Abercrombie, Sir Patrick
Addison, Mrs. (Cliveden housekeeper)
Agassiz, Louis
Airlie, Lady
Alexandra, Queen
Allen, Richard Clifford, Lord
Altrincham, Edward Grigg, Lord
American Pony Express Racing Association
Amery, Leo
Ancaster, Countess of, see Astor, Phyllis
Ann (Mirador cook)
Antrim, Lord
Appeasers, The (Gilbert and Gott)
Appleton, Jimmy
Argyll, Margaret Whigham, Duchess of
Arnold, Matthew
Arthur of Connaught, Prince
Asquith, Cynthia
Asquith, H. H.
Asquith, Margot Tennant
Asquith, Violet
Astor, Ava
Astor, Barbara
Astor, Bridget
Astor, Bronwen
Astor, Caroline Schermerhorn (Mrs.William Astor)
Astor, Chiquita Carcano
Astor, David (Nancys son)
on Astor family political reputation
on Astor-Shaw visit to Russia
birth of
on Bobbie Shaw
Bobbie Shaws arrests and
on Bob Brands antiappeasement analysis
on Bob Brands handling of Nancy
on butlers
childhood of
Christian Science rejected by
education of
on family peerage
on family suicides
on Hitler’s meeting with Waldorf
home of
Irene admired by
liberal politics of
marriage of
on Nancys entertainment skills
on Nancys political career
Nancys relationship with
on Noras reaction to Astor family
as Observer editor
on Ribbentrops visit with Nancy
on Waldorf
in wartime military
Winkie Brooks relationship with
Astor, John Jacob, I
Astor, John Jacob, III
Astor, John Jacob, IV
Astor, John Jacob, V
Astor, John Jacob, VII (Jakie) (Nancys son)
birth of
childhood of
at family Christmas
marriage of
military service of
Nancys relationship with
Astor, Mary
Astor, Michael (Nancys son)
birth of
on Bobbie Shaw at family parties
childhood of
marriage of
military service of
on Nancys compelling personality
on Nancys mental states
Astor, Nancy Witcher Langhorne Shaw:
on alcoholic behavior
ambition of
as Anglophile
anti-Catholic bias of