100 key Gammaphone – A musical instrument originated on Trona composed of 100 amplified keys that allow the musician to use effects on the sound.
bio-clean spray – A combination of aerosol sprays that are used in place of a shower on a spaceship.
bionic – A human integrated with tech. Also, cyborg.
cred chips/creds/credits – Forms of currency based on the bank that issues them. Some can be untraceable with high credit limits. These will be circular, smooth, and matte black.
cycle – The approximate length of a year of someone’s life. Calculated on each planet to match that of Old Earth as a standard.
fens – Foliage with tiny leaves, small white flowers, and bright green variegated stems.
Galaxy Credit Commission (or GCC) – The commission in charge of the galaxy’s currency and credits or creds.
gavron harp – A musical instrument originated on Trona created from various sizes of harps to form one, unified instrument.
holo chamber – A large room of virtual space programed for different kinds of recreational and work-related actives.
holomask – A piece of wearable tech that modifies the wearer’s facial features. Smooths and, depending on setting, can alter features drastically.
kelori – A toxic plant on Cerlia. Offers a fuzzy existence that leaves the dosed susceptible to influence.
Moons of Elysi – A fabled location in stories about the faein, which are creatures that live on the moons and grant wishes when caught (among other magical things).
onesuit – A climate-controlled bodysuit worn by most.
Phenomena – A traveling circus.
planetary-minutes/hour – Part of the time system specific to each planet.
planetside – Used when discussing a planet while on a starship.
portnet – The network that anyone can connect to on a port.
portsec – The port wide security system.
skimper – Someone who makes a living collecting bounties or returning lost people.
source machines – A food processing unit used on spaceships and in some spaceports that runs on Hex only sourced on Hexalia.
starside – Used when discussing a starship while on a planet.
the Rising – The union of rebellious planets and people groups who are against the Rule of Gravless in the Xerus galaxy. Their motto is “Stand strong. Live free”. When the phrase “stand strong” is spoken, the reply is “live free” in order to identify fellow sympathizers.
therma-cloaks – Cloaks made of fabric that will keep you cool or warm depending on climate.
vid – Entertainment shows.
Wraxian Wrestling Mania – A galaxy-wide wrestling organization that has its own vid channel and a devoted fan base. The top wrestlers are: Manic, CharChar (who uses Margaux flowy fighting style), Jaws, and Buzz.
Xerus Trade Convention (or XTC) – An accord of how trade will commence in the Xerus galaxy. They enact taxes on goods and other saleable items within the galaxy.
Zerias Crystals – Crystals mined from deep pits on the planet Zerias in the Torren system.
aurtanium – A precious metal alloy of gold and titanium exclusively used by the wealthy.
biweave – An everyday material; cheap.
duraplast – A material used for floor, wall, and furniture construction.
durasteel – A strong metal.
gravnets – Gravity magnets used to strap down large items in Zero-G.
iciline – Used to make hard blades and weapons.
permabrick – A more permanent form of brick used in basic house construction on many planets. Affordable and sturdy.
permapave – Material used for streets and sidewalks. Stands up to heavy wear.
plastice (plas-tees) – A basic plastic-based material for less durable, affordable use.
plasticine (plas-ta-seen) – A thick, hard material for ship exteriors.
plyweave – A fabric that can resist lasers (to an extent). Expensive.
sio-glass – A fused quartz glass.
sio-screen – A large panel of sio-glass activated with tech. Often includes an interactive screen and is most used for integration with ship computers and other tech.
synth-fab – Used like carpets or for chair upholstery.
aim-assist – For directing power suits/armor in space or on ship, but also for shooting, targeting, and trajectory.
blast pistol – Sends out bolts of energy similar to bullets, but requires time to recharge after a length of time. Can be set to stun.
blast rifle – Similar to blast pistols, it sends out bolts of energy in faster, more powerful bursts. Can be set to stun.
electro-cuffs (or e-cuffs) – Thin, wire cuffs that are charged with an electric current. If tampered with, they will enact a shock that grows in strength with each attempt.
force-wave – a type of supersonic wave of force.
hab-adjust – Adjusts power suit/armor for living conditions. Not only oxygen in space, but also heat/cool in harsher conditions.
power suit/power armor – Suits are composed of durable material but worn for day-to-day activities. Armor is composed of weapon-resistant material and specifically created for battle situations. Each are mechanized with tech and integrate with the wearer.
sec-bot – A lower cost option bot for things like home security systems or an affordable personal security option. They are shorter and look more robotic. Bots are issued in three classes, their complexity/skill level growing with each class.
sec-bracelet – A thin bracelet worn to keep track of people and to issue alerts ship wide.
sec-system (or sec-sys) – Ship wide security system interconnected with sec-units, security officers, and cameras. Often offered by companies to ships under termed contracts.
sec-unit – A higher cost option for security. Sec-units are human-looking and made from synth parts created to look like human tissue and musculature that covers android inner workings. Sec-units are issued in five classes, their complexity/skill level growing with each class.
wave rifle – A type of heavy-duty weapon that shoots a force-wave in varying levels of destruction.
heal-cycle – A type of full-body treatment that heals things like internal injuries or other major injuries.
med-assist – A machine most med-bays have that can perform basic to complex surgeries. Usually operated with a doctors supervision, but can be used by anyone with basic knowledge of the technology.
med-bay – Area of a ship specifically for health care.
neo-skin – A topical agent used to treat large abrasions or burn victims. Like-new skin that is absorbed as the underlying skin heals.
pain-stim – An injection that numbs pain.
chax – Chicken like birds.
dreyhass – A moderately large animal that is a cross between a lion and a lizard.
flouse – Elephant-like animal native to Drawx.
gargona – A large, dragon-like creature that lays eggs that burst into flames when they hatch.
iduos – Doubled headed K-9 type animal. Usually known for having a good and an evil head.
leonar – Catlike, tusked animal the size of a panther.
piks – Small mice-like creatures.
puox – As tall as a horse with six legs, short gray hair (varying by shades and some variegated) with a long-snouted head.
vex – Snake like creature with legs that has immobilizing venom. Typically, red with yellow and black stripes.
Faster Than Light Travel (or FTL) – Type of travel achieved through Portal Jumps allowing for greater distance of travel.
nav-bot – Controller or pilot of ships and other vehicles as a “non-manned” or “autopilot” option.
portal jump – Stabilized worm holes leading to other areas in galaxy and to other galaxies.
Portal Jump Station (Jump Station) – A station set up to control jumps and jump times.
shipyard – Referring to area where spaceships are stored.
shuttle – Travels between the planet and the spaceport on regular schedules.
spaceport – Located in planetary orbit or in near-space to a home planet.
trav-tube – Means of travel between decks on ships.
Levels of ships
star-class – An everyday ship owned by private citizens.
galaxy-class – A ship issued by the galaxy fleet for military purposes.
luxury-class – A ship for high-ranking travelers or those of wealth.
Types of ships
traveler – A type of ship for casual travelers.
cargo – Carries cargo (can have weapons capabilities).
destroyer – A ship crafted for war/defense/offense.
Located in the Verna System, Cerlia is the seat of the High House and the ruling Gravless family.
dusk mint – A minty plant that is most fragrant with a sweet and mint-spicy scent at dusk and grows along the wild shores of the Iya ocean.
High Council – Consisting of elected members of Xerus’ most notable planets. Representing member is typically the chosen ruler of each planet, but sometimes an elected official (depending on the planet’s governing body). The ruling Gravless is the head of this council.
High House – Consists of the ruling Gravless family and their close relatives.
Rule of Gravless – Rule instated centuries ago that stated Xerus would be ruled by a governing council led by a Gravless queen.
A sizeable planet, the largest in the Torren System, governed by Mè Volur Tai.
Amora stew – A stew made from the Amora region on Drawx.
Balaxon gangs – Tough gangs made up of kidnapped or orphan children and teens that rule the lower-class areas of Drawx by fear and number.
corcha soup – A spicy soup with chucks of the corcha fish.
Drawx Sunrise – A syrupy sweet drink made of the pressed liquid of Drawx melons (similar to honeydew), orange juice, and cherry syrup with a splash of club soda. Fizzy and delicious.
Elite – A specially trained and extremely dangerous Drawxian solder.
flaxon blossoms – a fragrant, yet deadly, flower found on Drawx.
javi ball – A game similar to tennis but with three balls. Two players are on each side. One of the balls varies the speed at which it flies each time it’s hit, one ball is extremely slow, and the other ball explodes after being hit five times so you have to time your hits. Object is to land balls on the opposite court by the sound of the time.
Lè – The term for princess on Drawx .
Le’è – The added “e” to Lè implies an intimate, but respectful, connection to a royal on Drawx.
Mè – The term for king on Drawx.
Nè –The term for queen on Drawx.
nax – A nine-sided Drawxian dice game.
Pinnacle Point – The highest peak on Drawx.
rezzian fern – A native Drawxian plant that makes any part of a human (or most animals) feel numb for up to four hours when the blossoms are touched.
Solax Festival – A Drawxian festival held at the foot of the Solax Mountains where they celebrate with games, food, and fireworks.
Solax Mountains – Largest mountain range on the capital continent in northern Drawx.
A cool planet on the edge of the Verna System.
Hex – Ore used in Source machines and only found on Hexalia.
lexia plant – A glowing plant used for tattoos on the natives of Hexalia.
A warm and humid planet in the Verna System that is made up mostly of water.
a time – Used to signify one hour on planet.
Aquis – A Meloran god of the sea said to be handsome.
“bless the journey beyond” – A phrase of blessing for the dead.
callias – White flowers with magenta centers native to Meloran.
Cultural Status –
Melorite (like gold) - premier
Tolnco (Like white gold) middle-premier
Shiorite (Like silver-) middle
Platino (Like nickel) low middle
Rustorite (like rush)- low
Verdo (Like oxidized copper-greenish)- no caste really
Exterior skyport – The port used to go off planet from the surface.
half a time – Used to signify thirty minutes on planet.
Hub – An underwater spaceport used by most Melorans to go off planet.
Meloran perfume – A sweet, heady, and tropical scent made from callias.
ming berries – Berries that are deep burgundy in color with a syrupy sweet taste to them.
Murel – Capita city of Melroan’s Southern Hemisphere.
N’Hala Seal (or N-Hal) – A special type of portal made for water transport.
rayfins – A type of long ship that maneuvers like an eel through water.
sea ship – Underwater ships on Meloran.
sequent – Cycles on the Meloran planet are measured in Sequent’s. They equal three of Old Earth’s years.
Shell – A small, semi-sentient device inserted into the ear that connects to a bio-patch attached to the skin. Uses the body’s electrical current to function.
skiers – Name for anyone from space.
skyship – Name for any ship that is air bound.
surface to skyport – A port on Meloran that offers a shuttle to the spaceport.
Area at the edge of the Xerus Galaxy outside the rule of Verna and Torren that functions with its own law.
Outlier Rim Association (or ORA) – An association of Rimmers that “govern” the Rim with loose rules versus actual laws.
ORim ship – A ship used to navigate on the Outlier Rim. Has a special code that denotes that so other Rimmers can recognize each other for trade purposes.
Rimmer – The name for someone who lives on the Outlier Rim. They tend to buck society and be against monarchy. Sometimes referred to as “rim-trash” to the more centralized planets.
RimRunner – A smuggler that brings goods into the Xerus systems that are often banned or to evade XTC.
voli – A alcoholic drink enjoyed by Rimmer for its cheap production and high alcohol content.