This wiener tale all started because my agent, Pooja Menon, worked like a dog to find my writing a home and because my hilarious editor, Rose Hilliard, saw something in me and decided to take a chance. Rose, thanks for throwing this dog a bone. This book wouldn’t be possible without both of them, their guidance, support, and sometimes their emergency therapy sessions. Of course, I can’t forget all the staff at St. Martin’s Press who worked so hard to help get my wiener up … err, and running.
A special thanks to Rodney Swift and Gail Onnis for sharing their extensive knowledge and expertise. Sorry for dogging you with so many questions. Then there are my fabulous critique partners, Claire Merle and Debbie Callaghan, and my family and friends who have encouraged me for so many years.
And last, but definitely not least, is a shout-out to you the reader—yes, you—for checking out my wiener. With so much support for this book, I feel like one lucky dog.