Appelle, 55, 429
Bois-Brûlé flag in, 54
land settlement in, 395–96
Métis in, 148, 299–300
pemmican trade in, 87
seasonal camps in, 270, 292
Qu’Appelle assembly, 221–23
Qu’Appelle Code, 299–300
Qu’Appelle Lakes, 221, 460
Qu’Appelle River, 39
Quebec (Lower Canada), 161
in constitution talks, 451, 452, 453
culture of, 22
Dumont in, 357
and Métis Nation boundaries, 484
motion for pardon of Lépine, 267
“new Métis” in, 482
petitions on Riel from, 373–74
politics in, 129–30
and the Red River Resistance, 224–25, 237, 369
and Riel, 454–55
Riel in, 366
sovereignty referendums, 452, 453
and voyageurs, 15, 22, 25, 26
Quebec nationalism, 357, 453, 455
Quebec separatism, 455
Queen’s Quarterly, 6
questionnaires, 406
race, 433
race-shifting, xx, 480–84
Racette, Georges, 175, 184–85
racism, 167, 413, 419
Radisson, Pierre-Esprit, 34
railroads, 315, 316, 318, 321, 397, 400
railway workers, police protection of, 323
Rainy Lake, 227, 292, 460, 479
Freemen at, 31, 84
fur trade in, 14
Métis in, 148, 286
and Treaty #3, 286
Rainy River, 108
Rall’s (Rahls) Island, 423
ranchers, 405
rangs, 268, 270, 284, 297, 318, 320, 395
rape, 250–51
rations, 118, 314, 323
Rat River, 165, 289
RCMP, 431. See also North-West Mounted Police
in Church doctrine, 337
Provisional Government as, 194
vs. resistance, 4–5, 185, 338, 388, 430
reconciliation, 430, 454, 455, 467
Redbird, Duke, 443
Red Deer River, 295
Red River (region), 28, 39, 56, 269. See also Red River Settlement
defined, 38
economy of, 293
English Métis in, 134
farming at, 94
at the Forks, 31 (see also Forks, the)
Freemen in, 29, 61, 84
fur trade in, 14
HBC ownership of, 41
identity changes in, 294
land title in, 145, 272
Métis in, 146, 147, 148
as motherland, 147, 148
petition on Riel from, 374–75
population, 29, 38–40, 146, 159, 183, 241, 293
provincial status sought for, 183, 196, 201, 225
violence in, 245 (see also reign of terror)
Red River (river), 108, 268, 269
land claims along, 281
and Red River region, 38
settlement belt along, 270, 280, 285
Red River carts, 31–32, 32, 43, 91, 98, 102, 106
Red River Code, 187–88, 299, 300, 301
Red River Court, 131
Red River Expedition. See Canadian Expeditionary Force
Red River Famine Relief Fund, 167
“Red River Jig, the” (“Oayâche Mannin”), 101
Red River occupation. See reign of terror
Red River Resistance, 174, 176–77, 179–90, 199, 210–13, 221–23
conventions, 191–98, 201, 203, 205–10
Métis history of, 6–9, 278
in scrip documents, 388
Red River Settlement, 48. See also Selkirk Settlers
dog hotel in, 20
geography of, 268
HBC and, 41–42
sale to HBC, 131
as two settlements, 112
Red River settlers. See also Selkirk Settlers (earlier)
at Red River conventions, 191
and the Red River Resistance, 188
in the reign of terror, 251
Red River Valley, 111
refuge areas, 270, 271
refugees, Sioux, 321
Regina, 295, 319, 355, 363, 364
juries in, 370
nuisance grounds, 422
Regina Rifles, 417
reign of terror, 241–51, 283, 330, 462
Macdonald’s responsibility for, 253–55
relocation, mass, 434
rendezvous points, 270
representative government. See responsible government
First Nations, 286, 314, 321–22
land claims as, 280–81
in the Manitoba Act negotiations, 225, 226–27 (see also Métis Treaty)
Mennonite, 279
Métis, 278–79, 397–98 (see also Alberta Métis settlements)
petitions for, 320, 321–22
residential schools, 420
first, vs. Selkirk Settlers, 151
second, vs. HBC monopoly, 151–52, 153–54
third (see Red River Resistance)
fourth (see North-West Resistance)
fifth, litigation as, 460
Indigenous, 452
litigation as, 460
vs. rebellion, 185
resource claims, 270–71
resource ownership
HBC assertion of, 135, 137
litigation of, 461
responsible government, 129, 130, 143, 333
restaurants, 30
Revolutionary Bill of Rights (1885), 333–34
Richardson, Hugh, 322, 370–71, 372
Riel, Jean-Louis (father of Louis), 366
HBC relations, 172, 222–23
as Métis leader, 133, 141, 144
and responsible government, 130
at Sayer trial, 152, 154, 156
Riel, Joseph (brother of Louis)
author’s relationship to, xv
and Louis Riel, 363, 364, 365
on “rebellion,” 4
and Riel House, xix, 3
X mark of, 275, 276
Riel, Julie (mother of Louis), 249, 265, 274–75
Riel, Louis, 169
amnesty for, 267
assassination attempts and plots on, 211, 249
in asylum, 366
author’s relationship to, xv
at Batoche, 341, 349
bounty on, 251–52, 264
bribery of, 329–31
and the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 227–28
and the Catholic Church, 289, 359–60
citizenship, 370
death certificate, 376
defence and commemoration of, 3–4
as defender of French language, 368, 454–55
delegation to, 324–26
demand for surrender of, 360
at Duck Lake, 338–39
Dumont’s search for, 361
in exile, 230, 241, 243, 249, 262, 320, 324, 326, 330, 361
and family, 326, 351, 360, 361, 363
fear of, 322
and the Fenians, 255, 256, 259, 260–61, 287, 330
at funeral of Goulet, 247
and general amnesty, 262
grave of, 4
hanging of, 375, 431, 446, 454, 456
and HBC seizures, 195
idealism of, 229
as Indigenous leader, 7–8, 180, 215–16, 368
influences on, 439
as interpreter, 205, 218
and La Barrière, 185, 186–87
legacy of, 8, 376, 446
letters sent by, 344–45
on Mair, 168–69
and the Manitoba Act, 225, 228–30, 273, 278, 442, 454
as man of peace, 202–3, 229, 329, 334–35
as martyr, 328, 376, 377
and McDougall, 188, 192, 197
as member of Parliament, 264–65, 330, 447
Métis criticism of, 367
and Métis governance, 201
monument to, 4
movement for exoneration of, 454–56
and multiculturalism, 440
mysticism and spirituality of, 334, 349, 361, 366, 367, 368, 370
as negotiator, 324, 325
in the North-West Resistance, 334–35, 338–39, 341, 342, 349, 367
pardon sought for, 300, 454
and Parisien, 214
as patriot, 430
petitions by, 320, 327, 329
police surveillance of, 331
police under, 243
as politician, 228–29
preference for “Métis,” 476
as prophet, 7, 329
and provisional government, 194–95, 196, 208–9, 211–12, 216
in Quebec, 366
recognition of, 454
at Red River conventions, 191, 193–95, 205–7, 208–9
in the Red River Resistance, 180, 185–88, 197, 199, 203–5, 211–12, 227–28
return from exile, 326–27
reverence for, 221
on rule of law, 252–53
sanity of, 7–8, 360, 364–68, 371, 372, 373
and Scott trial, 215–16, 218
as secretary of the National Committee of the Red River Métis, 183
self-doubt, 262
Sioux relations, 202–3
and Smith, 204–5
as son of Jean-Louis Riel, 156
stories about, 221
surrender of, 361–62
and surveyors, 180–81
as teacher, 330
and Tourond’s Coulee, 342
trial of, 218, 368–72, 373, 455–56
as voice of western alienation, 368
warrants for arrest of, 241, 262, 263
writings of, 7, 193, 364
Riel, Marguerite (wife of Louis), 351, 363
Riel, Sara (daughter of Joseph), xv
Riel, Sara (sister of Louis), 358
Riel exoneration movement, 454–56
Riel family, land claim, 274–75, 276
Riel House, xviii–xix, 3, 462
“Riel Rebellions,” 4–5
rifle pits, 346
rifle shipment, 181–82, 183, 184, 192, 239
right of common, 271
Rights, Lists of, 197–98, 198–99, 209, 210, 224, 225, 261–62
Ritchot, Father Joseph-Noël
arrest of, 224
and general amnesty, 262
in the Manitoba Act negotiations, 210, 224, 225, 226, 272, 273, 274, 280, 284
Ritchot, Janvier, 181, 219, 392
Ritchot, Jean Baptist, 392
Ritchot, Marie Anne, 392
rivers, land allocation and, 268–70, 280–81, 284, 285, 318
Rivière Sale. See Sale River
road allowance communities, 423, 423–27
road allowance people, 420–22
road allowances, 285, 318
road relief project, 164–65, 165, 166–67, 178, 182
roads, 397
Robertson, Colin, 59, 60, 61
Robertson, T. Beverley, 284
robes. See under buffalo
Robinson, John Beverley, 78
Robinson, Viola, 443
Rocky Mountains, 29, 479
Rooster Town, 422–24, 423
Ross, Alexander, 94, 132, 133–34, 147
Ross, Donald, 350
Ross, James
as chief justice in Provisional Government, 209
at Red River conventions, 193
in the Red River Resistance, 199
in the reign of terror, 243, 245, 247
Royal, Joseph, 276
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 273, 453, 459
Royal Proclamation of 1763, 382
Royal Regiment of Canada, 430
Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, 348
royalty, claims of, 30
Royal Winnipeg Rifles, 417
rubabou (Gatling gun), 346
Rupert’s Land, 13, 15, 161
annexation of, 160–61
governance of, 133, 135
Iron Alliance control of, 112
R. v. Barton, 468
R. v. Powley, 477, 480–81
sacs-à-feu (tobacco pouches), 20
Sainte-Anne-des-Chênes (Oak Point), 165, 166, 175, 269
and the Fenians, 259
land allocations at, 269
land claims in, 280, 281
in the Red River Resistance, 190, 194, 203
Sale River, 165, 184, 269, 285
salt, 30
in constitution talks, 449, 450
Métis in, 428
Métis relations, 429–30, 451
northern Métis, 428–29
proposed as province, 333
Saskatchewan, the. See South Saskatchewan, the
Saskatchewan District, 56
Saskatchewan Métis Society, 411, 429, 430, 438, 442, 446
Saskatchewan River, 39. See also South Saskatchewan River
and the buffalo hunt, 108
Saskatoon, 108, 294, 295
Sault Ste. Marie, 116, 477, 480
“savage,” 70–71
Sayer, Guillaume, 152, 154, 155
Sayer case, 151–56
Sayer family, relocation of, 13
scalping knife, 43, 200, 238
scarlet fever, 132, 163
Schmidt, Louis, 206, 209
scholars, Métis, 438
school allowances, 318
schools, 327, 333, 406, 410
Catholic, 228
residential, 420
Schultz, John Christian
and the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 233–34, 241, 247, 290–91
character, 160
court cases against, 163
escape of, 210–11
and the Fenians, 261
and land for Ontario immigrants, 282–83
land speculation by, 283–84, 316
leaves Red River, 212, 233
and Macdonald, 249
and Manitoba Act, 226
and Métis delegates’ arrest, 224
and Métis rights, 176
in Ontario, 233, 234, 235, 431
as an Orangeman, 249
in Red River, 160, 161, 266, 289–90
and the Red River Resistance, 198, 199, 211, 212
in the reign of terror, 241–42, 244, 248, 249, 289–90
and Riel, 196
and the road relief project, 164, 165
support for, 300
in the fur trade, 12, 39, 40
Selkirk Settlers as, 40
Scott, Alfred, 210, 224, 245
Scott, Thomas
beating of Parisien by, 212, 213–14
bounty regarding, 252
and reign of terror, 245
revenge of, 227, 234, 235–37, 238, 245, 247, 375
Riel assassination desire, 211, 212, 215
and road relief project, 166
as subject of Qu’Appelle deliberations, 223
trial, sentencing, and execution of, 216–20, 233, 245, 248, 431, 471
trials for murder of, 265, 266–67
scouts, in the hunt, 98
scrip, 112, 289, 381, 381–97. See also land scrip
scrip commissions, 384, 386, 393
scrip documents, historical value of, 387–90
Second World War, 417–19
Seine River, 165, 269, 269, 285
Selby-Smith, Edward, 303
self-governance, 301, 333
buffalo hunt and, 90
self-government, 407, 411, 414, 415, 444, 467
in constitution talks, 449–50, 450–51
self-identification, 433, 478
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 6th Earl of, 40–42, 44, 70, 76, 80
Bois-Brûlés relations, 71
defence of settlement, 61, 74
and Frog Plain, 72, 77, 78–79
as racist, 45
Selkirk Settlers, 42–45. See also Red River settlers (later)
Bois-Brûlés relations, 43, 48–49, 87
and the buffalo hunt, 104–5
Freemen relations, 43
and Frog Plain, 64, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73
HBC relations, 59, 86
hunting by, 47
and land ownership, 46
and Macdonell, 58
Métis relations, 134–35
military skills, lack of, 60
NWC relations, 58
Ojibwa relations, 43
in Pembina, 95–96
political culture and values, 49, 56, 76
return of, 59
as Scottish Highlanders, 40, 76
and the Sioux, 122
Selkirk Treaty, 151
Semple, Gov. Robert, 60, 63, 64, 65–66, 69, 73
Senate, 330
sentencing, Métis, 219–20
settlement belt, 270, 280, 285
Seven Oaks, Battle of, 66. See also Frog Plain, Victory at the
sex, 433
shame, 219, 407, 422
in the buffalo hunt, 32–33
in Métis culture, 90–91, 136–37, 137–38
Shaw, William, 55
Sherbrooke, Gov. Gen. John Coape, 74
Sheyenne River, 107, 120, 124
signatures, 275, 385
Simpson, Sir George
on the Bois-Brûlés, 95
Bois-Brûlés and Métis relations, 96, 116, 122, 138, 141, 142
British Army invitation, 119, 120
governance by, 131, 134, 149
and Grant, 85, 86
Sinclair, James, 133, 141, 143, 144, 149, 154, 155
Sinclair, James Nicol, 344
Sinclair, Jim, 450
childhood, 422
on the Constitutional Review Commission, 443–44, 446
in constitution talks, 450–51
event staging by, 430–31
in the Métis National Council, 449
in Saskatchewan, 430–31, 437
HBC relations, 84
and the Iron Alliance, 111–12, 121, 122
Métis relations, 121–22, 122–26, 148, 311–12, 313
Ojibwa relations, 121–22
railroad in territory of, 321
in Red River, 202–3
refugees, 321
sign language, 32, 474
territory, 112
threat of, 84, 96, 98, 138
Sioux Confederacy, 313
Sisseton Sioux, 122
sit-ins, 440
6th Royal Regiment of Foot, 119–20
smallpox, 132, 295, 390
Smith, Donald
as acting head of state, 241
and freighting, 298
land speculation by, 283–84
land title protection promise by, 277
and the Red River Resistance, 200–201, 202, 210, 239
at Red River Resistance conventions, 203–8
Smith, Marie Rose, 305
smuggling, 35, 114, 139–40
Snow, John, 164, 165, 166, 193–94
snowshoe, travel by, 20
social assistance, 400, 406, 410
social glue, 10, 16, 48, 89–90
socialism, 403, 439
soil erosion, 425–26, 427
songs, xiv. See also oral history
Métis, 67, 73–74, 100, 101–2, 342
of the Patriotes, 130
of the voyageurs, 15, 16–19, 67
soubriquet (nicknaming), 45, 346
Souris River, 39, 108, 124
South Saskatchewan, the
Bois-Brûlé warriors from, 55
Freemen migration from, 29
governance of, 298–99
Métis diaspora in, 294–97
population, 304
wintering sites in, 292
South Saskatchewan District, 108
South Saskatchewan Regiment, 417
South Saskatchewan River, 292, 294, 295, 295, 304
in British law, 185–86
Canadian, 299
Indigenous, 186
Métis Nation, 185
sovereignty referendums, 452, 453
speculation. See land speculation
squatting, 282, 283, 318, 400, 420
of Métis land claims, 280, 283, 289
by speculators and surveyors, 174, 177, 181
St. Albert, diocese of, 399
St. Andrews, 183, 269
Stanley, George, xvii
starvation, 163, 167, 314, 321, 322–23
Statute of Treasons (1351), 369
St. Boniface, 154, 165, 269
and the Fenians, 259, 260
land claims in, 280
in the Red River Resistance, 190
St. Charles, 269, 280
St. Clements, 269
St. Denis, Louis, 139
Ste. Agathe, 259, 269
steamships, 397
Ste. Madeleine, 307, 423, 425–27
St. François Xavier, 204, 269, 421
emigration from, 297, 425
land allocations at, 269
land claims of, 280–81
Métis of, vs. St. Vital and St. Norbert Métis, 222–23
in the Red River Resistance, 190
St-Germain, Father Pierre, 358
St. Germain, George, 389
St. Germain, Louis, 388
St. Germain, Pierre, 388, 389
St. James, 269
St. John’s, 269
St. Joseph (N.D.), 121, 260, 304, 394. See also Walhalla
St. Laurent (Manitoba), 281
St. Laurent (Saskatchewan), 295, 295, 296, 297, 304, 317–18, 360
St. Laurent de Grandin, 295–96
St. Laurent Métis Council, 302, 303, 324–26
St. Lawrence River, 12
St. Lazare, 295, 425
St. Louis, 295, 295
St. Louis de Langevin, 316
St. Matte, Jerome, 215
St. Norbert, 269
emigration from, 297, 425
and the Fenians, 259
land claims in, 280
Métis of, vs. St. François Xavier Métis, 222–23
in the Red River Resistance, 174, 177, 184–85, 186–88, 190
Stone Fort, 165
storytelling, xiv, 3–4, 73–74
about Dumont, 403
about Riel, 221, 403
about the Battle of Duck Lake, 339
at assemblies, 438
by voyageurs, 11, 15
St. Paul (Minn.), 107, 108
St. Paul Daily Pioneer, The, 248
St. Paul des Métis, 398–400, 403, 416
St. Paul’s, 269
St. Paul’s Place, 398
St. Peters, 192, 269
St. Peter’s Mission (Mont.), 357
Street, W. P. R., 395
St. Vital, 269
Dumont in, 4
and the Fenians, 259
land claims in, 280
Métis of, vs. St. François Xavier Métis, 222–23
in the Red River Resistance, 174, 177, 190
surveyors in, 181
Sumner, Cpt. Edwin V., 120
Superior, Lake, 240
Supreme Court of Canada
Cindy Gladue case, 472
and federal responsibility for Aboriginal peoples, 409
Indigenous rights cases at, 461
Manitoba Metis Federation case, 273–74, 465–66
on patriation of the Constitution, 443
R. v. Powley, 477, 480–81
Supreme Court of the North-West, proposed, 210
surnames, 93
surrender demands, 360–61
bias of, 317
as a military force, 182, 239
police protection of, 323
surveys, 177–78, 180–81, 285, 396, 420
in Métis land custom, 289
Sutherland, John Hugh, 211, 213, 237
Swain, John, 350
Swan River District, 56
Swift Current, 295
Taché, Bishop Alexandre-Antonin, 261, 262, 264, 276, 289, 358
Tait, David, 248
tallow, 92
Tanner, Rev. James, 247, 251
taverns, 30
taxes, 425, 426, 427
Taylor, James Wickes (U.S. consul), 247–48, 251, 256
teepees, 102
Teillet, Camille, xviii
Teillet, Jean, xv–xvi, xvii–xix
Teillet, Roger, 417
Telegraph, The, 244
tent camps, 397, 398, 400–401, 422
10th Royal Grenadiers, 348
theft, of resources, 284
Therien, Father Adéodat, 399
Thibault, Father Jean-Baptiste, 194, 206
Thom, Adam, 130–31, 141, 151, 152, 154–55
Thomas, 423
thrones, 189
timber rights and regulations, 150–52, 334
timber theft, 284
Tin Town, 422, 423
tobacco, 202
Tomkins, Peter, 408, 412
Toronto, 15, 233, 235, 237, 431
Touchwood, 415
Touchwood Hills, 292, 294, 295
Touron, Baptiste, 258
Tourond, Calixte, 350
Tourond, Elzéar, 350
Tourond, François, 340
Tourond, Josephte, 351, 352, 364
Tourond, Patrice, 359, 360
Tourond’s Coulee, 295, 295
Tourond’s Coulee, Battle of, 338, 341–43, 346, 347
townships, 285, 318
trademarks, 481
trade relationships, Métis, 91
trade routes, 108
trade war, HBC–NWC, 13, 25, 28, 63, 74–76
Bois-Brûlés in, 54, 75–76
and clan warfare, 40
Coltman and, 79
Fort Gibraltar seizure, 59
and Frog Plain, 57–58, 63–64, 70
Macdonell and, 47
and the Red River Settlement, 42
uniforms in, 54
translation and interpretation, 201, 342
trapping, 12, 354, 428
Traverse, Lake, 39, 122
treaties, 170. See also Métis Treaty
English versions of, 382
extinguishment of Indigenous title by, 382
First Nations, 314, 382, 391, 393
negotiations of, 323, 382
in North-West temporary territory, 210
payments under, 391
petitions for, 322
police pressure to sign, 383
Supreme Court litigation defining, 273–74
Treaty #3, 286, 383
Treaty #4, 322
tree bark, 45–46
Trémaudan, Auguste de, 6–7
First Nations, 217
Métis, 216–18, 220, 470–71
Trois-Rivières, 15, 15, 39, 366
Trottier, Joseph, 350
Trottier, Marie, 293–94, 467, 471
Trottier, Michel, 350
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, 439–40, 443, 447
tuberculosis (consumption), 363, 364
Turner, Edmund, 219, 248
Turner, J. M. W., 37
Turtle Mountain, 95–96, 108, 124, 175, 270, 357, 460
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Band, 393, 394
“Turtle Mountain Song” (Falcon), 101–2
“two founding nations” idea, 440
typhus, 163
Umphreville, 423
unemployment, 406
Union Métisse de la Saskatchewan, 428
Union Métisse du Local #1 de Batoche, 428
Union Métisse Nationale, 428, 462–63
Union Métisse Nationale l’Ouest, 428
Union Nationale Métisse Saint-Joseph, 4, 5, 8
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United Nations, 419
United States
American Métis, 113–14, 258, 394, 480
and the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 240
First Nations in, 314
and the Freemen, 35
Métis relations, 119, 120
petitions from, 373, 374
Red River observers, 202
as a threat, 70, 117, 120, 203, 239–40
trade in and with, 107, 141–42, 146
Upper Canada, 161. See also Ontario
Upper Fort Garry, 175, 189–90, 193, 194, 205, 269
Upper Red River, 38. See also Assiniboine River
uranium mining, 437
urban Métis, 404, 405
urban–rural divide, 404
U.S. Army buffalo extermination program, 305, 321
U.S. border, 12, 110–11, 113–14, 314, 393–94
vagrancy, 400–401
Vandal, Benjamin, 344, 345, 352
Vandal, Joseph, 350
Vander Zalm, Bill, 450–51
Végréville, Father Valentin, 349, 358, 359
Vermette, Joseph, 343
victims, in justice system, 471
Victoria, Queen, 206–7
Victory at the Frog Plain. See Frog Plain, Victory at the
Volunteer Review, The, 261
voting and elections, 176
at the Council of the Hunt, 97, 98, 130
to land selection committees, 281
as political tactic, 411–12
in winter camps, 130
Voudrie, Toussaint, 250
voyageur highway, 12–16, 13, 30, 401
voyageurs, 240. See also northmen; pork-eaters
and the Bois-Brûlés, 36
and the buffalo hunt, 30
culture, 11, 14–22, 35, 68
Freemen, trade with, 30
Indigenous relations, 24
marriages of, 12, 22–27, 28, 35, 112
and Quebec, 25, 26, 39
and the Red River Resistance, 227
as social glue of Métis Nation, 10, 16, 35, 89–90
terms for, 11–12
in the War of 1812, 117–19
vyeu, lii, 3, 473, 489. See also Old Wolves, the
wages, 298, 317
wahkootowin, 469–70
Walhalla (St. Joseph), 121, 394, 420
Wappeston, 51. See also Grant, Cuthbert
death in, vs. murder, 72
declaration of, 54
Indigenous customs of, 71
Métis guerilla tactics, 346
tactics of, 52
Victory at the Frog Plain as, 72–73
women in, 125, 340, 348–49, 352
war chief, position of, 53
War Council of the Métis Nation, 189, 215, 216
Ward, Henry Alfred, 353
Warden of the Plains, 122
War of 1812, 12, 54, 117–19
war paint, 54, 65
Warroad (Minn.), 111
war road, Sioux, 111, 112
war songs, 136, 342
Weak City, 423
Webb, Maj. Adam Clark, 181, 198
welfare relief, 400, 406, 410
western alienation, 368
wheat milling, 139
white English-speaking Protestant ascendancy, 249, 290
White Horse Plain, 86, 96, 97, 165, 229–30, 259
whooping cough, 132
wild rice, 14
Wilkie, Jean-Baptiste, 123
Winnipeg, 38, 44, 56, 389, 434
Frog Plain anniversary in, 68
lands offices in, 282, 288, 333–34
in the Red River Resistance, 189, 229–30
in the reign of terror, 242, 243, 253, 300
and Rooster Town, 423–24
Winnipeg, Lake, 39, 175
Winnipeg Field Battery, 348
Winnipegosis, Lake, 295
Winnipeg River, 108, 227
winter foraging, 283
winter hunting grounds, 32
Wintering River, 124
wintering sites, 148, 162, 221, 270, 271, 292, 294–95
wolf, on flags, 21
Wolf Lake, 415
Wolseley, Col. Garnet, 200, 224, 230, 240–41, 242, 244, 252, 254
in fisheries, 27–28
passing as men, 30
in war, 340
women, Indigenous
in hunting brigades, 90
intermarriage of, 12, 22–25, 26–27, 35
in justice system, 471
as mothers of Métis nation, 22, 35, 56
murdered and missing, 467, 468
violence against, 467–68, 469
women, Métis
after Batoche, 351–52, 363–64
on buffalo hunts, 102, 106
cultural value on, 470
in the justice system, 293–94, 467, 468
leaders, 471
protest by, 468
in the reign of terror, 243, 250–51
Saskatchewan organization of, 428
stereotypes of, 432, 433
violence against, 468, 471
in war, 125, 348–49, 352
work of, 92, 106, 364
Women of the Métis Nation, 472
Wood, Edmund Burke, 265–66, 267, 284
Woodcock, George, 300–301
woodlot commons, 281, 283, 284. See also common lands
Wood Mountain, 108, 148, 270, 292, 294, 358, 389
World War II, 417–19
Yankton Sioux, 122
Yellowstone River, 108, 108
York Factory, 56, 108, 117, 140
Young, Gov. Gen. John, 207, 261, 262–63
Young Point, 423
zareba enclosure, 348