My thanks to Deborah Schneider, fellow food lover and Francophile, for her constant encouragement and enthusiasm. Pamela Dorman, whose brilliant editing pushed and inspired me. Kiki Koroshetz, for her keen edits and cheerful efficiency. My friends and former colleagues at Pamela Dorman Books/Viking and Penguin, who worked so hard on this book and welcomed me home with such warmth: Clare Ferraro, Kathryn Court, Francesca Belanger, Carolyn Coleburn, Maureen Donnelly, Bruce Giffords, Kristin Matzen, Patrick Nolan, Roseanne Serra, Maureen Sugden, Nancy Sheppard, John Fagan, Hal Fessenden, Leigh Butler, and the rights team; Dick Heffernan, Norman Lidofsky, and their sales teams. Thanks also to Cathy Gleason, Michael Lin, Geoff Martin, and Katie McGowan. My heartfelt gratitude to Susan Hans O’Connor for her astute editorial suggestions and friendship.
Excerpts from As Always Julia: The Letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto, edited by Joan Reardon. Copyright © 2010 by Joan Reardon. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
In France, I am grateful to Jérôme Avenas; Lucette Baudin and her late husband, André Baudin; Solange Brihat; Katia Grimmer-Laversanne; Sylvain Laversanne; Kim Lê Minh; Camille Malmquist; Jennifer Mayle; Alain Miquel; Didier Miquel; Ann Morrison; Judith Pillsbury; Erin Reeser; Steve Rhinds; Arnaud Rohmer; Charlie Trueheart; Anna Tunick; Lucy Vanel; René Vogel; my colleagues at the American Library in Paris—and all the friends who shared their knowledge and helped make Paris feel like home.