Your Beliefs
• In general, do you believe that your life is guided more by chance or by the choices you’ve made? What impact has either one made on your life thus far?
• Even if you’ve made a few bad decisions, can you find the strength—muster the courage—to do what it takes to better yourself? Does your fear from your past mistakes prevent you from moving forward?
• Overall, do you like yourself, do you like the life you live?
• What do you do specifically on a daily basis that sets the example for someone else?
• As a child, as a young adult, what was your passion?
• Do you feel you have lost touch with your ambition? If so, what was the specific event that may have made you lose your enthusiasm?
• Are you now at a point in your life where you can pick up and follow your dream? If no, why not? If not now, when?
• Are you willing to take baby steps (even if it takes a few months or more) on a daily basis to move yourself toward your dream?
• What do you stand for?
• What is the singular impression you wish to be remembered for?