May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door.
Irish blessing
Now that you understand the daily energies that are in play for each of the days of the week, what do you suppose happens, witchery wise, when full moon energy gets added into the mix? Short answer: the full moon magick actually becomes influenced and intensified by the theme of the particular day. After working your way through the last seven chapters, I imagine your brain is buzzing with fresh magickal correspondence information and you are all ready to blurt out what you know.
Oh, and I could not be prouder. So now I am going to ask you to stop for a moment and think about the next full moon. Check what day of the week it will fall on in your time zone. Okay, now that you have that information, what magickal possibilities pop into your brain?
What have you learned, Grasshopper? No, I won’t go into a “When you can snatch the pebbles from my hand…” riff, though I admit I am very tempted. At this point, think of me like a sort of witchy cheerleader, but without the megaphone. I know you can do this. I am only trying to fire you up and encourage you to enthusiastically dive in there and see what else you can accomplish.
Magick is all about possibilities. There is something thrilling about knowing down in your very soul that you have the opportunity to create positive change at any time. However, we don’t want to turn up our witchy noses at the other days of power that cycle through the bewitching year that will add depth to the days of witchery—for example, the full moons.
There is something awe-inspiring about watching a full moon rise. Whether you watch it rise above a metropolitan skyline, through the trees in your neighborhood, over the desert canyons, or over shimmering waves of water, a rising full moon just stops us in our tracks and tugs on our witchy hearts. There is power there. Imagine what sort of fabulous things you could accomplish with that. We have explored the bewitching characteristics of the individual days of the week in our previous chapters. Now we are taking what we know and building on that with full moon magick.
There are, on average, twelve full moons per calendar year. Classically, many Witches will call the full moon date an esbat. Also, every few years we get thirteen full moons in one calendar year. (That second full moon falling within one calendar month is referred to as a blue moon.) If you are curious about working with blue moon magick, you might wish to check out my book Natural Witchery for a few blue moon spells and charms. A blue moon is a lot of fun to work with; it is a time for miracles.
For a general lunar cycle reference, please check the bibliography in this book for an excellent website that lists lunar calendars until the year 2025. But as a quick reference, I can tell you that the years 2009, 2012, and 2015 will each have thirteen full moons in the Eastern Standard Time Zone for the United States.
If you take a look at lunar calendars, you will see that throughout the year we hit each day of the week at least once for a full moon. Some days of the calendar week will get a full moon twice, so you will have the opportunity to try this unique witchery out for yourself over the course of the next year.
So, what do you say? Why don’t we expand on what witcheries you have already learned from this Book of Shadows? Let’s explore the concept of full moon magick to coordinate with the unique energies of the day of the week that the full moon takes place on.
It takes the moon for this.
The sun’s a wizard by all I tell;
but so’s the moon a Witch.
Robert Frost
Sundays are for success, fame, and wealth, so imagine all the extra oomph you can add to those spells if a full moon occurs on a Sunday. Success directly stems from your own creative drive and ambition. However much effort you are willing to devote to your own success directly influences the results that you will achieve. This includes both magickal measures, such as spells and charms, as well as following up those magickal actions with physical actions such as filling out job applications, sending out résumés, or doing an outstanding job so when promotion time comes up at work, you are noticeably the best candidate. You only get out of things what you put into them, whether that’s a creative project like writing or drawing, or working in an office, a retail store, a factory, or doing construction work or landscaping.
If your idea of personal success is about getting in shape or losing weight, then the same basic principles apply. You can do all the magick you want for weight loss, but until you start physically doing something—such as changing your diet, exercising, and making healthier lifestyle choices—then nothing will happen. You are the fuel that makes the success spells go. Magick is a powerful boost to your success and an influence to the situation. It speeds things along and smoothes the way. But it will not do all the work for you. You really do hold the power to influence these positive changes in your life. So be prepared to work hard, put your heart into it, and then work your witchery for the best possible outcome.
Sunday Full Moon Spell for Success
- Golden candle
- White candle
- 2 coordinating candle holders
- A pin or nail to engrave the candles with
- A fresh yellow carnation in a bud vase
- Matches or a lighter
- A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell
- Items of sympathy
- Yellow envelope or sachet bag
You may incorporate whatever size and style of candle you personally prefer: taper, votive, mini spell candle, whatever you like. Add the sun’s astrological symbol () to the golden candle, and the carve the moon’s astrological symbol (
) into the white. Arrange the candles in their holders. Place the bud vase holding the carnation in the center, back from the candle flames.
Now add an item of sympathy to this spell to help strengthen the spellwork. The item that you add should be in sympathy with what you are casting toward. For example, if you are going for a promotion or applying for a new job and you want to be successful at it, then add your company letterhead, the ad, your business card, résumé, or the description of the job.
If you are dieting and working toward being healthier, then work with a nice picture of yourself, with a realistic and healthy goal weight written on the back. These items of sympathy then supply the energy link between the spell and the goal. Take a few moments to ground and center.
Light the candles, and repeat the following spell verse three times:
I combine the full moon’s magick with the day of the sun
For a winning combination, now this spell has begun
My goals will come to fruition beginning today
These two bright candle flames will illuminate the way
This Sunday night esbat brings rich power to spare
Success is mine as my words flow out on the air.
Close the spell with these lines:
May the full moon’s light bless all the ways
I’ll work my witchery on this day.
Allow the spell candles to burn out in a safe place. Keep an eye on them. When the candles are finished, gently take a few of the carnation’s fragrant petals and gather up any remaining wax and the item of sympathy. Tuck the petals, wax fragments, and your item of sympathy inside of a yellow envelope or cloth bag, and keep them together and on your person, magickal working space, or altar until the next full moon. Allow the flower to stay in the vase until it begins to fade, then neatly return the flower to nature.
By night only crazy things
like the full moon and the whippoorwill and us are busy.
Charles Olson
Way back in the beginning of this book, I mentioned that if a full moon phase occurred on a Monday, then this would create a double dose of lunar energy, power, and magick. Here is where we are going to explore this idea with the following spell. For our full moon witchery that falls on the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon, we are going to work with the Egyptian god Thoth. Thoth’s symbol is a crescent moon resting on its curved back, on top of a full lunar disc. Thoth is a god of wisdom, magick, and mystery, and he acts as a guide for those who are seeking wisdom.
We will also be working again with the Moon card from the tarot deck. As far as props go, the Moon tarot card is an especially appropriate one for a full moon on a Monday. This Major Arcana card is a symbol of intuition, instinct, and the conscious and the unconscious minds. When this card pops up in a reading, it is a warning of delusion and deception. It is a caution that things are not as they appear. It tells you to look carefully at what you think you know, and to then consider what is real and what is not before you proceed down your path.
There is a trail illustrated on this card, flanked by a wolf on one side and a dog on the other. This symbolizes a pathway to another land and the astral journey into your own inner wisdom and vision.
This full moon spell is perfect for those times when you feel that something is afoot. Maybe you can’t figure out what is wrong, but something seems too good to be true or your intuition is trying to get you to pay attention. This spell will help you brush away illusions to see things as they truly are and help you to get back on your path.
Breaking Through Illusions Spell
- Fresh white flower petals (pop into the local florist and pick up a stem or two of white flowers—try the petals of the white chrysanthemum or the daisy, as these are inexpensive to purchase and will work well in this spell; or, if your garden is blooming, then work with any white flower petals from your own garden)
- 1 silver candle, whatever style or shape you prefer
- A coordinating candle holder
- A pin or nail to engrave Thoth’s symbol on the candle
- A few drops of jasmine or sandalwood essential oil (use whichever
scent you prefer; both of these oils are associated with the moon) - 1 clean eye dropper for the oil
- A small cloth to wipe your hands
- The Moon tarot card
- Matches or a lighter
- Your altar or magickal workspace; make sure it is a flat,
safe surface to set up on
To begin this spell, try to set this up where you will have a view of the rising full moon. If weather permits, this would be fabulous to do outside on your porch or deck.
Gather your supplies, and set up your working area. Carefully and reverently strip the petals from the white flowers. Now scatter the loose petals across the work surface and in a circle around yourself. Take your time, and make the area festive and pretty. When that’s done, take the pin or nail and gently carve Thoth’s symbol into the side of the silver candle.
Hold the candle in both your hands for a few moments and then raise the candle up to the light of the moon to imbue it with more lunar energy. Place the candle in its holder, and then anoint the candle with the essential oil. Use an eye dropper to add the oil, or if you use your fingers, take a moment and wipe your hands clean with the small towel.
When you are all set, prop up the tarot card in the center of your working area. Take a few moments to ground and center yourself. When you are ready, light the silver candle and repeat the following verse:
Thoth, help me to break through illusions on this night
For things are not as they seem under the moon’s light
I ask for your guidance as I walk my path
May the wisdom you grant to me truly last.
Take a few moments and study the images on the tarot card. Meditate on the symbolism for a time, and see what the moon god Thoth has to tell you. When finished, thank Thoth with these lines:
Thoth, I thank you now for your time and gentle care
Your wisdom enlightens me with this lunar prayer.
Look up at the full moon and blow her a kiss. Then close the Monday night spell with these lines:
Blow a kiss to the lady moon when she is round
Then insight and witchery will surely be found.
Now, you may sit outside and enjoy the moonlight. I would suggest moving the candle indoors when you are finished, so you can keep it under observation and allow it to burn out in a safe place. Clean up the rest of your magickal supplies. Return the card to the tarot deck and enjoy the rest of your evening. If you worked outdoors, leave the flower petals where they fell. If not, gather them up and return them neatly to nature in the morning.
Finally, pay attention to and write down any dreams you have for the next few nights. Thoth may very well choose to communicate with your subconscious mind, through your dreams. Happy esbat!
But screw your courage to the sticking-place and we’ll not fail.
William Shakespeare
For this Tuesday night full moon spell, we are working with fire magick and warrior energy. This spell incorporates one of the court cards from the tarot deck, the Knight of Swords. If you recall, the Knight of Swords can be summed up in two words: no fear!
This card symbolizes people who have moxie and determination and who refuse to take no or “I can’t!” for an answer. It also symbolizes situations that require you to dive in, to show no fear, and to bravely tackle any issues and challenges with intellect and courage. It is one of my favorite cards in the entire deck. This is a card of movement, bravery, and decisive action, which makes it ideal for this full moon spell.
If it helps you to visualize the god Mars with you while you work this spell, then do so. One of my covenmates, Ravyn, suggested picturing the Spartans from the movie 300. Whoa. Tuesday is a Mars day, after all; this is a day of passion. Ahem.
But you know, I kind of like the idea of a troop of rough-and-ready soldiers standing with me. The fact that they all look great is just icing on the cake. I trust that you can focus your energies toward your magickal goal, so do whatever works best for you. If visualizing buff, tough, gorgeous men in loincloths, crimson red capes, and tufted bronze helmets helps, then go for it.
The “No Fear” Spell
This spell is best worked outdoors. Supplies are as follows:
- 1 red taper illuminator candle
- 1 black taper illuminator candle
- 2 coordinating black metal candle holders (use wrought iron, if possible)
- A pin or nail to engrave Mars’s symbol on the candles (
- The Knight of Swords card from your tarot deck
- A fireproof small metal cauldron
- A sheet of paper, no larger than 6 inches square
- Black ink pen
- Rubbing alcohol
- Wooden matches
- An outdoor working area—make sure it is a flat, safe surface to set up all of the spell supplies on (you need to be outside for this one, otherwise you will set off the smoke alarms while you are burning the paper in the cauldron; talk about blowing the magickal mood!)
You have to be careful with the fire. Anytime you have an open flame inside of a cauldron, fire pit, or fireplace and you add magick and intention, things tend to be unpredictable with the flames. Also, just a few drops of alcohol will help that paper burn. So don’t go overboard and singe yourself. Safety first! The spell fire is symbolic. A little fire held within a metal cauldron that is lit with intention does pack more power than you realize, so please be smart and safe and work this full moon spell with care.
Arrange the outdoor setup as follows. Engrave and then place the candles in their holders, and set them toward the back of your working area. Position the metal cauldron in the center. Leave a small area to place the Knight of Swords card in front of the cauldron, where it is easily visible. Set the rubbing alcohol, the matches, and paper and pen to the side and within reach.
To start, take up the paper and pen and write down what it is that you fear. Keep it short and to the point. Then, fold the paper in half and drop it into the cauldron. Sprinkle a bit of rubbing alcohol on the paper. Close up the bottle and set it off and away to the side. Now put your game face on. Call up whatever courage you can muster. Visualize those Spartan soldiers or the god Mars standing strong and right alongside of you. Come on, tap into that warrior energy. Growl. Get tough, and raise up some courageous energy. Hold your hands out and over the cauldron. Now repeat this verse with intention:
Mars energy is bolstered by the full moon light
I remove anxiety and stress on this night
Mighty warrior energy now defeats the shadows and fear
As I conjure bravery and courage to reside with me here!
Move your hands away from the cauldron. Step back from the work area and strike the match. Carefully drop it on top of the paper inside of the cauldron. If necessary, you can hold the match to the edge of the paper and encourage it to completely burn. If you need to use a couple of matches, that’s fine. Just drop the spent matches inside of the cauldron. Keep going until the paper is ash. Then close the spell with these lines:
Ashes to ashes and dust to moon dust
My courage soars and my magick is just
I work boldly with the days of witchery
This lunar spell is sealed; set the magick free!
You may snuff the black and red illuminator candles and take them inside with you. If you wish, use them again for other Tuesday spells or to repeat this spell if necessary. Allow the contents of the cauldron to cool completely, then take a little garden spade and bury the ashes in the garden. Pour water on top of the spot to make doubly sure nothing is smoldering. Tap your fist on the ground on top of it, and say:
So mote it be!
Now, go and clean out your cauldron. Keep the tarot card with you for a week to bolster your courage. To close up this full moon magick, go do something positive. Take a jog or a walk under that enchanting moon. Play some music and dance, or go find your partner and make love. Just do something positive, life-affirming, and physical. Any of those activities will help you to ground and center.
Knowledge comes,
but wisdom lingers…
Alfred Tennyson
For this Wednesday night esbat, we are working magick with the Norse god Odin. Odin is a trickster god, and in his search for wisdom he gained deep magickal knowledge. This spell also works with the images of the tarot card the Hanged Man. This illustrated card has many links to the god Odin, as Odin hung on the tree for nine days to gather wisdom and was eventually rewarded with the runes.
The Hanged Man card tells you to look at things from a new perspective. It speaks of a time of a transitional period, astral travel, and meditation. If you look carefully at the Hanged Man card, you will see that while the fellow is hanging upside down from his foot, he looks pretty peaceful about the whole situation. This card symbolizes letting go of that which no longer serves your highest good. This card’s image illustrates the quiet search for inner wisdom and knowledge and the gaining of a new perspective on your current situation. Wednesdays are all about movement, communication, and change, so let’s take this energy and put it to good use. Combining this with the light and influence of the full moon only sweetens the deal and turns up the power of the witchery.
Insight and Gaining New Perspectives Spell
This spell works with the runes as one of its props. If you have a set of runes, this is definitely the time to break them out. If not, no worries. The runes are a nice link back to the god Odin, but in a pinch you could also draw a few rune sigils on a piece of paper and set that on your work area. Improvise and be creative. What do you think you could also add to this full moon spell?
- 1 purple candle (purple for spirituality and to align with the energies of Mercury)
- A coordinating candle holder
- A nail or pin to engrave the candle with Wednesday’s planetary symbol of Mercury (
- A black feather or a picture of a raven (this bird was sacred to Odin, and the raven represents mystery and magick)
- The Hanged Man tarot card
- Your tarot deck, set off to the side
- Runes scattered across the work surface or a drawing of a few runes
- A lighter or matches
- A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell
Carefully engrave the Mercury symbol on the candle. Place the candle in its holder and then arrange the rest of the spell components to your liking. You may certainly embellish this spell by adding a statue or image of Odin, if you choose. This full moon spell is designed to help you look at things from a new perspective and to receive some inspiration, so put on your thinking cap and be imaginative. Take a few moments to ground and center yourself. Then light the purple candle and speak the following verse:
Odin, hear my call on this full moon night
Grant me wisdom and improve my insight
May I gain a new perspective at this time
Bless me with peace and inspiration divine
I now release that which no longer serves
This change begins with the sound of my words.
If you choose, this would be an excellent time to meditate and see what Odin has to tell you. Lay your hands on the card, feather, and runes. Take a deep breath and relax. Now let your mind open, and see what you learn. When you are finished, close the spell with these words:
By the power of Wednesday’s witchery
This spell is sealed; I set the magick free!
Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place. Clean up your other spell supplies. Save the feather or raven picture for future magick. Return the card to the tarot deck, and gather up all your runes. If you like, now is the perfect time to do a simple reading with your runes or your tarot cards. Ask for clarity and for insight, then draw three cards or stones and see what Odin has to say.
A family in harmony will
prosper in everything.
Chinese proverb
The full moon’s energy really adds intensity to all of these daily spells. If you work this magick wisely, you will notice a difference in the level of the results. When it comes to our families, many of us become passionate. When you are a parent, your emotions become even more involved. Whether you have an infant in your arms, toddlers or grade-school children running amok, teens adding their drama into your life, or college-aged children insisting they are adults but still running to you to fix their crises, being a parent is not a job for the faint of heart.
Let’s not forget that you have to keep your marriage or personal relationships loving and vital too. No matter how you look at it, it’s a lot of work. And for those of you who are pet parents, we want our beloved pets to behave themselves and to be happy and healthy too.
This full moon spell is designed for your entire family. In this day and age, it certainly is a good idea to work for the strength, happiness, and prosperity of your family and home. Running a home is a lot of work. Add your job, your spouse, the kids, and assorted pets into the mix, and you’ve got your hands full. So on a Thursday full moon night, you have a golden opportunity to work with all those complementary energies and whip up a little witchery designed to boost the entire family’s health, happiness, and abundance.
This spell works with the red-bearded Norse god Thor. This Norse god is a defender of those he loves, and that theme makes it perfect for this type of magick. Also, the tarot cards the Ten of Pentacles and the Ten of Cups/Cauldrons are incorporated. These two cards are about all the emotional support of the home and family. The Ten of Pentacles is aligned to prosperity, success, and family support, while the Ten of Cups/Cauldrons is linked to emotional support, a good home life, and the loving bonds of a family unit.
Happy, Healthy Family Spell
- A green 7-day jar candle (green for prosperity and to align with Jupiter’s energies)
- A permanent marker to draw Thursday’s planetary symbol of Jupiter (
) and the names of each household member
- A photo of your entire household (make sure all of the members are in the photo; if necessary, use a couple of photos to get your kids, spouse, and your pets)
- 3 oak leaves gathered from a living tree (oak leaves are linked to Thor as well as the planet Jupiter)
- 1 tumbled turquoise stone for prosperity and protection
- 1 small tumbled moonstone for loving emotions
- The Ten of Pentacles and Ten of Cups tarot cards
- A 6 x 6-inch square of green fabric or a green sachet bag
- 12 inches white satin ribbon
- A lighter or matches
If possible, set up this spell on a safe, flat surface where the light of the full moon illuminates your working area. If weather permits, this would be a nice spell to work outdoors—just be sure to move the candle indoors when you finish the spell. To start, take the marker and draw the planetary symbol of Jupiter on the jar candle. Next, add the names of all the members of your household; this includes pets!
Place the candle and the other components of the spell on your working area. The stones can nestle around the jar candle. Lay the photo(s) of your family in the center of your altar, with the two tarot cards, the Ten of Cups/Cauldrons and the Ten of Pentacles, one on each side of the photos. Place the oak leaves above the photos and the cards. Keep the sachet bag or fabric and ribbon within reach.
Light the candle, and place your hands on the photos. Then repeat the spell verse:
Abundance flourishes on the night of the full moon
May the deities of Thursday heed this Witch’s tune
Thor, hear my call and bless my family
Bring us love, support, and prosperity
Keep us healthy, happy, and secure, come what may
As we stand strong together through all of our days.
Gather the photos, one of the oak leaves, and the two tumbled stones, and place them in the center of the fabric. Gather up the edges into a small bundle, and use the ribbon to tie it closed, or place the items inside the sachet bag and pull the drawstring closed. Knot the ribbon three times, and say:
By all the power of three times three
This magick strengthens my family.
Finally, close the spell with these lines:
May the full moon bless all of the ways
I work my witchery on this day.
Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place; it will take about a week. I typically put jar candles on my brick hearth, inside of a large cast-iron cauldron, so even if it somehow got tipped over, the flame would stay contained in a fireproof area.
Clean up your other spell supplies. Save the two oak leaves and keep them for future magick. Return the cards to the tarot deck. Keep the bag with the photos, stones, and leaf together in a safe place until the next full moon. Then, on the night of the following full moon, open it up. Keep the photos and the crystals, and return the oak leaf to nature.
Love, the strongest
and deepest element in all life…
Emma Goldman
Love is in the air . . . especially on a Friday full moon. For this bewitching recipe, we combine all those ripe, full, mystical, and inspiring lunar energies of a full moon mixed together with the special day of the week aligned with the planet Venus. Now sprinkle in a dash of love and romance, add a teaspoon of flower and color magick, and you’ve got yourself one powerful formula with which to work loving and romantic theme spells.
This full moon spell works with a common variety of houseplant, which is also a magickal flower: the African violet. This hearth-and-home spell is designed to increase the loving vibrations and the feelings of the fullness of love in your home. Just like the common violet, the African violet falls under the planetary influences of Venus. These little blooming houseplants make a lovely addition to your Friday full moon spells. Basically, this spell is a floral fascination. A floral fascination is a term that I coined years ago, and it means practical and powerful magick worked with a flower or a blooming plant.
Making Love Grow Spell
- 1 African violet plant—a pink blooming variety is best (if for some reason you cannot find a pink blooming violet, go with a white variety; white is an all-purpose color)
- 1 pink votive candle
- 1 votive candle cup
- A pin or nail to engrave the candle with the symbol of Venus (
- A small tumbled rose quartz stone to increase warm, fuzzy feelings
- Lighter or matches
- A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell
Again, I would suggest working this spell out under the moonlight or at least near a window that allows you a view of the full moon. To start, set the African violet and the rose quartz stone in the center of your working area. Take the pin and gently carve the planetary symbol of Venus into the side of the votive candle. Drop the votive inside of the cup, and set it to one side. Take a few moments to visualize the spirit of love blessing your home. Feel the fun and the joy of love, and let it fill up your heart. Now light the candle, and place your hands on either side of the potted plant. Repeat the following verse:
Under the light of Friday’s full moon
I ask the Goddess to grant me a boon
By the energy of a Venus flower
Mix with this a rose quartz’s warm, fuzzy powers
Bless this home with love and your grace
Let it expand out and fill up this place.
Close the spell with these lines:
By flower petal and moonlight, this spell is begun
For the good of all, this witchery brings harm to none.
Pocket the rose quartz stone and keep it with you. Care for your houseplant, and enjoy the richness of love that is sure to bless your days and your home.
Every experience in life enriches one’s background and should teach valuable lessons.
Mary Barnett Gilson
Well, here we are at the last day of the week on which we can explore full moon magick. A full moon that occurs on a Saturday brings interesting energies into play. As a matter of fact, as I finish up this book I am only a few days away from the first full moon of 2009, and coincidentally it will fall on a Saturday in my time zone. When this type of magickal Saturday/full moon scenario occurs, what you have is a big old karmic lesson theme to work with. This is a fabulous time for introspection and to consider the life lessons you are presently working through.
Saturn, the deity classically associated with this day of the week, is a figure with staying power. In today’s world, he has been recast a bit as a gentle Father Time sort of figure, holding a sheaf of wheat and a tall sickle, and having a long, flowing white beard. Nevertheless, do not underestimate him or his magick.
The bottom line is Saturn can be a noble, wise, and, yes, a loving mentor-type of figure. But when the situation calls for it, he has no compunctions about firmly whacking you over the head with the handle of his sickle. Saturn teaches you about karma, and sometimes we all have to take our lumps. That’s his job. And trust me, he is damn good at it. After all, he’s only had all of time to perfect his technique.
So while you are sitting there and wondering why you are experiencing whatever drama you are currently going through, he’ll be standing back, waiting for you to accept, to deal, to grow up, and then to learn from those life lessons that he has for you.
Saturn was originally a god of agriculture, so he knows all about the various cycles and seasons of our lives. This god can teach you to take responsibility for your actions, both mundane and magickal. He’s not the deity to turn to when you want to run around and point the finger at someone else for your current situation. Instead, he can teach you perseverance and will grant you knowledge and the wisdom of self-acceptance if you only open up your heart and mind and allow his teachings to come into your life.
Understanding Karmic Lessons Spell
The following spellwork is very personal. Again, this spell is not meant to be used to place the blame on another person for your current predicament. Instead, it is a way to learn from the lessons that life likes to hand out to all of us. Sometimes we all wonder how we got sidetracked from our plans, how we got pulled into someone else’s drama, or how we were misdirected from our own magickal path.
No matter who you are or how long you’ve been a Witch, we all will face times when we are unsure about how we got into whatever situation we are currently dealing with. The good news is that if you are willing to take an honest look at yourself and the situation, then the god Saturn will grant you some of his own wisdom. Best of all, he can truly help you to learn not to repeat the same mistake.
Regardless of how long you have been practicing your Craft, you will always have more to learn. The most powerful coven leaders, elders, and high priests and high priestesses that I know in the community are all individuals who are human. They make mistakes too. The difference is that they learn from their mistakes—and then they admit them and move forward.
The final spell of this Book of Shadows is, in fact, one of the more important ones in the entire book, because it gives you a great opportunity to grow a little as a practitioner and to gain some real understanding about yourself, the lessons of life, and your witchery.
- 1 black candle
- 1 white candle
- 2 coordinating candle holders
- A representation of the god Saturn (use a picture from the Internet or a drawing of a sickle and a sheaf of wheat)
- 1 stick or cone of patchouli incense (patchouli is associated with Saturn)
- An incense holder
- Matches or a lighter
- A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell
Arrange the candles and the incense and the holder on your work surface. Set the picture of the god Saturn flat on the table, in front of the candles. Light the candles and the incense. Wave some of the scented smoke over yourself and around your working area. Return the incense to the altar. Take a few moments to ground and center yourself. This is a very important step in this spell, so don’t skip this part. Take your time to become grounded and calm.
When you feel peaceful and centered, repeat the following spell verse:
Saturn’s karmic lessons are enhanced by a full moon’s light
Lord of Time, please grant me clarity and insight
As the moon illuminates Saturday’s nighttime sky
The answers become clearer as time passes by.
Close the spell with these lines:
Let this full moon wisdom come swiftly to me
Causing no distress or harm; so mote it be.
Allow the candles and the incense to burn out in a safe place. Pay attention to your dreams and to your intuition for the next few days. See what Saturn has to teach you. Now move forward with grace, purpose, and a sense of magickal accomplishment. Blessed be.