It’s true that what worked once will often work again, but at what price? The law of diminishing returns says the longer and more one puts into something, the less one may take away, unless a variable is changed. The routine of any fitness and nutrition program allows boredom to creep in—and with boredom comes loss of motivation. What once seemed cutting edge feels more Groundhog Day with each passing repetition and spoonful. The cure is to find ways to keep things fresh.
In my role as personal trainer, I see too many achieving too little in the way of results, and with too much effort. And as you know, achieving goals takes time, so give it time. I want you to stop switching gears every week or thinking doing more will bring about greater results. Different food delivery services, workouts, modalities and voluntary cosmetic surgeries, without giving any noticeable time to see if they actually work, will not bring you to the promised land. When I prepared for a photo shoot for this book, or in the past when I competed, I never reversed myself or questioned myself, I simply progressed, weekly. Give results, and ultimately yourself, a chance.
Complete Physique is a pivotal chapter in the ever-evolving story that is you. With its advancing exercises and routines, nutrition tips and motivation, at its heart, this book is the unabridged answer to the questions: “How do I maintain the spark, the motivation to keep going?” “How do I keep myself hungry so that I can keep moving ahead?” Or simply put, “How do I better myself?”
A major impetus for creating this book was my desire to address a very real and common concern that a friend shared with me. She said, “I am okay with being 60 pounds down. But give me a way to figure out how to stay here. Help me stop the cycle of creeping up and then forcing it back down, ad nauseam.” Look no further, because the answer to that—and more—is all in here.
To begin your journey you need a catalyst to get you going. The catalyst for change is the need, followed by a plan and then acting on it. But progress occurs from a combination of things. When we become remotivated and reinvigorated, we are able to take things to a new level. After the photography for past projects was concluded, I continued training, but didn’t quite floor the pedal so hard. I didn’t eat as clean. I wasn’t as meticulous about preparation, and so I gained some body fat, all the while remaining in somewhat striking distance of what I had previously achieved. But I hadn’t kept the pedal to the floor because doing so simply wasn’t feasible or realistic. Nor is it for anyone.
Later, when the need and urgency for this book occurred, I was again up for the challenge of embarking on my own journey and finding out the answer to the self-imposed question, “Could I be in even better shape for Complete Physique?”
As surely as there is always an X to mark the spot, once that X is crossed out, a new one appears. All of us from time to time slip off the track. Just as sensors in a modern car warn of a loss of air pressure in a tire, there are indicators within the human body to tell us that an adjustment is necessary. This book is your all-in-one resource to not only inflate and top off your tires, but to get them to perform better than ever. How good can you be? Let’s find out.
Complete Physique departs from the somewhat familiar structure of other fitness books. The difference, or upgrade if you will, is that here we expand the universe of exercises and angles, focusing on working with a training partner. It also features a complete portable workout (when short on time, location and/or training equipment), in addition to so much more. Complete Physique is gleaned from a lifetime of knowledge and experience that leads to real-world personalized results and relies on teamwork; ultimately delivering outstanding results in minimal time. Partner stretching has been included, as well as tips on how to properly spot your partner, yielding a truly complementary relationship. For the legions now living a plant-based lifestyle, a vegan menu has been added to include you into the realm of results with your carnivorous brethren.
The cornerstone of this book is that better is always better, not the standard “more is better” approach. It takes you through a 12-week transformational program that is divided into three progressive phases that each last four weeks. As you advance through each phase, you will see yourself become leaner, stronger and more muscular.
Whether you have a fundamental understanding of sequencing and firing from the correct muscles or are brand new to the world of resistance training and body transformation, you can dive right into the Complete Physique plan because cues and tips have been strategically placed throughout the program. Phase 1 starts you out on four days of weight training, with the maximum found in Phases 2 and 3. Phase 3 calls for additional and sometimes more advanced exercises. The extra effort has payoffs—again we are after long-term, noticeable results in minimal time.
Forget about the scale, which at best provides a gross number, if you will, but not a net number. The first step is to take or have someone take pictures of you from all four sides, wearing a minimum of attire to attest to your true condition. Don’t aim for flattering pictures: these will serve as your “before” progression indicators. When you compare them to the “after” photos you will take at week 12, the transformation will astonish you, telling a far more complete story than the numbers on a scale. I like to further instruct my clients to think sad, negative thoughts in the before pictures, making for a more dramatic after effect and progression.
The before-and-after pictures can attest to an amazing journey. When I had a client’s 12-week progress pics blown up to a poster size to be revealed at one of my book signings, even he was astonished, let alone the audience. And it’s moments such as these that truly define what the Complete Physique plan is all about. Remember that in life, our bodies are one of the few things that we have control over. All you have to do is truly believe this, and the world is yours.
Start off with a four-day-per-week body-part training split with three days of cardio and two days of direct abdominal work. You get three complete days off from exercise, making each “on” day really count. The key is to make it a habit—an actual lifestyle. Be sure to fire from the correct muscles. For example, when performing a pulldown, pull from the lats, keeping the biceps and forearms out of the movement. Place and keep the most tension on the targeted muscle without recruiting ancillary help.
MONDAY | Back/abdominals/30-minute cardio |
TUESDAY | Chest/biceps |
THURSDAY | Legs/30-minute cardio |
FRIDAY | Shoulders/triceps/abdominals/30-minute cardio |
At the beginning of week 5, your body is already showing signs of change—and for good reason. You’ve not only been doing the work, you’ve been properly fueling yourself to do the work. Here, an additional day of cardio will further speed up your metabolism for a more efficient fat-incinerating state. Furthermore, for increasing quality muscle development, a few exercises and a third day of abdominals have been added. And you still have weekends off!
MONDAY | Back/abdominals/30-minute cardio |
TUESDAY | Chest/biceps/30-minute cardio |
THURSDAY | Legs/abdominals/30-minute cardio |
FRIDAY | Shoulders/triceps/abdominals/30-minute cardio |
You’ve reached the final phase of transformation. Four days of resistance training per week is carried over from the initial phase, but you now tack on an extra day of cardio and up each day to 40 minutes. This extra cardio will result in one thing: the additional shedding of unwanted and stubborn stored body fat. For further overall conditioning, some kettlebell exercises are included. Phase 3 is the culmination of all your efforts!
MONDAY | Back/abdominals/40-minute cardio |
TUESDAY | Chest/biceps/40-minute cardio |
THURSDAY | Legs/abdominals/40-minute cardio |
FRIDAY | Shoulders/triceps/abdominals/40-minute cardio |