Chapter 54
“We Got One Today”
Later that day, March 23, 2004, after only four hours of deliberation, Jury A reached a verdict. An observer sitting in the spectator section, behind the defendant, couldn’t help but look at Ralph Salierno—especially his head. He’d spent days looking at his back and noticed that the defendant’s head was too small for his body. It was almost freakish, like the infamous photo of Lee Harvey Oswald where the head was superimposed. Maybe he’d been unable to juice up since he was in stir and he was losing massive bulk—starting in his head.
Salierno’s jury found Ralph Salierno guilty of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, and second-degree conspiracy. His sentencing was scheduled for April 26. Salierno showed little emotion when the verdict was read. Those nearby the defense table could overhear Salierno thanking Seth Muraskin for his effort just before he was led from the courtroom.
Outside the courtroom, following the sentencing, Salvatore Algeri said, “Justice has been served. We got one today.” Then, referring to the Lee Ann Riedel jury, which was still deliberating, the victim’s dad said, “Hopefully, we’ll get the other one tomorrow. Hopefully, we’ll get two out of two.”
Seth Muraskin said that it came as no surprise that the jury returned a guilty verdict against his client so quickly, considering the number of Rocco’s former so-called friends who lied on the stand to get him convicted.
“He believes he’ll be exonerated on appeal,” Muraskin said of Salierno. “It’s a sad state when anybody can come into the court and say anything.”
Denise Merrifield explained that she couldn’t comment as long as Jury B was still deliberating.
The tabloid press had fun at Salierno’s expense. The New York Post referred to Salierno as “the Botch Killer.” Writer Lisa Pulitzer described Salierno as a “love-struck hit man.”