Ellie’s heart was thumping as hard as her feet against the pavement as she and Beau jogged their way back to the book shop. Between what she’d seen at Katie’s, almost getting caught, and having to tell someone all about it, her adrenaline was pumping like never before.
The last time Ellie had run down the streets of Dundurn with such urgency was when she was racing toward her grandmother’s shop to announce she’d been accepted into her first choice college. It was Ma’May who had stayed up with her studying for her SATs, who’d let her take home every book in the store she wanted, and who’d helped her fill out her applications. Ma’May was the first person she’d told that she’d gotten in, though people in town must have suspected it by the way she’d raced across town with a giant smile beaming on her lips.
That had been nearly twelve years ago, and this time there was no smile as she ran. She also wasn’t going quite as fast as before. As Beau raced out ahead, trying to go faster and faster, Ellie ran, then jogged, then moved into a slow trot before she had to slow to a walk and dig her fingers into the stitch that had grown in her side. The propensity for developing such stabbing pains was a fairly recent development, one that Ellie didn’t enjoy much at all.
“Ma’May!” Ellie called as she burst through the door to the shop. “Ma’May, we need to talk!”
“One second, sweetie,” her grandmother called back as she rang up a sale to Mrs. Ann Ward while her three kids under the age of five tugged and pulled at her purse and skirt.
“Mom, mom, mom,” the three kids bellowed together. Ellie blushed when she realized just how like the three children she’d sounded when she’d come flying into the shop. It wasn’t exactly how she wanted to appear to their customers.
Once Mrs. Ward and her three children vacated the building, Ellie dashed behind the counter. With a quick scan to confirm the store was otherwise empty, she spilled the beans on what she saw.
“Katie has a greenhouse,” she said, her words racing out of her mouth. “In her backyard. It’s huge. No one else at the book club has anything like it, but Katie has the space and it’s private and it has to be her.”
“Whoa, sweetie, slow down,” Ma’May said. She put her hands on Ellie’s shoulders to steady her and try to calm her down. “You saw this greenhouse?”
Ellie took a few deep breaths to slow herself down before she said, “Yes. It’s honestly huge.”
“What was inside?” Ma’May asked, the concern obvious on her face.
“I couldn’t see,” Ellie admitted. “The windows were all foggy and humid, but it’s definitely a greenhouse. It would be the perfect place to –”
The chime above the door rang as someone stepped into the shop. “Hello!” Ma’May called before she turned her attention back to Ellie.
“I just need to find out what’s inside,” she whispered. “But I can’t just break in, and I can’t call Will and say I was trespassing, either.”
Ma’May appeared to ponder Ellie’s dilemma. The ladies needed proof, the legal kind, or else there was no way Ellie could go to Will with the information she’d uncovered. Ellie watched her grandmother for any spark of an idea, and tried not to get too excited when Ma’May cracked a smile.
“I’m playing cards tonight with some of my girlfriends,” Ma’May told her. “Come with me.”
“Ma’May?” Ellie questioned her.
“Well you know Cynthia and Margot,” Ma’May said with a wink. “They know everything going on in town. And they’re so social. What don’t those ladies know?”
Ellie was ashamed of how long it took her to figure out what her grandmother meant, but once she got there, she smiled.
“That is a great idea, Ma’May,” she said. With a wink of her own, she finally pulled off her coat. “I’m just going to put this in the back,” she went on. “Then you can take a break. Maybe let the ladies know that I’ll be joining you tonight.”
It had been months, possibly even years since Ellie last sat down for a game of cards. She’d always enjoyed playing, and spent many lunches in college perfecting her euchre game. Though tonight, she knew her social game was the one that was going to really be put to the test.
Instead of walking over to Birchwood Lane like she’d done earlier in the day, Ellie rode shotgun in her grandmother’s car. The drive was only five minutes, but in the dark and with the wind picking up, Ellie was glad to be in the car with the heater turned up.
Ellie made no mention of her earlier venture over to Margot’s house when they arrived. Margot let them know that her husband was out, so the ladies wouldn’t have to worry about any interruptions while they had their fun. A few wine glasses were set out, with the choice of red or white beside them on Margot’s antique-looking buffet table.
“Red or white?” Margot asked as Ellie followed her grandmother into the dining room.
“White, please,” Ellie said. Red had a tendency to give her migraines, something she preferred to avoid. White wasn’t much better, but she could get away with a glass or two before things got dicey.
“Me as well,” Ma’May added. “Just a half glass, though. I’m driving and I don’t know if it’s me getting older or what, but I can’t have more than that without getting a little buzz.”
“I think it runs in the family,” Ellie said with a laugh. “Plus, we want a clear head if we’re going to win!”
The ladies laughed, but it wasn’t the only reason she wanted a clear head. She wanted to remember every little detail Cynthia and Margot were willing to offer up, no matter how small.
“I thought we’d play a little euchre,” Margot said as she set out the already divided cards. “May mentioned you haven’t played cards in a while, so having a team based round or two might help you out.”
“Definitely,” Ellie agreed. “And thank you ladies for allowing me to join.”
“It’s no problem,” Cynthia assured her. “Hettie used to join us more, but once she moved, well, she’s been too busy with her new friends.”
“I think she has a boyfriend,” Ma’May chuckled.
“No!” Cynthia gasped, and then giggled. She quickly grabbed her glass of red wine and sipped at it while Ma’May explained.
“I’m sure of it,” Ma’May said. “I went to the barnyard boogie dance last month at the senior center and saw her dancing with Marvin Richter all night. I think there’s something there.”
“Good for her,” Ellie said. She saw an opportunity then, and took it before she lost it. “It’s nice to get some good news, or at least happy news like that. With everything that has gone on lately.”
“I know,” Margot bemoaned. “It has been a rough few weeks. I can’t believe our little town has turned so dark.”
“And those poor girls,” Cynthia added. “Abbie was so sweet, and while everyone knows I was no fan of that Lilith White, I’d never wish harm on her. She was rude, yes, but that didn’t mean she deserved what happened.”
“I wish the police could find a suspect,” Margot went on. “Did you hear the rumor about Dave?”
Ellie’s stomach clenched at the mention of Dave’s name. She was certain that Will wasn’t going to pursue him anymore, but maybe she was wrong.
“No,” Ellie lied as she sipped her drink. She wanted to hear what the rumor was before she tried to dispel it.
“Well, those detectives of ours,” Margot began. “Apparently they were putting all their interest into Mr. Ainsley. Turns out he’s got a good alibi, but I can’t believe they’d suspect him in the first place.”
“Sounds like a big waste of time and taxpayer money,” Cynthia chided. “Dave Ainsley a killer, sure. And I’m Patty Hearst.”
The other ladies had a laugh at that, but Ellie suddenly said, “Well, the cops have to look at every angle. Plus, the spouse is most often the killer when someone is murdered. It’s their job to cross every T and dot every I.”
She had been the first to tell Will he was wrong about Dave, and yet here she was defending him for spending so much time investigating Dave in the first place. It was as much a shock to her as to anyone else.
“That is true, I suppose,” Cynthia relented. “I just wish they’d catch whoever did this. I won’t feel safe unless they do.”
“Do you have any suspects?” Ellie asked, but the strange stares from Cynthia and Margot prompted her to adjust what she’d asked. “Just curious, that’s all. Anyone you think could be behind it?”
“Goodness, no,” Margot said, a shocked expression on her face. “I’d like to think there’s no one in Dundurn capable of murder, and I hate that I am probably wrong about that.”
“I thought it was Lilith,” Cynthia said. “And I feel dreadful about that,” she added, “but now? I have no clue.”
“Me too,” Ellie muttered, and Ma’May was quick to do the same. If any of the ladies did suspect Katie Rollins, they were doing a good job of covering it up. It wasn’t exactly the result Ellie was hoping for, but she couldn’t dwell on it.
Instead of pressing on with her next tactic, Ellie let Margot shuffle and deal the cards. She sat back and let the ladies talk about plans for the upcoming town fundraiser. It appeared that the bridge that led out of town going east was in disrepair, and the ladies were thinking of ways to get it fixed. The number one choice was a dance marathon, but with an aging population, Ellie wasn’t sure how well that would go over.
After some time, and a few more glasses of wine for the ladies playing cards, Ellie took the opportunity to turn the conversation back to where she needed it. “It’s been getting so cold out these last few days,” she noted. “And dark, too. It feels like just last week I was walking Beau at nine at night and the sun was still up.”
“I know what you mean,” Margot said. “Soon I’ll be cooped up inside for the winter.”
“Same here,” Ellie said with a laugh. “Though I hate saying goodbye to summer so easily. Ma’May and I were chatting about trying to liven up the shop a little. Just until it’s time to put the Hallowe’en decorations up. I was thinking maybe some fresh flowers would be nice, but they’re so expensive.”
Ma’May, quick as ever, picked up exactly on what Ellie needed her to. “I was thinking of picking some wildflowers,” she added, “but it’s too late. Everything is dying off for the season.”
“Oh, I know who you could ask,” Cynthia said. “Did you guys know Katie has a wonderful greenhouse?”
“No, I had no idea,” Ellie said, faking ignorance on the subject. “That’s pretty cool.”
“It’s more than cool,” Cynthia said. “I mean, I’ve only been over there once since Floyd passed a few years ago, but her greenhouse is something else. Full of plants I’ve never even seen before. All year round, too. I’m sure if you ask nice, she’ll sell you some for a good price.”
“That is a fantastic idea,” Ma’May noted.
“I’ll give her a call tomorrow,” Ellie agreed. “Perhaps she’ll be up for a guest.”
“One hopes,” Margot said. “Like Cynthia said, she doesn’t invite many people over these days. I think she’s lonely, but I don’t like to pry.”
Ellie was sure to have a smile as sweet as sugar before she said, “Then a visitor might be nice.” As much as she liked Cynthia and Margot, they could both be terrible gossips. She doubted she and Ma’May would be five feet out the door before one of them called Katie to announce she’d have a visitor soon. She just had to make sure that her visit was perceived as a polite one and nothing more.
To ensure this, Ellie was quick to change the subject once again back to the cards in front of her. She and Ma’May were losing quite badly in their first game, and she hoped to close the gap at least somewhat before the match was over. It was a good distraction, and she spent the rest of the night focused on her hand while her mind debated whether or not she had enough information to call Will just yet.