I would like to acknowledge those who assisted me in the growth of this project: Mary Moccia and Nada Mangialetti, with whom I cofounded the Anorexia and Bulimia Center of Hawaii, for their help in providing fertile ground for sowing the seeds for this book; Gail Cannon, for sharing my vision during germination and giving shelter to fragile seedlings; Dale Gilmartin, for providing poetic inspiration and encouragement so the roots could take hold; Sharon Dougherty, my transcriptionist, for helping to create a structure strong enough to support expansion; Marian Miller, for sharing personal and professional insights that provided the nourishment for vigorous growth; Dick Rapson, a seasoned gardener, for introducing me to Faith Hamlin, my former agent, who could envision blooms before by buds appeared; and Jim Ellison, for editing out the weeds with a keen eye and an open heart.
I would like to thank Norma Jean Stodden, Patty Kincaid, Velvalee, Marilyn and Morty Orenstein, Mare Grace and the women in my New Moon group, who all visited my garden from time to time and provided me with much appreciated encouragement and support. And I would like to express my gratitude to Roger Jellinek, my agent, and Lindsey Hall and Leigh Cohn at Gürze Books for showing me the rainbow after the storm.
Most of all, I would like to thank my husband, colleague, friend, and lover, Steve Orenstein, who was with me every step of the way to help cultivate my vision, pull out the weeds of doubt, provide an endless supply of editorial and technical support, and give the warmth, light, and love all things need to grow.
And last, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the women who over the years trusted me with their stories and helped me to understand what it takes to truly nourish oneself and come into full bloom, especially those who have given me permission to use disguised versions of their stories in this book.