Cloud Cuckoo Land by Antonius Diogenes, Folio Φ
… Looking into the ·[book,]· I felt as though I’d hung my head over the lip of a magical well. Across its surface spread the heavens and the earth, all its lands scattered, all its beasts, and in the ·[center?]·…
… I saw cities full of lanterns and gardens, could hear faint music and singing. I saw a wedding in one city with girls in bright robes, and boys with golden swords…
… dancing…
… and my ·[heart was glad?]·. But when I turned ·[to the next page?]· I saw dark, flaming cities in which men burned alive in their fields, and were enslaved in chains, hounds eating corpses, and newborns pitched over walls onto pikes, and when I bent my ear low, I could hear the wailing. And as I looked, turning the leaf over and back…
… beauty and ugliness…
… dancing and death…
… ·[was too much?]·…
… grew afraid…